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Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 1836
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 10:58 am 

I don't know if this was already posted, but here's a ridiculous list:


*I've read some posts on this website now and I don't know if I'll be going back. There are some seriously nasty things being said about these people.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."


Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
Posts: 1487
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:34 pm 

CoconutBackwards wrote:
I don't know if this was already posted, but here's a ridiculous list:


*I've read some posts on this website now and I don't know if I'll be going back. There are some seriously nasty things being said about these people.

I've been followinf r/HermanCainAward on reddit which is basically the same thing; a collection of posts from people's social media whining about the lockdowns, doubting the efficiency of the vaccine or the masks, and it always ends up with the person dead, dying or needing to be put in the ventilator before making a shaky recovery. It's mean, but honestly, they kinda deserve it.

The real tragedy is the staggering number of orphans. Because oftentimes, the disease will kick both parents in the life. It's frustrating seeing a Karen bitch on social media about sheeples who took the jab and explaining how she's a special pearl who has a God-given immune system, and then she croaks, leaving her five kids alone, or after estranging herself from her family who tried to convince her to change her mind about the vaccine. Fuck you Karen.

And it's always the same thing:

"We need you, prayer warriors!"

Or, after a series of racist or just entitled/mean posts:

"Jon was the kindest soul, he is with Jeebus now!"

And let's not forget:

"He died from COVID pneumonia"

Almost like clockwork, as if adding pneumonia meant "Well, it wasn't really COVID".

Ill-Starred Son

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:01 pm 

CoconutBackwards wrote:
I don't know if this was already posted, but here's a ridiculous list:


*I've read some posts on this website now and I don't know if I'll be going back. There are some seriously nasty things being said about these people.

I hadn't seen this before, but you know, while i personally don't feel like saying bad things about most people who have died of covid, there's still a part of me which thinks "fuck them, if they are willing to risk the rest of us by being so stupid and selfish then at least they can die and no longer be part of the problem."

I know that sounds callous, and I'd never wish death on anyone, but the problem is that the entire reason we even have a much stronger delta variant now is because of these anti-vaxxers, and while the vaccine is usually pretty effective, we still have breakthrough infections, people who can't get vaccinated due to underlying conditions, kids who can't get it, kids who lose their parents and are orphaned as mentioned, etc.

This is a societal disease now, at least in the U.S. and the more developed countries, if you aren't vaccinated it is most likely by choice, and anyone you take down with you or infect is your fault. We have thousands upon thousands of selfish idiots who actually think they are doing something *good* by "resisting" the evil-authoritarian powers that be who would DARE to try to influence them to get vaccinated or if they won't then at least wear a mask once in a while.

I wish i could say i don't know these people in real life but i do, and some are even good friends who I am beginning to wonder whether or not our friendships will last due to this stance of theirs.

Most of these people will never be convinced, but if there's any possibility of ANY of them being swayed it MIGHT come in them seeing these kinds of stories or hearing about other stories like the one someone recently mentioned of some kids who are now orphaned because their parents were anti-vax and are now dead of covid.

If you are going to make decisions that effect the health of countless other individuals then you shouldn't have it be an easy choice. In some ways, a webpage like this is just a mirror reflecting their idiotic choices.


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:59 pm 

Yeah, r/hermancainaward is much better than that site. It's encouraged multiple people to get the vax.
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~Guest 285196

Joined: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:11 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:21 am 

It was just announced that Norway will be opening completely this Saturday 25th of September. No more restrictions on a grand scale, just isolation requirement for new cases and possibly quarantine for close contacts.

The Prime Minister said that over 90% of adults are now vaccinated with at least one dose, and most of them will be fully vaccinated during the next couple of weeks. Kids 12-16 are now being vaccinated as well, but probably not at the same rate as adults.

I'm very happy for this. I live in the Oslo area and we have had very strong measures and lockdown for over a year now (since November 2020), with most things closed. We haven't had the curfews that the Netherlands have had, but still pretty strict.


Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:55 am
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Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:30 pm 

I got Pfizer as a third shot a weak ago, after two Sinopharm vaccines. I felt a bit weird the day after, sort of tired and like I had a mild fever, or like I was underslept, and I could feel the unease in my scalp, but it wasn't even a headache - I'm lucky enough that I never experience headaches, unless I got hit in the head.
Sadly, my pessimistic prognosis turned out to be valid and with transmission rate of this magnitude the new vaccine evading strain may emerge in a matter of days.

Ill-Starred Son

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:40 pm 

Osore wrote:
I got Pfizer as a third shot a weak ago, after two Sinopharm vaccines. I felt a bit weird the day after, sort of tired and like I had a mild fever, or like I was underslept, and I could feel the unease in my scalp, but it wasn't even a headache - I'm lucky enough that I never experience headaches, unless I got hit in the head.
Sadly, my pessimistic prognosis turned out to be valid and with transmission rate of this magnitude the new vaccine evading strain may emerge in a matter of days.

The FDA in America now says they don't think 3rd doses/booster shots are necessary for people under 60 without underlying conditions, but I know you are in another country.

I still would like to get a 3rd personally. It seems to me like more shots = more antibodies = even more protection, but they seem concerned that this will take the focus off of vaccinating the unvaccinated.

Unfortunately, I don't think it matters.

There is a large percentage of the U.S. population who will never ever get vaccinated no matter what you say to them or what happens. They could be dying of it, their kids could be dying of it, doesn't matter, it's part of their ideology.

Needless to say, a large percentage of these people are the same who think Biden stole the election, and you have about as much chance of convincing them to get the vaccine and to wear masks as convincing them that the election was legitimate.

We are the absolute worst in the world when it comes to this. We are a complete and utter embarrassment.

Last edited by Ill-Starred Son on Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ill-Starred Son

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:42 pm 

raumr wrote:
It was just announced that Norway will be opening completely this Saturday 25th of September. No more restrictions on a grand scale, just isolation requirement for new cases and possibly quarantine for close contacts.

The Prime Minister said that over 90% of adults are now vaccinated with at least one dose, and most of them will be fully vaccinated during the next couple of weeks. Kids 12-16 are now being vaccinated as well, but probably not at the same rate as adults.

I'm very happy for this. I live in the Oslo area and we have had very strong measures and lockdown for over a year now (since November 2020), with most things closed. We haven't had the curfews that the Netherlands have had, but still pretty strict.

We in the U.S. should be more like you.

Honestly, even though I'm set in my ways and am too used to living in the U.S., if you were to ask me what countries i think have the best governments and that I'd most like to move to here's my list: Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal.

These countries have the smart, sensible people that the U.S. lacks. But I digress as this is a thread about covid and not politics.

Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 1836
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:45 pm 

We in the US will never be like them.

How many adults in the US are vaccinated? Under 70%?

I'm surprised even that many got it.

We have a whole mob of people "doing their own research" over here.
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."

Ill-Starred Son

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:57 pm 

CoconutBackwards wrote:
We in the US will never be like them.

How many adults in the US are vaccinated? Under 70%?

I'm surprised even that many got it.

We have a whole mob of people "doing their own research" over here.

I know I hate it.

What I hate even more is that I have friends who buy into this shit and espouse it. My martial arts instructor is one. I admire him in many ways and we go way back, and yet, he has the most disgusting ridiculous opinions ever, and he's so loud about them i can't easily just ignore our differences either.

I haven't even seen or talked to him since the whole covid thing began and I honestly don't know if we'll be able to have the kind of friendship we used to. If i didn't already go way back with him his opinions on this would literally make me want to never speak another word to him and yet, we have a very long history.

I really don't know how to navigate having to deal with people like this in the future, especially when I have a group of people with these beliefs who share a passion of mine (martial arts) who I will inevitably have to deal with in the future.

Unfortunately, there are certain scenes and groups of people who are more likely to be conservative and have these beliefs, and the martial arts community is one of them. I'm sure there are many others. If it's people I don't like or have to interact with I'll just ignore them, but that's not always the case and they are everywhere. I just don't know anymore.


Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:55 am
Posts: 597
Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:09 pm 

Ill-Starred Son wrote:
Osore wrote:
I got Pfizer as a third shot a weak ago, after two Sinopharm vaccines. I felt a bit weird the day after, sort of tired and like I had a mild fever, or like I was underslept, and I could feel the unease in my scalp, but it wasn't even a headache - I'm lucky enough that I never experience headaches, unless I got hit in the head.
Sadly, my pessimistic prognosis turned out to be valid and with transmission rate of this magnitude the new vaccine evading strain may emerge in a matter of days.

The FDA in America now says they don't think 3rd doses/booster shots are necessary for people under 60 without underlying conditions, but I know you are in another country.

I still would like to get a 3rd personally. It seems to me like more shots = more antibodies = even more protection, but they seem concerned that this will take the focus off of vaccinating the unvaccinated.

Unfortunately, I don't think it matters.

There is a large percentage of the U.S. population who will never ever get vaccinated no matter what you say to them or what happens. They could be dying of it, their kids could be dying of it, doesn't matter, it's part of their ideology.

Needless to say, a large percentage of these people are the same who think Biden stole the election, and you have about as much chance of convincing them to get the vaccine and wear masks as convincing them that the election was legitimate.

We are the absolute worst in the world when it comes to this. We are a complete and utter embarrassment.

Serbia is even worse than the US, and not just by having less vaccinated people. Here, anyone can get the third shot, partly because a lot of us got Sinopharm's vaccine that has lower efficacy. Also, it has been shown that vaccines provide temporary protection, which is why and we are going to be vaccinated two times a year, just like against influenza.
I can imagine how stupid (Trump-supporting) anti-vaxxers are, but I'm much more surprised that some biologists refuse to get vaccinated. Some people are more freaked out by the newly made vaccines than by the novel coronavirus itself, which I sort of understand at the psychological level, but the arguments are not on their side: virus that replicates throughout the body and leaves you drained (or dead) can't be milder than vaccine that doesn't replicate + the immune response after the vaccine versus infection is much stronger... I believe there's time for scientists and medical workers who refuse to get vaccinated to change their mind and stop being too cautious. There's no hope for flat-earthers and doomsday preppers.

~Guest 280883

Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:34 pm
Posts: 556
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:47 pm 

Just talked for two hours with my best friend. A university-educated, usually intelligent person. Doesn't want to get the vaccine. Has all the usual "arguments" against it. One good thing I can say is he's not aggressive about it.

Yeah, that conversation had to happen once. I just wish it wasn't necessary.

Just a question, has anyone here ever actually managed to convince an anti-vaxxer to get the shot? Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

~Guest 334273

Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:19 am
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:59 pm 

Wahn_nhaW wrote:
Just talked for two hours with my best friend. A university-educated, usually intelligent person. Doesn't want to get the vaccine. Has all the usual "arguments" against it. One good thing I can say is he's not aggressive about it.

Yeah, that conversation had to happen once. I just wish it wasn't necessary.

Just a question, has anyone here ever actually managed to convince an anti-vaxxer to get the shot? Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

In Italy the Greenpass solution (no restaurants/ pubs unless you get at least the first shot) worked with a lot of skeptics, but still there is a not-so-low percentage that holds.
I'm in a similar situation with a friend (an engineer) but he has not even arguments he's just scared of secondary effects, and there seems to be no way to convince him.

Ill-Starred Son

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 4:30 pm 

Wahn_nhaW wrote:
Just talked for two hours with my best friend. A university-educated, usually intelligent person. Doesn't want to get the vaccine. Has all the usual "arguments" against it. One good thing I can say is he's not aggressive about it.

Yeah, that conversation had to happen once. I just wish it wasn't necessary.

Just a question, has anyone here ever actually managed to convince an anti-vaxxer to get the shot? Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

Just curious since you are in Serbia where the anti-vaxxer logic might be different to the U.S., but as I mentioned before I have a very good friend who's an anti-vaxxer and here in the U.S. our and his "usual arguments" are that the vaccine and any mandates relating to it (as well as masks/mask mandates) are nothing more than ways to control the population and get them to be compliant so later they can take away even more rights like our guns, etc.

So were those his "usual reasons", or did they relate more to his being concerned that the vaccine might have harmful side effects?

I mean, I can understand the latter argument to some extent because there have been some rare side effects (it still makes no sense in contrast to the "side effects" of getting covid...) but the former argument makes no sense.

I'd be surprised if it was the case that Serbia and other countries so different from the U.S. still had that warped idea that the vaccine is all a way to control the population. I know that it does exist to a lesser extent in other English speaking countries like England and also to some extent in countries like Brazil, but I was not aware of it being a common idea in many other countries. I mean, it's an entirely alien concept (as well it should be) in countries like Japan, Korea, etc.)

~Guest 280883

Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:34 pm
Posts: 556
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:27 pm 


Last edited by ~Guest 280883 on Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:55 am
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Location: Serbia
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:19 pm 

^ Well sketched, Wahn (or Ivan)!
I think anti-vax sentiment works almost as religious belief - their faith stays strong despite of it being based on zero evidence to support it. It's very delusional and they keep sniffing holy spirits in every gap they invent for themselves. Also, their fear of ''the great unknown'', which they believe vaccines are, is much stronger than their death anxiety.

From what I've read, people in the US are very loud/opinionated AND reactionary, which is why the anti-vax wave started spreading from there, just like creationism with all that nonsense to prohibit evolution in schools...

~Guest 280883

Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:34 pm
Posts: 556
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 6:44 pm 

Osore wrote:
^ Well sketched, Wahn (or Ivan)!

Hahaha, not an "Ivan", but thanks. :D

A Dead Man's Robe

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 8:33 pm 

I absolutely agree with how you described it, too. It's ignorance and arrogance. Just today, the head of the rightwing populist Freedom Party of Austria, Herbert Kickl, had a public blood draw in order to prove that he's not vaccinated, as had been rumoured. His main line of argument (and so his party's) is: Masks are infringing human rights, vaccines are unsafe and you simply need a good immune system against the disease, we don't care about the rest (which is social darwinism is his pure, ugly form, of course). Recent polls show this would equal about 20% of the vote in national elections. Well, at least he's not minister of home affairs anymore since before the pandemic.
And now... it might satisfy to dream eternally.

Last edited by DeathForBlitzkrieg on Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bullet Centrist

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:02 pm
Posts: 1836
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 11:57 pm 

https://digg.com/video/jordan-klepper-i ... k-mandates
"So, you want to sign songs about your great and glorious invisible cloud daddy? Go right ahead. You have whole tax-free buildings to do that in. I am not only not listening, I am intentionally going out of my way to ignore you."


Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
Posts: 1487
PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:17 am 

Ill-Starred Son wrote:
Wahn_nhaW wrote:
Just talked for two hours with my best friend. A university-educated, usually intelligent person. Doesn't want to get the vaccine. Has all the usual "arguments" against it. One good thing I can say is he's not aggressive about it.

Yeah, that conversation had to happen once. I just wish it wasn't necessary.

Just a question, has anyone here ever actually managed to convince an anti-vaxxer to get the shot? Sorry if it's already been mentioned.

Just curious since you are in Serbia where the anti-vaxxer logic might be different to the U.S., but as I mentioned before I have a very good friend who's an anti-vaxxer and here in the U.S. our and his "usual arguments" are that the vaccine and any mandates relating to it (as well as masks/mask mandates) are nothing more than ways to control the population and get them to be compliant so later they can take away even more rights like our guns, etc.

The whole "muh rights" thing anti-vaxxers have going on stems from radicalization of the idea of freedom, i.e. "anything the government does is infringement upon sacred freedoms*" and "freedom means not being responsible for others". People are so enamored with the idea of freedom that they ignore all the necessary accompanying responsibilities tied with living in society.

*Which itself is a derivative of "when the government does thing, it's socialism, the more things a government does, the socialister it is".

Ill-Starred Son

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 4:37 pm 

DeathForBlitzkrieg wrote:
I absolutely agree with how you described it, too. It's ignorance and arrogance. Just today, the head of the rightwing populist Freedom Party of Austria, Herbert Kickl, had a public blood draw in order to prove that he's not vaccinated, as had been rumoured. His main line of argument (and so his party's) is: Masks are infringing human rights, vaccines are unsafe and you simply need a good immune system against the disease, we don't care about the rest (which is social darwinism is his pure, ugly form, of course). Recent polls show this would equal about 20% of the vote in national elections. Well, at least he's not minister of home affairs anymore since before the pandemic.

Wow, I'm surprised to hear the same arguments we have in the U.S. in a country like Austria amongst high ranking members of political parties. I guess there's still probably more anti-vaxxers by population here in the U.S. than in most other countries, but I guess the stupid really does extend beyond our borders.


Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:32 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:33 pm 

Vancouver City Hall has seen protests this month-- anti-vaxxers railing against the (at the time impending) vaccine passport and toting signs decrying the virus as a 'CCP-invented hoax'. Some folks might want to pretend America's got a monopoly on anti-vax stupidity but I guarantee you there's more than enough of it to go around.


Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:20 pm 

Ezadara wrote:
Vancouver City Hall has seen protests this month-- anti-vaxxers railing against the (at the time impending) vaccine passport and toting signs decrying the virus as a 'CCP-invented hoax'. Some folks might want to pretend America's got a monopoly on anti-vax stupidity but I guarantee you there's more than enough of it to go around.

We now even have our own federal party for plaguebearers! They even got more votes than the Greens and have their own mini-Trump as leader, only somehow even more pathetic!

Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:48 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:25 pm 

So recently I have found out that one of the dudes I used to hang out and play Yu-Gi-Oh! with is now a critical acclaimed Youtuber. Problem is his channel focuses on conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic, the vaccines and of all things Joe Biden!

On another note many universities here in Greece will move on to physical classes with the students' vaccination.
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The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:11 pm 

There's so much to actually hate Biden for, and so much to really critique in terms of the pandemic response of both of the last two administrations, that it's funny that people feel the need to dive into conspiracies.
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Ill-Starred Son

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:58 pm 

Empyreal wrote:
There's so much to actually hate Biden for, and so much to really critique in terms of the pandemic response of both of the last two administrations, that it's funny that people feel the need to dive into conspiracies.

You are always talking about how much you hate him, but wouldn't you at least agree he's a pretty big step up from Trump?

And what exactly do you hate so much about his pandemic response?

I'm not as knowledgable most likely about what's going on right now as you are, but at least he seems to be trying which is more than we can say of Trump. There's the whole OSHA thing that passed where now companies with 100 or more employees must all require vaccinations and I think he might have had to do with that, and he's constantly saying he wants everyone vaccinated. So why all the hate for him?

Last edited by Ill-Starred Son on Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Metal freak

Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:54 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 5:41 pm 

I think 99% of that hate should be reserved for the insane leadership of red states that are doing things like banning mask mandates in school, and the huge portion of your population that simply refuses to get vaccinated.
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~Guest 285196

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:13 pm 

I hate the spreaders of misinformation. I pity the victims of it.

Ill-Starred Son

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:54 pm 

henkkjelle wrote:
I think 99% of that hate should be reserved for the insane leadership of red states that are doing things like banning mask mandates in school, and the huge portion of your population that simply refuses to get vaccinated.

Agreed. That's where my anger goes as far as the mishandling of the pandemic is concerned.

Biden is far from perfect, but so far I haven't really heard any clear examples of how he has mishandled the pandemic. We already had enough stupid people (both voters and republican politicians) and Trump was the one who further influenced them in the wrong direction and left him with a nearly unmanageable situation. So I still really don't know what Biden has done specifically to mismanage it other than not be able to influence people who would rather go to the grave denying that it's any worse than the common cold and/or a conspiracy to take away their rights.

The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2021 8:58 pm 

Ill-Starred Son wrote:
Empyreal wrote:
There's so much to actually hate Biden for, and so much to really critique in terms of the pandemic response of both of the last two administrations, that it's funny that people feel the need to dive into conspiracies.

You are always talking about how much you hate him, but wouldn't you at least agree he's a pretty big step up from Trump?

And what exactly do you hate so much about his pandemic response?

I'm not as knowledgable most likely about what's going on right now as you are, but at least he seems to be trying which is more than we can say of Trump. There's the whole OSHA thing that passed where now companies with 100 or more employees must all be require vaccinations and I think he might have had to do with that, and he's constantly saying he wants everyone vaccinated. So why all the hate for him?

He's better than Trump in the way that pretty much anybody would be. He's still a capitalist fuck who does not care about people at all. No new stimulus money for people even with this Delta variant going on, no great strides for better healthcare or worker protection, he's pushed the economy to reopen without helping vaccines get to the rest of the world in time to curb new variants, etc. He's basically a status quo kind of guy in that there are plenty who are like he is, but the status quo fucking sucks anyway.

Personally in general the fact that he sheds these tears about his dead son while denying healthcare to people makes him a first rate scumbag.

The US continues to approve billions of dollars for defense but still doesn't give out more stimulus payments, continues pushing people to go back to work, etc.
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The Final Frontier

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:01 am 

Got into it on twitter last night with some dude asking (with no real intention of changing his mind) why anyone would care if a stranger was vaxxed if they themselves were, and their loved ones were. The obvious answer is "because we want the pandemic to end and for others not to die." Like nobody has ever cared about others before this.

I get accused of "virtue signaling" for that - like yeah I'm only saying so because I need to seem better than somebody on twitter. All that stuff is so funny to me - you're virtue signaling, you're a sheep, etc if you believe in any of it or get the vaccine or anything. No I just don't want to get COVID and I'd like the whole thing to just end. Not really any ulterior goals beyond that.

It's interesting to watch all this go down because it shows the cyclical nature of humanity, never changing. During the 1918 pandemic I bet you had this same stuff going on. These people just convinced the world is that much more complicated than it actually is. Our modern ways of communicating might have muddied things, but the core is the same.
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:13 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:35 am 

"We want you not to die from a preventable disease!"

"Sheep, you're virtue signaling!"


How about this: we would prefer them not to die, but if that's not enough a reason, we want the pandemic to be over or at least under control so we can resume activities as normal, we don't want people with preventable disease using medical resources, we want healthcare workers to get a break, we want to protect kids and people who cannot yet be vaccinated, we want to protect ourselves because the vaccine isn't 100% efficient, we want to avoid kids becoming orphans because their parents didn't get the vaccine...

I'm sure I forgot a few other reasons, some are selfish enough that they could relate to them I guess.

(Also, I find it funny that every anti-vaxxer posts daily about how they will definitely NOT be taking the vaccine... i.e. they are totally "virtue signalling")


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 1:23 pm 

Y'all seen John Nolte's amazing Breitbart article, where he tries to use Republican grievance-based politics to encourage people to get the jab? He says that liberal elites like Biden, Harris and uhhhhh... Howard Stern are pushing the vaccine because conservatives will reliably do the opposite of what they say, so they're in fact trying to kill them. It's all fucking insane of course (Dem leadership want everyone to get vaxxed mostly so all the poors will get back to work), but honestly I'm all for owning the libs by doing the thing they say they want you to do but secretly want you to do the opposite, if it will put this pandemic behind us and stop killing grandmas.

Might be an effective article if you're trying to convince MAGA/Christian family members to not die. That said, I looked at the responses on the_donald and literally everyone said that Nolte is now a deep state puppet controlled by Bill Gates for writing that.
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Benedict Donald

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2021 4:34 pm 

darkeningday wrote:
Y'all seen John Nolte's amazing Breitbart article, where he tries to use Republican grievance-based politics to encourage people to get the jab? He says that liberal elites like Biden, Harris and uhhhhh... Howard Stern are pushing the vaccine because conservatives will reliably do the opposite of what they say, so they're in fact trying to kill them. It's all fucking insane of course (Dem leadership want everyone to get vaxxed mostly so all the poors will get back to work), but honestly I'm all for owning the libs by doing the thing they say they want you to do but secretly want you to do the opposite, if it will put this pandemic behind us and stop killing grandmas.

Might be an effective article if you're trying to convince MAGA/Christian family members to not die. That said, I looked at the responses on the_donald and literally everyone said that Nolte is now a deep state puppet controlled by Bill Gates for writing that.

Funny thing....after getting vaccinated, I felt in insatiable desire to buy Microsoft products.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:49 am 

https://mobile.twitter.com/willmenaker/ ... 3694671883

Apparently PCR Covid testing is the latest victim of actual cancel culture rational, responsible skepticism from concerned and highly informed Facebook boomers.
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Benedict Donald

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:46 am 

darkeningday wrote:

Apparently PCR Covid testing is the latest victim of actual cancel culture rational, responsible skepticism from concerned and highly informed Facebook boomers.

If nothing else, the last ~18 months has revealed how ignorant scores of humanity truly are.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:33 pm 

Been 6 months since my last of two jabs (Pfizer), just scheduled my booster for tomorrow and I'm getting the flu shot as well. Hope I don't feel like ass the next day, I know my arms will be sore, I'm not getting jabbed in the same arm twice, gotta alternate.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:42 pm 

I haven't posted on this thread since the first page. I was actually afraid to even read this thread, because after awhile you just get sick of endless waves of horrible news, and you just want some kind of escape.

At the time this started, my worst fear was NOT that it would end up being basically two years (and counting) of death, isolation, lockdowns, cancellations, and misery. There was no way even in my worst nightmares that I would have seen that coming. Rather, I think I was actually more afraid of an outbreak of racism, people scapegoating those of Asian descent because of it's origins, than I was of it becoming an actual worldwide pandemic that would lead to millions of deaths and untold suffering, lockdowns, destroyed economies, destroyed lives. Because I just didn't see it coming.

And it seemed like, over and over, the pattern was the same: The worst possible outcome that could be predicted with the pandemic, not only came true, but the reality actually turned out to be WORSE than the predicted worst possible outcome. That pattern never changed. I had thought, perhaps overly optimistically, that after the first wave of lockdowns in March/April 2020, when everything was locked down that it would stop the virus in it's tracks, and the pandemic would taper off. And like most seasonal flu virus outbreaks, by like July or August, Covid 19 would be in the rear view mirror. Except that didnt' happen. It didn't taper off, rather it PEAKED in like July and August. Then, finally, after the vaccines finally arrived, I thought, this is the beginning of it being over. Everyone would get vaccinated, and by August or September, it would FINALLY be over- how could it not?? We were all celebrating. After all, Swine Flu 1919 lasted only a year...and they didn't even have vaccines for that!

Except, it wasn't over in August and September. Instead, it PEAKED- again!- in August and September. At this point I was in disbelief- how could this be happening? After 18 months of this, and now, with so many people vaccinated- Where were all these new cases coming from?? And now, it is once again, worse than the worst possible outcome.

All I can say (before this turns into a wall of text) is that I have found it very hard to stay optimistic and hopeful these last 2 years, when every time you think you have hope, it gets dashed by yet another new peak, another new wave. Sometimes you just lose hope. At this point I am resigned to just living my life as best I can to the fullest, virus or no virus, since it doesnt' even seem to matter if you are vaccinated anymore (which I am, for the record.) I just can't live my whole life in a foxhole anymore.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:26 pm 

Oxenkiller wrote:
All I can say (before this turns into a wall of text) is that I have found it very hard to stay optimistic and hopeful these last 2 years, when every time you think you have hope, it gets dashed by yet another new peak, another new wave. Sometimes you just lose hope. At this point I am resigned to just living my life as best I can to the fullest, virus or no virus, since it doesnt' even seem to matter if you are vaccinated anymore (which I am, for the record.) I just can't live my whole life in a foxhole anymore.

Well I got jabbed again today, booster and flu shot. I definitely think this is something that is not going away, I'm doing my part in protecting 4 generations of my family that I am in contact with. Most are vaxxed, some aren't, whether it be their age or because they believe stupid shit that is not science. It's all I can do. I prefer science to opinions.


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:51 am 

oldmetalhead wrote:
Oxenkiller wrote:
Most are vaxxed, some aren't, whether it be their age or because they believe stupid shit that is not science. It's all I can do. I prefer science to opinions.

So is M-A still in line with big pharma, big media and the gov. over censoring and banning anyone who wants to talk about the actual science still?

I'm curious, what is the actual science as everyone understands it? Public data, and Pfizer's and the CDC's very own published data and resources do not tell the story that the media is telling people it does. It seems that the vast majority of people are not asking the most basic logical questions about the data and the official narratives around the pandemic and its treatments and effects.

I shouldn't have to say this, but i'm vaxxed and a vaccine believer. I hold no political affiliation, but i'm anti-authoritarian in my views. I've lost a family member to COVID and know others who have died. I also know older people with co-morbidities who've had symptomless COVID.

It's been two years, are people allowed to discuss the situation openly and critically yet? The biggest social websites and even medical and scholarly institutions have been engaging in concerted censorship of non-mainstream views under gov. order and under the pretext of protecting the public from "misinformation". Support groups for vaccine-injured people who can get no help from their doctors, the FDA, the CDC, or the pharma companies have been being shut-down on FB. Vaccine injuries have always been a thing. Side effects are science. But it can't be discussed for CV, nor can the few injured by vaccines be acknowledged or helped. Why?

Is it not obvious to anyone around here that the world is moving towards authoritarianism? That the governments, media, corporations, and military complexes are all enmeshed, incestuous, self-serving, and not our friends?

Why are ordinary people, doctors, professors, the injured, the hesitant, the curious et al; our friends and neighbours and fellow modestly-incomed; now not to be listened to or believed when they have questions or valuable insights on real data and studies? Why are we all repeating the mantras of those who serve the interests of $70billion dollars extra revenue a year? Revenue that will be in perpetuity for them, if we all give up our bodily autonomy, our rights, and our protections under the Nuremberg code and just go along with mandates? Why is asking about or talking about possible alternative remedies and existing drugs; investigations and trials for them, not only not done but being mass censored? Ridiculed?

I realize i'm risking being ridiculed, censored and banned by wanting to discuss the SCIENCE of the situation and not simply repeat a big media buzzphrase as many do, but some of you now are asking these questions anyway in your resignation: why are we still dealing with surges? Why? How can we find out if no-one is allowed to talk about it?

Like I said it's been two years. The only answers you have from the ultrawealthy owner class of the media and the gov is RAHH THE UNVAXED ARE KILLERS AND WE NEED TO LEAVE THEM BEHIND. Are you all really willing to accept that? Give up your bodily autonomy in perpetuity and dehumanize literally millions of ordinary people in your own communities? For what? To be "safe"?. From what?

Cummon people. I've been using MA and on this forum for 2 decades. I'm willing to lose that on the long shot that people might actually be able to discuss the "real science" and what has transpired, evolved and been looked at for two years now. By many people smarter than a lot of us, with everything to lose and nothing to gain in discussing real data.

Sorry for the rant, but people need to wake the fuck up. What are y'all still doing parroting the fucking media? Haven't we learned anything in 50 years of corporate rule? Are you all still looking for WMDs in Iraq or what? *sigh*

We can talk about data and the insights of real scientists and professors working on these issues. We can. Or you can ban me for being a dumb hick Trump anti-vaxxer, like you've been told to by the "news". None of those descriptors apply to me except possibly dumb. But... can we talk about the data? Science? Yet?

Y'see this is the sort of desperate ranting longform insanity that an authoritarian, divisive, censorship society and era does to people. I'm embarrassed, honestly. But that's what it is now: desperation. And I haven't even been made destitute by a vaccine injury. Lots have.

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