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Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:36 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:34 am 

While doing an English paper on obesity in America, I've came to the conclusion that the government pushes poor diets onto people and actually wants people to be unhealthy and obese. They make money off of it.

People buy this supposed "food" from any fast food joint that is so conveniently placed at every corner of every street that makes them fat and actually addicted to their food to keep them coming back for more. Its not only fast food either, even the bigger name restaurants and majority of prepacked foods have these additives in it that not only makes people fat, but drastically decreases the vitamins and nutrients needed in the body for a happy, health life style. Here is a website about a common food additive called MSG that is pretty abundant in the majority of foods that we consume. (http://www.rense.com/general52/msg.htm)

If people let these health problems get to a critical level, they are forced to see a doctor about these health problems that the government fed them, in which they will more then likely be sent to a pharmacy in which they can buy the nutrients that they have missed out on, overall generating more money for government (think of how many different vitamins are available in drug stores). It can even escalate more, to a point where people get so morbidly obese that they need to undergo some sort of bypass surgery to tighten their stomach which forces them to eat less. This in itself generates even more money on a greater scale, to say the least.

People are now working to get health care benefits that will pay for this expensive surgery just so they can avoid serious risks to their life. They are now also creating jobs for the doctors that perform these surgerys that shouldn't even be happening in the first place. If healthy, natural, unprocessed food was made more readily available, and consumed by the people in society, there would not be as much of a need for drug stores, doctors, hospital visits, etc.

All in all, it adds to my theory that the government only cares that people spend as much money as possible, keeping them enslaved, working as much as possible to afford the high costs of living life which is forced upon the people. Along with forcing gas/oil as a common natural resource, and the suppression of scientific advancement and technology (both which could be a thread on their own), the government is making our lives as shitty as they possibly can so that the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.

Any thoughts?
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs


~Guest 226319
President Satan

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:45 am 

I wouldn't say it's all worked out in an evil cabal like that. Crappy food gets subsidized because it is cheap and profitable. And it's all made with corn oil, corn syrup, and just regular old corn because that's what we have a lot of around here. Pharmaceuticals tend to focus on symptom treatment rather than preventative care because it is profitable as well, but it'd be a really big stretch to say that everyone involved in the industry is willfully engaged in cultivating human misery for profits. Doctors prescribe medicines because they are doctors. They want to help people and that's how they know how to do it. They are willing to believe that the products they prescribe, while not perfect, will have benefits because they aren't super pessimistic like you and me...

Anyway, lets keep in mind that no group, even government, is composed of drones who work from an evil hive mind out to get people. Government workers and politicians are bound to believe that what they are basically working for is what is best and that the system by which they operate is fundamentally right or fair in some way, misguided though they may be. This is an issue of opposing moralities, rather than one of our morality against their amorality. The left has a very hard time realizing and utilizing this for some reason and can't, en masse, seem to recognize why our (correct) morality isn't self evident once the tenets are explained...

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:36 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:10 am 

I'm not saying that the doctors have bad intentions, but that the government is pushing towards people working for health care benefits that will help them in paying for these doctor visits. I know that this can't be looked at the whole basis for health care, but it definitely adds to it. My mom, my uncle and my best friends dad had to undergo this type of bypass surgery to help them with their obesity issues, i can't imagine how many more people have had to do this. This is itself is generating a lot of money, and overall workload towards health care, and education for the doctors as well (school isn't cheap, also keeps people busy)

What I'm trying to get at is that people shouldn't have to work as hard as they do just to sustain a comfortable form of living. I do believe that that the government and politicians believe that they are doing good for the society, but the secret society's who control all of it know damn well what they are doing. MSG was deemed "safe for consumption at any ammount" by the FDA. How can this be true when my friends father had to undergo expensive bypass surgery to cure the the harmful effects of McDonalds food that he became addicted to?
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs



Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:34 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:10 am 

Just to piggy back on Sunlight's second point:

"the urge to save mankind is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it." - hl mencken


Joined: Sun May 10, 2009 4:16 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:02 am 

John touched on it but I really can't overstate just how much corn is in our food and how large a part it plays in everyones lives. Some variant of corn or corn oil is in quite nearly everything you eat (or more accurately, what you get at a restaraunt or grocery store). Corn is used by the food industry to feed cows/chickens even though they shouldn't be eating it and their stomachs cannot properly digest it. The government spends a great deal of taxpayer money in the form of subsidies to keep corn farmers constantly producing. Biotech companies like Monsanto play a large part in keeping this one particular crop in control of nearly all the food we eat. Corn is king.

Of course, without genetically modified corn, this country wouldn't have access to nearly as much food as we do. That's the tradoff we make.
Varth wrote:
I am getting pissed thinking about all the dumbass fake punk my sister made me listen to
LawrenceStillman wrote:
my sister does nothing but forcing me to listen to Gothenburg/melodic metalcore albums all day while refusing to listen to regular death metal

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:51 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:36 am 

TheExodusAttack wrote:
Corn is king.

That's Corn. Strong on his mountain.

Metal newbie

Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:10 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:20 am 

chronolith wrote:
that the government fed them, in which they will more then likely be sent to a pharmacy in which they can buy the nutrients that they have missed out on, overall generating more money for government (think of how many different vitamins are available in drug stores).

I don't understand how you jumped from people going to a fast food chain to the statement "that the government fed them." What is the link here? That statement would be "that the fast food chain fed them." Again, how did you make the jump from people buying fast food to the government giving people this fast food? The same goes for the pharmacy. How is it that you're saying the government makes money, and not that the pharmacy makes money? If we're talking about taxes... Well, everything is taxed.

Later in your post, you go on about paying for drugs and doctors and how it's some conspiracy... Here in Canada the government pays for our doctors with the tax money previously obtained from, among other things, fast food purchases.

These conspiracy theories always tend to assume that men in suits get together to discuss how they can fuck people. It doesn't work that way. It's just economics, and it's mutual benefit for everyone involved, except, of course, us (the consumers).

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:36 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:08 pm 

swayze wrote:
chronolith wrote:
that the government fed them, in which they will more then likely be sent to a pharmacy in which they can buy the nutrients that they have missed out on, overall generating more money for government (think of how many different vitamins are available in drug stores).

I don't understand how you jumped from people going to a fast food chain to the statement "that the government fed them." What is the link here? That statement would be "that the fast food chain fed them." Again, how did you make the jump from people buying fast food to the government giving people this fast food? The same goes for the pharmacy. How is it that you're saying the government makes money, and not that the pharmacy makes money? If we're talking about taxes... Well, everything is taxed.

The link is that this food is made readily available, almost forced upon the people. There are numerous fast food restaurants at pretty much every corner, but very rarely anywhere to get a good nutritious meal. So people almost have no choice. Other alternatives are possible, but just aren't convenient enough to fit peoples busy lives. And the fact that the FDA approves of these food additives as safe for consumption shows that the government doesn't care about the health of people, and if they did, they would take action and ban this from the foods we eat. I mean come on, its proven to make people fat and addicted to the food that its added to... there aren't even any good effects to help cover up the bad ones!
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs


Not Semi-Witty Enough for his Own Title

Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:04 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:12 pm 

And Bush knocked down the twin towers so that America would be sad and eat more hamburgers!
Subrick wrote:
opet is tree metal! there early albums talk about trees!

They should have talked about why failsafeman sucks!

Metal newbie

Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:36 am
Posts: 143
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:23 pm 

Thashierthanthou wrote:
And Bush knocked down the twin towers so that America would further support the war on terror, boosting the war economy, while also distracting them from the freedoms they've been stripped of with the vast increase in security that soon fallowed.

There ya go, I know that's what you meant to say :wink:
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs



Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:45 pm
Posts: 1306
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:37 pm 

I would blame parents who don't know how to feed their kids far before I blamed the government for this. If you grow up eating bacon for breakfast, big macs for lunch, and pizza for dinner, what do you expect?


Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:07 am
Posts: 1013
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:23 pm 

Government agencies like the FDA face a series of highly technical decisions that will influence various groups with opposing interests. With every action the government takes to protect people it also is regulating and controlling them. Alcohol, cigarettes, and unprotected sex are all risky, but in the US we have elected officials that allow us to partake in these activities despite the risks. The same is true of junk food, but not true about the recreational use of cocaine as a counter-example. Also, car accidents are a huge cause of fatalities and pollution but we as a society have accepted these consequences in exchange for the benefit of fast travel. Some people will kill themselves with junk food but the population as a whole does not want to ban McDonalds etc. to prevent some people from becoming addicted to it.

There are plenty of publicly available studies showing that MSG is mostly harmless, there are studies suggesting it may be harmful, there are studies in between. I am not familiar with the issue but I think it is a safe bet the nearly 13,000 employees at the FDA are better positioned to evaluate the studies than someone working on their English paper on obesity is.


Joined: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:59 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:14 pm 

RaudtOgSvart wrote:
TheExodusAttack wrote:
Corn is king.

That's Corn. Strong on his mountain.

I admit, I laughed. More value in this post than in the entire OP.
iamntbatman wrote:
manowar are literally five times the band that fates warning are: each member is as good as fates warning alone, then joey's bass solos are like an entire extra fates warning


Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:15 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:50 pm 

Byrain wrote:
I would blame parents who don't know how to feed their kids far before I blamed the government for this. If you grow up eating bacon for breakfast, big macs for lunch, and pizza for dinner, what do you expect?

People have been eating bacon since forever. They've been eating butter since forever. They've cooked with lard. I really don't think fat content of foods the problem, exactly. While I think processed foods (cheese puffs, twinkies, and fast foods) are part of the problem, I think we also have to mention more sedentary lifestyles. That, and things like corn and HFCS being cheaper than more nutritious and healthier alternatives. I don't know if you can put the blame on any one group in particular.
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Leopold Herman Stotch

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:53 pm 

If people become obese due to food, then they have no one to blame but themselves, as far as I'm concerned. If you don't wish to become overweight, then balance your diet. Have some McDonald's for dinner one night, have a roast and vegetables the next. It's not really rocket science, to be frank.
"Satan, laughing, spreads his wings... OH LORD YEAH!!!"

Echoes in an empty cranium

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:08 pm 

chronolith wrote:
If healthy, natural, unprocessed food was made more readily available, and consumed by the people in society, there would not be as much of a need for drug stores, doctors, hospital visits, etc.

Cost, Area available for crops & grazing? Maybe we can't grow enough decent food to go round or be cost effective and msg and other flavour enhancers like lots of salt are used to make cheaper processed gloop taste palatable?
50 years ago everyone walked more, and were in general more active, you can pretty much eat what you want if your exercising regularly but today we sit in front of computers, drive cars and get machines to do a lot of our mundane work.
Don't see how you can blame the government for getting a taste for junk food, everything in moderation and there wouldn't be a problem, drinking too much water can kill you.
D - Fens

Metal freak

Joined: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:22 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:13 pm 

Byrain wrote:
I would blame parents who don't know how to feed their kids far before I blamed the government for this. If you grow up eating bacon for breakfast, big macs for lunch, and pizza for dinner, what do you expect?

What's wrong with bacon?

I eat heaps of fatty foods, salami and cheese and drink a third of a bottle of cream most days and I'm not fat. The health food industry makes millions scaring people into eating what they want to sell. If you get enough calories and vitamins (a small multivitamin pill a day), you're all good. There's no need to eat vegetarian, or huge amounts of fruit and veges, or low fat milk. In fact I'm convinced eating a good amount of fat is good for you, as well as meat.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:40 pm 

Apteronotus wrote:
I think it is a safe bet the nearly 13,000 employees at the FDA are better positioned to evaluate the studies than someone working on their English paper on obesity is.

Or that they are better positioned to hide the truth about the harmful effects of these substances like how they hide the benefits of natural cures for sicknesses that they can supposedly cure through these unnatural drugs and surgeries in order to make more profit for themselves because they only care that people are handing their money over to them and that they continue to do so because if they actually cured people of their symptoms for good then they would lose their customer base.
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs


Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:46 pm 

Expedience wrote:
Byrain wrote:
I would blame parents who don't know how to feed their kids far before I blamed the government for this. If you grow up eating bacon for breakfast, big macs for lunch, and pizza for dinner, what do you expect?

What's wrong with bacon?

I eat heaps of fatty foods, salami and cheese and drink a third of a bottle of cream most days and I'm not fat. The health food industry makes millions scaring people into eating what they want to sell. If you get enough calories and vitamins (a small multivitamin pill a day), you're all good. There's no need to eat vegetarian, or huge amounts of fruit and veges, or low fat milk. In fact I'm convinced eating a good amount of fat is good for you, as well as meat.

Yes, if you go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of multivitamins to replenish the vitamins that are deprived from your diet, you will have no problem. As for fat being good for you, its the unsaturated fat that is good for you, as but the majority is saturated fats that your body has a hard time breaking down properly
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs



Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:45 pm
Posts: 1306
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:01 pm 

circleofdestruction wrote:
Byrain wrote:
I would blame parents who don't know how to feed their kids far before I blamed the government for this. If you grow up eating bacon for breakfast, big macs for lunch, and pizza for dinner, what do you expect?

People have been eating bacon since forever. They've been eating butter since forever. They've cooked with lard. I really don't think fat content of foods the problem, exactly. While I think processed foods (cheese puffs, twinkies, and fast foods) are part of the problem, I think we also have to mention more sedentary lifestyles. That, and things like corn and HFCS being cheaper than more nutritious and healthier alternatives. I don't know if you can put the blame on any one group in particular.

Eating bacon is fine, I meant a diet that consists of nothing but fastfood and stuff like bacon.

Metal freak

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:48 pm 

chronolith wrote:
Yes, if you go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of multivitamins to replenish the vitamins that are deprived from your diet, you will have no problem. As for fat being good for you, its the unsaturated fat that is good for you, as but the majority is saturated fats that your body has a hard time breaking down properly

Half of the fat in beef is saturated and I eat beef almost every day. Saturated fats are actually easier to break down, with two less steps in the oxidation pathway, so not sure where you got that from.


Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:07 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:02 pm 

chronolith wrote:
Apteronotus wrote:
I think it is a safe bet the nearly 13,000 employees at the FDA are better positioned to evaluate the studies than someone working on their English paper on obesity is.

Or that they are better positioned to hide the truth about the harmful effects of these substances like how they hide the benefits of natural cures for sicknesses that they can supposedly cure through these unnatural drugs and surgeries in order to make more profit for themselves because they only care that people are handing their money over to them and that they continue to do so because if they actually cured people of their symptoms for good then they would lose their customer base.

The record on administrative decisions that influence party's substantive rights are required to undergo a notice and comment period that is entirely open to the public and public review. The Administrative Procedure Act requires this. You can find endless amounts of research on MSG alone on the FDA website, information generated by people outside of the FDA. I doubt you looked at any of it, or even knew that you could look at it, because all you provided to support your argument was an article on the internet with no author. Try reading more, there is plenty wrong with the world, including the FDA, without having to resort to conspiracy theories.

Your reasoning, and this kind of reasoning in general, is awful. It is the same kind of process that leads children to die because their parents read one article on the internet about how immunizations cause autism, even though the bulk of scientific evidence says otherwise. Still people, including certain presidential candidates, cling to these ideas because they are too ignorant and lazy to look for the truth so everything in the world can be explained by a simple conspiracy. There is really nothing more I or anyone else can say to reason with you, so I hope you will take this to heart and look deeply into the research on just on issue: MSG. You will find out how difficult and complicated scientific research is, how hard it is to evaluate risk, and how societies have to balance conflicting interests of safety and commerce. Instead, I wager that you will sit complacently satisfied that you know everything in the world is really simple and its just a conspiracy of bad guys that conveniently makes it pointless for you to ever open up a book.


Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:44 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:02 pm 

John_Sunlight wrote:
I wouldn't say it's all worked out in an evil cabal like that. Crappy food gets subsidized because it is cheap and profitable. And it's all made with corn oil, corn syrup, and just regular old corn because that's what we have a lot of around here. Pharmaceuticals tend to focus on symptom treatment rather than preventative care because it is profitable as well, but it'd be a really big stretch to say that everyone involved in the industry is willfully engaged in cultivating human misery for profits. Doctors prescribe medicines because they are doctors. They want to help people and that's how they know how to do it. They are willing to believe that the products they prescribe, while not perfect, will have benefits because they aren't super pessimistic like you and me...

Anyway, lets keep in mind that no group, even government, is composed of drones who work from an evil hive mind out to get people. Government workers and politicians are bound to believe that what they are basically working for is what is best and that the system by which they operate is fundamentally right or fair in some way, misguided though they may be. This is an issue of opposing moralities, rather than one of our morality against their amorality. The left has a very hard time realizing and utilizing this for some reason and can't, en masse, seem to recognize why our (correct) morality isn't self evident once the tenets are explained...

I agree with this. Rather then being "evil", governments typically just can't really function very well, and get corrupted by power over time. Now, major corporations are certainly trying to push their bullshit fast "food" on the people (and, unfortunately, succeeding, obviously)....corporations may just be evil though :P

Atmospheric Black Metal (solo)


Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:42 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:21 pm 

Apteronotus wrote:

The record on administrative decisions that influence party's substantive rights are required to undergo a notice and comment period that is entirely open to the public and public review. The Administrative Procedure Act requires this. You can find endless amounts of research on MSG alone on the FDA website, information generated by people outside of the FDA. I doubt you looked at any of it, or even knew that you could look at it, because all you provided to support your argument was an article on the internet with no author. Try reading more, there is plenty wrong with the world, including the FDA, without having to resort to conspiracy theories.

Your reasoning, and this kind of reasoning in general, is awful. It is the same kind of process that leads children to die because their parents read one article on the internet about how immunizations cause autism, even though the bulk of scientific evidence says otherwise. Still people, including certain presidential candidates, cling to these ideas because they are too ignorant and lazy to look for the truth so everything in the world can be explained by a simple conspiracy. There is really nothing more I or anyone else can say to reason with you, so I hope you will take this to heart and look deeply into the research on just on issue: MSG. You will find out how difficult and complicated scientific research is, how hard it is to evaluate risk, and how societies have to balance conflicting interests of safety and commerce. Instead, I wager that you will sit complacently satisfied that you know everything in the world is really simple and its just a conspiracy of bad guys that conveniently makes it pointless for you to ever open up a book.

Don't bother. You're talking to someone who literally believes corporations control the secrets of magic and has talked about hexing people via the internet. So... yeah. There is no conspiracy. The reason shit food is so cheap is because it's mass produced, and comparatively inexpensive to make, plus it has a very large (lol) market. But I can't expect Harry Potter there to understand something as complex as that.

Or that they are better positioned to hide the truth about the harmful effects of these substances like how they hide the benefits of natural cures for sicknesses that they can supposedly cure through these unnatural drugs and surgeries in order to make more profit for themselves because they only care that people are handing their money over to them and that they continue to do so because if they actually cured people of their symptoms for good then they would lose their customer base.

Words fail me, but I think this sums it up.

Last edited by BaloroftheEvilEye on Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:09 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:29 pm 

Geese, haven't you guys ever read Let the Right One In? If there's anything to be learned from that book, it's that there's no such thing as evil.

I'm calling bullshit on all this fast food shit. You can cook up some decent whole-wheat pasta for less than 20 bucks, and less than a half an hour of your time. Some people just get addicted to it, the same way they get addicted to smoking or alcohol.
plasticpope wrote:
fuck lots of women and go to wacken

defyexistance wrote:
It also sounds like he says "The raven licks my asshole" as the first vocal line there. It never fails to crack me up.

Not Semi-Witty Enough for his Own Title

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:36 pm 

chronolith wrote:
Thashierthanthou wrote:
And Bush knocked down the twin towers so that America would further support the war on terror, boosting the war economy, while also distracting them from the freedoms they've been stripped of with the vast increase in security that soon fallowed.

There ya go, I know that's what you meant to say :wink:

If that's what you really believe, then you are beyond hope. May god have mercy on your soul.
Subrick wrote:
opet is tree metal! there early albums talk about trees!

They should have talked about why failsafeman sucks!


Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:55 am
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:09 pm 

I think it's a combination of factors. It's pretty complex. There's the fast food industry, which naturally wants you to buy more & more of their fatty food that is generally bad for your health.

Then there are certain people who are simply going to be fatter, genetically. They can limit it in as much as they can control their intake, but generally they will simply be bigger people.

There's also our culture, which has gone from a more active one to a much more sedentary one over the past few decades.

And several other factors, I'm sure, that also play into the whole thing.

When you add it up, the US is simply not making the grade. We're getting fatter & fatter, and we haven't figured out the formula to make it stop.

Unfortunately, it's even worse than just America. The USA's fat is apparently being exported to other countries now. The stats I have seen show that a number of other countries are now starting to see the same trends we have seen.

So it's a big problem. I don't know what the solution is, but we need to solve it somehow.


Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:37 pm
Posts: 601
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:38 pm 

Anybody ever try those P90X or Insanity workout sessions? I'm doing the Insanity sessions and have kept up with their suggested nutrition plan for about 2 weeks now and I feel a lot better then when I used to pig out on pizza, burgers, you name it. At first I would get all winded trying to keep up with everybody on the video but instead decided to ease into it at my own pace and have seen my results improve day by day. I don't feel all tired and lazy and I don't have those cravings for fast food like I used to. What it has turned me into is an eating machine, a healthy eating machine, I guess. I think I've spent $100 more than what I usually spend grocery shopping. I don't even drink beer as much as I used to. I'm trying stuff I've never even heard of like Greek yogurt and flax seed. It's crazy how much food I have to eat a day for the recommended calorie intake. Looks like the health food industry has me by the balls.

Metal newbie

Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:10 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:40 am 

Yeah, that's what a good diet does. Not the gripping you by the balls part; the feeling better part.

There's no global conspiracy. It's just that eating healthy takes more effort than eating out, and people get attached to things they really like, like eating out. So there are more people who eat out than people who cook their own healthy meals at least 90% of the time. So there are more fat people than fit people, fat people go to pharmacy to buy fat pills and shit, and it all looks like some crazy conspiracy to you. Just looks unfortunately normal to me.

Metal newbie

Joined: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:05 am
Posts: 390
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:34 am 

I have lost 25 lbs this summer just because I bike at least 30K 3 times a week and eat a lot better. People just need to get off their asses and do something about it. Stop eating garbage if you don't want to feel like garbage. As mentioned earlier pasta is cheap and pretty filling and good for you; where I live I could get 4 dinners worth with under 10 dollars. And if you don't like eating store bought tomato sauce all the time learn to make your own cheese/cream and tomato sauces and flavour them your own way. That takes 20 minutes a batch if you take the short cuts. Another awesome thing is smoothies: Buy some frozen fruit, yogurt, OJ or Apple Juice and honey and a hand blender for 20 dollars and boom, excellent home made smoothies that juice places charge you 10 dollars for. Very filling and healthy.
Avaddons_blood wrote:
SJDJ wrote:
I remember when Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored water was the coolest thing ever

Back when my masturbating to 13 year old girls wasn't considered perverse.


Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:53 am
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:03 am 

chronolith wrote:
Yes, if you go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of multivitamins to replenish the vitamins that are deprived from your diet, you will have no problem. As for fat being good for you, its the unsaturated fat that is good for you, as but the majority is saturated fats that your body has a hard time breaking down properly

You're so wrong with this statement its ridiculous. It's also completely clear you have no idea what the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats are.
metaldiscussor666 wrote:
American isn't a nationality

Riffs wrote:
It's been scientifically proven that appreciating Black Sabbath helps increase life expectancy, improves happiness, bumps your salary by 11 thousand dollars annually, helps fight cavities and increases penis size.


Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:19 pm
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Location: Canada
PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:12 am 

I don't think the government pushes it. People in the government associated with the industry will obviously push unhealthy foods, because that crap is cheap and make them/their buddies money. Its not even that the food industry wants you fat, they just want your money; shit ingredients are cheap and taste good, so people keep coming back.

Governments are too dumb and partisan to be collectively corrupt; each member gets their own small piece of tyranny, you know, to prevent monopoly.
Weep Tamarack
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:52 am 

Thashierthanthou wrote:
If that's what you really believe, then you are beyond hope. May god have mercy on your soul.

...God? :lol: i thought this was a metal forum!?
Excoriate wrote:
the kick drums sound like Mike Smith was dribbling basketballs



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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:35 am 

And yet all you talk about is nonsense, utterly unrelated to metal or reality, for that matter.

Valdincan wrote:
Governments are too dumb and partisan to be collectively corrupt; each member gets their own small piece of tyranny, you know, to prevent monopoly.

I'm paraphrasing here, but I think Terry Pratchett said it best when he pointed out how remarkable it is that governments are so efficient in large-scale conspiracies and cover-ups, considering their track record in everything else.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:36 am 

BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:

I'm paraphrasing here, but I think Terry Pratchett said it best when he pointed out how remarkable it is that governments are so efficient in large-scale conspiracies and cover-ups, considering their track record in everything else.

But see this statement is counter-intuitive. How could a government pull a cover up as elaborate as the supposed "Bush's 9/11" but is unable to decide on a federal budget, or fix the economy, or do anything but waste money. Not everyone in government's a fucking douchebag. I already stated that there's no such thing as evil, and we're all human. If any of these conspiracy theories were real, someone would have blabbed about it.
plasticpope wrote:
fuck lots of women and go to wacken

defyexistance wrote:
It also sounds like he says "The raven licks my asshole" as the first vocal line there. It never fails to crack me up.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:39 am 

That was Pratchett's point...


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:54 am 

Animicantus wrote:
BaloroftheEvilEye wrote:

I'm paraphrasing here, but I think Terry Pratchett said it best when he pointed out how remarkable it is that governments are so efficient in large-scale conspiracies and cover-ups, considering their track record in everything else.

But see this statement is counter-intuitive. How could a government pull a cover up as elaborate as the supposed "Bush's 9/11" but is unable to decide on a federal budget, or fix the economy, or do anything but waste money. Not everyone in government's a fucking douchebag. I already stated that there's no such thing as evil, and we're all human. If any of these conspiracy theories were real, someone would have blabbed about it.

...that's the joke.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:01 am 

Found the actual quote, it's from Hogfather:

"It's amazing how good governments are, given their track record in almost every other field, at hushing up things like alien encounters."


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:36 am 

Paging Earthcubed...
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:41 am 

Whoops, should have read the rest of the thread :p
plasticpope wrote:
fuck lots of women and go to wacken

defyexistance wrote:
It also sounds like he says "The raven licks my asshole" as the first vocal line there. It never fails to crack me up.

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