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Devil's right hand

Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:47 am
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:24 am 

NuclearCreation91 wrote:

Interesting song title... This is quite long (sort of) at six minutes, but when that rough, dirty bass and drum interplay kick in, something immediately made me pay attention. The opening is wonderfully familiar in a post punk sense, and the layered vocals add further weight, as does the scratchy guitar that comes in quite a bit later, with some chords and feedback before that really fucking sweet guitar line underneath everything around the two minute mark - very, very cool indeed. This is relatively hypnotic in delivery, and I'm digging it! The whole tone is rather grimy as well, and that wins extra points with me, not being overly clean, but that could be the rip also... that fantastic layering of feedback and thudding, heavy drums make an appearance again towards the end in an awesome, apocalyptic, suffocating way, with even more layering of vocals, and higher pitched guitar/keys(?), creating this HUGE wall of sound before coming to an abrupt end. Not bad at all really.

And now, for something completely different.
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:40 am 

BL▲CK † CEILING - setMefree

Dericious remix of Charli XCX's Set Me Free, off her major label debut "True Romance." Set Me Free has always been one of my choice cuts from that album, so it's nice to see it capably retooled and rebranded by this curiously named electronic act. While this remix sounds remarkably different from the original, there's actually very little changed in its actual musical structure outside of removing Charli's upbeat (and, imo, slightly ill-fitting) chorus. What's been added is mostly wavy distortion filters (which seem to mimic the sound of a cassette tape after it's come in contact with a magnet) and the occasional pitchshifted vocal line. Overall, a very enjoyable, if slightly unremarkable remix of a memorable song.

Oddly enough, I actually put a Charli XCX song earlier in this thread. Nice to see her pop up again!

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Big Cube

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:50 pm 

Killer Mike - Don't Die

Ah, Killer Mike. Heard a lot about him and been meaning to check his stuff. Well, I have to say this was very good. First off, this is excellent instrumentally. One thing that turns me off of a lot of rap is that it is just a dude rhyming over an obvious beat that stays the same for 4 minutes. This ain't like that, a lot of focus on tones and textures and it's not static, the beat switches up a bit multiple times. As for his raps, while the subject matter is kind of what you'd expect (street life and anti-police stuff), but still very well done. Guy has excellent flow and a strong voice, manages to sound confident and strong without sounding like a cocky "swag" douchebag who should probably be put down. In some ways his rapping reminds me of what some of the NWA guys did after the group broke up (namely Ice Cube and Dre). Cool shit, this is some of the best rap I've heard in a while (although not like I often seek stuff out anymore for this genre).

I sincerely apologize about the length, but the abridged song version just doesn't capture the same feeling:

Devil's right hand

Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:47 am
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:14 am 

dystopia4 wrote:

Nice, the 'Sisters. Haven't heard this in a while, but I can tell you that my other half is a huge fan of these guys and has SO many different 12" and 7" versions, remixes and what have you in her collection it almost borders on an obsession. Not that I mind really as they are a staple in the real, now almost dead Goth scene around these parts, and a large part in both our lives, when we were much younger I might add... This is a true gothic epic (and classic) track that is so quintessentially TSOM, that you couldn't mistake for anyone else. The drumbeat never changes in that inimitable style, while the bass thumps and clunks it's way along underneath. If you're not listening carefully though, you will almost certainly miss some of the cool guitar work working tirelessly behind the scenes, complimenting Andrew Eldritch's vocals superbly, giving his gothic sermon to all and sundry in that tone; almost like a Goth Bowie... slightly. The anthemic "hey now, hey now a now" chorus of sorts is a calling card to all goths who hit the packed dance floor with their "big fish, little fish" and "cardboard box" dance moves, until their pasty faces are running with sweat... ahh memories. Cool track from a cool era.

Something new from someone old. Still relevant? I'll let you be the judge.
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

My collection


Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:55 am
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:36 am 

Depeche Mode - Should Be Higher

Now, I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin, but Depeche Mode are a pretty sweet band.

To be perfectly honest, they always played 2nd fiddle to the Pet Shop Boys, Marc Almond, The Human League or Gary Numan for me as far as sarcastic gay 80's synthpop goes, but they had some great songs for sure. And this, this is like all the elements of DM I enjoyed, magnified. The sleazy beat, the soulful vocals and cynical, dispirited and oft sarcastic lyrics. It's all there, and if anything less poppy and disposable than they were in their heyday, which is a bonus.

I have a story about DM actually. Last year I did a solo electronic gig with Miles Brown from the night terrors and we got talking about synths. Turns out DP tour with the same Yamaha synth I use and the they rented the one they used when they were in Europe last. It still had all the DM patches loaded which led to some strange soundchecks.

Mike_Tyson wrote:
"I think the average person thinks I'm a fucking nut and I deserve whatever happens to me."

"My intentions were not to fascinate the world with my personality."

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:32 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:54 pm 

Darkness 28: Death in June - State Laughter
This song starts off with a somber saxaphone melody, in fact, this entire song gives off a rainy day staring-out-the-window vibe. I can actually imagine this song in a horror movie or for some reason. Sort of jazzy and creepy, with an interesting fuzzy production. I know absolutely nothing about neofolk (which is what this apparently is) but it didn't sound folky at all. The drums are there to mostly keep pace, doing nothing special. The vocals are drawn out and fade-y, which enhance the atmosphere of melancholy very well.


Crick wrote:
The first one is silly because it's got such dainty eyelashes, yet the guy is terrified. NOT THE MASCARA, CTHULHU! ANYTHING BUT THE MASCARA!


Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:55 am
Posts: 1516
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:00 pm 

Spoiler: show
Cthulhu_Fhtagn wrote:
Darkness 28: Death in June - State Laughter
This song starts off with a somber saxaphone melody, in fact, this entire song gives off a rainy day staring-out-the-window vibe. I can actually imagine this song in a horror movie or for some reason. Sort of jazzy and creepy, with an interesting fuzzy production. I know absolutely nothing about neofolk (which is what this apparently is) but it didn't sound folky at all. The drums are there to mostly keep pace, doing nothing special. The vocals are drawn out and fade-y, which enhance the atmosphere of melancholy very well.


That track pre-dates their neo-folk phase by several years. At that point in time they were pretty much "Joy Division with trumpets and strange semi-political lyrics"
Mike_Tyson wrote:
"I think the average person thinks I'm a fucking nut and I deserve whatever happens to me."

"My intentions were not to fascinate the world with my personality."

Goodly Hah
Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:46 am
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:22 pm 

Daisuke Inoue - "Lonely Soldier"

Well, this guy has the same name as the inventor of the karaoke machine, so we're off to a good start. It starts out well, with an ominous synth-bass line and dramatic keyboard chords, but then it turns into a fairly standard, somewhat 80's sounding pop song. The music mostly consists of some slightly tinny drum machines and a nice layer of melodic keyboards, with the occasional guitar accent - it's well put together, but kind of stock. He has a very smooth and pleasant voice which works well with the music and never sounds overdramatic, though the melodies in the chorus are a little awkward - the backing vocalists help out there, though. The middle section is the best part, with some emotive singing over a pretty piano line and some volume swells on the guitar. It's a solid tune and hangs together nicely, but it just kind of lacks that special something that would make it more than just "nice".

Eskhata666 wrote:
if they are to much "deathcore"....then WHY THE FUCK u had the "DEATHCORE" label?!!


Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:36 am
Posts: 105
PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:59 pm 

Yothu Yindi - Timeless Land

I'm going to review two different songs here. The first one lasts about 4 minutes and makes my head hurt. The music is the most generic electronica I've heard in a while. Sounds like stock music for the intro to a science channel show on future tech. Really painfully pointless if you ask me. The vocalist appears to be of an Australian aboriginal background and sings about his land with great reverence I suppose. However his vocal conveys pretty much none of the emotion that I would suppose must be behind the words. They throw in some traditional language vocals every once in a while which are much preferable to this guys flat English vocals. There is a barely audible didgeridoo underlying the completely nondescript electronica at times but it is so low in the mix that it adds nothing to the feel of the song. After 4 minutes of this we are thankfully relieved of having to hear that same science show intro over and over and the song goes on for a minute with all traditional instrumentation and chanting in what I assume is an Australian aboriginal language. This part I could dig. I have no idea what they are saying but whatever it is it's more interesting than the first 4 minutes of the song.


Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:41 pm 

Broken Water - Say What's on Your Mind

Starts off with a fuzzed out (or something along that line), almost stoner riff, and then goes into a slightly psychedelic acoustic (or is it electric? I can't tell) guitar melody. It pretty much doesn't change during the entire song, but that hardly matters, as it works quite well. There are male and female vocals, both soft and melodic, which add to the slight psychedelic atmosphere. I really like the atmosphere that this song has, and the fuzzed out solo in the middle. Pretty good song overall.


Crick wrote:
The first one is silly because it's got such dainty eyelashes, yet the guy is terrified. NOT THE MASCARA, CTHULHU! ANYTHING BUT THE MASCARA!

Goodly Hah
Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:46 am
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:47 am 

Corvus Corax - "Totentanz"

Cool medieval-sounding folk tune. Starts out with the sounds of growling and a fast-paced drumbeat before a bagpipe comes into carry the main melody. Very melodic and catchy, joined by what sounds like a fiddle and an organ later on, but that drumbeat gives it a real feeling of urgency and power behind the upbeat melody. It gives it a real sense of weight and helps it stick. Not much to say about this really, it's just a good, solid, fairly simple tune, done very well.

Eskhata666 wrote:
if they are to much "deathcore"....then WHY THE FUCK u had the "DEATHCORE" label?!!


Harbinger of Metal

Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:15 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:18 pm 

These New Puritans: "Organ Eternal"

I fully expected a dance beat to come bopping in here at first, but it never did. We start with a repetitive and somehow familiar line played on something that sounds a bit like a moog, and this is the grounding that the piece keeps returning to whatever new textures and layers are added. There are a few of those, too -- minimal but effective kind of wworn sounding" vocals at first, what sounds like other distant female voices, some xylophone-like sounds and string patches. The string injections do sound a little bit awkward but I must say especially in its latter half the piece becomes quite pretty, with layers being added and the high chiming notes giving it all a very airy, almost fairyland-ish feeling. Strange washes of almost wave-like sounds still seem to be harbingers of a more percussive onslaught, and yet it never happens, the track instead maintaining its drifting, aerial vibe. Nice actually.

Debating keeping the electronic music vibe going, but we've been on that kick for a while, so it's now time to rock:

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:36 am
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:49 pm 

Rare Bird - Title No. 1 Again (Birdman)

Right away from the first chords of that intro you know this is '70s guitar driven prog. You even get a key change in the intro. When the vocals with their multi-part harmonies/multi-tracking(?) come in it takes on an, I don't know, Kansasesque feel. There is another band there my mind is trying to conjure up but I guess Kansas will do. The guitar work in the verse has almost a jazzy feel to it. The extended instrumental section after the vocals sets it apart from the more AOR sounding stuff. It takes on the feeling of a '60s acid rock jam at moments with the use of bongos and extended jamming over a repetitive rhythm section. Could almost pass for the middle of a lost Santana song for a minute there (minus Santana's distinctive guitar tone of course). Not bad at all. I will probably check out more.



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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:00 pm 

Bobby Conn- Whores

UGH! Oh my fucking what the fuck, this is FANTASTIC. I'm not familiar with Bobby Conn, this is the first song I have heard from him, but man does it deliver. I fucking adore strange, whacked out Pop Music like this. This is right up my alley. I love how the atmosphere seems to shift at complete random: the intro feels folksy, almost classic country, before shifting right into some bluesy piano and violin work. The guitar sounds almost like a slide guitar at times, and I just adore that sound. And the shift in the vocals just sends chills up my spine. Sure, that falsetto is very forced and wimpy, but it's also chilling and I love the passion and intensity. Mr. Conn is leaving it all on the table, everything is hanging out, and it's fucking glorious. This is a quality track top down, though not perfect. I almost wish it was stranger, and at times it seems to fall into a little convention. But man this is awesome. 4 stars, check it out.


Metal newbie

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:36 am
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:12 pm 

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Glad you liked it. Bobby Conn is a recent obsession of mine. He's a bit hit or miss from song to song as you can imagine with his all or nothing weirdness but all of his first four albums are definitely worth your time. He's kind of like a more lewd and depraved David Bowie in a lot of ways. He can be strangely tender and serious yet comical at the same time and he can also rock surprisingly hard from time to time.


Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:55 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:17 pm 


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That Rare Bird song is amazing. Looking into this band
Smoking_Gnu wrote:
Hmm, I actually wouldn't mind buying him a sauna if it would reduce the odds of me getting infected by his excess sensitive-skin flakes that get blown off in the wind. I don't want to turn into a cunt.

Goodly Hah
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:05 pm 

St. Vincent - "Digital Witness"

I've heard of St. Vincent before, but wasn't really sure what to expect from her music. The stomping beat and offbeat brass riff are a lot of fun, and make for a nice contrast with her distant, somewhat deadpan-sounding singing. The chorus is very catchy, but also somewhat distant sounding at the same time. She throws in a lot of things, with a slightly mournful-sounding organ part after each chorus and some funky guitars later on, but it still has a sense of space and restraint to it. The music video is nice too, with a lot of creative imagery. A very solid, catchy indie pop tune.

Eskhata666 wrote:
if they are to much "deathcore"....then WHY THE FUCK u had the "DEATHCORE" label?!!


Big Cube

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:40 pm 

Jacula - In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum

This is supposed to be the 1960s Italian prog rock black metal before black metal thing that a lot of people are calling a hoax, right? I remember someone saying that those guitars were overdubbed into the track way later. Either way, this is pretty cool. Some cool occult spooky keyboard shit, but the real winner is the guitar. Raw as fuck tone (for this kind of music), really unhinged and makes no delays in rocking out. Clearly metal riffing, doomy and definitely proto-black metal-ish. The sparse drums are really cool, they enhance the scary nature of the track.


Goodly Hah
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:14 am 


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Yep, there was some debate about whether this was a hoax or not - the guy behind Jacula didn't even mention that this album existed until the 80's. Personally, I think the guitars were dubbed in later (the album only got a proper release in 2001, the 1969 release was limited to 300 copies allegedly distributed to "occult leaders"), but there may have been an original release with only keyboards and vocals. By the way, In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum is the name of the album, the song is called "Triumphatus Sad".
Eskhata666 wrote:
if they are to much "deathcore"....then WHY THE FUCK u had the "DEATHCORE" label?!!


Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:29 pm 

Agents of Oblivion - Skeletal Circus Derails

This name rings a bell but at first I couldn't remember why. YouTube comments revealed that this is a band featuring Dax Riggs from Acid Bath. I've never really been able to get into Acid Bath at all, really - something about the band just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Anyway, this track doesn't really do much for me, either. It kind of sounds like a crappier version of an Alice in Chains ballad, mixed with some lighter 90's rock like the Goo Goo Dolls or something. Sometimes the thin production renders individual stuff into a nice atmospheric haze, but most of the guitar leads, chord progressions and of course the vocal performance just feel second tier to me. I might've really eaten this stuff up in, say, 9th grade or so, when I didn't really have much of a filter for sappy alt rock stuff, but these days stuff like this just doesn't do much for me unless it's really powerful or memorable and I can't say that this is, for me.

Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:25 pm 

Polvo - Lazy Comet
As soon as this starts, it sounds really psychedelic and trippy. The weird chords, hippie vocals, fuzzy production, and strange twangs make this sound like it came right out of the 60's. It's almost like Voivod on LSD and shrooms, with the angular chords. Pretty interesting overall, and all the elements hold together quite well. In fact, it is almost too short. I think it would be way better if it was at least 6-8 minutes long.


Crick wrote:
The first one is silly because it's got such dainty eyelashes, yet the guy is terrified. NOT THE MASCARA, CTHULHU! ANYTHING BUT THE MASCARA!


Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:49 am
Posts: 858
PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:48 pm 

Der Prager Handgriff - Deutschland?

This came in the right moment because I'm exploring EBM/Aggrotech right now. Oldschool EBM I suppose. The drums are rather clicky and his voice don't do much to me, but it's not bad either, it's just I'm not much fond of those "serious" vocals. I love these haunting melodic synth whistles kind. The rhythm is kept by a low short synth and the electronic snare keeps the beat, and doesn't change during the whole song (which is quite short, only 3:34). There are also a few sampled speech inserts.
A nice bit of history I suppose, and nice to see how the genre expanded and branched out during it's evolution.
Is this a nationalist band or something like that? Now I'm curious to know what they are singing about. Will research it asap.

Spoiler: show
"Die braune Seuche hat uns befallen" = "The brown plague has befallen us", is this bit about the Sturmabteilung?

I get it's about nazism: "das vierte Reich steht vor der Tür" = "The Fourth Reich is upon us"

FasterDisaster wrote:
You have to be a real kind of special to break your own neck headbanging.
Diamhea wrote:
I refuse to give metalsucks any web traffic.

Mallcore Kid

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:38 pm 

CeDigest - Fermenting Remains

I love the computer sounds(forgive my term, up until recently I haven't listened to this type of music), and the screaming vocals. It's ambient, and catchy. The young child's voice seconds in the track really got me hooked, and the really high violins are good. The whole song reminds me of an inpatient psychiatric ward, and the thoughts, sounds, and sights that a patient there feels. Also because the repetitiveness(it is not repetitive in a negative way) is probably what reminds me of those places, also the frantic 'computer sounds'(I am laughing at myself right now) and beeping. There are always 'computer sounds', and the guitars are side-ish instruments. I have heard metal like this before, and most of the time it isn't my cup of tea, but I must say I've replayed it several times and when I first heard it I loved it.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:30 pm 


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No, I don't think the band is nationalist, even though the song is about nazism (i've looked at some of the lyrics and didn't see anything nationalistic). If you want some old school ebm or dark electro recommendations, I know a whole bunch.

Crick wrote:
The first one is silly because it's got such dainty eyelashes, yet the guy is terrified. NOT THE MASCARA, CTHULHU! ANYTHING BUT THE MASCARA!

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:33 pm 

iamntbatman wrote:
Agents of Oblivion - Skeletal Circus Derails

This name rings a bell but at first I couldn't remember why. YouTube comments revealed that this is a band featuring Dax Riggs from Acid Bath. I've never really been able to get into Acid Bath at all, really - something about the band just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Anyway, this track doesn't really do much for me, either. It kind of sounds like a crappier version of an Alice in Chains ballad, mixed with some lighter 90's rock like the Goo Goo Dolls or something. Sometimes the thin production renders individual stuff into a nice atmospheric haze, but most of the guitar leads, chord progressions and of course the vocal performance just feel second tier to me. I might've really eaten this stuff up in, say, 9th grade or so, when I didn't really have much of a filter for sappy alt rock stuff, but these days stuff like this just doesn't do much for me unless it's really powerful or memorable and I can't say that this is, for me.


Everything about this post is :ugh:
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:38 pm 

Sorry that you like a crappy band!
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Kite String Popper

Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:46 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:44 pm 

I'll fight you to the death! :grumble:
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Big Cube

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:36 am 

I mean it's cool you didn't like the song and all, but the Goo Goo Dolls . . . really, dude?

Chaos Breed

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:57 am 

Yes, really. C'mon, I know Dax Riggs is a sacred cow and all, but seriously he's pretty lame and has lame bands.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock


Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:49 am
Posts: 858
PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:01 am 

Spoiler: show
Soup_Tattoo wrote:
CeDigest - Fermenting Remains

I love the computer sounds(forgive my term, up until recently I haven't listened to this type of music), and the screaming vocals. It's ambient, and catchy. The young child's voice seconds in the track really got me hooked, and the really high violins are good. The whole song reminds me of an inpatient psychiatric ward, and the thoughts, sounds, and sights that a patient there feels. Also because the repetitiveness(it is not repetitive in a negative way) is probably what reminds me of those places, also the frantic 'computer sounds'(I am laughing at myself right now) and beeping. There are always 'computer sounds', and the guitars are side-ish instruments. I have heard metal like this before, and most of the time it isn't my cup of tea, but I must say I've replayed it several times and when I first heard it I loved it.

Even though you lack the vocabulary to refer to some eletronic music elements, I liked your take on the song. It's not metal though, it's Aggrotech (a subgenre of EBM/Industrial). Glad you liked it, I also just discovered this album, and I also replayed it several times.

Spoiler: show
Cthulhu_Fhtagn wrote:
If you want some old school ebm or dark electro recommendations, I know a whole bunch.

Yeah, that would be nice!
FasterDisaster wrote:
You have to be a real kind of special to break your own neck headbanging.
Diamhea wrote:
I refuse to give metalsucks any web traffic.

Kite String Popper

Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:46 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:11 am 

iamntbatman wrote:
Yes, really. C'mon, I know Dax Riggs is a sacred cow and all, but seriously he's pretty lame and has lame bands.

You're so wrong that I actually can't tell if you're serious or trolling at this point.
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Chaos Breed

Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 am
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:25 am 

Ok, no more derailing the thread about it. If you wanna gripe about my opinion, you can always go blog about it.
Nolan_B wrote:
I've been punched in the face maybe 3 times in the past 6 months

GLOAMING - death/doom | COMA VOID - black/doom/post-rock

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:32 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:03 am 

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Infact (this leans towards dark electro at times)
Die Krupps (first couple of albums are ebm, the rest are industrial metal. It's here on the archives)
Noise Unit
Front Line Assembly
Orange Sector
A Split-Second
Bigod 20
Front Line Assembly
Prager Handgriff
Tyske Ludder (this leans towards dark electro with the vocals, but is firmly ebm stylistically)
Plastic Noise Experience
Fortification 55
Nitzer Ebb
Digital Factor
Pouppee Fabrikk

Dark Electro/Aggrotech: (these are all Slavic except for FGFC820, so they might be pretty hard to find links for hearing songs. Most have profiles on VKontakte or Bandcamp, so hopefully that solves that issue.)

Ultimate Soldier
Obsidian FX

Crick wrote:
The first one is silly because it's got such dainty eyelashes, yet the guy is terrified. NOT THE MASCARA, CTHULHU! ANYTHING BUT THE MASCARA!

Last edited by Cthulhu_Fhtagn on Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:49 am
Posts: 858
PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:32 am 

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Cthulhu_Fhtagn wrote:
Infact (this leans towards dark electro at times)
Die Krupps (first couple of albums are ebm, the rest are industrial metal. It's here on the archives)
Noise Unit
Front Line Assembly
Orange Sector
A Split-Second
Bigod 20
Front Line Assembly
Prager Handgriff
Tyske Ludder (this leans towards dark electro with the vocals, but is firmly ebm stylistically)
Plastic Noise Experience
Fortification 55
Nitzer Ebb
Digital Factor
Pouppee Fabrikk

Dark Electro/Aggrotech: (these are all Slavic except for FGFC820, so they might be pretty hard to find links for hearing songs. Most have profiles on VKontakte or Bandcamp, so hopefully that solves that issue.)

Ultimate Soldier
Obsidian FX

Thanks! Will start checking them asap :)
FasterDisaster wrote:
You have to be a real kind of special to break your own neck headbanging.
Diamhea wrote:
I refuse to give metalsucks any web traffic.


Joined: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:54 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:27 pm 

Nina Simone - The House of the Rising Sun

Being only familiar with the interpretations by the Animals and Bob Dylan, it was nice to hear this very different approach to the folk standard. As I understand, it actually predates the aforementioned artists' attempts. In any case, it's a much more mellow and contemplative take on the song. I kind of expected the guitarist to break into a sweet Wes Montgomery type jam near the end, but then the song's already over. But the minimal approach of the guitar and upright bass, combined with the obvious live setting of the recording, create a nice atmosphere. It conveys the feeling of being in a murky nightclub in some bygone era, surrounded by sad drunks that gamble away their wages and gulp down their sorrows. I'm not too familiar with the work of Nina Simone, but I feel like she could have done a bit more with her phrasing on this one. Perhaps my perspective is too colored by the fiery vocal performance of the Animals version.

MEFITIS - Dark metal

Big Cube

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:07 pm 

Big Star - Kangaroo

This is alright enough I suppose. A psych folk sort of thing. The one thing that drags it down a bit for me is the vocals. There's nothing actually wrong with them or anything, I just don't really dig his voice at all. Instrumentation is pretty well done - subtle and somewhat otherworldly. Nothing spectacular though.I found the drums slightly intrusive and with ill-fitting tone when they do come in.. In the end I don't really care that much either way - this is the sort of stuff I can enjoy enough when it's on but would never actively seek out.


Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:11 pm 

@ Lord Brendon:
Spoiler: show
yes, Rare Bird are a cool band all right. Nothing too extraordinary for their time and actually they do a lot of mellow stuff that seems like a throwback to the previous decade with all the vocal harmonies and stuff, but they're still really good at it, and more rocking tunes like this one are great. in fact, it was NWOBHM band Quartz's cover of "Birdman" that got me interested in Rare Bird in the first place. Would post it here but a cursory look suggests it isn't on youtube.

Butthole surfers: "Strawberry"

Ah, the Butthole surfers. A cool and very strange band, for sure. They'll try anything. Sometimes they go out of their way to annoy you by throwing something bizarre and noisy into an otherwise catchy pop song, or just fuck around and somehow mnage to produce something great. This is one of those catchy pop songs, with weird shit going on underneath that only really strikes you if you pay attention. First of all, that's a nice, driving beat with a cool live drum tone that's very lovable. The first odd thing you notice is that the bass and guitar tones are, well, just tweaked slightly to sound ...different; maybe to some peoples ears, not quite right. The guitar solo at the end almost sounds like an old keyboard, but I don't think it is. There are also inexplicable samples of a guy talking in what I think is some Eastern European language. Why? Drugs? Who knows? In any rate, the main focus is obviously the infectious vocal melody. Even here though, the singer's weird delivery comes off as being bizarre ("get my feet back on the groww-www-www-wwwww-wwnd". That chorus though has a certain beatles reminiscence that made me smile. Good one.

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:27 am 

Teardrop Explodes - When I dream

Wow the keyboards really caught me off guard. Super cheesy and super catchy. What we have here is some kind of late 70s/early 80s new wave rock with a bit of psychedelia. While it is of course very simple, the music here is really cool, even for someone who hasn't really delved into this type of stuff much (maybe I should), so this isn't the best mini-review

The vocalist sounded very familiar, though I couldn't tell who until I read that it was Julian Cope. Very psychedelic approach and execution on the vocals here, and the chorus is pretty cool. The guitars are just simple chords, as the keyboards play the main melody (which I love), but do their job. I really love the bass sound in this, very clear too. The drums are more lively and have many little rolls

As a whole, I would actually check this out

Smoking_Gnu wrote:
Hmm, I actually wouldn't mind buying him a sauna if it would reduce the odds of me getting infected by his excess sensitive-skin flakes that get blown off in the wind. I don't want to turn into a cunt.

Devil's right hand

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:10 am 

Lord_Brendan wrote:

Well shit. I've finally been exposed to Melt Banana. Thankfully it was short, but I have to ask why anyone would listen to what sounds like grindcore rinsed through an alien electronic blender? The opening segment of "music" was kind of cool with that, "searching for radio frequency" erm... noise, stretched and distorted like an electronic strand of liquid rubber. After that in comes what sounds like a battle between alien weapons, with a cute little Japanese schoolgirl reciting... whatever it is she's on about, standing angrily in the war zone. It seriously does have a grindcore feel to it, as there isn't a trace of melody or anything else to really latch onto - just glitched, beeps, crashes, pew pews and what have you. Not sure whether I find this amusing to the point of hilarity, or just wryly bemusing.

Something a little more soothing?
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

My collection


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:55 am 

Spoiler: show
:lol: I was like that when I first heard them too, but for some reason I kept listening and they really grew on me until I became a huge fan and hear lots of melody. Agata is one strange musician haha The vocalist is in her 40s now I think. I think her vocals are what makes the band even more out there


Chainkeeper lyrics, which STILL probably don't explain much :lol:

I can say I can fly
I can say I can lie
I can see you
So what? Shit!

Me like a mean toy
movin' on, movin' on
Me like a little bug
I can get the chain
Me like a mean spy
sneakin' in, sneakin' out
Me like a hidden kid
I can get the chain
Me like mean toy
weepin' out cheatin' you
Me like a little bug
I can get the aim
You like a little bug
I don't need your lucky day

You can say you can fly
You can say you can lie
I can see you
So what? Shit!

I can see
I can hear
I can see
I can hear
I can see you
Me, it's ok...

I can lie what you lie
I can say what you lie
Smoking_Gnu wrote:
Hmm, I actually wouldn't mind buying him a sauna if it would reduce the odds of me getting infected by his excess sensitive-skin flakes that get blown off in the wind. I don't want to turn into a cunt.

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