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Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:41 pm
Posts: 921
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 5:18 am 


Last edited by sushiman on Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:51 am 

Raven ExtermiNation tour, Oct. 16, Musicon Den Haag feat. Distillator

Raven is doing a small-venue tour this time. I have known the band since my early teens and it took until 70,000 Tons of Metal to finally see the Gallagher brothers. I was so thrilled then I described it an all-time high on the entire Miami-Fort Lauderdale trip. During Baroeg Open Air I got offered a place on the guest list by Koen of The Hague Heavy Metal Alliance which I gladly accepted. I could have asked anyone to join me, but somehow I just forgot to do so. In hindsight I could have easily asked Kees Bloemkool to join me as he also loved the performance on The Majesty of the Seas… too late. Tom doesn’t like the vocals, that I remembered and Jelle would probably be working. I planned a parking spot at the office [bureaucratic bull if you ask me, but still] but I cancelled that as I saw I could do it by train and have a nice HJ with Koen and Ariaan. From tap!

I started later than usual, as I had all the time in the world. Cycled to my brother’s, took an easy day at the office and went to the metro station. I left everything I wouldn’t need at my trip behind, but coming to the station I noticed I had forgotten my HJ! Damned, there goes my well planned scheme, but I still wasn’t in a rush. I got plenty of tut-tut noises in the train but I didn’t care. In Den Haag I tried to find a pizzeria on my boss’ phone but failed miserably. Apparently I don’t know Den Haag that good, so I took a gamble and went north. I could not have made a better gamble, as I found a great Greek restaurant in minutes. The Apollo dish is well advised, but even I couldn’t do the entire plate :). Entering Musicon I was sweaty and rain-soaked, so I took my time to refresh myself. Gladly I picked my 70,000 Tons shirt and let the ravens fly!! The venue was some half filled when I first spotted Laurens and Frank of Distillator, happy to support Raven this night. The band is doing some one-off shows (for instance, with Anthrax in Iduna next week) before they will tour with Vektor and Angelus Apatrida for three weeks. The band is warmly welcomed, not just by me and THHA, but also Michel the pit monster enjoys himself greatly. I meet more familiar faces, but I don’t remember them all ;) At least they played Suicidal, Revolutionary Cells, Bloody Assault, Death Strip and the Slayer cover/tribute Black Magic. Some people whine they should do a Destruction cover, but I don’t understand these dicks. The band is sharp, loud, enthusiast and eager to slay some Hagenezen! What else do you need or did the band perform below par on Schollenpop?? I will never know, I enjoyed the set greatly. So lovely to see band members go nuts, have fun and still play sharp! I got Laurens’ guitar pick and returned to my other hobby.. HJ. One douchebag with a construction light filmed half their set, wonder if the band noticed… what an overkill of light!

I wanted at least another Raven patch, but I was surprised by the cost: € 7 for a patch, € 2 for a signed promo card? I didn’t even bother to look at the shirts, even though I really like the new album. It’s fun to see Mark hustle with his basses (an unmarked flying V and a Gibson Explorer and the sound check is short. That’s good, as I think I have to leave around 22.30 already… During the first song Destroy All Monsters I already get what I want: two brothers poking each other to do their best, a monster of a drummer and fun, Fun and FUN on stage! Some quick pictures, not wanting to annoy the band with an overkill of flashes I tucked my camera away after two songs. I figured I could do some four, five songs before my journey back to Westwoud… ugghhhh. Live at the Inferno was the last tune I picked up, saying goodbye to Koen and Ariaan and off… into the drizzle, with a metro driver that didn’t cooperate (he saw me panting but hit his bell and left just as I tried to open the gate! Asshole!) and a painstaking long drive through Den Haag… would I make it in time? Coming to the station I noticed I had nearly 20 minutes… that was a four song difference to a show! I got myself some beer for the road and got into the train. Somehow I was also disgusted by my own Pratchett, not wanting to read about a suicidal journalist I skipped that. At Amsterdam Sloterdijk I got… 31 minutes to the next train… I could have seen the entire show! Godverdomme!! The kiosk was already closed but I had one Heiny left… More tut-tut noises from some Mocro Morons… Coming in Hoogkarspel the drizzle had been replaced by a thunderous rain… I think I nearly yelled entire Hoogkarspel awake… I was so friggin’angry! I should have seen the entire show, have a taxi from Hoorn if necessary… I would have met different metro drivers, less morons, more or less rain I don’t know but I was pissed off. Luckily I had my MP3 player, but the battery died entering Westwoud… Soaking wet I took my clothes off, hung them to dry, took a zip of water and brushed teeth. I have seen Raven and Distillator, which I both like a lot, but just for half a crate of HJ I should have taken my car… nice and dry, HJ at home, two lovely fanatic bands… but I don’t complain (much ;)) Sledgehammer Morons! Athletic Yelling! Mind over Metal!!

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:44 am 

Krachtstroomfestival, feat. Sodom, Rotting Christ, Bodyfarm, Oct. 18th. Venue: De Vorstin Hilversum

As far as I know this is the second Krachtstroomfestival ever held. I had been to a much smaller edition last year, with only one hall and just six bands, but they held Smothered so we went. This year the first announcement was Sodom, doing a one-off Dutch gig just for this festival. During one of the Metal Thursdays in Manifesto I found out my long time friends R-Whin and Anton had not seen much live metal over the last couple of years, both to just reasons. I knew Sodom would be of their interest and the band would play in the weekend both men had their birthday. I offered them a ticket for their birthday, stupid me, as I didn’t know how much it would cost. Ai, € 44 each, ‘no worries’, R-Whin said, ‘I will pick you up and you won’t have to pay for diesel’ OK, deal done. He’d pick me up around 1 PM. René’s big smile told me he’d been looking forward to this as well, he’d invited some German (?) friends of him as well.

In time the line up got wider and more interesting. Pity Smothered had to cancel this edition, but I had not seen Rotting Christ in ages, what would Kvarforth do now and Bodyfarm was added to the list! Hey, cool!! We joked we’d miss at least one band by Anton’s procrastinating, but it wasn’t that bad. Anton decided at the spot he’d stay in the hotel with René, so we wouldn’t have to bring him back to Volendam, differs a detour ;) Entering Hilversum we already found the Mutator boys Alex and Dave and the parking place was so near the venue I won’t need a locker for my hoodie. We got to De Vorstin but I totally had forgotten whether you’d need cash, coins or PIN and R-Whin told me he only brought cash. Fine, first round of drinks is on me anyway. First band we found was Misantropia (see http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Misanthropia/58809 ) from Tilburg. They play some melodic black metal that sounded decent, hint of Ancient Rites or Ancient too. Dave already showed his conquest: both Misantropia CDs and a strange free sampler… in the big hall there was some deathcore bullcrap band that scared us away in seconds. Quickly returning to the small hall for the last Misantropia song. OK, stay sharp, bands intercross each other. As we couldn’t get a performance list off the cloaking room (huh ?? ‘we’re not sure if we can give you that’ ?? ) Dave showed me his self-written set list ;) Out for a nice Bratwurst and off to Ethereal. I had not seen the band before, but on each website you search they’re famous for winning the Grote Prijs van Nederland (national band competition, winners get a spot on Pinkpop and studio time and so on; it’s yearly and that year it was the first time ever a metal band won) but I could not find out what made them win. The keys are so prominent, the guitars hardly audible and the vocals… Stach would hate it :). The band lacked energy too, I thought. Between the halls is one steep set of stairs and in every hall there’s different metal to be heard. Megadeth, Obituary, Death, I felt at ease here. Speaking of Obituary, soon had Big Robert’s big hands around mine, he’d been on a trip with Obituary once more. Shared a beer and off to Divine Sins. R-Whin had heard the band was going to quit soon, I respronded ‘to me they can’t quit early enough’. Laughs. The band play some mediocre cross between death metal and deathcore, but the technicality killed itself. No reason to stay long, I guess.

I went out for another excellent Bratwurst and had a nice chat with Bram and Thomas of Bodyfarm. Knowing they’re about to release their new album Battle Breed I asked whether they’d play new material. Two songs, said Thomas smiling ‘I guess you’re on the front line in a few minutes’ ‘See you in a couple of minutes then :)’ At first I wanted to check out The Fifth Alliance. I had never heard of the band and the Alcest-like tunes did us good, until their female singer burst open her mouth… ouch. Really as false as a drunken raven! And, not wanting to miss my front position for Bodyfarm, I left soon. René really liked them, fine with me. Of Bodyfarm I can be short: AWESOME!!! Again, the blunt death metal enters the ears like mayonnaise, to be stuck inside your head like Sauerkraut on a Bratwurst! Last three songs they got an enormous pit as thank you for a great show:
- Intro
- Tombstone Crusher
- Heartraped
- The Coming Scourge https://youtu.be/DFvtmg8n9OU (such a lovely introduction :) )
- Vortex of Terror
- Der Landkreuzer
- Malevolence (so even the oldest of Bodyfarm songs hasn’t lost it’s power!)
- Storming Revolution (new Killer track!)
- Firing Squad
- Unbroken
- The Well of Decay (huge goose bumps!)
Now, my friends, my eusophagus and my neck could use a rest, a beer and a nice stroll through the venue, checking out merch. At the Bodyfarm merch stand I pleaded if they had, by accident , by surprise or by luck the new album for sale, but the ladies understood my big smile. I took some stickers for René as he’d explained his new tool boxes were practical, but boring. ;) Herder was up next. I do not know enough stoner to know how this band is viewed from the stoner scene, musically it’s a good band but I don’t get it. Simple. René did like it, I think he bought at least one CD of these guys. I was curious about Rotting Christ, I had seen them on my first Wacken and they toured with Cradle of Filth in 2012. I now know I can leave this band off my list, as the band was totally not in any state to entertain me. Soggy, torpid, sluggish, hardly any guitar to be heard, ehh what? Even if the band would pay me to write something positive I would laugh at their faces. I needed some action too. Enthroned was to enter the small hall and they played with fire, fierce and loud. Pity it sounded like all the speakers had been blown up and the band seemed to play in a cheese stolp. I missed Equilibrium as I wanted a first row place for Sodom. I did get to see some Shining. Kvarforth seemed in a good mood and leaves half the vocals to his bass player. No need for pictures, my camera was doing funny summersaults and I knew I had to be careful to keep it functioning. Sodom… Veni Vidi Slaughter!! The sound was superb, the band in awesome shape, good lighting, Tom and Bernemann smiling like rhinos to the Nile… here’s the set list I got:
- Agent Orange
- The Vice of Killing
- The Saw is the Law
- Outbreak of Evil
- Nuclear Winter
- Sacred Warpath (still have to buy that EP once ;))
- Sodomy and Lust
- Proselytism Real
- Stigmatized
- Napalm in the Morning (the entire venue humming ‘Love the smell of napalm in the morning… smells like… victory’ :) :))
- Christ Passion
- Burst Command Till War
- City of God
- Blasphemer
- I Am The War
- Final Bullet
- Remember the Fallen
- Ausgebombt
18 songs! Band in awesome shape! Audience going nuts, me returning to my front row massacre spot after hitting the pit hard, time after time. My leg bent double but I didn’t falter. I shouted, I screamed, I sweat, I drank, sweat some more, oh my griggin’friggin’fucking god, this was awesome!! Sweating like a pig I went to the Sodom merch stand and bought me a Königsblau Sodom (I am a Schalke04 supporter like Tom Angelripper) shirt, which nearly didn’t fit, but if I bring it to Ruhrpott Metal Meeting the lovely merch lady assured me I’d get a bigger one. Oww, that’s a nice deal to remember. I sure wouldn’t mind seeing her again, with her lovely German English, beautiful eyes… She wasn’t even scared of my belly when I took off my RockHard shirt to fit it…

I soon found the boys and they were smiling so widely I knew it was a just cause to give them a ticket to this show. I said goodbye to Dave, Bas and Alex and went to the car, limping a bit. On the trip home we discussed old (and/or deceased) friends, new bands and today’s massacres. Bodyfarm killed but Sodom SLEW!! Looking back I see great pictures, cool and obnoxious bands, friends, plenty of beer and merch and above all: great metal!

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Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:35 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:04 pm 

This past spring, I took a 2 month break from visiting Baltimore due to the publicity about the riots so I skipped a few shows such as MDF. However, I have since been back and enjoyed my visits. On October 15, I saw Pseudogod at Metro Gallery and they were excellent. The sound was much better than at MDF 2014. And on October 27, I witnessed Grave Digger's very first performance on North American soil at Baltimore Soundstage. They opened with "Headbanging Man" and were in top form. This was one of the wilder Baltimore shows that I've seen, the ecstatic, packed crowd reminding me of Lamours Brooklyn shows from 2003 that I attended. Grave Digger live is a must see. However, since I consider "Stormrider" to be their "Painkiller" or "Fast as a Shark", I am of the belief that it should be a mandatory inclusion. I believe that they only played it on the Hangman tour.

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:00 pm 

Bodyfarm CD presentation of Battle Breed, Willemeen Arnhem, Nov.6th with Funeral Whore, DeadMansWalk

Bodyfarm is a band I’ve been following and supporting ever since I first saw them, supporting Hail of Bullets in Amersfoort (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/hail-bulle ... ort-11245/ ). The band continued to impress me on various occasions, all to be found on the war grounds of MRU. Of course, I knew one thing: I won’t go alone. I spoke to the Bovenkarspel Boys and met Stip, but none had time to go. Stip is even in additional addiction therapy... Tom’s gf is having her birthday, so he wasn’t around as well. I just called Thirza saying ‘keep November 6th free, you need more death metal’ :)

I had had a tough day. A crazy confrontation at the Courthouse in Amsterdam totally drained my energy and I left early. At home I didn’t even take off my pants and longsleeve and fell asleep on the couch. I was lucky enough to use my phone as an alarm clock; I knew it’d be crowded on the Dutch highways as it’s raining… ugghhh. I heard the radio say ’13 km jam at… 25 minutes delay on… accident on…’ and the worst: ‘concrete fell off a truck at the A12’… we need the friggin’A12! Detour through Amersfoort (…) and off to Arnhem. Even before parking I knew we’d missed The Heritance, but meeting Nathan sure made that one up for now. He’s in Willemeen as merch man for his buddy Pepijn’s band Dead Mans Walk and they’re due soon. Nathan made me assure I’d buy something off the band, but I only nodded. First see, then buy. We soon found Maarten D and he explained about his first encounter with DMW: love the band, hate the vocals/vocalist. I was unprejudiced, let the death metal flow… walk… stagger, whatever you do ;) Dead Mans Walk plays a nice cross between old Kataklysm and Malevolent Creation and to be honest, I wasn’t pissed off by the singer as much as Maarten was. OK, he COULD use a little more variation. Oh well, the first (or remaining?) hairs started sweeping. The band clearly digs deep in death metal lyrics, as they announced The Kill The Cure as ‘imagine being fucked by someone, wanting… revenge’ haha This song even has a double lead like Entombed used to do. Pity the female guitarist missed a few strokes in her own solo . I looked at Thirza saying ‘are you a DMW fan yet?’ Nah, she said, wait for it. Of course I did buy something at Nathan’s place and put my DMW CD/shirt/Bodyfarm shirt in her bag. I got her a Bodyfarm shirt in return. Oh yeah remind me never to use a Taxoffice envelope for my scribblings, as I can’t see what I’m writing! :) It’s blue…

I had been run over by Funeral Whore almost entirely. Just before their show Roy pushed me towards the pit, grinning like a madman, Kellie spotted me, had a orange soda with drummer Nick and the Izegrim couple greeted me with a smile. There were plenty of Dutch metal musicians present and with Martin van Drunen on a guest role in a new Bodyfarm song I’d expected him as well. Typing this I remember Asphyx had been on a South American tour lately and I didn’t know for sure if they’d returned yet. Funeral Whore sure didn’t leave the grass to grow. The band went in with a bash and Benji soon ruled the pit. I kept talking to Thirza and saw Maarten’s black bush bob ;) With songs like Only Coffins Remain, The Graveyard Silence (that was the video they shot in Enkhuizen, to be released together with their new CD), Forced to Die (with Roy playing IN THE PIT), Camp Blood, Traces of Death and the new tune Mortuary at Night the band clearly showed themselves to an eager audience. It was nicely filled as well, I think nearly 250 people showed up. Roy thanked Bodyfarm, the volunteers of Willemeen and the audience for a great experience. In one song Funeral Whore didn’t have bass, one stagediver managed to turn Roy’s guitar pedal off, it took a while to find the problem but the band (albeit only Kellie and Nick) pounded on. Respect! The band is pure underground, but also professional enough not to be bothered by technical problems much. Kudos!!

Bodyfarm started with a backdrop upside down, but the band went in full throttle. Very cool fact: after a chilling intro the band already shows even more development with their live debut of The Dark Age! [CD review follows, The Dark Age is the first song on Battle Breed]. Here’s the set list (thanks Bram!) :
- Hellish March (intro)
- The Dark Age
- Heartraped (Thomas swearing ‘this is Bodyfarm’s third show in Willemeen, third time I break a fucking tooth with this sucking mic!’, bloodstain on set list)
- Der Landkreuzer
- Malevolence (Thomas joking about ‘very old shit’ :))
- Firing Squad
- Storming Revolution
- Wolfpack
- Death by Fire
- The Coming Scourge (the solo part Bram does, right in front of me, nearly brings a tear to my eye. It is soooo beautiful!!)
- The Well of Decay (the solo part Thomas does, right in front of me, nearly brings a tear to my eye. It is soooo beautiful!!)
- Unbroken
- Slaves of War (encore, not on the set list)
When will the world know more of this awesome OSDM band?? If it’s up to me, let Bodyfarm replace Paradise Lost on MDF 2016!! I already told Thomas I’m going to send some Battle Breed copies over the ocean, see what it will bring… KILLER KILLER KILLER band, very cool set, the new songs are sharper than a razor, well mixed, brought with fire… AWESOME!! After Unbroken the crowd keeps shouting for more, the band look at the Willemeen volunteers and get their extra minutes of fame… Playing the new CD I soon spot Slaves of War as a bonus track, it’s been re-recorded and sounds even blunter than before. I gave Benji a patch, got Thirza her shirt, got my CDs signed by the entire band and I get thanked for showing up by Thomas, who seems to be a secret reader of my Concert Reviews on MRUforums.com :) [thanks for the compliment, my friend!!]. With Maarten we even have ‘Our little Bodyfarm moment’ hahaha.

As I am soaking wet I strip in Willemeen for my dry shirt, the Puur Obscuur one kept dripping ;). I am tired as fuck, sore throat, halfway the Bodyfarm set I feel like my skin is on my right and my bones are on my right… my head in between. Exhausted we agree to see each other again on Eindhoven Metal Meeting and we’re off. I picked up Thirza so early all she had had to eat were some cold noodles but I had seen a Macca before parking. I ordered the new Maestro burgers and some fries, but what we get is an enormous bag of ‘ordinary’ hamburgers. But to find that out we needed the VW Golf Mk II diesel and let me tell you, the parking garage near Arnhem Central Station is a maze, unbelievable! From 2E we walk to 3B, then 4E, weird staircases and off edges, but we need 4D! Opening the Macca sack was fun, as we both know the panic that arises in a Macca when someone gets a wrong order. We got 9 hamburgers and two chicken burgers!! Laughing we leave the city, again in pouring rain. My ThirzaThirza hardly picks up signal, so the hobby will never change I guess :(. On the road home we have some great music (CCR, After Forever) and the anecdotes about college, boyfriends and festivals fly through the car. I return Thirza to her home and smiling like a firing squad I search for a gas station. I nearly didn’t make it, as it’s way past 2 AM and most gas stations are closed. The one with a night pole has a defect pay pole.. fackkk! With an engine stuttering I manage to find my last hope and pour in 20 l of diesel. But I don’t care about diesel too much. I had an excellent night, lots of friends and mostly: great bands, a killer combo of death metal, an excellent CD presentation, a shirt+denim soaking wet, arms heavy and BODYFARM!! Go check them out www.bodyfarmdeathmetal.com , they do play Eindhoven Metal Meeting and one more show in Gorinchem (https://www.facebook.com/BruutMetalfeest oh chips I’m in London then) this year, before entering Hell Inside (again) and Protzen Open Air. Big chance I show up somewhere! Metal!!

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:23 pm 

Rotterdam Deathfest, feat. Cancer, Loudblast; Baroeg Rotterdam

November 14th is Daniel’s birthday and what better way to celebrate than with one of his all time favorite bands live in Rotterdam: Cancer! He’d get tickets, I’d drive. Fine. Axel might join us by himself, but I haven’t heard much from him lately. I haven’t had much time to ask anyone else to join us, I was fine with that too. We agreed I’d pick Daniel up around noon, drive smoothly to Rotterdam and wash away any fake metallic rose scent off me (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/gunznrozes ... orn-17419/ ) Driving to Enkhuizen Daniel texted me one band had cancelled, I replied ‘pity that was your favorite band today right’ :) No, it’s not ;). As you might know, Rotterdam Deathfest is ACTUALLY the predecessor of Neurotic Deathfest, which started as a one-day-five-death-metal-bands festival, moved to Nijmegen, expand to two then three days in Tilburg. Last year there had been a Rotterdam Deathfest too, but that info got to us too late. So… I have seen Loudblast with Cannibal Corpse and with Death in 1992, see what happened to those guys. Apophys present, along with some bands I had never heard or seen before. Coming to Rotterdam I got an unfriendly message my car wasn’t welcome in Rotjeknor anymore? Checking internet showed my car is considered an environmental hazard, take the bike next time? Park my car, get an even more hazardous bus to Lombardijen and return, my windows smashed in, old radio stolen, no need to complain to the city councel? Damned. After a normal muesli breakfast my stomach was pretty empty again, so after the wristbands had been swirled we already left the building ;). The mashed potatoes weren’t really top notch, but the sateh was great. Fine. I need metal now! First band was Caedere from the East of Holland. The technical brutality seemed to have only one speed, but just as I started to get irritated (a bit) the band bashed in a maul-blunt break and all worries were gone. Later on I assembled the cross Dying Fetus x Napalm Death, including a Barney-like walk on stage.

Kevin (Mastodonianmastodon) was spotted on the ring Rotterdam (or he spotted my car, I don’t recall much, I was driving, right?) was heading for Baroeg for a while, Daniel texted him but later on he texted he had to pick up something in Hoorn. Ehh, why be in Rotterdam, drive to Hoorn and then back to Rotterdam? Up to the second band Buried from Rotterdam. (not on MA yet). The singer wore a Prostitute Disfigurement shirt and I think that suited the music. Daniel thinks of Suffocation and when they play a Bloodbath cover Daniel goes wild. This band is pretty OK to both of us. The third band was the first one to use a professional intro and everybody was in Gregorian mood when Mercyless (http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Mercyless/7544 ) from Mulhouse, Alsace, France enters stage. The first song sounded like ‘Vader on a bad day’ the second to last ones resembled Malevolent Creation, Krisiun and even a hint of Machine Head (squeaky half tones). I cannot make heads nor tails from this. We leave the building before it’s getting more like Ektobarf when some Chaos A.D.-era Sep passes by. We’re not the only ones leaving the building as Eugène and B2 prepare for some charity donations (Love Live, Fight Cancer calendar with pictures of the 2015 edition of 70K; including Schmier, Cronos, Michael Schenker, Mike Amott and … Angzilla and Alan! :)). I bought one calendar and we brought all new shirts to the car.

Loudblast gets introduced by the Buried singer and as they’re from Paris, the audience is asked for one minute silence for the EoDM shootings and bombing last week. Behind the bar there’s not much respect, but in the hall you can hear a needle drop. Impressive. The band begins with thanking everybody for showing up, dedicating several individual songs to deceased friends and they play with a passion, fire, whit, emotionally charged sharp death metal I haven’t heard in quite some time. The band goes 250 per cent!! I don’t know any song titles, but have the Disincarnate on my YT-fave list now. For an idea: https://youtu.be/l4FHEMpvhbc imagine this with fire from their eyes! It’s quite an emotional gig, for band and audience. For the last song they play they need the Mercyless singer Max to do Ace of Spades… haha. I bought some Loudblast patches for my Utrecht friends but couldn’t decide which CD to buy. I looked outside, it rained like hell and wasn’t in for a shower with newly bought silverware… Apophys was up next (why do I keep typing Apophyx all the time?? :) ). After a thrilling Loudblast show (pretty OSDM of course) I am not in the mood for technical stuff and leave after making a few pictures on a camera that nears it’s demise… Daniel liked it for the start, but joined me in my conversation near the bar. I’d been drinking orange soda and water and was in for something else. I knew I had some apple juice in the car and I might need my Metal-R.US sweater for the last walk to the car. Hurry, Cancer is already checking sound!! The band has a screeching loud sound check, but as Daniel recalls ‘this band ALWAYS plays loud’. Oh yeah, thanks for the tip. Some drunk Rotterdammer tries to box our fists all the time, hang around my shoulder, but he doesn’t speak two understandable words in a row. Ugh. I want some headbanging action! Cancer goes in full throttle. I tried to make a picture of the set list, but it’s still my busted screen… I tried to remember as much as I can [at home I have the set list of the Hell Inside show, it’s nearly the same, but these set lists are autographed!] Cancer Fucking Cancer, To The Gory End, Blood Bath, Body Count, Dethroned Emperor, they all pass by in a mist of hairs, arms, sweat and smoke. CANCER KILLED tonight! OK, wrong phrase, but how can I describe such an awesome show? Sharp, loud, fiery, that beautiful Telford accent, some pretty funny anecdotes, we LOVED IT!! Daniel jumps on stage to retrieve the remaining set list for our friend and I get John Walker’s guitar pick. Daniel tries to get one too, but probably Walker doesn’t have any more. The audience tried for nearly a quarter of an hour to get the band back on stage, but as Walker plugs out his effect cabins first, I don’t think they’ll return and they don’t. We say goodbye to B2 and Eus and rush to the car. Daniel can have a HJ if he likes, but he explains he‘s so drunk he might throw up in the car. Daniel knows my rules: I don’t care what you drink or eat in my car but if you throw up you clean. Inside and outside. If you throw up again, repeat cleaning. No need for cleaning, as the first gas station has some doable croissants and plenty of mineral water to refresh Daniel a bit. A long discussion about Illuminati follows, but I lose the thread of the story quite often, I drive. Out of a VW Golf Mk II diesel-unfriendly city. No need to attack coal fueled energy plants as long as you can tax people. Do you think I’d abandon my Mk II just for not entering cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht and Amsterdam? Think again! Think METAL!!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:57 pm 

Epic Metalfest, organized and headlined by Epica, Klokgebouw Eindhoven, Nov. 22nd, feat. Sepultura, Fear Factory, Eluveitie and more

Me and my brother Alex are quite big Epica fans. The band has surprised us often, thrilled us on various occasions, they showed shitloads of progression in both their classical approach, Simone Simons getting a bigger and more varied reach and not to forget: if the band progressed in their roughness, it was notable in both guitarwork as Mark Jansen’s vocals. That you know. The band announced around February that they were organizing an event of their own: Epic Metalfest. It’d be a meeting of bands, friends and fans of Epica and would hold at least a few bands Epica toured with. Moonspell and Eluveitie were known to have been approached by August and that’s when I decided to surprise Alex for his birthday. We’d been fishing, going to shows, blasting Amon Amarth and eating fried cod for so long I thought we’d go with the two of us. Not to forget, tickets were € 44 (incl. fees) so at least Thirza would bail out because of, well, simply put, costs. Drive early, I’d drive to Eindhoven, eat at De Lucht [Alex never has been to a Sub before ;)], Alex would drive home. Alex said he didn’t need my/our AlexAlex but his own PhonePhone made us cut into an unnecessary long waiting line for the parking garage. Het Klokgebouw is in an industrial area with plenty of cheap parking space, but we got in the nearest 4-store-parking garage; ending up on the roof. Whoah am I happy we didn’t park further away! The wind blew my hoodie nearly off my belly… First strange things we met were signs of ‘Beware, Epica is using pyro technics’ :( as if rabid Epica fans would not know the band ALWAYS uses pyro!) Damned terrorists. The line in front of the door was long, the 5 rows in front of ticket scan moved in different speeds (?) and the strip search pissed everybody off. I had to explain about my protection for my glasses AND the tiny plastic box I keep my ear plugs in? Sissies.

Entering the main venue (Storm Stage) made me happy: Bavaria muck has been replaced by Jupiler beer, but we needed coffee first [Sub has nearly tasteless coffee]. I got soon spotted by Brendan (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/whiplash-m ... 1st-17431/ :lol: ) and my colleague Frank and his gf Mirjam. That meant Cas and his gf aren’t far away ;), shared a beer and let Dagoba begin. Uhh, have I seen these guys before or not? Uhh, I don’t think so. I sure as hell won’t do much to see them again, as I had nearly nothing with their Volbeat-style guitars and death metal bleeps ?? Time for beer. Brendan had explained in Cayen he’d be on the Periphery guest list as a friend of Jackson-guitars representative Wouter, but time after time they failed to get backstage. More beer, because I couldn’t actually do much with Periphery playing. The bass is cool but the band has a scarecrow for singer and so we didn’t stay long. To be exact: we left halfway the first song :) Delain didn’t impress us too, we got sick of the 20+ times Charlotte sang ‘Do You Want Me?’; our reaction ‘only she doesn’t open her mouth’ :). One person I never mind opening her mouth is B2, I still have a MDF shirt for her. During Rotterdam Deathfest she said she’d be selling the Love Life, Fight Cancer calendars again, but now I couldn’t find nor her nor Eus. Another notice: during the Delain show it got pretty crowded in the foyer/food hall. My goodness, what a greasy wiff of hamburgers there, Alex nearly forgot the foot long Sub he already had ;)

I had explained about my encounters with Fear Factory to Alex and Frank and Alex seemed ready for some industrial-death-metal-Cazares style. The sound was pretty good, but Burton C. Bell totally has forgotten how he did those 1995 grunts… Again, we left before half-time and got ourselves some merchandise… still looking for B2 of course, no success. Moonspell is up next on Universe Stage. Fernando Ribeiro sounds absolutely amazing and the band does a fine selection of all their material, but the band mix is below par. It seems the band is drowning in their own mud; strangely enough the band sounds a lot better standing in relative ease near Storm Stage. Hearing Opium and Awake still give me smiles to my face. What’s happening? So far the bands or the sound, there’s always something wrong today. Is it Klokgebouw, is the atmosphere not sufficient, is it the fact this audience sure ISN’T metal audience, should this be held in Effenaar instead? People look at me funny, with my denim and Napalm Death shirt… Napalm Death played Klokgebouw the day before, on Speedfest! [ along with Peter Pan Speedrock, Carcass, Obituary, Voïvod, Danko Jones, Pro-Pain and The Vintage Caravan. The Eagles of Death Metal, non-surprisingly, had to cancel]. Off to Eluveitie then. Nobody seemed to notice the end of Moonspell as it became quite full at Storm Stage, kids, elderly people, all together for some folkmetal. The band went in after a long sound check and that sound check was worth it, the sound was exactly loud enough and well balanced. Main vocalist Chrigel Glanzmann has a guitar, a mandolin, some flutes and 7 more musicians to his aid and the band goes in with a swing. Not really a swing of an axe like during a Paganfest, but they’re happy to play with Epica once more. They’re higher on the bill than I originally expected, but the kids and oldies go nuts. But, having only two albums, the band doesn’t really confront us much and we leave to be in time for Sepultura. Hah!! Time for some pitting! Derrick Green starts the show just like he did on RockHard: ‘let’s enjoy some of the 32 years this band has been around’ and put Inner Self and Propaganda early in the set. The band has brought a huge drum tom for Derrick to pound on when necessary and he happily uses it to stir the crowd up even more. As if Sepultura fans need more stirring right now, me and Brendan surely are Kings of the Pit most of the show. One tiny incident: when my arm gets swung into a direction I didn’t plan to go, my elbow hits a small woman (just around 5 feet, I guess) and… she goes down!! Actually it’s not my fault so I make room for her, gently try to pull her up and see if she needs First Aid she asks ‘where am I?’ Ouch, I must have really hit her on a dangerous spot and I volunteer to bring her to First Aid. At the First Aid stand the obnoxious security man asks if a bucket of water will suffice? The ucfk, sucker, get out of our way! I am truly happy the REAL First Aid personnel is doing what they’re trained to do and one of the girl’s friends thank me for helping. I’m off to the last pit entry [couldn’t NOT do it ;) ]: Sepultura Under My Skin. I’ve heard a.o. Beneath the Remains, Territory, Arise, Refuse-Resist, The Curse-Bestial Devastation !! , Ratamahatta, said Sep-Skin and the only hit single they had in Holland: Roots Bloody Roots. They played for 75 minutes, the rest of the set was more recent stuff from A-Lex, Nation, Roorback and so on. I came out of Universe Stage with a grin so wide I had to enter the refreshment room walking sideways, just to splash the sweat off.

I had to recuperate quite a lot, so I decided to have an extra plastic glass with me, walking up and down to the refreshment room to fill it up with water. Wise decision, as I still had to work early the next day. I didn’t need a beer buzz to feel good, I just had Kisser, Junior, Green and Casagrande making this fest worth it. Now, for the main dish tonight we gathered at some 20 meters from Storm Stage for Epica. The band has not released much since the Retrospect DVD set and we were eager, some 5,000 strong. The intro was pretty cool, but I couldn’t restrain myself and returned to Universe Stage for a guitar pick, a set list or even a bottle the band used, but found nothing. Was it premonition? Essence of Silene early in the set, Sensorium being greeted cheerfully, then Fools of Damnation, but Alex and me kept looking at each other. What’s going on? What a pussy crowd and worse: what a shrill sounding Simone! The band showed enthusiasm, but their mix seemed totally out of the building. I even thought ‘Simone must not turn into some doof Melissa Etheridge rip off as Storm the Sorrow sounded like a pestilential doll house!! Huh, the fuck, que?? Not even 20 minutes in and we, the hardcore Westfriesian Epica fans, were searching for our locker already!! This was badddd!! Even before we’re at the car I showed my lack of understanding what we’ve just seen, it’s been my 24th Epica show, NEVER EVER A BAD DESCRIPTION!! I just hope they had ‘just an off day’!

Coming to Macca a few minutes later we saw three burgers before we had one we could actually eat, as, for a joke, I ordered the Maestro ‘without cheese’. First one was too old to serve, second one was out of tomato instead of cheese and the third wasn’t even a Maestro, that was a Chicken Sensation. OK sorry, that’s Alex’ one :) We drove home playing music of youth sentiment, we shouted every piece of lyric from Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours, Simple Minds 81-82-83-84, Rose Tattoo’s Nice Boys and AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds until we both were sore :) I got delivered at my doorstep, I could still use a beer but took a Wieckse Radler 0,0 and awakening some five hours later I was happy I didn’t take the 5 per cent HJ ;). A long day outside followed without any problems, but the nagging feeling remains as I look at my new Epic Metalfest shirt. Most of the bands / sound were below par, Sepultura being totally top notch and it’s our first negative Epica experience ever. Then again, we met friends, made another new story and we had metal. Fine.

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:52 pm 

Kutschurft, Pulverised (Den Helder), Manifesto Hoorn, Nov.27th

Kutschurft, the band that will surely destroy anyone’s appetite any given day, did some gigs again. The band members all have several other bands and to keep things dirty, they don’t do much shows. Manifesto got their signatures for a show with Braincasket, but the latter had to cancel. I offered Jessica to spread as much flyers to, let’s say, Epic Metalfest but as Braincasket cancelled on such short notice all they could do was spread some month-covering billboards but without support act. Fine. I had been discussing this evening for quite some time with Alex, as he won 2 sets of 2 tickets to any Manifesto show he’d like to go to. He couldn’t find the e-mail supporting that win and I asked him on Thursday if I had to get myself tickets then. Moaning he was so tired, angry, over-planned and extra-scheduled I got to a tobacco-, video- and ticketshop and asked tickets for Kutschurft. The venue was quite full and the salesman was horrified, looking at my Kreator hoodie he understood. Smiling widely I said ‘yes, I was aware of such a reaction could happen to the band name’ and paid with a grin. Tom got at my place for inpilzen, we’d go by my car and get home by taxi.

At the door we already met our Enkhuizen friends and without even getting to the bar I got a beer from Peter (Lord Belial) and Luco. The DJ was doing great, so now Peter also knows about Vital Remains :) No wishiwashi rock DJ, no, a full blown death metal strife was going on. We met Kevin, Daniel, The Bovenkarspel Boys even Kees Drug was present. Hey, we can have a beer with Brendan too. Good. Let the onslaught begin. Pulverised from Den Helder came to stage, bloody doll heads all over the stage, the band bloody, what else can you expect but the bluntest of brutal death metal? It was fun seeing half of Dystopia on stage too, having fun with death metal. For info: check http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Pulverised/112190. The singer burst out of his pants and ended the show in his knickers ;) I got a set list:
- Mutilated Face
- Paul the Polio Guy
- Struikelgraf
- Mugabe Bukake
- Kotsluik
- Abortus Instantus https://youtu.be/kXB7-eJcZEw (check out the band photos at 0:38 :lol: )
- Dovakhiin
- Troops of Doom
Yes this was fun. It had become quite busy in and outside Manifesto, loads of friends swarming the merch stand. Of course shirts like ‘Zolang de Voorhuid Strekt’ [As far as the foreskin stretches] and ‘Kut maar Krachtig’ [Cunt of Force?] were sold, even to some Westwouders ;). The pit magically attracted us… with several Mexican fight masks and champion belts near it was great! Here’s the Kutschurft set list:
- Met je Tieten in de Bankschroef
- Worst Kees Scenario
- Greppelslet (Ditch Slut)
- In een Waas van Tenenkaas (stench of toe cheese)
- Kebab Yum
- De Lucht van Weggeweest
- Bukkake Barbie
- Rampetampeloeres (Huge dick)
- Ella Chupa Con Passion
- Liposuctie
- Over Smaak Valt Niet te Fisten
- Kamikaze Kamasutra
- Karbonade Brigade
- Met Je Kanus in Me Anus
- Rugmergtering
- Zeg ‘ns Aaarghh
- Metal is een Mannensport
- Maak me Gek met je Doorligplek
- Die Keizersnee nam me Eetlust mee
- Boer Hoekt Vrouw
- Pieter Baan Blues (word joke on a psychiatric ward)
- Droeve Foef (Sad mofo)
- Strak in’t Pak (Dressed to Kill)
- Fotsekrank
- Temptation Weiland
- Efteling Ellendeling
For the rest of the translations just use http://www.mruforums.com/f22/braindeadf ... ijk-12652/ :) The band got plenty of cheers and beers to return, but after more than an hour the band had seen it was good. Funny to see George Oosthoek, one of the most famous Dutch death metal singers (Orphanage, Pleurisy, Celestial Season) without any hair and in a skinless suit playing drums; bass player resembled Satan and a singer in a vile killer mask :) Tony got his set list signed ‘Jij bent een lamlul’ [you are a dirty dick] haha and Tony’s friend Michael got his signed ‘You are a pervert, greetings, Kutschurft’ :) Michael explained he’d seen the band 17 times and has been befriended to the band for a long time.

But I had lost Tom somehow and as I was low on cash (dùh) I even considered taking my car! Fool! Tony brought help, he dragged me to his place and dropped me on his couch. Thank you so much my friend!! Totally hungover I awoke, feeling dead ashamed for wanting to drive home drunk as skunk… but I paid my respect to my deceased friend (died drunk on a moped, hittping a pole) and moved on. My sister had been working on a few of my patched clothes and gave me a nice black denim shirt for a new edition: The Dutch Denim. A shirt of The Shavers already has been cut out for it, I have a pile of Dutch patches waiting already (Hail of Bullets, Severe Torture, Epica, God Dethroned, Gorefest, GSBC, Asphyx, Sinister, After Forever and some festival coins/wrist bands). Typing this I have some nice YT-thrash-or-die compilation of four hours.. pizza in the oven but I hardly dare to start eating. At least last night’s showarma came back… but I don’t complain and I don’t hear Alex stutter about tiredness. I stutter metal!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:32 am 

Ruhrpott Metal Meeting, Dec. 4-5, Turbinenhallen, Oberhausen Germany, feat. Accept, Sodom, Armored Saint, Asphyx, Deserted Fear

I have always enjoyed travelling even to a point of near ridiculousness. Driving to Munich on Saturday, home on Sunday… 1770 km in one weekend for three bands. Oberhausen isn’t that far, it’s a 150 minute drive max, but the line up decided we’d have to go. Sodom, Accept and Deserted Fear in one weekend, in Germany? Nearly the hometown of Sodom, doing an ancient set? Yeah! Even better: Asphyx and Dr. Living Dead! were announced too!! I thought Distillator would show up too, but I don’t remember whether I made up that rumor myself or not… Tickets weren’t that expensive and an hotel was affordable, so let’s go! I figured The Bovenkarspel Boys would be celebrating Kees’ and Jelle’s birthdays, so we’d go with the two of us. Daniel had already found a FC Schalke 04 fan shop near Turbinenhalle so we’d fill the gap between breakfast and bands no problemo. Driving to Germany playing German metal is fun too, we sang along to Fleshcrawl and Destruction just before Into The Lungs of Hell hit Oberhausen hard. That’s God Dethroned, that’s Dutch hahaha. At the hotel I soon spotted parking officers, but if they were bonded to the hotel or to the city I never knew. First question: can I park for free somewhere, the hotel charged € 19 for 24 hours and I didn’t want a parking fine… I got answered in three languages :) but could park my VW Golf Mk II diesel just around the corner. For free. Mental note to self: check every day if no unwanted papers are attached to the wind shield wiper ;) Doing my hobby walking wasn’t fun, as I had no scarf and with my jacket entirely closed was too warm. I knew Turbinenhallen has lockers, so I’d put in anything in, especially the FC04G scarf I’d buy. With two hands full of coupons (FAILLL!!) and a newly given festival shirt [[THANKS!!!]] we soon met a man I’d been talking to just before, he thought Accept and Armored Saint would play today. Nice meeting you Andy, let’s have a beer before Final Depravity took the stage. They started their set for less than 50 people, but rocked the joint! It’s tight (especially the drums; Ventor’s son remember? ;)) and loud. OK, Germany allows more volume during shows, but it never got too loud. The sound man surely had a good day! The band played material from their both albums and some new tunes: coolest song was Thrash is Just the Beginning and Wave of Desperation is a new one. Here’s there YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/finaldepravity Damned, forgot to buy any CD/merch!

We kept talking to Andy and we took him to the metal market, have slice of pizza (cold…) and I met Paul Baayens. I told him I was a bit worried the Goddess stand had no Thanatos merch and we both smiled. Hint for the future ;) I sort of avoided any comment on Hail of Bullets, although I am a big fan I won’t judge about breaking up with Martin. They still meet in Asphyx… Quickly we returned to the stage as Vektor was ready to shred! The band played fierce, sharp and loud and the first little pit of the day is a fact. I had not seen the band before but I knew the band members knew my MRU buddy A2C ;) Deserted Fear is up next and Daniel is near the front of the stage. I missed one song having drank so much I needed a leak or two ;). The band went in full throttle and got what they deserved: a nicely filled audience, headbanging like sharks to bait. At least I heard My Empire, Kingdom of Worms, Bury Your Dead. We. Love. This. Band!! We met the Distillator guys, they tour with Vektor these days. I also met Frank Godzik, former guitarist of both Sodom and Kreator, made a picture. Nice man. [coming home I found out the old Samsung really has died now, I can’t find ANYTHING as the damned thing won’t even open properly anymore! Fuck, I really thought I had some cool pictures!].

We got another round of beers from Andy and I even ran back to the bar for another one, as I didn’t want to miss my front row place for Asphyx!! The band also had an awesome sound and had some 45 minutes to conquer Oberhausen. They killed! I made a picture of the set list I got from Alwin and gave it away, I have plenty of those.. Luckily I also wrote:
- The Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin
- Into the Timewaste (smiling to a ravenously banging Daniel :) )
- Death The Brutal Way
- Deathhammer
- Wasteland of Terror (bro time with Martin)
- Asphyx – Forgotten War (Stefan hitting his sticks until they break :) )
- Scorbutics
- The Rack
- Last One on Earth (I wrote Last Song of the Year ;) as the band won’t do more shows in 2015, as Martin explained)
With a smile like an undertaker, my neck some six feet below, I stumbled to the toilet. I was sooo happy!! Two such great live bands in a row, one shitty follow-up… Aleshit. I did wear my Annwn shirt :) to piss the guys off, (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/eindhoven- ... 1-a-12778/ ) but happily I didn’t meet them face to face. Daniel wanted to see the band, so I had some time to wander the merch stands, have another pizza (quite hot now) and bought me some patches. The man behind him lives in the same village as Bob Bagchus so I recognized the accent ;) I have his business card if I come up with stuff I can no longer find elsewhere. I am thinking of my Dutch denim to build, so I might end up e-mailing him about Soulburn, Vanderbuyst, Vandenberg and maybe a big Gorefest patch. For the first time ever I see all three Asphyx back patches next to each other, mine is clearly the sharpest one :) At the merch stand the Vektor guys have a great time joking about A2C and I have some more surprises for him ;) I got my Deserted Fear promo card signed by the band.

I still want a decent spot for the ancient Sodom set that’s about to happen next. Tom Angelripper is in a great mood, he’d been friendly to nearly the entire audience before the show. Would he bring Blackfire onto stage as a special treat? No, but the joy is so visible, the sound is amazing and get ready for this:
- Witching Metal
- Outbreak of Evil
- Proselytism Real
- Sodomy and Lust
- Christ Passion
- Mortal Way of Life
- Nuclear Winter
- Bombenhagel
- Tired and Red
- Agent Orange
- Ausgebombt
- The Saw is the Law
- An Eye for an Eye
This is a good show! The band went in flawless, even if the old versions aren’t flawless on vinyl by far :) We were both getting drunk (a bit) and had no energy left for At the Gates. I thought they wouldn’t top Sodom, Asphyx nor Deserted Fear anyway. Time for one final Beck’s at the hotel and off.

We had not opted for breakfast at the hotel, as it would be a lot cheaper to find some bread and coffee without costing € 20 per person per day… Daniel had found a Sub at the main Bahnhof and we were in for a walk anyway. It was windy, but the first customers of the day had a great coffee + great baguette ;) We roamed the big mall for the FCS04G shop and Saturn, bought a nice influential-to-AC/DC album and a German blu ray for Harry Potter 7. Pity they didn’t have HP8 or else this part of my HP collection would be complete too. The Christmas Market had excellent crèpes and way too many Dutchies :/ We got to Turbinenhalle about half an hour before Gloryful would hit the stage. Err what’s this? Power metal name, folk metal logo, but also an aggressive skull in the back drop? Death metal? Nah, not by far. Within the first song we called it Kopfschmerzenmetall and laughing we went back to the merch hall for a final purchase. I think I can cheat a little with my Dutch denim, as I finally, finally bought a Van Halen patch :) They were born and raised in Nijmegen, OK? :) The second band was called Air Raid and thinking of Bruce Dickinson’s nickname it was clear this band supposed to be a tribute to 1982 Iron Maiden. But failed miserably. OK, the singer hits the highs, but the music is a bbbbbaadddd bbbbbaadddd rip off to TNotB. Third band was unknown to me as well, but Daniel helped: Beyond the Black is no Metal Church tribute but a ‘heavier than Delain female fronted band’. I stuck to Delain and left within minutes. Bored. It’s all too sweet for me now, I need some speed, some aggression, maybe even some friendship as I met Alwin of Asphyx and his girlfriend Christa just before Dr. Living Dead! hits the stage! OMFFFF’n deity, it’s witty as Suicidal Tendencies before they overgrooved, hint of Municipal Waste, Agnostic Front staccato, Sick of it All energy and Biohazard jumps on stage. Who’s D.R.I. again ? :) :) Killer set too!! I met a smiling Martin again and had a great chat with Alan Namtheanga about 1990 death metal ;) and border inspections during the Pestilence tour to Scandinavia ;) ‘Wearing 25 shirts, wobbling like a Michelin man, "anything to declare?" 'No sir’ :) . Again, why didn’t I buy any merch? Dr. Living Dead! surely deserved it!

I wasn’t in for Armored Saint much, even though I love John Bush’ voice; saw one or two songs. I met him briefly when Primordial got to stage, but the picture is nowhere to be found. Of Primordial I only saw Empires Fall and an Alan (and Martin ;)) totally freaking out. This music is to be played loud and thankfully Turbinenhalle delivered! Very short encounter, but sure worth it! After Primordial Daniel and me looked at each other and wondered: if we’re to drive tomorrow, me getting drunk, not wanting to spoil a great Primordial moment / Dr.LD set, Final Depravity memories, would be pass and hour and a half just so that Daniel can see Accept? The HammerFall shirts were laughable (some posh talk about the future of metal, winter to come, metal to prevail, glory to HF, yadayadabull) and I surely wasn’t helping. We decided to skip Accept and head out to our beds. We had fun, we were kinda out of coupons, no desire to get drenched in beer anymore, OK, let’s go. After a short night I ate the croissants Daniel had refused to eat (pork) and a too-cold banana milk drink I drove home. Again, no unwanted paper on my wind shield and off. Coffee for the road, hot cocoa and cold Chocomel I delivered Daniel home, some two hours before I’d told my family to be able to make it to our Sinterklaas family meeting at my niece Linda’s home. I wasn’t even late haha and I got what I wanted: family, a German edition of The Prisoner of Azkaban, chocolate bars and metal!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:45 pm 

Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2015, Dec. 11-12 feat. Candlemass, Behemoth, Nuclear Assault, Samael; Effenaar Eindhoven

If you ever get your hands on my agendas, you will notice the second weekend of December will always be filled in first. Eindhoven Metal Meeting. So far I haven’t missed a single day of this wide and international metal festival. It started as a follow-up to the Arnhem Metal Meeting, which was smaller (Musis Sacrum can hold some 1,500 visitors, the entire Effenaar probably some 3,500 people). Sometimes I forget Tom’s not around every single concert, so I bought two tickets. Tried a ticket- and hotel swap with Jessica, but she turned that down some two weeks before the festival. No worries, Kees Bloemkool had been thinking about going to EMM as well, he’d bring Alicia with him too. All costs would be divided by three, tickets, hotel, parking, and diesel! Kees asked if I could drive, as his muffler had been leaking somewhat. Oh yeah never mind the noise, as I probably need another wheel baring ;)

I slept late on Friday as I’d pick Kees and Alicia up around 2 PM. Got myself and my brother some fried cod to begin the weekend and off to Eindhoven! We were lucky, no traffic jams and pretty good weather to drive. At the Sandton we were already greeted by René and John! Cool! At the Effenaar I nearly thought I’d lost my ticket, but I just have too much pockets :) No need to wait just for the small entrance, no hiphop, beertime!! Before Kees got me my first round of beers I already bought an EMM 2015 shirt and moaned to organizer Roman if he’d finally made festival patches. Now I got him face palming, he’d forgotten to bring them! He wanted my address and he’d send one to me. Thanks a lot my friend! First band we got to see was Aeturnus. The sound was good, but the songs didn’t make a lasting impression. I finally found B2 and handed her a MDF 2015 shirt, she was so happy! My Hannover friends Simone and Monika were there too! Together we watched Onslaught do… onslaught :) The band went in fully fledged, nicely fierce fucking us up! Monika looked at me and said ‘I’ll hold your glasses’ :) and I got in hard! Wow, second band of the day, already a nice pit!! What else to expect with songs like Let There Be Death, Spitting Blood in the Face of God, Erase & Rewind and more? The Hannover ladies surprised me by saying they’re both quite busy with water, energy and purity, not by surprise three of my main guidelines! Thanks a lot, ladies, that talk was refreshing! Needed that! Spirituality or not, Nifelheim got the prize for nastiest, dirtiest and vilest show of the festival. The brothers Gustavsson and Co. filled the big hall with a nice wall of sound, funny corpse paint, zombie- like walks and blistering volume. I loved it so much I made a mental note to myself to get me another patch of this hilarious band. I’d ask for more Dutch bands and HJ as I’d return to the foyer. In the foyer there was also HJ on tap, but I refused to mix beers; I didn’t want to stay in the foyer too long to begin with… the Heavy Vetwal fumes of burning meat were a bit thick and… God Dethroned was next!

God Dethroned was on the warpath!! I had spoken to Henri the night before, now drummer Michiel (including short cut :p) joined the conversation. The band went in like a tank into a small village, all guns blazing! The Art of Immolation, No Man’s Land, Under a Silver Moon and Nihilism KILLED the audience, the effect was like a mass grave after the show, great!!! I must have missed at least two song titles as the band had 50 minutes to shred, but my smiley wet face made my point: I loved it! [thanked Henri and Michiel the next day ;)]. I was getting drunk fast, as Koen, Pim and Pim got me pint sized glasses of beer. In the small hall I already missed Purgatory, Conan and Heretic, as the venue filled up so rapidly. I was eager to see Acid Reign’s return to the European continent and it was fun!! The band, sometimes referred to as ‘joke to Nuclear Assault’ already was in Christmas mood and the fast, but also a bit wooly music landed good. The band got 45 minutes, but I didn’t see it all. Like said, I was getting drunk and not wanting to walk alone or need a taxi I searched for Kees and Alicia to return. No Kees. No Alicia. They later explained they had not much desire to see Nergal and Co. again and weren’t impressed by Candlemass. Err, did you see those bands? Were you gone AFTER I went out? Where the hell have I been so long? I must have walked the wrong way, as I was cold and swearing loud by the time I found a taxi driver to explain I was only 200 m away from the hotel? He understood why I was so angry with myself ;). Brush teeth, out.

We already knew we wouldn’t use breakfast at the hotel, that would be € 22 per person per day. I knew a HEMA nearby and we ate there. Buttermilk, coffee, salmon and good sausage on delicious bread, now for just € 10 ;) I decided to call Clemens and visited him. Later on we walked through the city, as we’d seen a new vinyl record store. I bought Mercyful Fate – I Still Remember Dynamo Open Air, a strictly limited edition (I have number 18 :)) and a Raven one – Nothing Exceeds like Excess. I was happy Alicia already paid me some of the money for the ticket and hotel, as I could not PIN anymore? Damned, have I been mauling some € 250 already? Err, possible :S

Not wanting to be too late for neither Distillator nor Bodyfarm we split up. I watched some song and a half from Distillator (War Monger and Distillator) before bashing into Bodyfarm once more. I got Bram’s set list (Thanks!!!) :
- Intro
- The Dark Age
- Death By Fire
- The Coming Scourge
- The Well of Decay
- Firing Squad
- Wolfpack
- Storming Revolution
- Unbroken

The band clearly has practiced the new songs quite hard, as it’s sharp and fierce. The sound was excellent, Thomas sounded clear as a bell; both vocals and guitar were great. The band was thanked by a nice pit, which I happily joined after ‘our little Bodyfarm moment’ once again with Alicia :) I just don’t understand why those bands were booked so tightly amongst each other, I would have liked to support Distillator even more. The Vektor guys were asked on stage, I later heard, but I haven’t seen that. I was at Bodyfarm already… and enjoyed it a lot. At the small I hall I had some three, four songs by Angelus Apatrida, to be honest I was surprised this is actually a thrash metal band. I always thought they played death metal. I liked it though. It made me think of Forbidden, but then fiercer. In the big hall one band that tickled Kees’ mind for a long time, he kept saying he forgot the name of Necros Christos ;) The band is static on stage, the doom bored me soon as this band does nearly nothing to connect to the audience. Beertime in the small hall.

Next up was Vektor, the cross between old Voïvod and Agent Steel was highly appreciated by Kees and me. The band played songs from both full lengths and got a nice pit as thank you. They were happy to see me after the show and I got a beer from Blake. Such a friendly man!! Not just because of the beer he brought me (during Desaster), but also in anecdotes to Arizona metal heads :) Talking to Blake and David made me miss Disabuse again… clearly not my band, I guess, otherwise I must have seen them by now… they’re one of Hollands oldest hardcore / thrash / crossover bands… never saw them…

AHAB was another new experience to me, they were booked in the place of Loudblast, who cancelled the show a few weeks before the festival. The doom / death took a while to enter, but René told me this band was one his reasons to enter EMM once more. The quarter fell when the vocals changed from ultradeep grunt to clear vocals, this man can sing!! At first I thought I wasn’t in for doom so I made only one picture, but I wanted to see Desaster too. The German thrashers had an entire small hall to their hands; I could hardly get in and get me some pictures. The band played a nice cross of old and new material and the sound was clear, even for such filthy music ;) Good band! The audience went totally bananas and it seemed a perfect path to Nuclear Assault! The final goodbye-to-Europe show was great. The band was tight as hell, sound was good and the pit was sweet. I was offered water and beer to keep bashing in ;) The set list could have been the same as on Dynamo Metalfest or PartySan, but I don’t really bother. As long as they don’t play stuff from Out of Order or Something Wicked it’s fine with me. I made the loss of Nuclear Assault to the European metal collective a worthy one ;) Great show. I stayed around in between bands and explained about the Marduk show Daniel and me had seen in Essen last April. Marduk went in and conquered. The sound could have been better (huh? First time a below par sound, all weekend? Strange) but the crowd went nuts. After somewhat half the show I moved out as I knew Rompeprop was added to the bill to replace Gama Bomb. What? Another Eindhoven Insanity Rompeprop show? Lovely. As I expected, Axel also showed up! I got Dirty Dr. Dente’s set list (again, thanks!) :
- Intro https://youtu.be/bLOCA1TjdKs
- Horroble Hangover (says the set list :):) Don’t know if it’s meant as horror or horrible )
- Vulcanic Eskimo
- Cleveland Steamer
- Swarming of the Cysts
- Coughing Coffin
- K’nijnen mee
- Embryoyo
- Pelikanenlul
- Tante Shampoo
- Vaginal Luftwaffe https://youtu.be/4G8lPg7pGH8
- Horror Whore House
- We Want Gore
- Dislocated Purple Stoma
See Pim, Axel, Kees, Alicia and the beach ball fly by: https://youtu.be/F6VcpMs4RBo Alicia liked it so much she bought a Vaginal Luftwaffe shirt :) It was a party!!! I found the Bodyfarm guys and they signed a copy of Battle Breed ‘voor Alicia’. I did not return to the small hall anymore, I found Pim, Pim, Marcel II, Marcel III, Marcel IV and had a nice beer with most of them. We were waiting for Samael, doing an integral Ceremony of Opposites show. So, no need for a set list, but sure as hell need for more ear plugs! Holy cow, was this loud! Easily the loudest set of the entire festival, but tight and heavy as fuck too. The band is clearly in shape, they blasted every single stroke as accurate as possible. I know, Dane would probably kill me after this, but I was getting tired and got to my locker halfway in the set. I had lost Kees and Alicia again, so another stagger through the cold alone. And drunk. I had a hunch I was near the street I was supposed to go to, but the map only showed bus lines and especially no point ‘you are here’ and as I don’t really know Eindhoven that good, it took me nearly an hour to get someone to explain where I was. Again, some 250 m from the hotel, but now from a different angle. Shit. I hate to walk alone this way, this is becoming a nasty hobby!! But alas, Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2015 is over again. We slept until 10 and headed out for De Lucht for another visit to Sub; Friday’s foot long was necessary, now I ate a half footer hesitantly. The coffee was what I needed more but no harm done. I delivered Kees and Alicia in Hoogkarspel and went home. Laundromat, voetbal, Chinese, MRU. Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016, second week of December already noted!

Reactions on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/eindhoven- ... aar-17462/
The 2014 edition: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/eindhoven- ... gel-16968/
2013: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/my-anniver ... ing-15274/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:42 am 

Bloodbash: Bloodbath, Aborted in Electric Ballroom, London, Dec. 18th (organized by Bloodbath themselves, as no British venue or festival would book them)

After one excellent appearance on Bloodstock Bloodbath never returned to the UK (to be seen on Bloodbath over Bloodstock DVD, recorded 2010, released 2011). I wasn’t there then, but I had seen Bloodbath with Åkerfeldt on Graspop 2008 and with Nick Holmes on Neurotic Deathfest, Maryland Deathfest and PartySan, the last three in 2015. Daniel on the other hand only had the red stains on Neurotic and PartySan and he needed more. The first announcements held a hint to maybe a final dripping show ever as ‘the thirteenth candle would die out’, ‘final(ly, sp?) UK appearance’. It got Daniel so aroused he asked me to use my credit card and got himself one too. Booked a hotel, booked flights and … notice Bloodbath would appear on 70K.. fine. In the month before the gig I got an urgent e-mail the hotel would be refurbished and we got to choose which other one we’d stay in, no extra charge. Err, that’s way beyond Camden, we’d do the entire city through underground. Reviews of the ‘new’ hotel were bad, let’s see what happens… Dave Ingham also confirmed his journey to London!

Coming to Schiphol we already started joking ‘Mind your step – step your mind – your step minded’ and that would continue into London: ‘Mind the Gap – gap your mind – step your gap’ ;) Put some Gangnam beat under it, cash in!! But London is so hip, I got annoyed by the really ‘wrong’ knitted Christmas sweaters! Ughh, Rednosed Rudolph as overkill! We got ourselves an Oyster Card for travelling and got to the Electric Ballroom, yup that’s a real electric piece! Loads of light, but also a band was already checking sound! It would take up to an hour and a half extra to open the doors, so we got some pizza, being watched by an steet artist impression of Maradonna; of course the pizza parlor was called Napoli… we were still literally the first ones at the door, met the lovely French lady Khã, heard another band check sound (Aborted? Probably) got shooed into a line and already found Dave! Cool! The merch wasn’t really my style, but as there was a mention of ‘Electric Ballroom, London, December 18th 2015’ we both got one. Brutal! Nice hints to Jack the Ripper and Bolt Thrower’s War Master, I thought.

The Electric Ballroom is an ancient venue, seeing all the concert posters: Talkingheads, The Specials, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, OMD and The Cramps all had played there for some £ 3 entry fee :) and they sure haven’t forgotten eighties music: before the first band started we were ‘welcomed’ by Bob Marley and the Wailers, Peter Tosh, Eddy Grant… and death metal: the first band was the winner of a Twitter competition Bloodbath themselves unleashed upon London. They’re called Ancient Ascendant and they play a cross between Morgoth, Darkane and Disbelief; sometimes the vocals sound like Gollum, sometimes like Jan-Chris de Koeyer… not bad. I thought they were quite new to the scene but no: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Anc ... dant/62354 two full lengths, three EPs… Would we have more reggae as pause music? Nope, as Aborted was preparing stage the sounds of modern death metal thrilled the spillers. Aborted, the Belgian butchers slew again. At first I thought the band would be third on the line up, but no. Only three bands tonight. I also thought Aborted didn’t really fit the OSSDM bill, but the audience ate raw flesh today. Khã asked me beforehand: ‘what are they like?’ and I answered: ‘if the audience is in for it, you’re too close to the pit’, she’s some 5’2” tall. Within 10 seconds all hell broke loose. I liked their collective shirts ‘Raise the Dead, Kill the Living’ but I didn’t enter the pit. I was talking to Dave and one of Daniel’s FB friends even without knowing she was befriended to him ;) Best song: The Saw and the Carnage Done. Yup, that oldie ;)

Walking through this venue made me think of Turock in Essen quite a lot. A nice wide hall, no concrete poles, multiple bars present, multiple beer brands, a balcony and a smokers room outside. Roofed and all. And.. cool bands! Bloodbath went in, incredible! The venue trembled as we were in the smokers room. Daniel had explained he’d been on front row twice, now he just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere. OK, fine, get a beer first. It’s not complete, but here’s what I wrote:
- So You Die (‘We are Bloodbath from Sweden, but I don’t speak Swedish’ :))
- ‘one song from an album I didn’t sing on’ :) Nick is such a dry humorous man ;)
- ‘having early death metal fans around is so convenient as we play ‘Breeding Death’ next :)
- Ways to the Grave
- Cancer of the Soul
- Weak Aside (Daniel: ‘if they play Trail of Insects I going into the pit!!’. Daniel normally never enters the pit as he will pound everyone into the hospital, he once said :oops: )
- Soul Evisceration (that solo is sooooo cool)
- Unite in Pain
- one more (Like Fire kept popping into my head during the entire trip home, but it’s not it)
- Mock the Cross
- Outnumbering the PITTTTTT! Now I had to enter!!
- Eaten (getting a refreshment, the bar is already closed! Huh???)
- Cry My Name
A parade of torn apart limbs, blood, hairs, sweat, ripped shirts and beer muck was the sign of a great, great show!! We were shooed out of the venue in no-time, so Dave decided we’d do a nightcap in ‘a rock bar’ but as they played some Coldshit within 10 minutes I was already done with this hipster bar. Off to the Underground. Mind the gap. Mind your step. Mind my head.

On Saturday I had thought Daniel would like to return to Camden town for the cyberstore and other alternative shops, but I seem to have missed one remark on that. We wouldn’t do the ‘real’ tourist stuff like Big Ben, St.Paul’s and so on, but by Underground we got to the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. We got ourselves on the hunt for a cinema to see the Force Awaken and ended up at Leicester Square. We were just too late for one performance and one had been sold out, but Daniel got us tickets for the 5 PM show. We got into several bars, had great Brazilian beer, the one fuller and hipper than the other, but spotted a nice tale of Big Ben too. Some goof story about a big landlord fighter, got a picture. I won’t spoil any Star Wars fans so after the movie we got two nightcaps (440 cl instead of 330/500) of Beck’s. Not entirely cold, but it sufficed. Sunday would be the day of the long lines anyway. Wait at the coffee stand, having to drink Costa coffee, paying extra just for sitting down, line at the border patrol, ‘Stop harassing me if I done nothing wrong’!! [MY SOCKS GOT CHECKED FOR METAL THREE TIMES and it still gave a signal! Sweaty socks OK, but that’s no metal!!] and super annoying Christmas music in the plane. I did see one of the most lovely smiles in quite some time but lost her at the luggage belt… Bram texted he’d seen Alex during Zwammstein, I replied ‘We had BLOODBATH!’ 8-)

It was killer! I love London and I love old school death metal. It was great to see Dave again (see you again on Netherlands Deathfest! Bring Phil too!!) and meeting Khã was great. I love looking at the underground signs that remind me of Harry Potter (Charing Cross Road, King’s Cross, Tottenham Court Road) and the voetbal related stuff… West Ham, Upton Park, St. James’ Park, Stamford. The hotel wasn’t that bad after all, but tiringly warm and a bit crammed. I have to return to London again, drag my MRU friends thrash-till-death to an Exhumed show, where’s Pelican when you need him or celebrate Lemmy’s 70th birthday with MotorAmarth. Metal!

Reactions bound to follow on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/bloodbash- ... 8th-17465/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:27 pm 

God Dethroned and Friends, De Neushoorn Jan. 30th Leeuwarden, feat. Bodyfarm, Apophys

God Dethroned is BACK!! After their sabbatical the band only consists of Henri Sattler and Michiel van der Plicht and for live shows they can choose who’ll join them. No more rush, no more pressure from anybody, just plain death metal the blackened way! And it works! The band gets nice spots on nice line-ups, they can do shows the way they want and the audience gets an excited band in front of them. No losers. Daniel is a big fan of the band and he offered me a ticket. Thanks a lot, my friend, highly appreciated! It took some time to remember Bram that he wanted to join us and on the day before the gig I got a call from Jort if he could drive along too. Yeah right, full VW Golf Mk II diesel again! Let’s roll!

Bram got to my place around 5 PM and watching a movie about Ed Gein we ate pizza before picking the boys up. In Enkhuizen I already faced 4 car-pirates entering the Berkenlaan. Insufficient fools, I need to get into that lane! Anecdotes about ancient God Dethroned gigs flew around soon ;) and we found a parking garage nearby. Good, as it’s raining a bit, windy, brrrr! De Neushoorn is quite a new cultural center with several halls, as it seems the smallest was for the metalheads tonight. Finally a venue with plenty of coin machines, nice wide wardrobe, shiny toilets and… only one bar. Oh. It didn’t take long before Apophys got to the stage. Marcel and Arend soon found me, Maarten (msd) was around, hey cool! The opinions on this band vary. Musically they are solid, but the vocals could use some variety; if the band plays a fast tune the singer sounds like a busted vinyl record, you actually need the slower songs to find out the band actually has lyrics… Found a set list on stage:
- Dimensional Odyssey
- Miscreants
- Requiem for the Absurd
- The Antidote
- Ego
- The Sentient
- The Final Step
- Humanity Epilogue
- The Red Planet
msd is the lonely headbanger… If they played the entire set I have no idea, Daniel later said something about beginning the gig later than planned before and having to shut down at 23.45?? That’s of later worry, as Bodyfarm is up next. Quinten gets to play Van der Plicht’s drum set, that decreases the time to rebuild the stage quite a lot. Kudos to Michiel van der Plicht for doing two such fast sets in one night! Bodyfarm are greeted like war heroes, the band doesn’t waste much time to get Leeuwarden going! Some jokes about cold assed Friezen and farmers and off, even without intro:
- - The Dark Age
- - Death by Fire
- - The Coming Scourge (yup, at the right place again! Goose bumps!!)
- - Vortex of Terror [didn’t play that one because of the tight schedule :( ]
- - Firing Squad
- - Der Landkreuzer
- - Well of Decay
- - Wolfpack [little mistake: the set list says Wolpack, reminding me of Skegness *insider joke*]
- - Storming Revolution
- - Unbroken
The sound is absolutely amazing, the volume is just right, the headbangers freak out but there’s not much of a pit to be found. The bar personnel make me wait for at least two songs to deliver my waters and one beer for Thomas, but at least my place at the stage is reserved. Thanks lady! I wanted to buy Arend a shirt but I face two problems: the band doesn’t have anything bigger than XXL and mostly: the people who can’t decide and keep everybody else waiting, moaning about sizes and trying to combine the front design of one shirt with the back print of another UGGGHHH Make a decision and let people who do know what they want NOT miss a band! This was sooo chanceless! So, two shirts and four patches later I return to the stage for the main dish tonight: God Dethroned. I think my neck made more miles than a tunnel drill machine and keep the speed up! The venue was quite full and after Henri also made a joke about farmers, Friezen, Drenten and Groningers he gets what he wants: a brutal slamming pit! I am very surprised the band uses a set list so I have to have it:
- The Grand Grimoire
- Villa Vampiria
- The Art of Immolation (bro time with Henri :))
- No Man’s Land
- Under a Silver Moon
- Nihilism
- Boiling Blood
- Soul Sweeper (asking for slam pit and getting it too :) )
- Storm of Steel (Bram’s favorite GD song, I can hear him, even if he’s on the balcony :))
- Swallow The Spikes
- Soul Capture 1562 (a nice trip with The Flying Dutchman greeted joyously ;))
- Sigma Enigma
- Hating Life
- The Warcult (my favorite GD song, but they don’t, don’t, don’t play it! God Verdomme instead of Dethroned :/)
My goodness, what a fire, what a wit, what a great sound, band in top shape, headbangers going nuts, meeting old friends, making new one (that’s not that hard with so much merch to shred, I didn’t bring anything home today :) ) and sharing a drink and a great gig. I had heard somewhere God Dethroned is back in the studio, with a band in this shape I am eager to see if they fulfill The Great War Trilogy. If not, I am sure they will come up with some high quality blackened or melodic death metal, only the way Henri & Co. can deliver!

The boys head outside for a smoke, I say goodbye to Alwin and Christel, get a business card from Thomas, he’s the main editor/photographer of (Dutch) http://www.albumfeeds.com and good’ol Geert, the 51-year old headbanger that I seem to have met before. Must have been in a haze of alcohol, but the conversation was nice. We’ll meet again, gents, show me your Bodyfarm patches next time :) Having all the time in the world now (only positive thing about stopping so early; why the hell did the people in the venue state we have to be silent outside?? It’s a relative big city and it’s Saturday evening: time to go out!) I can choose whether I drive the normal way or through Lelystad so I don’t have to do Westwoud – Enkhuizen twice tonight. No Macca’s for once, thank The Dethroned One for a nice döner stand near De Neushoorn. I think we will return to this venue once or twice, as it’s smaller than half the Poppodium Romein and it’s cozy, well insulated and the people are friendly. Not to mention I have a full pocket of consumption coins left :) No car pirates on the way home!

What a great metal evening this was! I can hardly describe how much fun, Fun, FUN this was!

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Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:32 am
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:53 am 

Club Dredd, Eastwood City
Quezon City, Philippines
January 28, 2016

Working in the Philippines' burgeoning BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry has a lot of drawbacks. One of them is the high chance of missing shows which falls on a work night. Thing have been extremely toxic at work that I couldn't even ask for a leave for this night. But that didn't deter me from catching Fleshcrawl's Manila stop. The venue was conveniently near where I worked so I managed to sneak out during my lunch hour. The timing was just right as the supporting bands had already finished their sets when I arrived and Fleshcrawl was setting up.

A veteran of the metal scene, Fleshcrawl has been around since the '90s and though I don't own any of their records, I have a good idea of how they sound thanks to the review and interviews I've read from metal magazines throughout the years. Based from Germany, Fleshcrawl owes their sound to the early '90s Swedish Sunlight Studios sound popularized by Dismember, Entombed and Carnage.

The venue was already full of people packed like sardines when I got in. There was no stage to speak of as the band was at the same level as the audience. I even think they were at a lower level. But if there's a will, there's a way and I positioned myself in the back and standing on a sturdy chair.

Fleshcrawl finally started their set and they unleashed a furious dose of old-school Swedish-flavored death metal. The familiar hallmarks of that sub-sub genre was all too apparent in Fleshcrawl's attack. And the crowd lapped it up as they raised their fists or flashed the horns while banging their heads like crazy. Fleshcrawl played without a bassist for this show and I found later that they also didn't play with one in the earlier shows. I wonder why. Nonetheless, the lack of a bass guitar didn't diminish the ferocity of Fleshcrawl's sound. The familiar Swedish buzzsaw guitar sound was well pronounced in the live setting and it was truly nostalgic to hear that familiar shrill guitar interlude that is staple fare in most old school Swedish death metal records. Fleshcrawl's set list were selections of songs that spanned their rich back catalogue. The band played song after song that it zapped the crowd's energy somewhere in the middle of the set. The band also had some bloopers onstage as they had to retake playing one songs 3 times. But the band and the audience just laughed it off. At the end of their set, the people demanded for an encore and the band gladly obliged by playing a couple more songs including the Carnage classic "The Day Man Lost".

It was a great show. It was a rare treat for the Filipino metalheads to finally witness the Swedish death metal sound performed live albeit by a German band. Regardless of nationalities, we're all bound by our common love for metal and in this case death metal of the classic early '90s Swedish variety. Fleshcrawl performed so well that I'm now going to hunt down their releases starting with their new split release. It was a great night for death metal.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:43 pm 

Death Metal Birthday Pt. III, hypothalamus.de, Rheine Germany: fest. God Dethroned, Thanatos, Weak Aside and more.

The 2014 edition of the Death Metal Birthday was such an adventure (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/death-meta ... ore-16726/ ) I was happy to meet organizer Lampy at Ruhrpott Metal Meeting and be invited to this years’ edition. This year God Dethroned would be present, along with one band I can’t read the logo from and New World Depression (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/storm-comi ... ten-16273/ ). I wondered if there would be another busload of Dutchies, maybe bring msd and Brammerman along too. I spread the flyer to all my Westfriesian friends, but Tom’s on two skis and I haven’t had one other reaction. OK, might hook up with Maarten and Bram then, but then I saw the shoutbox ‘tomorrow surgery’ by msd… Just to be sure what to do I used CeeFax, booking.com and my phone to see if I’d end up in my car again… no. This weekend the nightly temperatures would be around freezing point, but a Bed&Breakfast was easily found. Maarten would decide last minute if he’d go, as he’d torn off his biceps nearly completely! His arm’s completely covered in plaster… I’ll go anyway. See if we’d meet another couple of Marcels :lol:

One relative quiet ride with a planned detour ;) hobby ;) to Germany was followed by one of the weirdest sites I’d ever seen a hotel on: it looked like a factory or a promotion space for green energy, loads of forms of gaining energy, solar power, gardened roofs, wind power and the likes, but to my astonishment: no one near a reception, just call, I got a code and a machine delivered my key? Another weird round to find the room too, as the numbers weren’t exactly consecutive (1,2 5, 6, 17, 18 but no 19 ??? huh ???) I needed three rounds around the building to actually find it. I made a picture of the street sign, I might need it for the taxi driver tonight. OK, first HJ is on myself, I had brought a cooling box for that. I decided to walk to the city centre and that was actually a nice idea. Some 4 km walk on a sunny day isn’t actually torture, right? I had some halfbaked döner chebab and a boiling hot instant coffee (would God Dethroned play Boiling Coffee too?! :lol: ). Rheine is a lot bigger than I expected, to say the least. I was happy I spotted Kathe with a huge bowl of Lemmy (Jack & Coke, dúh) and I was pulled into some sort of rock café. Hey, that’s a nice way to start a metal day! In Hypothalamus.de I’d get the entire group their first Bitburgers of the day. Wow, pint sized glasses! ‘That could mean some real fast drinking’ I realized. Meeting Lampy and Marcel III was nice, along with Marcel IV and their better halfs, more Bit to shred. First band today was Ahlen-based (at first I thought I heard Arnhem, but so be it) Insane Mind. They use the dicks – pussy – assholes – interlude from Team America World Police ;). What their singer lacks in personality on stage the band has extra in bluntness. Their goregrind/brutal death was pretty vile and surely loud enough. Wow, time for extra earplugs! What do I see: Ventor is here too, would he be a visitor or is his sun drumming in the next band to appear? The latter. The band is called Manifestic and they thrash, thrash, thrash!! I liked it a lot, it sounded a bit like the faster version of Atrophy, you could say ‘typically second generation thrash’. I’d say: keep an eye out for these guys, to be found: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Man ... 3540391248 Pity I haven’t seen if they brought their demo yet. I got the set list and it got signed by the entire band (and Ventor *fanboy* ;))
- Intro
- Spiritual
- Hektik
- Satis-Fiction (with a little help from MA)
- Code of Silence
- Psychocide
- Poisoned Waters
- Push it to the Limits
During New World Depression I got patted on the head a bit: hey, here’s Maarten and Brammerman! Like said before, Maarten’s drinking arm is totally covered in plaster, but he allowed himself (and Bram) one beer and I got the pleasant task to deliver that one ;) The band, which me and Maarten had seen in Emsdetten too, sounded a lot more generic than in 2014, to be honest. Their death metal doesn’t seem to leave a huge impression, sorry guys. Weak Aside was the fourth band today. Beertime with Henri, Alwin, Christel, André and Kathe, but the band grew on me during their 45 minute set. Death metal, yeah, come on!

And now.. one of my reasons to travel 251 km (including detour :lol: ) Thanatos! The band was greeted with the first real pit of the day and I saw Maarten bummed haha. I claimed his place in the pit and I got thanked for it with a bloody nose and my own blood smeared on the set list no one was interested in anymore ;)
- Global Purification
- The Murder of Innocence
- Dawn of the Dead
- Destruction. Chaos. Creation.
- Feeding the War Machine
- And Jesus Wept
- Beyond Terror
- Outward of the Inward
- World Jihad
- Angelic Encounters
- War
The band was great! I can’t describe it any way else, I loved every friggin’second of it!! As my personal thanks to the Lemmy and Bits I negotiated how to surprise Kathe: God Dethroned or Thanatos. I met Henri again, on the way to the stage, but he said they’d totally forgotten to bring their merch… so I bought a nice Emerging From The Netherwolds shirt. Yeah she was happy, yes! Point taken about surprising people :lol: Now we’re ALL ready for WARRRRRR: God Dethroned! The band is, again, in top shape, has visible fun on stage, it’s loud and… Make room for Sherman The Tank!! Bloody nose or not, I clotted up my nose and hit as hard as I could for:
- Grand Grimoire
- Villa Vampiria
- The Art of Immolation (Nihilism was crossed out on the paper)
- Boiling Hot Coffee :lol:
- Under A Silver Moon
- No Man’s Land
- Soul Sweeper
- Swallow The Spikes (‘How’s your faith these days, father, how’s your FAITH!!!’)
- Storm of Steel
- Soul Capture 1562 (no Flying Dutchman today? ;))
- Hating Life (what a killer intro that has!!)
- Sigma Enigma
- The Warcult (NOOOOOOOOO, not again, no they did NOT play it! The fuck?)
This way death metal will never die, will never bore, will never cease to bring (me) energy!! Unholy Guy Out There On Your Cross, Yeah You, what a great show! AWESOME!!!!

Bram came to me near the stage and offered to bring me to the hotel. Now I did need the camera screen for a change :lol: Thanks a lot mate! Highly appreciated!! I still had one HJ in the fridge of the room, but didn’t even have to finish it. I was so exhausted I just brushed my teeth and did some alcohol abuse by throwing half the can away… no bother. Pint sized glasses of Bit, yeah they hit. I awoke around 8.30 AM, just to be sure I could get breakfast and more important: coffee, coffee and more coffee. I decided for another detour to visit my bro Henric and his family. I had brought him a eighties-live CD of Normaal and we talked for nearly three hours. Seeing his daughters enjoying themselves to my sentiment of youth clogged up my throat, Miranda knows I’m mentally less stable than usual… Thanks a lot for the listening ear and the great omelet you made me eat… This is as friendship should be. Good times, bad times. And metal birthdays :)

Oh yeah, Lampy, thanks a LOTTTT for this great evening! Meeting and making friends is always worth a travel. Detour or not ;) \m/

Reactions and a nice picture on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/death-meta ... tos-17518/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:20 am 

Netherlands Deathfest, February 26th-28th; headliners Autopsy, Blasphemy, Infest (and to me: Razor, Doom, Asphyx)

This fest is the continuing and combined effort of Neurotic Deathfest and Maryland Deathfest as NDF organizer Ruud Lemmens called it quits after 12 years of (mostly) death and grind. I had been looking forward to the annunciation of the rebirth of NDF from the first note in the booklet last year… MDF stepped in and brought their own touch to it; MDF has always been wider than ‘just’ death metal, see previous entries here. In my two MDF’s I had seen bands like Pentagram, Razor, Bulldozer, D.R.I. (could be twice :S) and Vulcano; NDF had amongst others Dark Angel, Morbid Saint, Legion of the Damned and so on. As Tom explained many times he’d go easy on the big, multi-day festivals this year, I knew beforehand he would never ever miss another edition of NDF. He also needs to put out his pitting skills :lol: and I got early bird tickets for the whole fest. Not the pre-party in Little Devil though, there’s still work to be done right? Daniel took care of his own ticket and bunks at Jordi’s, we took the very last Auberge room. Ouch, expensive :S but NDF is always filling up Tilburg ;) First bands announced were Autopsy (already enough reason to go), Infest, Doom, Gruesome, Beheaded and Kraanium; later on to be followed by Asphyx, Demilich, Entrails and the other 50 (!) bands. Disma was announced but pulled back as maybe 10 – 15 bands would cancel if Disma would appear. Beforehand MDF made it possible to pre-order NDF shirts so I’d have one spot on. I even made a list of patches to buy at the Goddess stand, as my Dutch denim isn’t full by far. At least it’s getting tougher to find material of ‘other’ Dutch bands/festivals to put on the denim :lol: [see what I can do with a Final Heiress lighter :lol: ] I had enlisted myself at http://www.deathfests.com for the order, but somehow the first entry went wrong and I couldn’t see ‘what I ordered’. I wrote the numbers of the order and even the PayPal reference just to be sure I’d get my shirt.

Tom said at first he probably wouldn’t make it to get home before 3 PM, but the day before the fest he texted he’d be home around 3. Then he said 2 PM, but I had coffee at his place at 1 PM :lol: So, all the time in the world, as the highway A27 is still a nuisance… but we were lucky and drove some 5 minutes later than planned onto the parking space of Auberge ;) Tom had been tasting my HJ while I drove, first priority is to check a taxi to the city. We share the taxi with some Germans who thought the trip to be too expensive for their likings? Huh?? All and all it was € 18, for the five of us. Snigger. Our wrist bands secured, off to the merch stand and yeah, my name popped up as planned. No need to worry about a shirt. Snigger. We were on time for the first band!! Of Teethgrinder I can be short, I hardly saw them because of an over enthusiast smoke machine, the grind was a bit to repetitive for my liking, Tom soon was joined by Axel in the pit ;) The small hall has been expanded a bit and the sound quality must have been improved, as I heard people say, but grind is grind so this was not the best band to experiment the sound system with ;). Off to the big hall then for Blockheads. The Terror-like hardcore wasn’t greeted cheerfully by the majority of deathheads, but it wasn’t that bad at all. We had some beers with Daniel, Marto, Maurice and cruise survivors Bart and Rob, later on to be greeted by Bram (the Enkhuizen one) and Bodyfarm’s Thomas. During Kraanium the smoke machine had been tempered a bit, but still we didn’t see the full band :S The sound was a lot better than during Teethgrinder though. We got ourselves a little bite and back into the small hall for Disentomb. Hah, finally some death metal instead of these grind bands :lol: I had not heard from the band before but I stuck to it. It was brutal! Nice to see Anne for a sec too.

One of the first gigs to get home injured from, was a show from Doom. In 1989 they toured with Concrete Sox, I got my ankle snapped lying in a human pile of bodies of friends. Would this show be as special as that Parkhof show, a bass player so friggin’stoned he didn’t even notice his bass only had two strings? No, nowadays this is simply a professional four-man-band (it once was a three piece) and the band goes to the bottom. Reactions were hilarious at some point, as crowdsurfers weren’t actually stopped or helped ;) Nice to see some surfers again, I stood first row and felt at least two pairs of boots in my neck :lol: Evergreen songs like Fear of the Future early in the set, soon to be followed by Symptom of the Universe and Police Bastard. Six or seven songs in between before Mans To An End was played and this show was history again. I liked it a lot, made some nice pictures of flying dreads ;) The security guys weren’t bothered by the crowdsurfers, but why the hell were they so whiffy about the set lists? I think there were some six people yearning for a piece of paper, but all four set lists were torn apart and thrown away :shock: Positive point was meeting Harold of Legion of the Damned again, talking about the early years of the band. Shared a beer when Agoraphobic Nosebleed came to stage, but we both didn’t last long. I was getting drunk and Harold had seen some former band members of Inhume, we split up. I totally wasn’t impressed by Agoraphobic Nosebleed like A2C was last Summer; neither was Tom apparently as he shoved me into a waiting taxi. The fact we missed Inhume and Infest (which MA one is it? There are at least seven bands called Infest, of which 3 French? When I used YT I found this: https://youtu.be/LbSVwqj_gog ). Err it was only 10 PM, but Tom was merciless ;)

Good thing about going to bed early is that anyone can wake up refreshed. I took a shower and the excellent breakfast and the nice sun shining did the rest. We were in for a nice stroll to De Heuvel, more coffee, some tostis and let the HJ flow. We had fun with a douchebag man on his stag party, completely dressed as one of the Mario Bros. The suit was so flexible and tight you didn’t need your imagination… uggh. I hope he got paid to be dressed this way, I found it embarrassing. But we hadn’t come to Tilburg to be embarrassed, we wanted bands! The first band today was Heaving Earth, but the reference to the Morbid Angel song wasn’t really uplifting to us. Too many riffs, not realyl catching material. Second band was Contrastic, but the bleeps and bops were a bit annoying. Bart did like it though, we soon moved to the big hall for Cruciamentum. It was pretty cool, very blunt death metal, pity I only saw two songs. Daniel was more lucky, he’d seen the entire set and was quite convinced. Fun fact: the band members of Abigail had been sitting next to us at De Heuvel! Where is A2C when you need him? This was so friggin’tight stuff, full of evil BLACK METAL BABY!! Made a ton of pictures of the band and the set list, as it might be thrown away. Pity for me the set list was in Japanese :) I wouldn’t have known how to pin it correctly to the wall :lol: After the Japanese weirdness it was a bit strange to see Angelcorpse, to me it sounded a bit thirteen-to-the-dozen death metal. Tightly played, but not putting up as I expected. I must have expected too much I guess, having played their music quite often lately.

Last week I got called by Shredded Ed. He was hoping to visit NDF just for this one band: Flesh Parade! I thought I would meet him there, but I must have missed him. If he did show up he could have seen a band of which the venue was too small for the enormous pit that the band got in front of them. What a friggginnnn’loud show!! The band could probably have filled the big hall too, I think. But then again, if they would have had to change stages with coming Razor, it would have been an even bigger mess! Razor was in bloody good shape, very energetic, exceptionally tight and the 45 minute set was gone in seconds, so it seemed. AGAIN the set lists were thrown away, tha cccccffffuuukk??? Later on I got the chance to get a picture taken with Dave and Bob and I thanked the band for the best gig of the fest so far. Cut Throat, Violent Restitution and Take This Torch… oh goody goody!!! I needed serious time to recuperate; Tom went to the small hall for Haemorrhage but returned soon. Pig Destroyer was next.. The band play some kiezelhard grindcore but as I don’t know any titles it came and went in a rush. I was too drunk to make much out of Canadian black metal band Revenge but I was waiting for Thanatos. I had not expected to see the band, as I thought they were ‘only’ booked for MDF instead of NDF, but my surprise was over soon: I waddled over to the first row in the small hall and was totally and utterly blown away! The band’s roadie already gave me a set list, but I handed that on to the eager Brazilian (!) behind me. He was so thrilled haha. I made a picture of the set list, but in the morning I found out I had forgotten or lost my camera!! Fuck hell damned KUTTTTTT! That was a very, very unwanted conclusion! Taxi, tooth brush, out. I didn’t even bother to wait for Blasphemy :shock: I hope good’ol Dave did see them, great to talk to you again!

We nearly missed breakfast but eating salmon in a nice pre-Spring sun makes up a lot! Bummed about my camera we walked easily to De Heuvel once more and found my old friends Ed, John and John. We still could see the first band of the day: Blind to Faith. The band plays some blunt and dirty concrete punkrock I could handle. In the small hall the second band was Entrails Massacre. I had expected some OSDM sound, but the band had more lines to Rotten Sound/Doom than to Entombed. Pity the trick wears off and after some four songs we had had enough. The first band in the big hall was Cenotaph. Another delusional thought, this time about the classic Bolt Thrower song, but the band had more of a Cryptopsy feel to me. Not bad; note I’m not really a Cryptopsy fan but I liked it. Ellen of Snookbookings introduced me to two lovely Japanese ladies, but she also said they were leaving in 10 minutes? Huh?? Are you teasing me? :lol: Off to the small hall for Beheaded and they KILLED, wow! The band got a full, sweaty hall in front of them and they kept pushing the speedometer! A 35 minute full blown death metal assault! Very cool. Hey, here's Quinten of Bodyfarm too!

Another band I had not seen before was Morpheus Descends. I had looked up some material through MRU and YT and was stunned how friggin’blunt this band is! Doom the brutal way! I must check these guys out more often, that’s for sure. Around that time I met my former Asphyx friends Bob and Eric just before Gruesome got to stage. I had been waiting for this moment nearly the entire weekend and I sure as hell was satisfied!! Holy Leper In The Sky, was this a great show or what?! Nearly the entire album Savage Land was vomited over our never resting necks, Bob hated it and Eric loved it :lol: For sure, the new Soulburn material will never sound like this hahaha. This was so good I just had to have something from this band, patches were already sold out so I got myself a shirt, just like Daniel did. The following Coffins I watched with half of Acrostichon, nice to see Corinne and Richard once again. Coffins was as loud as a shovel hitting a bulldozer ;)

Now, now the moment of my weekend, I think: Asphyx. Probably my 15th show, long time friends, excellent music to shout all frustration away, awesome to see band and audience go totally berserk and getting a set list too (thanks again Alwin!)
- The Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin
- Into the Timewaste (hey Daniel!)
- MS Bismarck
- Death The Brutal Way
- Forgotten War (bro time with Paul)
- Wasteland of Terror (bro time with Martin)
- The Rack
- Last One on Earth
Scorbutics was also on the set list, but they didn’t play it. ASPHYX IST KRIEG!! (bro time with Stefan ;)) The night only got better as Entrails demolished the small hall, a thunderous sound to accompany the band and a raging crowd followed. The band sounded eager, the volume was good and it sounded clear as a bell. I heard at least Eaten by The Dead, Crawling Death and had to move out for a nice spot for Autopsy. The band had chosen to warm up with nearly half an hour of Motörhead blasting the big hall. I found it appropriate. Chris Reifert announced the band ‘We are Autopsy and we play death metal’ haha nuff said. Autopsy went in like the concrete truck The Mythbusters blew up :lol: I think they played songs from every album, Ridden With Disease early in the set: PARTYYYY! Arch Cadaver, Charred Remains, Gasping for Air…. What more can a death metal fan ask for??? OK, the bass sounded like hardened concrete being scratched off, but the guitar sound was soooo good! Reifert joked about misfits clogging up the sides of the stage, but he was smiling widely. I think nearly every performing artist in the venue watched the band from those sides :lol: The pit was incredible, so violent but also so friendly. We flew the entire hour! It was a mess, great!! This band was the just headliner of the festival!

I would not have minded to see Severe Torture in the small hall, but we were both exhausted and dehydrated, taxi time. It seemed there was a third stage called Patronaat, but we haven’t been there all weekend. Of the bands performing there I would have liked another go at Decimation or Inhume, but as I didn’t exactly know where to go I stayed in the venue all festival. Sunday we ate during Demilich and Antropomorphia; you can’t have it all, right? I wouldn’t have liked it if I’d miss Asphyx, even though I have seen them so often and Demilich hardly plays. Actually, I don’t care too much. This weekend was fun. Period. After breakfast we were invited to have some more coffee at Jordi’s and pick up Daniel doing so. Bram had not made it to Sunday, he was hurting his feet and back too much. Pity, he would have loved Asphyx and Autopsy, I guess. Haven’t seen much of Axel either, at least three Marcels present ;) and no sign of B1/B2. Now I need someone to send me some pictures! I want my camera back! As a result I already ordered a new one, but hope still lingers… Pim started a FB campaign to get my camera and pictures back, beer for the finder! Next years Netherlands Deathfest is already booked, hotel included. March 3-5, 013, nuff said. We will be there. DEATTTHHHHH METALLLLLLL!!! https://youtu.be/tI0S5xn8rQo or any DM song!!!!

reactions via http://www.mruforums.com/f22/netherland ... 8-a-17522/

Temporally-Displaced Fossil

Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2003 9:20 am
Posts: 582
Location: Estonia
PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:41 pm 

Today I saw Anvil and U.D.O (billed as Dirkschneider and playing Accept songs). The gig was held in a small venue which fits up to 1000 people. Anvil were announced as a special guest not long before the date.

Anvil. It was not a very wise decision to have as a warm-up act. For me, they stole the show and I was not the only one feeling that way : a guy standing next to me said, that the head-liner is obliged to destroy the venue, not too look pale in comparison. The sound was powerful, especially the bass. In the beginning vocals were slightly low in the mix, but then it was fixed. Guys were fucking around on stage and seemed to enjoy every moment of performance. They were anything but serious, yet sounded tight and projected lots of energy into the audience. During Mothra song Lips played a guitar solo using a dildo. The crowd reacted positively. Unfortunately most of the crowd, especially the youngsters were not too familiar with Anvil and did not bother banging heads or singing along.

Dirkschneider. The idea of playing only Accept songs is quite doubtful, especially considering excellent back catalogue as U.D.O. and in my opinion overambitious. There is Accept already, and although they have a different singer now, there are still Peter Baltes and Wolf Hoffmann, the men behind most of the bands music. Some people might argue, that Udo was a crucial part of Accept's sound and now that he is no longer a part of if it, the band lost its charm. Well, he was a crucial part of the band's sound. Not any more. Mike Tornillo is a perfect replacement and I dare say, at this point he is in a far better shape than Udo. Besides Accept released some excellent material with this singer.

Now to the performance itself. On one hand it is nice to hear some of the older Accept tunes with the original vocalist, but on the other hand this original singer/author is not in his best shape and at times it was almost painful to hear him sing the songs I grew up with. The guitar players tried too hard and acted too much. Andrey Smirnov on this gig looked like a Randy Rhoads wonna-be and tried to copy some of the stage gimmicks of Wolf Hoffmann and other famous guitar players. The second guitar player did not try to be somebody that hard, but abused gestures and mimics. Actually both of the guitar players "writhed", faked emotions, randomly pointed fingers somewhere into the crowd, abused guitar wankery, etc. I saw Judas Priest in December 2015 and Richie Faulkner was found guilty of those same things. A trend ? The worst thing about it, is that they could not / did not want to play the songs the way they were written. They modernized the arrangements (more aggressive drumming, faster tempo, slightly different guitar rhythms etc.) and ... the songs lost the original atmosphere and emotions. Vast majority of the lead breaks played were not like the originals. When Udo did manage to sing like he used to, the instrumental part did not quite live up to his performance.

The sound was horrible: too loud, muddy with vocals too low in the mix. The bass and drums were overpowering everything else. All in all they sounded and looked like a decent cover band. But wait, aren't they ?
"Welcome to the sane asylum, you'll never leave if you keep trying" - Blind Illusion.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:17 pm 

Funebrarum, Interment, Putrisect: Baroeg Afternoon Matiné March 6th

Daniel was so excited about the Interment- and Funebrarum-shows he had seen on Netherlands Deathfest last week, he wanted more. OK, I had not seen both bands (cause: booze ??? no they played in Patronaat which I totally forgot to visit :S) but I did not have a lot of plans on the Sunday. It’d been a crazy, nearly haunting week for me, I needed some time off. Or on my own. Or both. As before, Daniel arranged tickets, I’d drive. Thanks! I had no idea if anyone would join me, but at some point I wasn’t really bothered about that. Like said, crazy week, I was tired. Tom called when we entered the Amsterdam ring road ‘should we have picked you up?’ “Nah”, he said, “sbeen a full weekend already chef, how about Cannibal Corpse in Tilburg?” OK, I’ll make a note when I parked the car. Or on a coffee break. Or a smoke break. Fine. We had all the time in the world, we thought. I thought Feyenoord would play a home game today, but wasn’t that very late, or at least later then to bother us in traffic jams? Without Maastunnel and a collision in front of us it’s becoming a hobby again, but we, like said, had all the time. Again an unfriendly note from Rotterdam Municipal Centre, Daniel said ‘instead of showing alternatives for diesels in town, all the Dutch can think of are taxes “to prevent people with ancient diesels entering the city” ‘I hear ya, my friend, let’s split the difference’ :(. Typing this on Tuesday I haven’t seen any darn blue envelop yet. Parked the car some 100 m away from Baroeg, no need for a parking ticket too *grin*

Entering Baroeg already meant meeting up with Maurice and the Utrecht Pim, within seconds to be accompanied by half of Thanatos, great to see you guys again. Paul had not seen any cameras after their show too, nice chat about filthy rich and catflap camerawomen :lol: Good thing: he didn’t mention her name :lol: Putrisect from Maryland was to begin first. The band plays some cross between Krisiun and Sadistic Intent, which sounded great and the volume was correct too. First headbangers to be seen, quite OK, quite groovy, but the band only got time for 4 songs? Huh? Was Ajakkes on Fox Sports TV more important or something? So, after some cheese and cucumber (didn’t dare to take the sausage :lol: ) Interment was up next. This Interment: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Interment/12478 is MUCH TO MY LIKING: they sound like Dismember on amphetamines. Or was it meldonium? :) The vocals could and should have been a bit louder in the mix, but that bass sound makes me smile widely. Ancient Gibson bass through four thick soundboxes into big Peavey speakers, the REAL OSSDM sound! Pim even made a picture of all three effect boards haha. First couple of songs no interaction with the audience but SHRED SHRED SHRED!!! Later on it got friendlier, more smiles, more fun, more headbanging, but the first songs were one hundred per cent concentration. So far best song: Sinister Incantation. Very cool to see both guitarists sharing lead and rhythm parts so easily and so equally! I spotted a guitar pick on stage but so did Pim: he now is the proud owner of an Entombed A.D. pick [an I’m not ;)] and as to make it up he reached for the set list:
- Intro 1
- Death and Decay
- Eternal Darkness https://youtu.be/6pXex21iP4U from NDF, but still ;)
- Infestering Flesh
- Sinister Incantation
- Torn From the Grave
- Chalice of Death
- Faces of Death (where’s the VHS? :lol: )
- Breeding Spawn
- Intro 2 (worthy of a ringtone!)
- Morbid Death (NOW my favorite track of this gig! Not by coincidence from their first demo :lol: https://youtu.be/-6uPv7azyH4 )
- Nailed to the Grave
This is the final night of this tour, so the band thanks the other crews for all the effort and the fun. Talking to Pim I discovered he might be in for MDF, but not this year, not 2017 but he’ll do effort to go to the 2018 edition. OK, that’s a bet! As an encouragement I bought him (and myself) the Interment CD Into the Crypts of Blasphemy. It was happily shared on FB :) which I don’t have :) but got later on, thanks again, Daniel! I also got Allan Lundholm’s bass pick, as he gave one to Sonia Nusselder during the show. Oh yeah another 17-year old in a band, having a great time, but still a bit young for the amount of booze the Rotterdammers around her served ;) Pervs! :lol: Last song the band got overwhelmed by at least eight musicians/roadies on stage, it was a nice mess on stage.

In the meantime FOX had been broadcasting Feyenoord – FC Cambuur, but we were in Rotterdam for more death metal, as Funebrarum got to stage. The first songs I got the idea the band did a tribute to ancient mammoth Paradise Lost, but later on I discovered some hints to Pungent Stench, Massacre and Terrorizer. The band was in good shape and the audience loved it too, so did I. Alas, I don’t know any music (yet) so I didn’t join the festivities that begun after the third song they played. I was tired again, I could use something warm to taste. Even though I had had an excellent lunch, that was some six, seven hours before. One glimpse at the clock told me it wouldn’t take more than ten minutes extra so I stuck around. We said goodbye to Maurice, Pim, Pim (Officium Triste), Stefan and Paul (Thanatos, Hail of Bullets) and headed out to the highway A16. I had seen Feyenoord won in the last minutes and wanted to see the Vanbrienenoord Bridge and the Stadium Feijenoord, before the hunt for something edible (and not BK, Macca, KFC, nooooo!!) and ended up at a Total gas station. Total Loss if you ask me, as they only had one near-cold bahmidisc and one lousy satehkroket and half the venue shut away. Some Chocomel and apple juice for the return drive, figuring out a nice place for the Interment patch I got from Daniel (the third thanks ;)) and off home. I had fun, I had friends, I had lukewarm sinas, but I had death metal!

More to follow on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/interment- ... dam-17529/

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:10 am 

Metal Night @ Backstage 2016, feat. Enjoy The Torture, 7 Steps of Denial

Some two weeks ago I got a text message from Jessica saying she’d organize another metal evening. On the world wide web I found out, that next to my friends in Enjoy The Torture three bands would appear: Onkt, 7 Steps of Denial and Villa Fungus. As she’d been texting me before, texting more people this way, I thought I didn’t need to impress or bother my other Westfriesian friends to come too. I knew one thing: as I fly to Ireland on Sunday I might as well have a quiet weekend before it, so I got there by car. I wasn't up for calling hether and thether to get my VW Golf Mk II diesel full. Before going I stopped at Tom’s with another charity bin but he was busy tonight ;) Entering Backstage I got greeted by Shredded Ed and even before I hit the bar Jessica and her sister found me too. Nice, girls, nice to see you again. Jessica immediately stated she’d organize metal evenings more often HERE as the municipal community doesn’t allow Manifesto to have more than only a few music events every year? The bureaucracy is getting worse, goddamnit! Why the fuck turn down cultural subsidizing if the venue itself can’t have live music? I don’t get it anymore. At least we have more room here than in Swaf and less open stage than in Manifesto… uggh. Better lighting too. Band doesn’t have to play in the lady’s bathroom :lol: Actually, this isn’t so bad after all :lol:

Jessica had said the event would begin at 9 PM, but way after 10 o’clock the first band rigged up. A very short sound check was followed by a tornado of riffs and blastbeats, as Villa Fungus plays some cross between ancient D.R.I., Doom, Napalm Death, Electro Hippies and with 32 songs (I shouted: ‘in 12 minutes? HA HA HA’) in 22 minutes the band was off. So, my assumption wasn’t that bad :lol: The band only played with a drum kit and one guitar, the vocals are shared between a man sounding like Lou Koller (Sick of it All) and one sounding like Lee Dorrian (old Napalm Death). Some friends of the band kept shouting about a ‘Sander’, they might have had a bass player previously but to be honest, they didn’t really need him. It was fun, brutal and energetic. Shard of set list on https://www.facebook.com/villa.fungus/ Skate, noise, beer. Something ;)

Next up were Enjoy The Torture. It had been quite some time ago I’d seen Raimon, David and the others, but the band looked sharp. All they needed to do was build the drum kit from right handed to left handed and off they go! Raimon moaned a bit about starting on time (NOT!!) but the band hit hard. As it had been a while I instantly thought the band had picked up a bit of punkrock by adding Ruzie bass player Mark, but I recall that after checking my pictures. Raimon sounds even more like a cross between Peter Tägtgren and Tomas Lindberg, more evil that is. The melodic death metal peaked, but because of the shallow stage and narrow space next to no one saw it… I was at the second bar stool and because of my aching knee I kept there. Tree of a man before me, even though I was only 150 cm from stage I hardly saw anything too… One great remark by Raimon: ‘This song is for those who don’t like this set but don’t tell anyone… Your Pain My Win’ :). After one new song, one rehearsal and one encore (didn’t catch which song) I grabbed a set list:
- Syko
- Enjoy The Torture
- Bring The War
- We Live The Syndrome
- Your Pain My Win
- Hard Times
- Stay True
- Save it for the [the set list doesn’t say what and YT/MA doesn’t help]
- ‘nieuwe’ (translated: “new one”)
In the meantime I got joined by the entire bands Puur Obscuur, Ruzie, Anne and his Hoogkarspel friends, Kevin and some more, but I got fed up with the orange soda and was getting tired. I wanted one or two glimpses of the next band before maybe hitting a Macca and off. The glimpses belonged to 7 Steps of Denial, the singer already greeted me. But from where? I cracked my brain, was it a Metal Battle, was it a Metal Thursday, did they open up for a band in Alkmaar or Purmerend, I couldn’t remember. The music I did recognize, it was Maiden here, Maiden there and Maiden somewhere else but with only one guitar. Glad that guitar didn’t belong to Janick Gers hahaha but it wasn’t bad. Some four songs in I said goodbye to my friends and sloped off to my VW Golf Mk II diesel. I needed some blunt death metal and I got… Grand Supreme Blood Court. Fist in the air, esophagus open and off! I decided not to eat but I yearned for a beer and was eager to see the pictures I made on my ‘new’ camera. Well, I must have missed some setting or two, but most pictures are fuzzy. Damned. Afterwards I was happy not to have called anyone, I was dead tired and I wanted to make sure I'd go home the time I needed to gp and not to bother about bringing friends home, no hard feelings. But I had metal. Local, partly unknown metal. And I liked it. Without Onkt, that is ;)

More to read on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/metal-nigh ... orn-17536/

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:51 am 

Exodus, Melkweg Amsterdam, March 25th

Of this evening you can easily say I waited for it, no yearned for it. I love the new Exodus album Blood In Blood Out a lot and I really, really wanted to see the band playing with Zetro again. They played FortaRock last year but we never got there. Remember Thrashfest? 4 bands in a row that really wanted to kill? See http://www.mruforums.com/f22/thrashfest ... dus-11389/ Just to make sure we’d get enough exercise, I ordered tickets for me, Tom and Axel as soon as I heard the date. Best part: it’d be in the old, say, small hall of Melkweg! Wauweee! That is an open invitation to a raging pit. I had not heard who’d join us, but indeed remembering previous thrash shows I figured Kees Bloemkool and Tijmen would be there too. Tom laid the contacts, we’d take the train. I already made a note to be sure not to miss the last direct train to Enkhuizen as I knew if you use latter trains you end up in a bus that takes over an hour more to get to Hoogkarspel. But making sure you don’t miss the last train doesn’t mean you actually get the FIRST train to the venue :shock: :lol: . I still had Axel’s ticket on me but not my phone, Tom called. He’d wait, he said.

Another great thing: Exodus took Lost Society on tour with them! The Finnish thrashers just released their third album but I must say I missed the release somehow. At Melkweg, apart from three huge nightliners there was no sign of Axel or any of the others, so grumbling I took my jacket to the wardrobe and got in. Without even touching my receipt Kees already found us and the small hall was packed! It took two songs to get us beer (…) and those two Lost Society songs were… boring? Huh? They nearly sounded like Bon Goofy to me! So slow… where is the thrash? Now, time for a quick changeover (the Exodus backdrop already hung and it seemed they used the same drum kit) and it is time for Hunting, Altus, Gibson, Souza and… no Holt. Damned, the fact that I have to experience an Exodus show without the H-team, why not bring in Hunolt if Holt is working with Slayer? Not much time to bother as two wide grins were directed to me, I had three beers in my hands and Tom and Axel already ruled the pit. This is what I wrote
- first song (the cheer was so loud I hardly heard what song it was)
- Blood In Blood Out
- And Then There was None
- Children of a Worthless God (so, they do play Dukes material!)
- one more
- Salt the Wound (Zetro telling about meeting Kirk Hammett ;))
- Body Harvest (I wrote Bodyfarmer :lol: )
- Zetro telling us for the third time ‘Holland is Home to Exodus’, so with the intro of Metal Command I emptied the beer in a flash and finally dove in! PITTTTT!
- Piranha was played after the entire band did an overwhelming tribute to Lemmy
- A Lesson in Violence (‘Learn the Lesson in THISSS’ ;) )
- Blacklist
- War is My Shepherd (for Fozzy, the late Dutch tour manager the band had for over 20 years; I met him on Hole In The Sky :) )
- Impaler, with Tom Hunting explaining about the 1985 Amsterdam show with Venom, saying ‘this song is probably older than most of you :lol:
- Bonded By Blood as first encore
- Toxic Waltz, Tijmen’s favorite song ever, he had been yearning for it all day :lol:
- Strike of the Beast with a huge wall of death in that little venue hahaha
- Lollypop outro [OK now I use setlist.fm, the band started with Black 13, the other one was Deranged :) ]

Lights on, band thankful, the last pitter picked up, audience knocked up and sweaty, everybody happy! I even made a ballroom dance through the pit with one of West-Friesland’s oldest metal heads but for fuck’s sake I can’t remember his name now! Shame, herrieman! Axel first said he’d pay his extra ticket, but he gave me a ’30 Years of Blood and Booze’ shirt to me! It is awesome, as it shows a new rendition to the classic BBB-sleeve! Great shirt, many thanks!! XXL, OK, but he said it really was the last one (usually bands sell out the bigger sizes before the rest gets sold out haha), no matter, I love it and I’m gonna wear it to the Shavers reunion! Tijmen met Lost Society guitar player/singer Samy Elbanna and did something the poor guitar player never expected: pissed him (and crooning female fans :) ) off for the inertness of the show :lol: :lol:

Coming outside I spotted a wall clock and I knew we didn’t really have much time to linger. Took a noisy ;) tram to the station, Tom handed me a shift cheeseburger and we got to the platform. Axel and Jelle had seen us eat the burgers and they rushed from platform 11 to 2B to the BK, but the train’s lights were already showing… I managed to get some afpils for the boys and the train left.. without Axel and Jelle. Tijmen told me some 17 times the boys are all grown up, even after an Exodus show I’m not deaf, you know :lol: We got to my brother Toon’s place and unlocked the bikes. I had a plastic bag with dry clothes on my bike, but that dew made it quite cold haha. I picked up a very cold Kataklysm longsleeve and with a shivering movement I got on my bike and rode off into the chilling, cold and wet mist. No need for more afpilzen as Tom still has his alarm clock on 6:30 and to be honest, I had enough too. Exodus is one of my all time favorite bands and I wasn’t let down. OK, by Lost Society, but that memory was blasted off my brain by a raging Exodus + crowd in front of me. Met Alex Metal again (working on Mutator material, probably for Seasons of Mist!), no Michel, but a great pit, loads of Jupiler and… THRASHHHHH!

some more on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/exodus-mar ... dam-17547/


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:58 pm 

BANDS: CONAN and SERIAL HAWK with Teeph, Throes, IX, Cerberus Rex, Slumm, and Mariana

VENUE: The Shredder, TREEFORT festival, Boise

Date: Mar 25.

Okay folks: Its about that time of year, our own local "March Madness" with literally 400+ bands playing 100+ shows over a 5 day period. They try to make it easy on the metal fans by grouping the "harder" bands together at one gig though.

The crowd was mostly older veteran metal guys, 30+, although some people came and went through the evening. There was a thankful absence of the usual show detractors- moshpit meanies, compulsive cell phone addicts, and "That One Drunk Dude" who always gets obnoxious and starts fights.

I missed openers Mariana; I had to take this guy to the airport. I got there for Slumm who were decent heavy stoner metal, the kind with loud heavy Sabbath-derived riffs, and they were good, but it was the kind of thing where you felt like you'd heard these kind of riffs done by a thousand different bands already. Cerberus Rex, composed of this guy Jake on drums who I kinda know, and this guy Josh who was like, that one guy who you'd always run into at the bar and at random parties way back in the day, and some other guy I didnt know on guitar, were next. They were a bit more rock-ish, with some metal riffs, some heavy psychedelic riffs, and some rock n'roll, and were pretty good. I was actually impressed.

IX (pronounced "Ickss" not "I_X" or "Nine") were next and they were probably my favorate at this thing. It was black metal with blasting passages, but the way they incorporated these strange minor key leads over top, and the rather ambient nature of the blasting riffs, made it a rather unique atmosphere which I honestly really dug. I know next to nothing about this band. Their demo has no information about them at all- not even song titles- but I do know they sounded freaking awesome live.

Throes were next and they were, uh, well I'll politely say they weren't really my favorate kind of music. It was sort of that jarhead metalcore with thick riffs and a lot of dissonant chugging sections. The average age of the crowd up front by the stage dropped by about 10-15 years during their set. Gotta throw a bone to the younger kids I guess.

Teeph were heavy but non-descript, some good heavy riffs and more complex and intellectual than Throes, but they were just okay.
Serial Hawk was awesome though. This band was so heavy I honestly felt like punching holes in the concrete wall, and their music practically did that for me. Really crushing heavy noisy doom laden riffs, sometimes slowing down to a crawl, like a steam roller parking itself on top of your head and then slowly rolling backwards. Conan, the lone non-American band on the bill, finished things off. Their music was similar to Serial Hawk, and I guess could be compared favorably to High on Fire, or perhaps the heavier side of YOB- really super heavy, catchy but intense mid-pace riffs that just pummelled you over the head. Really a great band I was stoked to check out.

The sound for all of the bands was generally pretty good and well mixed. No complaints, my ears are ringing. Best bands in my opinion were IX and the two headliners; Cerberus were pretty good as well and could potentially be REALLY good over time.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:47 pm 

Deströyer 666, Bölzer, 013 Tilburg, April 1st

I think Deströyer 666 is somewhat of a peculiar band. They play very aggressive, blackened thrash metal and they have, apart from songs like Australian and Antichrist and Satanic Speed Metal, not much religious poking on their agenda; mostly their lyrics deal about war. Of which, of course, religion was the fuel to many… They don’t compromise, they do it the Australian way: shred, bash, demolish and conquer! I have seen the band four times now, all around Europe, at first Daniel wanted to go, but had to recline. I must say I was delighted Tom told me his friend Ineke texted him about this show. At first I planned to go to Tongeren Metal Fest once more, but I got offered a Grindhoven ticket (last show of Rompeprop ever) so I happily ordered two tickets for the 013 show. But I was fooled. Not by Kees Bloemkool that offered to arrange me a Grindhoven ticket, but by Hugo who said he’d buy tickets. Yeah right, two. One for himself, one for Kees. Not for me. Fuckk. Now I got even more eager to see KK Warslut & Co.! Good thing: I wanted to meet Darius and Ching again, at first thinking we’d celebrate Ching’s birthday on Tongeren WITH Deströyer 666, now he texted me he already was in the train to Tilburg! Good!

I knew from the start Tom’d have to work, it would just depend on the amount of work the entire week… OK, I never heard that before :lol: and we’d drive after Friday afternoon traffic hell (highway A27 again! Darn road!). Up to Amsterdam no problem, then an accident on highway A2 so we had to renew my hobby through the highway A1 and off to Breda. On the traffic report we heard ‘problems at the Belgian border’ because of idiot government officials necessitate toll boxes in every friggin’truck without delivering enough boxes! Fuckheads, I travel nearly two hours and this late NOT to be in a traffic jam! So, two bands missed. Cirith Gorgor and Treparingsritualen. Tom asked: what is Deströyer 666 doing with these bands on tour? I replied: CG is black metal, of TPR I have no idea and Bölzer has some black/industrial elements to them, so the blackened thrash will follow the lead. Uhm, not so much. When we entered 013 Bölzer just got to stage, already being greeted by Ching, Darius and Utrecht Pim and loads, loads of smoke. What is so special about this band I don’t know, maybe the 10 string guitar/bass combined instrument or the fact they play some music with reference to Godflesh and Enslaved? Tom walked out in the first song, soon Ineke and her friend Charda (sp.?) joined the discussion. The ladies had seen the third and fourth song and said ‘hit or miss’. I never was a Godflesh fan, Streetcleaner is too repetitive for me and I seem to have missed ‘the concert of the century’ back in 1990… © Madanny, never seen him since ???

Ineke talked about Grindhoven but not having a friend to accompany her. I looked at her and told her about the spoof Hugo pulled and she wanted to sell me the ticket. She had it on her! I asked whether she liked the new Deströyer 666 CD or a shirt, she replied: ‘I’m so low on cash now, I’d rather have the money’, fine with me. Now she smiled and said ‘damned now I do have a friend to accompany me, but no Grindhoven ticket :lol: ‘ She said we’d meet in The Jack as the preparty there already begun and the afterparty is held there too ;). By accident she showed me the FB deal of the ticket, it was supposed to be sold to Pim (Supergoomba) :mrgreen: He’ll never know :mrgreen: Now, time for music again! The band did a lengthy sound check with curtains closed but it already sounded great! Deströyer 666 got to stage with a very long intro before Wildfire was bolted into the raging crowd: Here’s what I wrote, all and all:
- Intro
- Wildfire
- Traitor
- See You in Hell
- I Am The Wargod (camshaft banging! All 8 minutes! Explaining Charda about driving fast :lol: )
- Live and Burn
- Hounds at Ya Back (KK asking for friggin’cocaine to keep going :shock: )
- Raped (sung by guitarist Felipe Plaza Kutzbach, nice interaction between KK and him)
- Sons of Perdition
- The Calling (KK mentioning they never played this one before!)
- Satanic Speed Metal
- Iron Fist (of course, for Lemmy, huge cheers!)
- Black City (KK announcing this as last song:?: NO FUCKING WAY!)
- one song nearly acoustic (?)
- Trialed by Fire
- Lone Wolf Winter (KK on his knees, full of fire!)
Before the show Ching wondered what they’d play, not just new stuff he hoped. With nearly half of Cold Steel he can’t be disappointed, I think! The audience cooled down a bit some five songs in, but gained speed during Black City and didn’t rest until the band was satisfied! I just banged my head, not really eager to join Tom in the pit, but I had great company, so why leave? Snigger. Some five minutes after the show I met KK Warslut and thanked him for a great show. He was happy to be congratulated but didn’t want a picture to end up on FB again. I smiled and said ‘I don’t do FB’ but still no picture. I said, pointing at my MDF cap, ‘we’ll meet again’, now it was his turn to smile ‘you travel the world? Cool!’ :) Ching could have a grab at a set list (missed), Darius felt a guitar pick bust into his chest (fell down, gone :/) and I got a water bottle. Fanboy! :lol:
We talked some more but it was time to leave. Darius headed out to Nijmegen, Ching and Charda joined us to the VW Golf Mk II diesel. Being warned for the humming sound we democratically decided what to play (no Nachtmysticum, no Dream Theater but Vallenfyre and ancient Sodom ;)) and I delivered everybody home safely. Tom already slept before entering the A58, but as he has his alarm clock on 6:30 I don’t bother too much. I got home near 3 AM, uploaded my pictures to my laptop and got between the sheets. I also have an appointment, now to get rid of the humming noises of my car. Probably another wheel baring, but who knows? Ching used his phone to text Kees about driving to Eindgrindhoven, as he didn’t understand my Nokia 6310i hahaha. No response yet, but my filthy satanity, was this a great D666 show or what?


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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:41 am 

Overkill, Gebr. De Nobel, Leiden Holland, April 14th

It had been 18 months since I last saw Overkill. They had been in The Netherlands in between, but I was elsewhere then… on a Tuesday if I remember correctly. I figured this would be another first time for a venue and also the support act (s?). Would it be another Killfest run? I checked, there IS a Killfest going on, with VADER! Owww damned, it was only UK/Ireland with both bands! The Dutch date only had one support act. I wasn’t sure if The Hague Heavy Metal Alliance would organize this or not, as Koen had brought several bands to Leiden before. We’ll see. I arranged a parking spot at my office, got myself a ticket and was called by Shredded Ed if he could join me. Fine, I said, shall I get you a ticket or not? No, he said, that’s my own business (?) but OK, will spread the time of departure soon. A week before the gig I got another call from Ed, saying he couldn’t make it, no money. Pff, am I glad I didn’t buy a ticket? At that time I figured I might as well go alone, so no one would have to rush (himself) to Amsterdam to be picked up.

But the day of the gig would be some kind of hasty anyway, I had never anticipated for a loose driving axle and my VW Golf Mk II is in the shop again… damned. Now I had no other choice to get to work by train, try to have something of a work day and further on to Leiden. Sigh. I got most of my work done before I was shooed off the office by the cleaners and off to the train station. I had a decent pasta on the way to Gebr. De Nobel, even could do some more work (environmental year reports from sewage plants and a chemical factory. Nice and efficient!). At the map it was some 9 minute walk, good to see how long it would/may take to get back. Before finding Marktsteeg I already spotted Utrecht Pim and was patted on the back by Bernd, one of the Skullcrushers! He said he had a similar set of Stach’patches but couldn’t support two fan clubs of the same band?? I can support two Dutch voetbal clubs! ;) Gebr. De Nobel is quite new, right in the heart of ancient Leiden (should have made pictures ;)), according to Pim it has an excellent sound system and can be split in several sizes. OK, there’s a two layered balcony, I found a toilet that wasn’t supposed to be open (ouch! Another run at hydrocortisol for the ol’ sphincter! :( I thought I wouldn’t need that darn ointment ever again but alas) and they serve… uhm Grolsch Kornuit. Is that the hangover version of ‘ordinary’ Grolsch? Pim already got me the first one, it’s not that bad but lacks the specific Grolsch bitterness. First band would start soon, I already found Remco (Soulburn, Nailgun Massacre), Alex Metal (Mutator) and the Heemskerk Moshers (hey Michel!) and we’re in for something new: One Machine. The Skullcrushers were already up front, but I chose to walk around after describing the band with Pim: ‘power metal, a cross between Manowar and Maiden but with a singer that tried to audition for Iced Earth’, I think the UK band does a swell job when they slow down (wow! Heavy!) but the singer can’t keep up. His band (two guitars, bass, drums, singer) is good, but the man just can’t reach as high as he wants because he lacks the horse lungs required… The band thanked Overkill for a great and demanding tour. With a failed attempt to whip up the crowd one more time (‘if I do this, show me the horns. If I do that, start shouting’ and pointing at his head meant bang your head like a maniac) the band is gone. Ahh. Good. Time for Overkill. The venue wasn’t sold out, but it was cozy enough to refresh my coins twice :lol:

Overkill started with a thrilling intro, some fierce lights and a ton of smoke. I started banging my head with Bernd and his (four German and one Yugoslav) friends to:
- Armorist
- Rotten to the Core (Bobby Blitz stating ‘One rule: I’m in charge and I’m easily disappointed: GO!’ and a nice pit starts, which I happily join)
- Electric Rattlesnake
- Hello From the Gutter (now it’s getting serious :lol: )
- Hammerhead (bangerhead! ;))
- Feel the Fire (what a great bass intro, DD is thanked by Bobby for coming up with this :))
- Blood and Iron
- Coma
- Infectious
- Bloodmoney (Bernd is going crowdsurfing! He's friggin'240 lbs! :lol: )
- Bare Bones
- Nice Day for a Funeral
- Horrorscope (DD with a gorgeous double neck bass!)
- Thanks for Nothing (Bobby telling about the DVD set next weekend, ‘beers are on me if you show up!’ :lol: )
- Second Sun (hey Stach, do they really never play this song? It’s awesome! ;) Bobby is clear: ‘We haven’t played that one since the Kennedy days :lol: )
- Raise the Dead
- Overkill (bro time with Bobby about my Neckwreckers set!!)
- Elimination (with a little help from Pim :lol: )
- Flikker Op! (the audience kept changing between Fuck You and Flikker Op like Bobby said before *gloat* )
Overkill was on murderous rampage!! I compared my notes to the set list Bobby threw into the audience, I wasn’t far off :lol: He clearly tried to throw the set lists to people who had not gotten one of Derek’s guitar picks he also threw :), Derek looked ‘ow what the hell’ and walked off stage ;) At least Bobby, DD and Dave Linsk had big smiles on their faces. Haven’t seen Ron Lipnicky nor the Hague Heavy Metal Alliance all night because of the stroboscope and the smoke.
I kept searching for anything my Wisconsin friend Stach has ever made, painted or pressed for the band and fans (bass drum, guitar, patches sets, beer mug) but apart from my own Neckwreckers patches set I found none! I did buy one patch, but now I had to rush, I guessed so. I grabbed my rucksack and quickly dove into my Hail of Bullets hoodie to get to the station. I was overhauled by my cousin Thirza’s friend Anne and I had exactly one minute before I saw the yellow train lights, not the red ones ‘Pfoei!!’ and off to Sloterdijk. All but the snackbar was closed, so no more beer for the trip home. As I had been brought to the station earlier the day, I had to walk (more than two miles, drunk!!) home from the station, but I didn’t care. It had been a great metal evening, Overkill in top mood, sound was excellent and the audience ecstatic; it was dry enough to walk myself into an ocean of sweat. It took me some 50 minutes to get home, one pint of water, upload my pictures and off to bed. Tomorrow I pick up Bram Vis to go to another new ground: Schlachtfest Aurich! MOOORE METALLL!!

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:48 am 

Schlachtfest XVII Aurich, Germany, April 15th-16th, feat. Asphyx, Bodyfarm

At the God Dethroned – Bodyfarm show in Leeuwarden I got to know Jort a bit and as he was ravenous about the Bodyfarm show (not that difficult, he got a Bodyfarm shirt from me :lol: ). I started looking further. I was still a bit bummed I wouldn’t go to Protzen Open Air, but the Bodysite gave an interesting idea: Schlachtfest 2016. So.. Google is your friend I thought, but forgot Schlachtfest means Sacrificial Ritual in Muslim ideas… so I had to return to the Webfarm for the place: Aurich, Germany. OK, now I get it. Schlachtfest XVII April 15-16 in Aurich, Nedersachsen, Germany. BIGGGGG surprise: ASPHYX headlines!! Owwww fuck yeah! Just before taking my bike to Bram’s birthday I thought Bram might like this too, so I called him riding, ‘do you want a ticket to a festival for your birthday?’. Yes, he replied, great! The ordering of tickets was a bit of a mess, I needed another German ticket service website (ticketticker.de this time) but couldn’t get confirmation of payment… three days later I got an e-mail saying they had my reservation, but I had not paid yet? What? OK, rummage my bank account, indeed, what have I done wrong this time? Not much. I had forgotten to put my bank account open for other countries than Holland. OK. Aurich is some hour drive from Groningen. OK, hotel. At the time I had a hotel Jort bailed out on us, OK, no big deal, the hotel is quite cheap to begin with.

I took the Friday off, as I expected to come home tired from the Overkill gig. I didn’t even need to sleep in, as I could work in the morning, hey plusuurtjes! I picked Bram up at 2 PM and we drove easily to Aurich. In the village before Aurich I already spotted a pizzeria, might come in handy. We checked in and got my cool HJ from my ‘lovely red charity cooling box’ [Bram’s nickname to a cooling bag exactly fit for a sixpack beers from the Epilepsies fund]. The hotel owner (eine richtige Deutsche Mama ;)) advised us to try the Schnitzel in the village bar/restaurant/bowling alley and she was spot on! It was 25 square centimeters and sooo tasty! Great Bratkartoffeln too! The lovely cook offered to phone a taxi and off to the former butcher shop in Aurich, the rings to fasten the cattle to the wall still present. Let me describe this venue a bit… the place was stickered and graffiti-ed to the roof and full of antifascist propaganda. The pool table wasn’t level and the cues mostly missed their pomerance, but it was fun to play. We weren’t allowed in yet, coffee is all they could offer us. I already had a few beers so I won’t bother for coffee anymore. The ticketing wasn’t really planned properly too, as the lovely German chick had to spell out my name and ticket number, yeah there’s being paid for :roll: and we got our wrist band. So, now I have three wrist bands all tied to an Asphyx show :lol: At first I’d thought Bodyfarm would headline one day and Asphyx the other, but that wasn’t the case. The Friday would hold New World Depression (Emsdetten, also on The Storm is Coming back then), Bloodsplattered (Ludwigsfeld), Cryptic Brood (Wolfsburg) and Battue (organizers, from Aurich themselves); Saturday those would perform: Dicentress (Eisenach), Rogash (Jena), Bodyfarm (Keistad ;)) and Asphyx (Borne/Enschede/Koblenz/Rotterdam).

OK. First band was New World Depression. They sounded a lot blunter than in their Heimat and played tighter than the previous time I had seen them. This was pretty good for a start, groovy death metal; even though trying to do the same thing on stage as Dez Fafara does normally isn’t really new. Add a less-tattoed face to the beard and long hairs and you have a nice copy of the man ;) Best song: The Storm is Coming (…) https://youtu.be/FPy2iVBHQwo The band is clearly influenced by Six Feet Under and Obituary, but after three songs they start to sound alike… Jever time! Bram had some difficulties with the huge pebbles of stone in the former butchery yard (because of his duck feet), but the atmosphere was highly relaxed, all weekend. No Germans asking the Dutchies for weed :lol: Back inside for Bloodsplattered. Bram had tried to find some of their material, but we were surprised by the full-speed blender they put Hatebreed in, add death metal, sweat and strawberries and you get what I mean. Pity the singer was wobbling like a tank most of the time and his pig squeals without any variation didn’t last long to us. We sat on the balcony for a while and met Lukas, the nice bloke from Leer without his friends… he had the same problem I have so often: bought tickets for friends but they bailed on him. In the meantime Cryptic Brood checked sound, using blunt death metal, brutal doom, some stoner and play in an Autopsy setting. The drummer is the singer and he also has a sick voice. Vocals are split between all three members, I later saw. Later on I thought I heard some links to the first Sabbath album and the first wave-your-hand-German-style circle pit was seen :).The band stoked the Ostfriesian pride a bit, even though they had to travel 313 km to play. The band also used totally unexpected breakdowns and speeds can reach 250 string contacts per minute… The band also endorses Autopsy-, Repulsion- , old Paradise Lost- and old Bolt Thrower-style death metal. I thought ‘Bob Bachgus should hear this’ :lol: I’d advise Bob this: https://youtu.be/SKphQ6fZuKg Schlachtfest happens twice a year, once a one-day-fest and one two-day-variant. This was the ninth year they’d been organizing this. Bram was so happy with this setting we’ll keep an eye out for more editions to follow.

Last band tonight was Battue. The hometown of the band greeted their heroes with some 100 to 125 visitors and from their sound check on there was movement. Mostly of the neck and the hairs but also some pushing and pulling, albeit short it’s powerful. The singer tried to impersonate Chuck Billy and Maurizio Iacono in one minute, with a short microphone standard and all the evil/silly/angry/… faces he could muster. Pity he sounds like Peter Dolving with a throat ache. Musically they had some The Haunted reference too. Best part of the set was a bass intro during their song Nuclear Death. We didn’t need to see the entire show. Lukas explained he had to go back to Leer on his own, but how or what we never heard. He’d been boozing with us for a while, but… Bram had been drinking cola for a while already before the same ticket checking girl got us a taxi. The driver made all kinds of references to the Dutch and the stories of his colleague stating fun facts about Amsterdam, Utrecht, weed and herring he could find. Yeah right, the Dutchies are in Germany again *sigh*.

Let’s see if the references of booking.com are right about this hotel: yeah they are! Homemade yoghurt, homemade strawberry- and peach jam, good coffee, excellent bread and fresh fruit, good!! We weren’t going to play more pool in the Schlachthof so I figured we’d be tourists. Without direction I drove up north, we ended up in the mess of the harbor of Wilhelmshaven, saw the North Sea and off to the town of Jever, see if we could find the brewery ^^. In Jever we had lunch too, but in the hour we were in town we were shooed out of the restaurant by orchestrated Beatles songs and returning to my VW Golf Mk II I found my car bombarded by seagulls! I found 12 spots of shit on my former spotless black! Goddamned, time for a seagull barbeque fest!! :( We got back to Landgasthaus Fecht, took a powernap and found the pizzeria afterwards. The lady got us black-burned pizza and the first Jever of the day, but she did arrange a taxi. This driver friggin’played Dutch music, One Way Wind, Volendam of all stinking places! Within seconds after being delivered to the Slachthof Alwin and Christel already greeted us. I was looking at the merchandise and wanted to buy a really cool Asphyx flag, but Alwin refused to take my money! “It’s OK for you, herrieman!” Thanks a lot, Alwin! Highly appreciated. I think I will change the Unleashed banner on my front door to this one!! Later on he told me the band only had brought two and they were the last ones ever printed! One of fifty! Later on I saw they used two similar flags on stage, but that would take three bands to discover ;). Dicentress was on stage first. The three man band, with Opeth tattoos and Katatonia shirts played instrumental! Bram was really impressed by the band but I only enjoyed the faster parts they played. The Bodyfarm dudes welcomed us too and stuck around for the band and a beer. I wish I could split myself multiple times, as Sunday Bodyfarm would start their tour with Death DTA, my eldest brother celebrates his birthday and I’d possibly could meet Ineke at Stonehenge Indoor… but I congratulated and wished the band good luck with the tour. Lukas was also spotted, now with his friend Jens aside him. I would buy Marit’s son a Bodyfarm shirt but later on I gave it to Lukas, one for Jens too. Good bands need to be supported, I explained, along the line ‘never underestimate the power of surprise’. ;) Meanwhile Rogash was checking sound and Bram was instantly turned on by the Severe Torture-like sounding the band had. The vocals sometimes sounded like Roy of Funeral Whore, sometimes like that Nocturnus dude… Mike Browning. The band’s mix was pretty sharp, the solos had an ancient Slayer-feel to them, volume was up and the audience did appreciate their efforts by a nice bunch of headbangers.

The first pit of the day would be on Bodyfarm’s account. The band started with the piano intro of the Malevolence album and hit hard with The Dark Age. Thomas joked about Ostfriezen some three times, always being interrupted by the loud mouth Westfriesian Bodyboy :lol: Yep, I made clear the band is highly supported by Bram (who was actually surprised there was a Bram on stage as well :lol: ) and me, of course. I turned my esophagus inside out and got the set list (Thanks Bram!) :
- Intro
- The Dark Age (no Martin..)
- Death By Fire
- Heartraped
- Vortex of Terror
- The Coming Scourge (it seems I attract Thomas to my place on the floor :))
- Firing Squad
- Well of Decay
- Malevolence
- Der Landkreuzer
- Storming Revolution
- Unbroken
- The band went off stage but was shouted back to perform Slaves of War, thrillingly loud!!
This band clearly is in the lift. The albums went from OK to good to excellent and live they’re hard to beat in skill, pleasure, sound and mix, still getting better every time they play. Interaction on stage and with the audience is cool to be part of. Not just because of the Ostfriezen – Westfriezen jokes flying around, but also because the band is clearly ecstatic about the crowd response and mosh pit going from Death By Fire to Slaves of War. My knees are blue, my hands sting because of all the force implied on my back and onto stage. I loved it! Bram loved it! Lukas and Jens exceptionally happy with their shirts!! We also met Leon from Alphen aan de Rijn, he even had to travel nearly double our distance but his grin was priceless! After the Bodyfarm show he wore three Asphyx shirts, one Bodyfarm shirt and one Bodyfarm hoodie, all except one Asphyx shirt all brand new! Kudos for supporting the bands this way!

The other band that got a full house of fans in front of them was the mighty A.S.P.H.Y.X!!! Meeting the band off stage still gives me happy times, seeing the band perform (some 19 shows now? Yeah, could be) still gives me shivers, neckache, spinning brains, bleeping ears, sometimes even a tear of pure joy to my eyes! I simply cannot stand still, I have to move, even though that’s hard when Martin nearly decapitates me (twice :lol: ), I have to shout, I have to raise my arms, spin my fists… anything for a great hour and a half of Asphyx! Early in the set Stefan loses one drum stick and I picked it up. I gave it to a stunning looking girl saying ‘hier, nehm es, ich habe schon eine’ and a set list from Alwin to another stunning looking girl saying ‘hier, nehm es, ich habe schon zehn Stück’ :lol: Alwin said before they’d do ‘somewhat of an ordinary set’ but still I was surprised a bit:
- The Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin (Friezen! Not just the Ostfriezen :), cheered by the Westfriesians :))
- Food for the Ignorant (Martin’s first attempt to behead me ;))
- The Flood (here’s the surprise, they don't really play this song that often on festivals)
- Death The Brutal Way (someone tipping over my beer, all lights and sound go out. I struggle to empty the power strip of the beer and put in the plug Alwin couldn’t find. Hilarious reactions from Martin and Paul follow :lol: )
- MS Bismarck
- Deathhammer
- Eisenbahnmörser
- We Doom You To Death (‘für alle Deutsche Mädchen’ :evil: )
- Wasteland of Terror
- Asphyx – Forgotten War
- Der Landser (Paul has some technical difficulties but the bass sounds gorgeous this way)
- Into the Timewaste (spelling mistake on the set list ;))
- The Rack (Martin’s second guillotine move :lol: )
- Scorbutics (Alwin telling me before to keep shouting?? I always shout for more during Asphyx shows?!)
- Last one on Earth (second encore)
As a thank you for letting Christel do her job (I made some room so she could shoot some photos) I get three Asphyx buttons! Thanks! I have to spin my head a bit the other way round than I did bang my head, as my eyes still make circle movements I can hardly keep up ;). The happy stunning girls are easier lost than the Asphyx band and crew and we get our last Jevers to share with Paul’s girlfriend, Lukas and Jens and after some nice chats to Paul, Martin and the Bodyfarm crew we were the last to leave the premises. What happened: I called the taxi this time, the driver first got to the Landgasthaus before Schlachthof and his JensJens failed… he had not understood that we actually planned the other way round. I’m not too bothered as the thankful Asphyx bus moves out. Time to breathe, time to literally cool down. It had been a blast. Off to the hotel for a relative short night, as our breakfast is planned for 9 PM. It’s better this way, so I have some time on my own on Sunday. I could have stopped in Drachten or drove on to Amsterdam, but I’m exhausted and wanted to see my pictures (Bram with Paul, Bram with Martin, me with Paul, us with Lukas and Jens, Wilhelmshaven, Jever, Aurich and the likes) and I’m in for voetbal and Chinese. And MRU of course. Another fine weekend of metal digitized. I had driven exactly 666 km this weekend! Is that metal or what?

more to be found on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/schlachtfe ... 6-a-17561/

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:11 pm 

[quote="herrieman72"]Deströyer 666, Bölzer, 013 Tilburg, April 1st

- Intro
- Wildfire
- Traitor
- See You in Hell
- I Am The Wargod (camshaft banging! All 8 minutes! Explaining Charda about driving fast :lol: )
- Live and Burn
- Hounds at Ya Back (KK asking for friggin’cocaine to keep going :shock: )
- Raped (sung by guitarist Felipe Plaza Kutzbach, nice interaction between KK and him)
- Sons of Perdition
- The Calling (KK mentioning they never played this one before!)
- Satanic Speed Metal
- Iron Fist (of course, for Lemmy, huge cheers!)
- Black City (KK announcing this as last song:?: NO FUCKING WAY!)
- one song nearly acoustic (?)
- Trialed by Fire
- Lone Wolf Winter (KK on his knees, full of fire!)

So this setlist is inaccurate?


Mallcore Kid

Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:05 pm
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 2:27 pm 


I arrive to Lucky 13s,a nice spot on its own,but dont like the way it's run at all. The place has go go dancers working all the time on the bar,which might sound cool,but its actually annoying. Especially when your trying to order a beer,and they get in the way. Didnt really check out the first band LAST ALLIANCE but they sounded like a boring proggy power metal kind of band from what i did hear. Next was ROSS THE BOSS,playing nothing but old school Manowar songs,with NONE of the shitty rockstar attitude. The singer they had absolutley reigned at his take on the Manowar songs. Kill with Power,Blood of my enemies,Hail to england,Battle hymns and many more great old school stuff,and ross the boss can still shred like no other. Like Venom (inc) before them,the original underground essence of the band is maintained at the small club level while the "real" acts are but a shell of what they once were.After a very long setup,CARNIVORE cover band with an original member (im not sure which to be honest) RETALIATION took the stage. I had allready seen them at st vitus a few years ago,and wasnt really into them. They certainly play the CARNIVORE songs competently enough but the singer has a nazi uniform with a skull mask on and theyve got all sorts of props and gimmicks that really kill the vibe for me. I,personally would rather they got up and played. For a band that is just basically a tribute band they took forever to set up because of the props and gimmicks,and that made the show go on quite long,as DANTESCO from Puerto Rico,did not go on till 2 am. By this time most of the crowd had cleared out,and all that was left were the latino fans who waited all night to see them. DANTESCO's singer was done up in priest robes,blood,and a crown of thorns..


Honestly it reminded me of Mortuary Drape a bit,the way he was done up ( a good thing )
He sung passionatley in spanish with a good voice,and sometimes the guitarist would harmonize with him and it was really well done.They played some expertly written Doom metal and i really hope they will return cos What killed the vibe for me a bit is all the guys who came to see them stood around like statues filming with their cell phones,one guy with the flash on the whole time.Granted,it was very late,but come on...

so in closing ROSS THE BOSS and DANTESCO slayed,so see them if you ever get the chance. The rest not so much. This is kinda of a shitty first review,but i plan to go dig up some shows from the past,if you guys dont mind.

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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:16 pm 

NorthernDarkness6 wrote:
herrieman72 wrote:
Deströyer 666, Bölzer, 013 Tilburg, April 1st

So this setlist is inaccurate?

That could be, could be not; don't pin me down on it. I compared my notes to the album sleeves I have and I used YT to straighten a few hard to read scribblings out. I don't imply to be the world's biggest knower of Deströyer 666 songs nor set lists. I've known the band for ages, but I can always make mistakes. If I do get a set list, like lately on the Bodyfarm-, God Dethroned- and Asphyx-shows, it's easier.

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:42 am 

Cannibal Corpse European Tour 2016, May 11th 013 Tilburg

‘The masters of brutality will return to the unholy depths of 013 once more’, I thought when Tom called me to say Jossel (now his brother in law, sort of) really wanted to see Cannibal Corpse live. I got us three tickets and informed Bram if he’d be willing to join us. Yeah, of course, CC is Bram’s favorite band ever, but he had to back out. Even before buying a ticket :/. Tickets actually weren’t that expensive… but I don’t want to control other people’s wallets nor agendas. We’d bathe in the sun before hitting the normal traffic jam on the A27, have a zip of HJ and off. No traffic jam at all! Tom did manage to do MY hobby again, but we already knew we’d miss Hideous Divinity; if we’re to be lucky we’d miss Krisiun too. We just weren’t into the Brazilians this evening, but got us a three minute gig after all. But hey, Cannibal Corpse plays the SMALL hall of 013!! Invitation accepted, here comes a great pit! Pity it wasn’t even sold out, but being able to get your beverages in one piece to your mates is a pre too :). I found an agenda with four (!) spelling mistakes on three bands :)

We soon found Benji and his long time friend Rob, finally crossed out some e-mail addresses! So, more big beers to shed! They had brought a female friend by the name of Lianne or Lisanne, I couldn’t really make that out as Cannibal Corpse was already checking sound. She was to experience the bloody mess for the first time, great denim! Curtains away, cheers! HUGE Cheers! Nice pit, first song in! Here’s what I wrote:
- Evisceration Plague
- Time to Kill is Now
- Scourge of Iron (nice to bang your fist once in a while, what a great riffing!)
- Death Walking Terror
- Stripped, Raped & Strangled (whoah! This early in the set? Gulp the last beer and OFFFFFF!!)
- The Wretched Spawn (my Epic Metalfest shirt got an orange soda shower :/ )
- Pit of Zombies (my Epic Metalfest shirt got a beer shower! :))
- Kill or Become (my Epic Metalfest shirt got a cola shower Sticky rotzooi! :()
- Sadistic Embodiment
- Covered With Sores (hey, they don’t really play that song often)
- Born in a Casket
- I Cum Blood (shielding Lianne’s ears :))
- Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
- Make Them Suffer
- Hammerr! Smaaaaashed!! FIEIEIEICCCE!)
- Devoured by Vermin (Corpsegrinder still sounding great!!)
Of course, Benji and Tom ruled the pit, but as Tom used to kickbox, he was the one standing longest No matter, it was great! Sound was sharp and loud, band in good shape albeit a bit static (apart from Corpsegrinder of course; nicely screwing us up) and the crowd reacted awesome! This was my eleventh Corpse show and I am still impressed! I bought Rob and Lianne a nice sawblade shaped CC patch and tried to get tickets for the Kreator – Sepulture – Aborted – Soilwork show in February, as I heard the rumor. But it was only announced, presale begins Friday.

On the way to 013 we’d been talking about some food, but it took until Werkendam on the way home to get to an edible autopsy Tom had borrowed his parent’s VW Passat diesel but it had no stereo in it. The three of us talk easily, satisfied by a great band in a cool setting. This was not really ‘Another Skeletal Domain tour’, but more a feast of recognition, anyway, the set list surprised many people. Half the album Kill passed by, never a bad moment there. The band is sharp as a blade; the band made friends once more. Death Pitting Terror! Metal!!

Reactions on: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/cannibal-c ... urg-17597/

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 5:29 am 

Marduk – Front Schwein 2016 Tour Pt 4, feat. Immolation

Marduk is a band that more than frequently tours. You cannot simply say their albums or tours are hit or miss, as I think there’s hardly a more hard working black metal band on the planet. At first I thought I wouldn’t be into another Marduk show, over the years I lost count how often I’d seen them. But Daniel had a ticket and one of the three Dutch shows of the fourth leg of the Front Schwein tour would be in Amstelveen. Hey, not only isn’t that city that far, but also they tour with Immolation! So, story gets started, I also bought a ticket. A few weeks before the gig I got a text message from Jessica, who asked if I knew anyone to accompany her. I was slightly surprised by Jessica actually wanting to go, as I thought her liking for heavy music wouldn’t surpass Cradle of Filth, Megadeth and Volbeat… Along my friends I know someone else must have stated he or she wanted to join, but by all front soldiers above, I couldn’t remember if that was actually true, nor who mentioned this… not even if it was male or female… cause: booze :/.

Pinse Weekend started with the retrieval of my VW Golf Mk II, I had had some serious problems in the clutch… ouch. My garage owner said my trusted black metal did start with difficulties, but he had had no more time (nor my financial approval) to change it. I had been talking about this with Tom, in a last resort to get him to join us as he loves Immolation, but to hardly success: no start, no Tom, no more use of the Seat he owns together with Bart… oei, what’s next. I was lucky to call Axel early, as I wanted to do some shopping, swimming and passing gifts I’d ordered for Marit, but no such thing. We emptied nearly a full bottle of deodorant trying to fire up my car. Next step: turpentine… That worked! Of course, it’s more flammable than deodorant, but also a bit hazardous to keep in the car (benzene, fire risk). I packed the car with more turpentine, my engine start help device and something warm in case we were stranded… show a bit of trust to your own car, dude :)

Having eaten I picked up Daniel and drove off to Hoorn to pick up Jessica. Without any trace of benzene left we parked easily in Amstelveen City Centre Parking, only 100 yards from P60 venue. I even reparked the car to assure myself I had enough room to do the turpentine trick again… where’s the trust haha. We came early as we had had a great tip from Laurens to at least check out the opening band today, Greek thrashers Bio-Cancer. He was right! The band plays some cross between several third generation thrash bands like Lost Society (first album ;)) and Municipal Waste, but with vocals that resemble Dani Filth. Laurens goes absolutely avocado!! My neck also makes the first mileage of the day, but after some four songs the songs get more similar. The solos are great though, sometimes a twin solo and sometimes a guitar battle to be heard. We were joined by the Steenwijk Crew (Rob, Bart, Peter; Jurwin was in Canada or something), found another cruise survivor in Ami (I later heard Amsterdammers can be so lazy: they think Amstelveen to be too far away for metal :shock: ) and the Alkmaar buddies Nol and Martin were present. The latter said they’d come for Origin, but Daniel and me found the sonic bombardment a shortcut to headache… We were soon joined by Bart, he’d seen this package in Arnhem last Thursday already. He also said he was worried about the sound during Immolation, but we were satisfied less than 45 minutes after leaving the hall: Immolation had a superb sound! The music can be as fast as what Origin does, but because of the sheer bluntness it’s much more smoothing to watch / hear. This is clearly no ‘musicians-music’ and the first minipit of the day is fact. Ross Dolan sees ‘familiar faces from yesterday, thanks for the everlasting support’ *Bart is smiling widely* and later ‘next song is for the old rusty fan: “Into Everlasting Fire”’ :lol: The song Echo of Despair is dedicated to all bands on the tour, but especially for Marduk, as it’s the fourth (!!!) time they tour together. One huge downer for me: the LIGHTS! The P60 light man thinks every fan wants to be blinded in his bakkes, hugely diminishing the interaction between band and audience. I even stepped out of the hall with Ellen agreeing to me about the lights… One final return for the song dedicated to Infidel Ed, Burn With Jesus and this show is a memory once more. Great band, great sound, nice cross of the entire career of the band, nice audience response, but those fucking lights… will it be any better during Marduk?

I missed the opening of the show because of all the orange soda that had to be turned into Bavaria Light but as I got closer to the stage I could feel the hate and aggression rise. Marduk is certainly ON. THE. HUNT!! At first I thought the band wasn’t as fierce as that show in Essen last year (see http://www.mruforums.com/f22/hatefest-s ... ery-17125/ ) but the band gained momentum. Most action the audience held was some helicopter banging, but a three man pit also happened once in a while. The venue was nearly full, but not much more happened. When Still Fucking Dead was announced I was patted on the shoulder by Christel, both making funny faces ‘hebben we ons hiervoor opgetut?’ :lol: as I knew Alwin and Christel were in Amstelveen for Immolation ;) Would we see some movement during Throne of Rats? Uhm, not really. The minipit was reduced to rubble in some 15 seconds. I thought I’d better check out merch as I had seen a really cute Immolation shirt for Jessica. Thanked Ross and Robert for a great show but as they’re not the merch men themselves I had to wait for the well known bald bespectacled man to get it. I returned to the hall, saw Red Chris go insane with that hot friend of hers, but both were too drunk to remember they were on a show and not in a bedroom. Daniel spotted me and directed me to the first row for my pictures (thanks dude!) and the band took a little break. They returned with Cloven Hoof and Daniel’s favorite Marduk song (Wartheland) before my favorite Marduk song was played: Panzer Division Marduk!! Wolves was played next and Fistfucking God’s Planet was the encore before the lights went to normal. I must say, during Marduk all lights that were used, were directed from the ceiling down, so the audience (aka me 8-)) wasn’t bothered by it. Shooting pictures was a hell as Christel said ‘kolere rookmachine’ (translated loosely to ‘cholera smoke machine’ :) ) but the sound was tops again. The first band got 35 minutes, Origin 45, Immolation an hour and Marduk played for 75 minutes. That was enough, for me at least.

The ride home didn’t need turpentine but a nice meatball near BP Landsmeer and I delivered my load home. Jessica would like me to join her to Swaf but I was way too tired to do so and to be honest, didn’t yearn for beer at all. Took my pictures off my camera and hit the pillow. Exhausted but metally renewed!

More on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/marduk-fro ... 4th-17601/

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Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:48 pm 

Maryland Deathfest XIV, Baltimore MD, feat. Venom, Mayhem, Testament, Repulsion

Maryland Deathfest, in short MDF, made me return to Baltimore. It would be my third visit to Baltimore and my fourth visit to the USA, now with Daniel instead of Tom. I have known for a long time he’s got some financial issues to solve and as I totally don’t care about (my) money, I knew I’d return once again. Actually, it was some three weeks after my previous visit the dates would be set for MDF XIV, with Deströyer 666, Gruesome, Exciter, Jungle Rot and my friends of Hail of Bullets in the first batch of bands announced. I knew enough. MDF XIV will hold Westfriesians again, now with Daniel. At first it would be even better, as Dane said he’d travel! All the way from Australia! Bring Jason and Jason (aka A2C and Resevil239) in too. For some time I thought my The Hague buddies would be in for it too, but I haven’t heard from Koen nor Ariaan in ages. No news about any known Germans getting to Baltimore (except Tormentor in Desaster of course :) ) so far. Danester had to back out too.. Crash bought his ticket and gave his own to Scott and Missy. The list of bands became hotter and hotter. Actually, a while ago, when the final bands had been announced I thought the organizers might have to change the name to Maryland Thrashfest, as acts like Testament, Venom, Nuclear Assault, Atrophy, Hirax, Satan and even Demolition Hammer climb on stage in Edison Lot, Soundstage and Ram’s Head… Pre-pre-party would be held in the Ottobar, featuring Absu, so Daniel got us tickets for that too. There would be an after-party as well, but as it would be on Monday we figured we probably didn’t need pre-sale; let alone decide whether to go or not.

We booked flights end of October and Missy kept asking ‘when do you come’? :lol: I couldn’t answer as we booked both the tickets and the flights at Daniel’s house and I didn’t have the confirmation mails (anymore..) but it would be a blast anyway. Would Aesoth and Iced join us too? How about Ashman or Subzero? Would we brunch Cuban again? Would we be accompanied by Angie and Alan, Simone and Monika, Andrée and Kathe, would Missy have held her promise about the couch? :)

Having all the time in the world is a good thing after a period of stress, headaches and other sores. So, we would fly on Monday; the first band would appear at Wednesday. I took my postal bag to my brother’s house near the train station so I wouldn’t have to pull 15 kg of T-shirts and other goo on my bike. I am so glad I did, as it was raining on the Monday of departure. I quickly made coffee in Toon’s house (we share our house keys) and still with plenty of time I walked up to the station, to be hauled by the shop keeper there. It’s a small barista and he knows how I drink my coffee. I got it for free ;). At Murphey’s at Schiphol I met my former Groningen metal buddy Steven Luitjens and had a nice, but short chat with him. He’d travel to Russia, I’d do the Counter Cold War Route haha. The flight was relatively easy, saw movies, heard music, read some and had a slightly bumpy ride. Coming to Detroit was no fun, as it took so long for customs to clear the line we missed the connecting flight and had to wait five hours. Thanks to bar attendant Tammy we had no problem to wait five hours. Missy picked us up and the welcome was warm. Thanks!

Missy actually had to work on Tuesday but she shared a few beers with us anyway. Daniel got the second bedroom, I got the better part of the couch as always. I slept good, knowing my biological clock could be reset or not, but I was OK. Awoke for a sec when Scotty told me ‘wakey wakey sleepy head’… at four in the morning… but it’s all in good fun. Finally he's employed again.. I made myself some scrambled eggs and did dishes. Where’s Crash when you need him :lol: We filled the day with two Die Hard movies, Full Metal Jacket (I wasn’t sure if I’d ever seen it entirely) and got out for Chili’s. Chill way to start a vacation, we ended the first whole day with YT-ing each other. Wednesday we’d head out to the Soundgarden music shop at Fell’s Point, grab a CD or two, eat great pizza (I forgot the difference in 10 or 14 inches vs. centimeters and ate pizza three times :) ) and tried many different beers at Max’ Land of Beers before we were brought to Ottobar for the pre-pre party. I messed around with my bank card four times before I just picked up my credit card and took off. 4 times into stress for one silly internet safety setting… At the Ottobar I was nearly overhauled by Rotterdam Drank-a-Lot Acca and his buddy Erwin before talking to Chicken Guy. At the Ottobar we already got our wrist bands! Nice, not to have to wait endlessly to get that ;). First band began, I hadn’t even seen which, but the first alcomaholic was thrown out already. That must have been a worthy mention to Guinness’ Book of World Records, as this happened before Putrisect ended their first song! Five minutes into the fest, out!!! :lol: Daniel met Scott’s friend Mark, he’d be in for the grindcore and sludge bands all weekend. Mark had been working with Scott for the various internet radio broadcasts they had done.

Before the bands began I got shouted to by Brian, we had met at the fire drill of 70,0000 Tons of Metal 2014. Our mutual friend Todd couldn’t make it, but I will send him the pictures and the links. Hope all is well with your family, Todd, we meet again. First band tonight was said Putrisect. I was still talking to Brian and only saw half a song, but Daniel stated they sounded tons better than in Baroeg. Second band was Pissgrave. I thought of hearing ex-Marduk’s Legion barf into a bucket of strings, but Daniel really liked this! Extreme, intense, loud, shrill, Daniel bought a shirt. Of next band Cryfemal I can say I found it a bit 13-12 black metal, but at least they have a show element in their singer, he’s wearing more wristbands than clothes… he wore nothing than corpse paint and a filthy boxer short with huge letters R.I.P. on it… how artistic :/ I can’t say I was highly entertained by Profanatica as well, the band wore some brown plague coveralls and it made them look stiff beyond necessity. Their music sounded stiff to me as well. Daniel had been contacted by Missy that she was on the parking lot already, so we decided to leave Absu after only one song. That song reminded me of ancient Dimmu Borgir with a hint to Celtic Frost. Fine with me, maybe they show up somewhere else. We were tired and wanted a nice Yuengling at the Corprew residence and had an intense talk with Missy about life. Great! I slept like a rock, made food and did the dishes. No need for Crash ;)

The actual pre-party to the festival held doom/sludge/stoner bands in the Ram’s Head and extreme death metal in Baltimore Soundstage. Daniel and me mostly opted for the death metal and Missiy accompanied Mark to bands like Bongripper, Weedeater and Earth. We ate a footlong before actually entering Ram’s Head and one sign already shut me out: ‘No Moshing, No Stagediving’. Strange, I felt most unwelcome there and that feeling got bigger along the day. The Sub even had another sign: ‘Please try to leave within 15 minutes, Thanks, Management’ Ughh. Security also didn’t understand my protective box for my glasses. Gladly I soon found our Rotterdam and German friends (Acca, Erwin, Kathe and Andree and shared the first beers in Soundstage. Daniel didn’t linger much, as he really wanted to see Visceral Disgorge and he was right: this is soooo blunt! Andree even showed us his goose bumps haha. The sound was great, first mosh pit of the day present, band going nuts, audience awakened instantly heh heh. Of following band Waco Jesus I had no idea what to expect, but my pre-thoughts of stoner were blown away in seconds. I could have known, as their shirts said ‘King of Grind’ in a Kiss Army way ;) Having met Chicken Guy yesterday, now it was Camel Boy’s turn to start the pit. A nice massacre of sharp deathgrind followed. I got introduced to Jimmy Genenz from Jungle Rot by Kathe and had a funny discussion about how to pronounce the band name Macabre :): He had often toured with Corporate Death and Co. and clearly noticed I was European haha.

Dehumanized was next. Put Malevolent Creation in a blender and you have an idea how it sounds; add a touch of Suffocation heaviness to the mix, spice it up with Bolt Thrower vocals and you don’t need dessert haha. I loved this! I wasn’t really in for Putrid Pile so I tried to find my MRU friends in the Ram’s Head and got to see Bongripper for five minutes. That was enough to me, all I heard was a long pulled session of tuning guitars and the audience gets into trance? Tha kcuf?? I was shooed off the stairs by Ram’s Head staff without explanation and I was so pissed off I flipped the bird and ran. I need death metal to cool me down a bit and what did I get: Jungle Rot! Holy Blating Sheep, what a great sound this band had! So far this is my highlight of the bands, as a raging band was greeted by a raging crowd. I don’t have any song titles, but sometimes you don’t need the strict letter of songs to have a great time. I do have heard they played songs off different albums, but don’t ask which one, my head was spinning most of the time. Sharing a Captain Diet with Todd (not the 70K one but the Arizona death head) and a beer with Daniel, all Ram’s Head unfairness dripped off me and we just had a great time. I even got complimented for my huge Gorefest patch, but the complimenting man couldn’t do much with The Shavers back patch beneath haha. Later on I got my picture taken with Waco Jesus singer Shane Bottens. I thought my last band tonight would be Severe Torture, the near-grind, blunt as butter, hard as cookie dough death metal machine from my own country. Hah, great to wear my Dutch denim as the band goes absolutely to the limit. I replaced my neck with a concrete mixer and was totally filled up in gore, splatter and corpses :) Halfway the set one pitter flew into me and a 600 lbs woman next to me, I helped her up with three other men and even before she thanked me her 150 lbs sister punched my arm madly, huh? This is no rape attempt, goon! I got a guitar pick from guitarist Marvin Vriesde and went to the Ram’s Head to get back to my friends. I picked up a few minutes of Earth, but those minutes took too long. My sphincter heals faster than this band plays goddamned. I knew this is Mark’s sort of favorite band so I hope he's not offended, I hated this. Soooo sloooooowwwww… good thing: we agreed to grab a swift bite before entering the house again. Scott had been to Ram’s Head for Goblin but I haven’t seen him nearly the entire day. Couple of Yuenglings and we’re hitting the pillow. Damned, I still need to get the beers I promised!

Thursday the ‘actual’ MDF would start as Edison Lot is open now to. Finally we get our pre-ordered shirts… they sold them at the Soundstage but all we heard was ‘get yours at Edison Lot’… the car was near so we put all our merch in the car. Centinex wasn’t the first band that played, but we saw them through the gate and then on to the festival ground. It was very nice to experience some kind of Kataklysm vibe and the sound was OK. Later on I still could make some pictures. On the smaller stage November’s Doom was up and they played a killer set. I instantly remembered Tom waiting until 4 at night on 70K and he was right, the band was on fire and Paul Kurten sure hits all highs AND all lows HARDDD! I wasn’t in for Wormed somehow (they’d play twice anyway, as at least Discharge cancelled a few weeks before. There would be some bands playing twice anyway, as Daniel told me Gruesome would do two shows.) Meeting Alan, Angie and Alan’s son AJ was fun; Alan tried to tie me to himself for not missing his favorite band of the day: Khold. The dark, sinister and sometimes bleach black metal was great! Sinister was replaced by Gruesome due to visa problems and they. Kicked. Ass. Again! Even tailgating with Jason (formerly from Florida, first met him when I saw Amon Amarth in Ft. Lauderdale) and Jeff (Baltimore resident) was fun this way, pictures follow! The songs I got to see closer near stage were Trapped in Hell, losing my sunglasses headbanging so fast ;). Savage Land.. return of the sunglasses haha. A huge circlepit was destroyed once more ;) and singer Matt Harvey shouted during Closed Casket ‘louder, louder!! We’ve got some neighbors to piss off!’ :lol:

The Haunted played on the small stage after that. I wanted to see some merch and only got a hint of Bury Your Dead through the fence. I met Darren again, gave him the Hail of Bullets treatment. That means… buy a special edition Bullets over Baltimore shirt and just see the surprise. I bought four in the end, gave the very last XXL shirt for Alan, one for Angie, one for me and one for Darren. We ran into each other all day ;) On main stage I lost my marbles the coolest way possible as Paradise Lost played an ancient set… Pity the Sadness, Rapture, As I Die (gave my camera to pin the excitement I was in :). Seals the Sense… I went all the way. Nick Holmes was also dry as sand again, as he said ‘Terminal, the next song is NOT about flying, it’s about DYING!!! :)

I was actually surprised Samael was on small stage doing a full Ceremony of Opposites set. 'Dane, you were right, it’s a great album and we miss you!!' We were on quite a distance from the stage, but we enjoyed the set greatly and super relaxed. Then again, even aggressive music can be soothing ;) as I introduced Scott to Ross Dolan and got to talk to the Severe Torture guys. Some chick in a Goatwhore shirt didn’t believe it actually was Ross, having seen Immolation tour with Goatwhore myself once, she kept squealing at him he got annoyed a bit ;) Mayhem was ending the main stage but Scott already left during the intro to get to the Soundstage. The first band we saw there was ¥aecøpsæ (don’t ask me to type that again, as it was some 13-12 grindcore to me) but with an Obscene Extreme pit: the beach ball, the walking dick, Cow Guy, the horse mask, luminiscent sticks and so on. The crowd went nuts but I wasn’t into it. Same with Rotten Sound, as I think I simply expected too much. We had come for Repulsion!! It was fucking awesome! Sharp, loud, witty, excellent sound and a picture of the set list, add the rest of the titles yourself ;) :
- Stench
- Eaten
- Acid Bath
- Slaughter
- Decomposed
- Radiation
- Splattered
- Festering
- Pestilent
- Cremation
- Driven
- Six Feet Under
- Bodily
- Repulsion
- Lurking
- Black Breath
- The Hammer
- Maggots
- Horrified

AWESOME!! GREAT!! THRILLING!! Need I say more? We went out and talked a lot about those bands until I nearly fell asleep. Yeah, this was cool and yeah, I was drunk. Very drunk.

I kept saying ‘don’t have too much mercy with me, as my current condition is totally self-inflicted’ but if even pop tarts hardly stay in you can say ‘Herman has a hangover’ ;) What better way to recuperate is with fierce music? That fierce music was delivered by Hirax. The band had just started when we entered Edison Lot and to My Shrill Vocal Beast, what a great show Katon & Co. gave. With songs like Lucifer’s Inferno, El Dia de los Muertes and El Diablo the audience went over the top. Katon thanked the organizers and especially all ‘suppliers of beer because we need beer, right?’ :) I wasn’t in for beer yet but got the joke ;) The band ended with instrumental S.O.W. and Violence of Action. We couldn’t see the entire set as there would be a full MRU meeting at the Atrophy show; Scott loves the band to bits and I’m certainly not unfamiliar with the band that had two such great records but hardly got known outside of their own city. And when they did play Holland I was too late… the band had not played for 20 odd years and already said sorry for any stiffness :lol: Missy got the set list, I grabbed in the wrong direction :/
- Intro (Scott stating, the set list withering in the wind, ‘oh good they do Beer Bong, we need someone to grab a few beers to drink to that one!’)
– Killing Machine
- Rest in Pieces
- Violent by Nature
- In Their Eyes
- Right to Die
- Preacher, Preacher (singer Brian Zimmerman does ALL the highs and ALL the lows and he still sounds great! And I’d forgotten dat great bass part!!)
- Socialized Hate
- Chemical Dependency
- Product of the Past
- Puppies and Friends
- Slipped
[**begin rant**- Beer Bong was on the set list, but the organizers made a fool of themselves to cut the show off!! Huh? Isn’t a band that does a reunion show after 20 years not allowed to do their shortest party song? Very dumb thing to do, I thought. When Atrophy was announced I had thought they would have been given a higher spot on the bill as well, but clearly I’m no organizer :/ I did get the beers for Beer Bong, but wasn’t allowed to take three beers in one time? What the fuck is this crap? No more tips for you guys! I wore my Dutch denim and I’m glad I have huge pockets, but it took a little longer to get back to front row. I understood later on there is some goofball law about the amount of beers to be served? Huh? This pissed me off too!!! **end rant**] OK, this was an AWESOME show! Bodyparts were flying, hairs sweeping, arms into the air, throats mostly open, the occasional crowd surfer… this was great. The band enjoyed it a lot too, there was a lot of interaction between the stage, in front of the stage and next to the stage too. Later I found out people could buy VIP arrangements for the Edison Lot, where you could get backstage whenever you wanted. It must have cost about $ 100 dollar more, saw some familiar faces but I want to meet band members on the ground, not backstage :) Yesterday I already spotted Paul Baayens, Katon W. de Pena roamed the venue and after the show the Atrophy guys weren’t easily removed from the exit of the backstage area. I have a few pictures of me with two or all Atrophy members and so does Scott.

Having seen the entire Atrophy show only had one downer for me: I could not reach the front row for the next battle: Hail of Bullets! After the news the band split ways with Martin van Drunen all shows but this one were cancelled and they soon introduced the man that was sort of an easy guess: Dave Ingham was available, he’s a known death metal singer and Dave and Martin share two bands now: Bolt Thrower and Hail of Bullets. How would it be? Dave does sing slower, so it seems, Martin articulates a lot more and am I crazy in thinking the band played mostly the slower songs?
- Swoop of the Falcon
- Operation Z
- General Winter (Dave joking about the heat in Baltimore ‘I fukcing live in Denmark, I’m no longer used to heat’ :lol: )
- DG7
- Advancing Once More
- On Coral Shores
- Red Wolves of Stalin – huge and violent pit occurring – Stefan Gebédi announcing Dave Ingham is now an official member of Hail of Bullets – cheers
- Tokyo Napalm Holocaust – Dave’s tribute to Kiddie (Bolt Thrower, R.I.P.)
- Ordered Eastward FINALLY some goosebumps!!
I was moping about Dave’s lack of interaction with the audience and didn’t really like the smaller reach Dave has compared to Martin, but the goosebumps at Ordered Eastward tipped the balance in favor: this was a good show. Daniel had a great time and he even asked if he could get my Bullets over Baltimore shirt, even pay for it if I wanted that! I hesitated a bit, but choose not to sell my BoB shirt. For once I am egoistic…

I met Richard and Darren again and we got to the smaller stage. I had no schedule what so ever, so I could be surprised anytime. Darren mentioned the name but somehow all I made of it was ‘Black metal with beach balls’ haha. Are grindcore tactics allowed in black metal now? It took one closer look to the stage to see who Darren meant: it was Impaled Nazarene. They had a great time on stage, I smiled. This band can perform a salty as cement or as fierce as an oven, nothing in between. This was a good show. Slutti666 made a lot of jokes on the weather, the elections and the difference between Finland and the rest of the world.

And now, for another real treat: Exciter in original setting! Johnson, Beehler, Ricci!! I Am The Beast! Victims of Sacrifice! Violence & Force! Long Live The Loud! Heavy Metal Maniac! Evil Sinner! Beyond the Gates of Doom! I know I missed two titles screaming and banging so much! The sound was G.E.W.E.L.D.I.G.!!! What a great set, what a great music. It hasn’t aged a bit! This was sooooo coooooollll!! Even the Atrophy guys were banging at their self made merch stand, we were thanked for our participation in their highlight of the festival too. About merch, apart from MDF merch and venders with shirts of bands that didn’t play there wasn’t a lot of choice. I think I was lucky to have found the BoB shirts (and, of three sizes, the XXL for Alan being their very last one) but have not seen much other specific shirts. No mention of the reunions of Atrophy and Exciter, no goodbye-to-Nuclear Assault shirt, mostly illegal patches…

No need to wallow long, as Nuclear Assault is up next. On the festival ground I heard this actually IS NOT their final show, as at least two more will follow. I just walked around, looking for old thrashers with big grins on their faces; I got plenty of those. But if this WOULD have been the final goodbye, they wouldn’t have brought in Nick Barker and another guitar player I didn’t recognize. Those surely weren’t Bramante or Evans! OK, still, this was another great moment for me. I said before Nuclear Assault is special to me and to combine the very first thrash metal band I ever saw with their ‘goodbye’-show and another band I saw that day was a great coincidence to me (Testament). One other fun fact: the band was as sloppy as that first time and again the first tune I recognized was… Stranded in Hell… also the fifth song they played… pure coincidence. Also present: Connelly’s dry, witty humor regarding the show and the songs ‘you know, there is an epidemic going on and we’re close to the centre of it. It’s in Washington and it’s called ‘stupidity’ :lol: Last band today was to be Testament. Would they do stupid things like mess with the sound check? Who was in it again? The answers are short: No; Billy, Peterson, Skolnick, DiGiorgio, Hoglan. THEY SLEW!! Dokk’Em easily forgotten! Remember Wacken 2003! Over the Wall as first song, the list isn’t complete but what the heck: Rise Up, The Preacher, Practise What you Preach, The New Order, Into the Pit [6 Germans and herrieman doing their own, wayyyyy off stage :) nearly lost ANOTHER camera :/] Disciples of the Watch, The Formation of Damnation with a great wall of death. Angie and Alan were spotted in the wall of death too ;) I had another great time with Ed Warby showing my Dutch denim (yeah, with Gorefest HUGE on it ;)) and saw Bettina run into the pit during Disciples. Panting she came back and said ‘I’m 45 now, sometimes you just have to do stuff you’ve never done before’ hahaha. Both Ayreon and The 11th Hour are working on material. I found a super deal: a 2015 hoodie with the good front print, all the bands and big enough for only $15!

Actually, I had plans to get to Ram’s Head and/or Soundstage again, but having been just recovered from a hangover I chose not to. I don’t know Craft nor the other bands, leave that up to Res. Daniel had been bullied by a colleague ‘just get into Walmart or you haven’t been in America’ and we had a great time with Super Cheetos (about 4 times as big as Dutch ones) and the crackers and cheese snack Scott provided. Tomorrow even more metal, as Gruesome was to play for the second time as Discharge cancelled and Wormed filled in for Sinister (visa problems). Nighty night!

I awoke to the delicious smell or one of Missy’s specialties: grilled bacon. Stories about metal and metalheads were followed by more stories haha. Today we’d go by three cars as Res would go home to Philly after the show, Mark would be mostly around Power Plant today (combine Ram’s Head and Soundstage) and Scott had to work the following day. Daniel and me wanted to see Wombbath as I bought their split 7” with Revel in Flesh; Desaster and Interment up, reunion of Demolition Hammer; Satan and Venom headlining on Edison Lot. First band was Nocturnal Graves. We had never heard of them but they sounded great! Awfully foul music, fast, dirty, aggressive. It was like Desaster on crack, I have to check this band out! Walking to the small stage Desaster’s Tormentor was already adjusting his cymbals, so another bro time for me. Wombbath was the first band we saw on the small stage. It’s sick death metal, they have an awesome drummer and a singer with not only a great blackened death metal voice but also a 4 feet goatee haha. Great to see Daniel go nuts! So, Desaster is up next. I am very pleased with their new album The Oath of an Iron Ritual and I’m not the only one. The death/thrash slashes through necks and livers like only Desaster can do. Stephan Hüskens throws a broken stick into the audience but he forgot to bring more than one pair of sticks :lol: so he actually has to ask if even the broken stick can be brought back to stage :lol: The set wasn’t even 3/4ths in haha.

We had no interest in Bongzilla so we tailgated in the sun. Actually it started raining slightly when we returned to the festival site as Interment was up next. The rain got heavier and I decided to keep my (relatively) dry shirt in my shorts pocket and wander the terrain only in denim. What’s not covered, dries faster I always learned. We stood first row at Interment and it kicked ass! We banged our head fervently but as I don’t know the songs too well I went out for some food and to some people’s horror: strawberry lemonade. I will not dehydrate today! No hangover on Monday! But the Greek chicken tasted North Korean and the Bratwurst was godawful. The bun seemed to come from the Sahel desert… Drain away with Bud… also not the best in the world… Incantation was up next at the small stage, but as it was raining heavily now, I decided to stay under the viaduct and watch. Compared to earlier Incantation shows I had absolutely NOTHING with this one. I got bored by the vocals and the drone-like guitars somehow. I decided to return to the Bud Booth and there was another MRU meeting goin’on: Alan, Angie, Jason, Jeff, Daniel, Scott and Missy. I even ate the remainder of Missy’s pasta and that tasted A LOT better than the gloop I had before. One of the earlier meals on the Edison Lot was a cheeseburger with gloop instead of cheese and fries with gloop instead of cheese. I couldn’t even finish it. You do know I love cheese, right?

No need to linger much, as Demolition Hammer was up next! The band simply demolished Baltimore to dust; Daniel just said ‘fuck the rain’ and he was totally right! I soon followed and banged my head until I saw nothing more than drizzling hair and an odd angle through my glasses. No I haven’t lost it :lol: G.R.E.A.T.!!! Band, start booking shows in Europe A.S.A.P.! Start on new material! This was another killer set on a festival that had some great bands already! I took some pictures and these were my last ones of this edition of MDF. I brought my shirt and camera to the car and partied on. Satan was up next. The rain was getting obnoxious but I had to see them at least. Original singer Brian Ross is in great shape, the band is tight (how else with such experienced guitar players as Ramsey and Tippins in the band??). But… after their very first song Trial by Fire (I even wanted to text my Arizona friend Craaaasshhhh!) I got actually elitist… I thought ‘they played my favorite song, I’ve seen them, all the others are at the car’ and I just left Jason and Jeff and went away. Call me fool, call me doof, but I was wet, cold and wanted a beer that would taste… Jason and Jeff wanted to see Venom and some bands in Ram’s Head but we had Triscuits & cheese, no Excel (…). Mark went to Power Plant by cab to save his equipment and Jason drove to Philly after a nice final chat. MDF’16 is over to us, not to Mark. He’ll go to the MDF afterparty with Doom and Infest, we will look to get to Richmond Virginia. Tourist all the way ;) maybe hook up with Municipal Waste :lol: [Ryan Waste was on Edison Lot at least twice].

This was another great edition of Maryland Deathfest, call it Maryland Thrashfest, Maryland Grindfest or even Maryland Stonerfest I don’t care, the bands were mostly tops and we got to see some awesome shows. Spotted friends, missed a few ones, made new friends. American, Mexican, German, Dutch, band member of just paying visitor and spent about $ 500 on beer and other surprises. I say this to everybody: come to MDF once! Get here a second, third or (in my case) a fourth time. It’s absolutely worth it! Grind, thrash, death, black, sludge, all METAL!

Slightly adjusted from http://www.mruforums.com/f22/maryland-d ... ion-17608/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:49 am 

FortaRock 2016, June 5th, headliners Volbeat, Megadeth, King Diamond; Goffert Park Nijmegen

Of the eighth edition of FortaRock I wasn’t sure for a long time if I’d go or not. I felt it too close to my return from the States and the programming wasn’t top notch, with Within Temptation, Volbeat, Disturbed as first acknowledged bands. It got better when Amon Amarth was added and so, Alex bought him and Terrorthirzje a ticket. But I finally fell for it when Havok, Obituary, King Diamond and Abbath were added. Would Amon Amarth play AGAIN the same times I’d love to see another band? Couple them to Obituary and I’d have a problem, I guessed. I wouldn’t make it to the Saturday part, Legion of the Damned or not, I wasn’t in for a trip on my own. The other Saturday day bands would have made it a one-band-trip I wasn’t ready for. I had no idea though that Tom had had two free tickets for the entire festival! I later understood this free entrance was some kind of a trick from Jordy, had he won some 4 tickets? Yeah probably.

All I did to get to Nijmegen once more, was arrange Alex’ car to be filled. I knew Jessica would join us and my former colleague (practice term) Tyrone is a huge Disturbed-fan. He even tried to get me to that 5FDP-PR show a while ago, of which I never figured out if there was a ticket for me or not 8-). We’d leave early, as I really wanted to see David Sanchez & Co. we’d have to leave around 9:30. I called if I’d need to make coffee, I could sure use some. I’d slept a record 16 hours straight after my second 25-hour-day-to-36-hours-awake-minus-two-hours-of-sleep in two weeks. But the coffee wasn’t the best idea pouring while driving. Especially the last cup (my own :() was poured in a bend in the road, spilling hot coffee over my loins. Alex nearly startled after my cry and I didn’t get the entire cup empty… ouch. Ouch big time. Happily the draw bridge near Lelystad was open so I could cool my balls for a sec and throw all brown-stained cutlery in the back of the car… At the festival site Alex left us at the Kiss and Ride spot and that meant Havok to me! I wasn’t really searched well (no problem here ;)) and dove straight into the Large RockHand stage tent and got to see 2 songs: Living Too Fast and Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death. The band sounded sharp and the PA was well mixed, so it was a pleasant start of a metal day. I already was hailed by msd and Brammerman and the first beers were shed. Maarten and Bram had been there the entire weekend and were teasing me with the Legion set: The. Entire. Malevolent Rapture. Played. Integrally. Damned! The men knew my facial impression all to well haha. The men also wanted to see Fleshgod Apocalypse, but I was nearing Main Stage for the sound check of Suicidal Tendencies. In the meantime I found my friends John, Ed and René and was accompanied by Lange Jan too. Hey, here’s Lange Robert too! On Heavy Stage (outside) Monster Truck did a nice job, as the heavy-in-seventies-rock drenched hardrock/heavy metal band got about half an hour to impress us. Cool band, nice to relax by and have a beer with friends. I don’t know if I’ll ever get myself some of their music, but with today’s temperature I could do, I guess ;)

Of Suicidal Tendencies I can be short: the band only showed Dave Lombardo and Mike Muir in the leaflet and they wound their loyal fans around their fingers… You Can’t Bring Me Down as first song, soon to be followed by Freedumb, Trip at the Brain and War Inside My Head. There was a nice mess in front of stage with Tom’s bright yellow Iron Reagan shirt (Your Kid’s an Asshole :)) popping up prominently. With a big smile I went to the tent for Dark Funeral, it had been nearly six years I last saw them. To me their albums are hit or miss and live they don’t always deliver. If they do, it’s a great hatefilled black metal sharpness show. Today… the sound was like from six feet under, way too much drums and vocals; hardly any bass nor guitar AT ALL! I had my pictures and left after two songs. In this form I don’t need black metal, I could do with some sunshine too. Alex had brought P20 (sp?) and assured me I wouldn’t need any other sunblock. OK, locker is full to the max anyway, as three hoodies and a(n empty) denim filled the little box enough. But sunblock isn’t also common when Swallow The Sun hit Heavy Stage; the band plays more black metal than doom; follow the leaflet or not, I thought. The mix was decent though, I just never was a huge doom fan to begin with. I’m more into death metal and by coincidence, Amon Amarth is pillaging the Main Stage with their drakkar heads, impressive backdrops and even more impressive sound: the band clearly is in for it! The band starts off with Pursuit of Vikings which made my neck hairs stand up and makes my neck muscles do their first workout. As Loke Falls and First Kill are hailed by a raging crowd, but without yellowness I don’t dig in. I know Alex is up front, but I had such a great time with Jessica I only kept looking to my own goose bumps as Runes to my Memory and Death in Fire are played. Like in their best (aka not so commercially planned yet) the band goes to the limit. Loud, sharp, well mixed, Johan Hegg thundering over the rest over the music. The music was tightly played too. Of course. Amon Amarth has been doing this in quite the regular line up; they have hardly shifted between band members since 1998. During Death in Fire I thought my head would roll off my neck :). To calm down myself a bit I volunteered to make a head start with Tyrone’s vest by finding some Megadeth, A7F and Disturbed patches for him. For once I wasn’t quick enough to surprise him ;)

I ate a doable Mexican roll before Abbath entered the tent stage. I don’t know how far the set had been going on, but apart from one song off the self titled album all he and the band played was the rougher part of Immortal songs. With accompanying deafening volume ;) It wasn’t bad and even Alex liked it to a certain degree. I was more thrilled to see Megadeth once more, I still haven’t bought the new album but according to the set I didn’t need to do so yet: Hangar 18 as first song, one new one, Sweating Bullets, Symphony of Destruction and Peace Sells hit HARD! I didn’t watch the entire set as Jessica saw a front row place for Obituary and I gladly followed: the band went in like a razor, extremely sharp and aggressive; loud as fuck too, a full blown Obituary thrills us both. A couple of tunes off Inked in Blood and then more than half the set comes from the legendary first two albums!! Jessica teased her sister by making a video of Cause of Death with John, Terry and me in leading role hahaha. Wonder how she reacts to that :evil: This was a great set and without set list it only can get better one way: a drum stick from a widely smiling Donald! The stick is actually totally worn out at the handle part, not around the tip. I had to watch my pictures to finally see that Donald plays his drums as loud because he handles the sticks the other way ;) What a great set! Band members smiling, audience going cranked, sound was awesome, what else do you need? No Babymetal. I could have done some 10-15 minute peek at the frivolous frannies so well arranged, but I’d never give up a front row spot in an Obituary show. Not for such gimmick. It would have been nearly the only ‘new’ band to add to my list but no. No. Just no. Obituary upheld that.

What I also don’t need is Disturbed. To each his own, but I fucking hated this set. Halfway in the band starts doing obnoxious covers from Simon&Garfunkel, U2 and friggin’Rage atM?? They played the songs even slower than the originals and especially the RatM song sounded painful. I won’t ever discuss someone’s favorite band, but Tyrone, you could use some death metal training. Thrash! I was so happy I wasn’t about to linger, as King Diamond had already started!! Fuckfuckvuk, would I miss my all time favorite concept album? It was announced ages ago The King would do a full Abigail set, but when I entered the tent I was thrilled beyond recognition: MELISSAAAAAAA! YOU ARE THE ONE!! YOU ARE THE ONE!! I nearly broke into tears as I could hardly believe my own imagination going straight to heaven… Only to be increased a bit more by COME TO THE SABBATH! King totally masters his voice, his falsetto is as strong as I clearly remember ancient Mercyful Fate seance sessions my friends in Westwoud and Hoorn used to perform.. Don’t Break the Oath followed by Nuns Have No Fun and The Beginning.. I was in heaven! I was a raging ball of endorphin and adrenalin! Superdupertrooper filled up I suddenly heard the Funeral intro... I hadn’t missed one Abigail heartbeat and I freaked out even more! The band was friggin’great, The King was, as said, in top shape and no single deterioration was noticed… WOW this could well be the best performance of 2016!! I even tried to call Crash and make him part of this great event… probably he has a very noisy voicemail up to a minute to listen to, with me squealing like King in the background :lol: I went over the top… and came down to earth with Volbeat, the headliner of this festival.

We had agreed not to wait out Volbeat to the last song, or even leave during their intro. Actually, of Jessica I would have thought she would like to see more of the set. She explained: ‘Nah, it’s not really my favorite band and I’ve seen some of their shows, they were a bit interchangeable to me :shock: I didn’t make any effort to report anything on the band, as I just was cooling down from the King Diamond set. The songs do sound all alike to me. All and all, we left during their encore, not doing much effort to find each other. I was fine with that, I knew there would be water, apple juice and a nice dry shirt waiting for me at the car. We sang along to mostly AC/DC- and Metallica songs to keep Alex awake. He managed to miss at least one side bar on the highway, I think he was more tired than he cared to admit. But seeing his and Thirza’s smiles, I knew it was a great decision to join my brother and my metal niece once again. Beforehand I gave Alex some money for his 50th anniversary (August) and he at least used part of it to protect his baldness with an AC/DC cap. We were brought home and thanked Alex for the drive.. this was another great metal day. Friends, reasonable food, pretty expensive coins (€ 2,70 each), extremely good weather, OK bands, crap bands and Obituary… KING DIAMOND, awesome! Heavy metal, YOU ARE THE ONE!!

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Mallcore Kid

Joined: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:43 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:55 am 

I went to see Macabre at Montreal couple weeks ago at Earslaughter. They were celebrating their 30th anniversary at Katacombes. The sound was wicked, the crowd went nuts, but their energy this time around was super low. Wasn't a make or break since they sounded great.
I love Macabre and have seen them about 3 times so I was expecting a little more. I saw them at the Domination on the Nation tour last year with Origin and Krisiun and they fucking killed it! Their vinyl is sick too, definitely check them out if you havent seen them.

Metal newbie

Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:33 am
Posts: 85
Location: France
PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:08 am 

I've seen King Diamond and his team last night during Hellfest 2016, France.
I was there 4 years ago, after King's medical ordeals and his great return on stage. At that time overall he sounded very good, despite a laborious start and a bit of vocal tiredness after 40-45 minutes of tremendously epic heavy metal. Nonetheless it was a great show and we left delighted.

30 hours ago, it wasn't the same story.

The musicians sounded tight, sharp, heavy, looked involved and happy to be there, especially Pontus. We couldn't see Matt a lot behind his kit but he gave us a solid performance. The guitars were fantastic and every guitarist on here knows how tricky King's catalogue is in this department ; switching from eletric to acoustic to electric to acoustic back and forth, Andy & Mike were the armed wings of this magic night. Livia's backing vocals were great and offered a nice and worthy support.

And the King destroyed everything. From the first note to the last, no hesitation, high and pure falsettos, nailing every fucking note on the head. No laborious start, no vocal tiredness (at least we didn't hear it). He was obviously telling the truth about his voice : i don't think it has ever been THAT good. I mean, how could it be better? He just put his guts on the table, and his balls on top of it.
At last but not at least, King spent some extra minutes to thank the people that was still there, when the crowd was gone. I was there, and fucking screamed till my lungs were about to tear apart to thank the Maestro for this absolute display of awesomeness.

Thank you Mr King Diamond. You and your team delivered the heavy metal pinnacle of the year.

set-list :

1) Welcome Home
2) Sleepless Nights
3) Halloween
4) Eye Of The Witch
5) Melissa
6) Come To The Sabbath
7) Abigail album from start to finish

A few pics for you guys to appreciate the superb backdrops :

Spoiler: show












My guitar covers channel ... Playing on my own, or with my girlfriend.

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:26 pm 

Dokk’Em Open Air 2016, feat. Testament, Doro, Raven, Primordial, Grave, Entrails

Not to be rude or anything, but this festival can count as the festival I didn’t want to go to. At all. Doro, Soilwork, Finntroll, ughh. But fate changed my view. I had seen Municipal Waste was to play in Jera On Air near Venlo (Limburg) and Tom and me were all over it. Even more, as Ineke would show up too. I have had some crush on her since the Persistence Tour (Iron Reagan, dùh) but it took too long, I thought. Tom had the answer: she’s gay. Fine, that is real moral boost for me. :S It got worse: Tom wouldn’t make it to Jera, he’s simply too busy now (house to plaster, a nice Pontiac to finish, gf, another friend's birthday) and bailed out. I asked Axel if he’d join us, we’d pick up Ineke, that crush no longer mattered. Axel replied ‘I don’t know, it might be no, I have to think about it’. ‘Axel’ in the same sentence as ‘think’? :) Now it was Ineke that wasn’t sure anymore. I thought ‘hell, now I push myself to Dokk’Em…’ but for Raven, Grave and the renewed interest in Testament (see MDF review) I’d do it. Big plus: I wouldn’t have to drive 426 km on one day, I’d finally camp this year (no German outdoors this year, Into the Grave in a hotel and so on), drive home on Sunday and I’d have probably more friends around than in Venlo; the rest of the Jera line up held Pennywise, August Burns Red, H2O and the likes… not much metal, eh? I had heard it would be the final edition of Dokk’Em Open Air, but no one could tell me why this would be the last one. Weather forecast: 50 per cent chance of rain, not too cold. As if Dokk’Em never had rain… bring wellingtons haha.

I had done my job for the Friday and left around 11 in the morning to Dokkum. I had brought one six pack of HJ and some jelly donuts and cheese in my Westwoud Beerbong. That one that says ‘from herrieman from Westwoud City, where the grass is green and the girls are shitty’ what was on the radio: Guns’n’Roses – Paradise City haha. I ate my sandwiches entering the Lauwersseewei. But even if it would be the last edition, why the hell is the (new) place so badly shown? I drove through Dokkum trice and finally found the camping site. Moaning about a beer I quickly set up my tent, as Robin and Benji already found me ;) We shared my HJ and off to the festival site just before Bliksem got to stage. Strange, the band has evolved a lot, but it doesn’t grip me like before. I didn’t even make pictures. The terrain wasn’t really spotless, as it had been raining the Night of Dokk’Em. The pre-party held a ZZ Top Tribute and a Rammstein one, but I haven’t seen which performers… fine with me, I wouldn’t like to camp in the rain… job on Friday... To my surprise I kept near the stage for Heidevolk. It had been quite a long time since I saw them and I must say I liked them more than previous gigs I’d seen the Geldersche Beerdrinkers. I met Jan and Jurjen the 70K survivors and had a beer with the men. Raven… KILLED!! I stood first row and threw my esophagus on stage :) shouting so hard. I got John’s set list (THANK YOU!!!), he smiled widely when he handed me the hand written paper:
- Destroy All Monsters
- Hard Ride
- Inferno
- All For One
- Rock Until you Drop
- medley of Speed of the Reflex / Run Silent Run Deep / Mind over Metal
- Tank Treads
- Faster than the Speed of Light
- On and On
- Break the Chain
This band is fucking awesome! What a madness on and off stage! They are friggin’tight, they have all the fun in the world and they’re not fussy they play so early on the day. Muchos respectos!! I knew by then I’d end my weekend with nothing more than a squeak for voice haha. Even Dennis and HeeJo showed up! Had a beer with my Groningen buddies Marcel and Arend and off to another mind boggling experience: Grave!! I must be in a great shape or something, as I grabbed another set list after a wonderful, full blown death metal meltdown, not strange with these songs:
- Deformed!!!
- Disembodied Steps
- Morbid Way
- Out of Respect for the Dead
- Extremely Rotten Flesh!!!
- Soulless
- You’ll Never See…
- Winds of Chains
- And Here I Die Satisfied!!
- Into the Grave
- The Ominous “They”
Camshaft banging! Heavy arms! Bloody tongue! Unholy Pit Six Feet In The Ground, this was another AWESOME Grave show! I really, really had to recuperate for a while so I wandered around the merch stands, thanked Metal Mike for writing off my bucket list ‘ever be on a picture in Aardschok’ and showed him the Aardschok patch I made out of a cap ;) and moved on. I was advised several times to eat the greatest of all Bratwursts, but I somehow didn’t get close to that shop. I didn’t eat at all, stupid me. I wasn’t really picky about seeing Primordial, but with Dennis and HeeJo present I was entertained way beyond belief. The band did some ‘normal’ set list with songs like Where Greater Men Have Fallen, Empire Falls and As Rome Burns and I got happily surprised. The band still has a great atmosphere and the sound was very good, very sharp and especially loud enough. But not having eaten sure put a toll on me and especially my stamina. I was very tired, sure had plenty to drink and I didn’t want to wait for Soilwork. That I would miss Testament this way was not a big deal to me tonight, but I later heard one of the most unique band experiences ever: The band had brought their big light show and that delivered huge problems. Not only the band begun too late (just like the first time they played Dokk'Em :/), but halfway the first song the entire terrain went black! The band tried three times to begin their set, three different tunes and intros were used, until one of the organizers signaled the band to the Party Stage! That’s a stage of some 5 * 5 m ieniemienie lump of wood with the tiniest of tiny drum kits, only two stacks of Marshalls… but with power! The band jumped off stage and walked (!!) through the audience to the other stage and plugged in! Just like that! The band tried again, but there seemed to be another problem with the power supply and they had to stop …again! The band tried and tried and I think they won the absolute highest respect in many ways! No one single band or crew member was complaining! So, now I am pretty pissed off I didn’t experience that!

I awoke to the sound of my brother Toon’s best friend Jos’ scream for coffee and I joined him, his pal Raymond, Sander and Rhea to the city center to have a decent meal. Coffee, a delicious burger, buttermilk, an orange juice and we were totally renewed. We should have asked to split the bill, but that was impossible, the man said. Is it a problem I pay € 75? Are you sure, is that all? No, not to me, my wages just have been sent and my taxes returned to me, so I ended up with a pile of cash in my wallet… No problem. I’d gotten thirsty again and got myself more coins. First beer (Hinneken) was a bit toothy to me, but the rest went in smoothly. We had a lot of fun in the city too, as the entire city center was packed with small and bigger stages for a shanty choir festival! Jos and Raymond even joined a couple of (elderly) women to dance to the squeeze boxes’ sound :lol: We had all the time in the world, as the first band would appear at 1:30 PM. I had never seen nor heard Kjeld before and I nearly wished we’d danced a little longer in the city. What a boring piece of shit black metal… Usually Dokk’Em gave room to unknown and/or local bands, but this band sure had nothing to gain here. There were exactly three people actively watching the band, probably the gay boyfriends of the band members. I’m sorry, I normally don’t give a fuck about any person’s sexual desires, but now I can’t find another word than gay to describe it. On the camping we were more lucky, as a cover band tried to blow all coffee and sandwiches out of people’s hands/mouths haha. They played covers of CCR (Jos is also a huge CCR fan, he’s the one that gave Toon the LP when he turned sixteen; I nearly played it more often than he did or else my father would find it :lol: ), AC/DC (making friends with everyone in an AC/DC shirt :lol: ), Sex Pistols, The Kinks, The Who and so on.

With a huge grin I appeared front row for Izegrim. I had already met Marloes and Jeroen the night before and the band went in with a bash! Peter standing next to me, telling everybody about the crush I had on her :lol: and with a nice wink I got Marloes’ bass pick and Bart’s set list (THANK YOU BOTH A LOT!!) ; gave the set list to Peter after making a picture [I have plenty of those *cool* ]
- White Walls
- Death Strip
- Endless Desire (…)
- Reclaim my Identity
- Relic of the Past (with a huge pit behind me, Peter holds his ground ;))
- The Legion
- Insanity is Freedom
- Celebratory Gunfire
- Time to Run
- Endless Strife (do you really have to quit so soon? ;)
Peter and Rob Tiller have a great time with joking Marloes ‘je haar danst’ (insider commercial joke) and the band have the time of their lives again. The new songs are friggin’brutal and the older material is played with even more fire than before! This was such a great show I finally, finally decide to buy myself an Izegrim shirt, ‘s’bou time, right?? All of us share a picture with Marloes now, even 70K Jan has one too ;) There seems to be plenty of amusement near the PartyStage, with Sleeër (tribute band to.. Slayer dùh), D.R.D. (D.R.I.-, S.O.D.-, Stuck Mojo-- and Rage Against The Machine covers) and a Hammer-and-Nail-competitiion, Wheel of Steel and other madness… Bettina even won a prize for ‘best female grunter’, a cup and a handful of coins :lol: She clearly hadn’t expected she had it in her :lol:

Then, my friends, it became time for Insanity Alert. From the first second after the intro it’s plain FUN!! The band play in the vein of Nuclear Assault and Municipal Waste, witty and fast. The singer begins the show in a straightjacket, has beer goggles, jumps on and off the drum kit, he seems to entertain his ass off :lol: Best part was the last song: Run To The Pit, Mosh For Your Lives! HA HA HA great! Tom must see this band once :lol: That last song the singer has an Eddy mask on but clearly forgot his flag somewhere haha. The sign with RttP MfyL will surely end up as a trophy in a ‘zuipkeet’ or booze shack, promptly by the bar ;) We don’t even get time to get us another beer, as Entrails is already checking sound. After the Grave feast I’d expected a full blown death metal crowd, but just like on Extremefest I seem to be the only one really enjoying myself! Tha cufk is this? Not without pride I get my fourth set list of the festival, not to spread out to others this time:
- The Tomb Awaits (still a killer intro!)
- Unleashed Wrath
- Obliterate
- Beyond the Flesh
- Voices
- To Live is to Rot
- In Pieces
- Eaten by the Dead (finally a bit of action behind me!)
- Carved to the Bone
- No Cross Left Unturned
- Epitome of Death
New bass player and singer Tommy Carlsson resembles Jan-Chris de Koeijer a lot, in face, facial expression and even his singing can be traced back to the Gorefest front man! The new drummer Martin ‘Fjalar’ Mikaelsson is an animal, what a tight drummer, totally merciless on the toms and cymbals! Great to watch a drummer nearly being angry at his toms, as hard as he hits ;) what have those toms done to you personally? :lol: Totally different is second guitar player Pontus ‘Penki’ Samuelsson, happy as a kid in a Toys’r-Us :) Jimmy also has a cool denim to show, his own band and Entombed and Asphyx very prominent on the denim ;)

But what the hell was I thinking, not eating again! Fool, that’s the second day in a row you’re gonna miss bands! And not the least… I only have one shift Entombed A.D. picture from very far away, had no lust for Moonspell as the rain, that swiftly began during Entrails, got worse. The entire terrain is turning into a pool of mud, where’s God Dethroned when you want them? ;) https://youtu.be/x7gJ0QKxxCM ;) I am happy I didn’t get a portion of Dragonforce and to be honest, I don’t need Doro too. I’m with a load of friends (camping neighbors Rik and Allard, Jos, Raymond, Benji, Robin and the likes) near the PartyStage, doing metal karaoke, building a huge mudfight on the tones of Destruction’Antichrist (there’s the Believers Bus again, trying to help people away from metal again… don’t they ever shut up? :/). Drooping in mud I retire to my tent, try to get my legs and arms a bit cleaner but that’s useless because the water in the toilets is gone! No more paper towels! Uhgg. I don’t care too much, as I want to sleep through Finntroll. I’m totally not in the mood for more beer related drinks / music and I’m off. Indeed, this was the last Dokk’Em Open Air, as the problems with permits and sponsors are getting too big to continue. Another nice Dutch festival decapitated! Aardschok and Large Popmerchandising simply aren’t big enough to be a potent sponsor, not like Heineken ‘does’ FortaRock. OK you want, what? 20,000 people, OK, we have 12 beer cars present. 15 is possible too! Staff and all, no problem, as long as I can say I’m with Heineken today. The beer is the same, but in sponsoring Heiny is more into more mainstream music, so it seems. Fuck that. All we want is M.E.T.A.L.!! We no longer taste anything after our third beer, so what the hell doing hardly any sponsoring to the small festival??

All and all, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this. Call me inconsequent, I don't care, but I like metal more than ‘only’ Municipal Waste on a distant festival with hardly any friends, as most of them were… in Dokkum! I also don’t care I’m going to see Grave AND Entombed A.D. again next week; in this form these bands thrill me beyond my dreams. Izegrim in great shape, Primordial doing a good show, great fun during Insanity Alert and Raven… METAL! I do hope there will be some follow up, but the constant moving of the festival (this was the SIXTH festival ground! Last year’s festival ground is home to some 200 refugees now… it was such a great location!), (often) rain, hustling with permits, advertising and sponsoring didn’t do Dokk’Em Open Air good. I can understand the team not wanting this stress / financial hoboing anymore. Dokk’Em Open Air, thanks for 11 great edition, of which I haven't seen them all, but you sure have earned the (huge) spot on my Dutch Denim!

more tb found on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/dokkem-ope ... s-o-17649/

edit: In this month's edition of Aardschok there was an interview with organizer Jort Visser. It's not definitely over yet, first he/they'll have a good thought about continuing or not. Call it a sabbatical, we'll see if it's a break or a final closure...

Last edited by herrieman72 on Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:55 pm 

Death Shall Rise #2, July 1st – 2nd, feat. Entombed A.D., Asphyx, Grave and Revel In Flesh (warm up party)

I don’t really remember where I got the flyer to this little festival. It could have been Ruhrpott, Schlachtfest or even Eindhoven Metal Meeting, I don’t really care where ;). At first I’d thought envy for the people near Trier, as my friends in Asphyx would be in for another small show along with Grave and Entombed A.D. and Revel in Flesh in the pre-party. A party without me, I thought, until I visited their website / FB-thingie and saw Fleshcrawl was added!! I instantly called Daniel if he’d seen it, yeah, but there is also an Entrails show that weekend. So, for once in hopefully a long time, I’d reckon I’d go alone. Get a hotel, maybe visit my friend / work foe Alfons for the first time since 1998, walk around Bitburg(er) and Luxemburg area, fine! I also discussed this with Darius, was ready to rebook my hotel but he had to work. So yeah, I go alone. Just before heading to Germany I checked what time the bands would start, I read TripleNull, Tridentifer and Twitching Tongues had to cancel. I took the Friday off, had my first AA meeting (…) and went off. It was a trip through memory lane from the moment I got into Belgium. I have driven that Liège hills so often I took my camera and made as much representative pictures as I could. What a gentle drive it was this way! I even made up in time to do some of my hobbies: spot as many different Dutch transportation companies and even miss a turn near Bitburg ;) It soothed me, as I had had a busy week. Talking about rebuilding a sewage plant, international waste water agreements, cholesterol and alcoholism… pff. Another soothing thing was the hotel, it looked and sounded like a monastery or a sanatorium, it was placed on top of the hill, overseeing Mozel river beds and the city, between cows, apple trees… and mini bugs! Damned, that hurt! Remember Bloodstock guerilla? http://www.mruforums.com/f22/bloodstock-beyond-12459/ Yeah, I need food. The hotel didn’t serve diner so I got along the river and ended up a. on the wron bank of the river and b. in the wrong direction… but the food was great. I decided to try out the Bitburger Radler 0,0 % and it was marvellous. Good idea to lessen on booze a bit. All and all I walked for an hour and a half, but as the sun was shining low and it was still dry, it didn’t matter. Trier is a great city, I’d have more time tomorrow to be tourist. Now I want a taxi, but it took him longer to find me than to bring me to the venue

Coming to Exzellenzhaus (or Exhaus, as people referred to the former private school / monastery with a huge cobble stone square. It instantly reminded me of Schlachtfest ;). There was an empty (?) stage on the square and the bands would perform indoor tonight? Ehh what? All flyers and internet thingies mentioned OUTDOOR. OK, one Löwenbrau Trier won’t do bad, but soon I changed to the Karlsberg Radler (note, not Carlsberg :O) which was a lot tastier. This festival would hold some surprises one way or the other. The first band to begin with, was Sacrilegion, melodic death metal from Trier itself. The band highly hinted towards At the Gates and by sound, Iron Maiden. Somehow I spotted some Callenish Circle in between too, not bad. First surprise was the music inbetween bands there was Slayer – Reign in Blood, Slayer – Reign in Blood, and by surprise, Slayer – Reign in Blood. Oh yeah, they had a smoke machine too. Damned. I was happy and surprised to meet Luxemburger Mike, we’d met on Death Feast last year, shared a beer with Stefan Hüskens then. The second band today was Die Rote Milan, also from Trier. The band plays a form of black metal I can do for about 15, maybe 20 minute, consisting of influences from Carach Angren and old Dimmu Borgir, but more extreme. Nice, the band only calls their members by Roman numbers. OK, Trier is a city dating back to 16 BC, but to make MA useless for info is not a hobby of mine. After another Slayer – Reign in Blood there was a rumour the DJ even had a different CD: Manowar – Fighting The World. Yeah right. I had a short chat with Jonathan and the rest of the Belgian band Carnation when Wiegedood filled the stage. Wiegedood is Dutch for "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome" (SIDS) (literally translates to "Death in the cradle"). © Metal Archives.com and you might imagine what kind of music they play. Either filthy death metal or else slimy black metal. It is a Belgian black metal band And. They. Play. Friggin’. Loud!!! The music itself was greener than slime black metal coming from a drummer and two Fender Jaguars, no bass to be heard. Singer Levy Seynaeve sings as if you are personally shooting his mother on the stage, filled with both hate, anger and fear in one person. I think Dane might check this band out: see http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Wie ... 3540395707 for details. Funny part was when the band, in all intensity, played some Alcest-like interlude, turning the audience more silent than a graveyard… and all hell breaks loose again. I went outside ‘see the experience’ as I explained to Jonathan, the windows were clattering in their frames… yeah this was a good idea to stand outside for a while as the temperature was rising quickly. The venue is some 12 meters wide, with a round ceiling and only 3 m high… the heat couldn’t get out. Outside I also saw a shirt of the first edition of Death Shall Rise: Obituary, Napalm Death, Desaster, Benighted and Mantar. Not a bad line up! Wonder what they bring next year!

I had some more Karlsberg Radler even though they weren’t alcoholfree. I soon found out I’d rather keep drinking this lighter stuff and stay sharp than annoy myself or others drinking a beer that doesn’t really taste too good. I waited for Revel In Flesh anyway, had met singer Haubersson already before the intro ended, yup, I was on front line again! Revel In Flesh was instantly renamed Revel In Sauna as it became almost impossible to keep up in this heat, in these moist conditions… the band went in like a chainsaw and butchered everybody from the knee up ;) It wasn’t hard for me to get a set list :
- Shadowbreezer – Until Hell Freezes Over
- Rotting in the Void
- In the Name of the Flesh (coollll song!! A bit Fleshcrawl-like :))
- When Glory Turns to Ruin (very Bolt Thrower-loke ;))
- Wings of Death
- Casket Ride
- Deathkult Legions (on the list as däss Kult :lol: )
- Cryptcrawler
- Revel In Flesh (Rèèèvvééll… In Flesjjjj :))
- Graveyard Procession
- Subconscious Terror (on the list as Bene ;))
Under the approving grin of Ralf Hauber I bought a Revel In Flesh shirt and the Manifested Darkness CD. I could use a dry shirt, but somehow I didn’t wear the new one. Yet or not at all, I wasn’t sure, as if the shirt was actually ‘my style’ or not… I might give it to Luxemburger Mike, for a great chat at Andernach and here. Still sweating I went up the hill, actually it wasn’t such a long walk at all and as the weather was really smooth, it soothed too. Still sweating like a badger I emptied my wallet of the very last coins for the very last (5% vol.) beer, brush my teeth, took a shower and hit the pillow. What a nice day it was! Oh yeah, typing this, checking the band, I share my birthday with Ralf :)

Even if a hotel doesn’t serve dinner, they might have a great breakfast and they did! Freshly baked, delicious bread, three kinds of baguettes, fresh fruit (no vegetables ;)). Tourist time! Darius already told me about Trier and what to look for, I even remember my brother Theo sending me a postcard for my birthday from Trier. I wasn’t disappointed. Trier is, like said, ancient. It’s the oldest Roman stronghold north of the Alpes and the city brought some pretty known Kaisers, Emperors, storytellers (communist joke; Karl Marx was born in Trier) and conquerors (Constantin founded Constantinople, the later Istanbul) but as a tourist I’d better stick to the English version in the hop-on-not-off bus ;) The Dutch narrator is some arrogant prick, ‘as if you don’t already know all I’m telling you’, stick to the German accented English Much sweeter voice too :).

Nobody could tell me the weather forecast, so I made myself a compromise: if nothing happens I’m OK. Rain or shine. Fine. I won’t have to bring extra ballast this time. I did bring sunglasses (I might need them with the outdoor stage), but no poncho, no sun tan lotion and no second shirt. My Xerpentor shirt was legible from the outside in yesterday, did I bring a shirt without back print? Nope. I did bring the Revel In Flesh shirt, I did give it to Mike eventually.

In the city I could do with another nice baguette and a Radler, Bitburger this time. I was just getting fed up with all the lemon and decided to walk to the Exhaus. Old hobby. Nuff said ;) missing Katatonie by just a minute. I soon met Jelmer, his soon-to-be-and-later-on-the-day-indeed girlfriend Milena and the Fleshcrawl members Sven (big hug), Mike (‘not a car to be seen’ :lol: ) and Oliver (powerful handshake + big grin ;)) as I noticed: the outdoor stage was still without equipment! Huh? Would they broadcast the Germany – Italy game on there or something? In the ‘small’ hall, just like yesterday I got to see Deathrite. Let’s say the Nihilist shirt-turned-to-backpatch of singer Tony suited the band. Add old Bolt Thrower (World Eater era) and you can imagine how much I enjoyed the band. First neck mileage done!

On the flyer of this festival the band logo of Conan has an extreme center place and as the logo is nearly bigger than the Entombed A.D. one, I wouldn’t have guessed the band would appear in the small hall too. Because of the low ceiling (several band members hit their head on the pointed downwards ceiling on only 190 cm height (…) I couldn’t see zilch and I had to fight my way to the stage. With only some stoner-like death metal I wasn’t sure if I’d make it all the way. I chose not to get any closer to the stage and be in time for one of my highlights, hands down: FLESHCRAWL! I introduced Fleshcrawl to Jelmer and he was interested. Just before the band ended the sound check I finally could hand the Asphyx eardrops Missy had made for Christel. She was delighted and from Trier through Borne to Baltimore: THANKS MISSY FOR A GREAT SET OF EARDROPS!!! Highly appreciated! When I recognized which song Fleshcrawl was playing (Soulskinner) I unceremoniously ditched the Asphyx ladies (Alicia was there too, Paul’s girlfriend; smiling at my fanboy-hood :)) thinking I’d miss my front stage spot I ran ;). Fact a: the band KILLED!
Fact b: the sound was fucking awesome!
Fact c: half the stage was slippery with my sweat! *oops*/ :lol: / ;)
Fact d: they played new material!
Fact e: set list obtained, thanks Manu!
Fact f: everybody grinning like mad, sweating like ogres!
Fact g: according to Martin van D. I smell like cheese. Whether it’s cheese he likes he didn’t say …
Fact h: turn band name into Saunacrawl
- Flesh Bloody Flessssssssjjjjjjj :)
- When Life Surrenders (intro only, in medley with Soulskinner / first back imprint present)
- Dark Dimension
- Structures of Death (first stagediver present, fighting to get my front place back ;))
- Damned in Fire
- Into the Fires of Heaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhllllllllllllllllllllllllll lll
- Kingdom of Skulls (new song, extremely headbangable!! Resembles At the Gates – Blinded by Fear a lot, which I don’t mind. At all :))
- Written in Blood (Wreeeeeaaaaaaarrrrggghhhtten in Blood )
- Slaughter at Dawn (Slaughter on the Dance Floor too, nice blunt mosh pit behind me, nearly losing my cap, glasses, pen and my camera at once :/)
- As Blood Rains From the Sky
- Made of Flesh (never boring to see Sven’s bulging eyes shouting FLESSSSSJJJJJ :))
- The Day Men Lost

FUCKING AAAA+++++ show! First people I ran into after grabbing the set list (and being handed another guitar pick by Mike) were Christel and Alicia, not believing I could be so wet without a bottle of water being thrown over my head :) Beer, water, a chair and sunlight is what I needed and Jelmer, holding hands with Milena now provided: they were thrilled so much I couldn’t sit still for long and bought Jelmer a Fleshcrawl shirt. It was the last one sized L, the last grey one and to be honest, the last cool one too. Not every shirt has to be bloody or hold a zombie… The three of us had such a good time, being praised by Olivier for buying the shirt (Jelmer ‘I didn’t buy it, herrieman did’, Olivier smiling ‘I could have known’ *ego being pampered* :)), we totally missed Grave! I can hardly choose between a good show and a good conversation in the sun on this moment, I didn’t worry long. I was happy to be out of Exil area because the venue is longer, but also slimmer than yesterday’s hall (already forgot the name), only 50 cm higher ceiling and the walls seemed thicker too. The heat only could build up so it seemed, combining sun, music, people going insane and electrical equipment. Entering Exil already meant you noticed the difference in heat and humidity compared to a nice breeze on the cobblestones… I chose to take a chili hot dog (add more heat :/ I should have known!) and have a few drinks more with Mike, Mike, Jelmer and the Carnation guys before heading back in for Entombed A.D.. Jelmer said he had to check out the Swedes but we returned to the wooden seats soon. LG & Co. sounded shrill as a iron drill on harder steel. It got better, but then it already was time for Left Hand Path… made a few pictures and back outdoor again. I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen Entombed (with or without A.D. of course) so often over so many years I simply wasn’t into it today. I thought of the voetbal game but none came. Fine.

Where was I into, you might ask: No, you already know the answer: ASPHYX! I had seen all members already, hugs and cheers all along, set list already given away, I am ready. I am ready to be doomed. I am ready to be or get hammered. I am ready to be deathened, grab a Deathibel if possible, maybe a hint of new material? I am ready for 75 minutes of doomdeath greatness. I am ready for Martin joking about the Dutch not playing voetbal tonight. I am ready for a silent 0 – 0 draw in Bordeaux, but don’t look. I am ready for
- Quest for Absurdity
- Vermin
- Death The Brutal Way
- MS Bismarck
- Deathhammer
- Eisenbahnmörser
- Wasteland of Terror
- We Doom You To Death (unsurvivable without Alwin’s water bottle, gladly shared amongst me Thanks Alwin! Paul ran to me with a beer. Thanks a lot!)
- Forgotten War (Martin reminding himself of his Bolt Thrower days, commemorating Kiddie - R.I.P.)
- Into the Timewaste
- The Rack (I got a guitar pick from Paul which I gladly hand over to the girl trying to push me off first row. Now I don’t get bumped in the back no more :) Subtle, èh?)
- Scorbutics
- Last One on Earth
The organizers give Asphyx the full thumbs up and they get to an encore of two great songs: Der Landser (Germay and Italy needing a penalty shoot out after a 1 -1 after 120 minutes, Martin surely is no voetbal reporter but doesn’t have much with Feyenoord either *big grins on both sides*) and Diabolical Existence! Whoaaahhh, haven’t heard that one in a while live! Asphyx in Vera was the last time, if I remember correctly. The band has visibly a lot of fun, joking in German, Dutch and English ;), giving 150 per cent all along the show, sound is thrillingly good, just the right volume and I’m such a lucky man… being handed water to me personally, being handed beer to me personally (Paul slaloming to do so :lol: ), being handed a guitar pick, thanked for being loyal (or was it loyal to cheese ;)) and also, for firing up a part of the audience. I gave the set list to a skinny girl with glasses, her eyes nearly dropped out of their sockets for doing so. Jelmer and Milena are thrilled by each other and by the band. Great! I’m soaking wet, but happy enough to stop a freight train, so it seems. I am the most powerful man alive now. With such a great band, such a great line up the entire weekend I’m not bothered I haven’t seen Chapel of Disease or Mindflair or Katatonie. I’ve seen bands I had not seen before. I have seen friends in bands and bands of friends. It was fucking awesome! Strangely enough we were broomed out of the hall just seconds after the encores ended, even Olivier couldn’t get to the stage for his flight case. Showing wrist bands didn’t seem to work to the security members, it took the official organizer's frowned look to get his gear out. The band members of Asphyx, Fleshcrawl, Deathrite and Carnation happily joined in the only outdoor of this festival: meeting friends and introducing people to other band members and that is fun. Especially with Jonathan’s tattoo of Consvming Impulse on his upper arm and getting a beer for showing the other end of the artistic field ;). Martin was pleased to see it but wouldn’t do it himself, trend setting world class album or not :P Who knows, if Asphyx plays Belgium again, invite Carnation as support act and I will sure as hell show up. Again.

I had the phone number of the Trier Taxicenter, but after trying five times I gave up and walked again. I made a lot of miles this weekend.. I said goodbye to the Hanus brothers, the Asphyx members / gfs / crew and put on my hoodie. I might need it as I’d cool down faster than a beer could get cold in a fridge ;). Another shower and another great breakfast followed.

As sort of gesture I told Jelmer I’d take him to Den Bosch station. I put Milena’s home address in the JelmerJelmer and got him in the car. It wasn’t just a gesture, it also meant a. I wouldn’t have to ride the entire end alone, b. Jelmer would be home hours and hours earlier and c. he’d lose way less money for a train ride that would tourist him nearly through half of Germany… He put his address in the MilenaMilena and we drove on. We had a great time talking about all sorts of subjects, from metal to voetbal (we both didn’t know what the penalty shoot out ended in), cars, former girlfriends and present fools. Germany is beautiful in Summertime and I even spotted a similar car registration (BIT AP, insider joke) before getting a great baguette and sandwich to pay for the diesel. It was a great ride as it had been a great festival, warm on the inside, wet on the outside I even got lucky in the end: Jelmer’s brother had his birthday and his family gladly gave me cheesecake *how appropriate* and orange juice. Smelling metal!! Death Metal! We Doom You To Death Metal!

Reactions: http://www.mruforums.com/f22/death-shal ... 2-a-17653/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:26 pm 

Dynamo Metalfest, July 18th, feat. Anthrax, Sacred Reich, Metal Church, Obituary

During the first edition of Dynamo Metalfest I already knew I'd return, as Sacred Reich was on heaps of posters announced for the second edition. Sacred Reich on another home away from home town show, I grinned. The band literally broke through after their thrilling show on Dynamo Open Air 1989 and strifed to return to Eindhoven as often as they could. They even released a Alive at the Dynamo EP, which was a huge success in The Netherlands and Germany. I think nearly a third of that 1989 crowd was German haha. A 1990 tour with Sepultura did the rest, no European metalhead would ever forget The Eternal Phil Grin :). Long story short, I bought two tickets; Tom has seen Rind & Co. too (2009 Graspop) so there would be some pitting at least. A couple of months after the first edition the headliner was announced: Anthrax (DOA 1993), along with Life of Agony (also broke through after a stunning appearance on DOA 1997), Metal Church (DOA 1991) and Audrey Horne.

But... in my neverstopping enthusiasm I might have forgotten to mention DMF to Tom... When I texted him Life of Agony had been replaced with Obituary (DOA 1991 ;)) he replied: 'I do not have a ticket for that, right?' :/ Hmmm what next? I was feverishly thinking what to do, or, as so often, who to take along. No need. Tom invited me for a bakkie, which turned into a bakkie bier and said he’d join. Ahh. Problem solved. He’d work until noon and we’d be off. I had texted him ‘coming earlier = annoying’ haha, he now had all the time in the world to shower and eat after Saturday’s work. In the early schedule it would mean we’d ‘miss’ ground breaking *cough* performances of Extremities, Audrey Horne and Textures. Little did we know the entire schedule had been tossed around, the internet schedule also didn’t match. But one thing we were sure of, was, that we’d see Obituary for at least half the set. On the highway A2 I even found time for a coffee and a half footer.

Coming to Eindhoven was a bit weird too, as the highway did have signs of ‘Dominator gig take second turn’ but no sign of Dynamo. Tom has visited a lot of hardcore house parties and joked he’d be texting his old friends Dominator crowd was to be joined by a metalhead :lol: Gladly… *grin* Further on I also noticed Eindhoven would host not two, but at least three events this weekend, as more signs showed up with ‘Concours Hippique’. Concours Hippique which turned out to be just next to the Icesports Centrum Eindhoven. I hope the horses don’t have any problems with the ultradeep sounds Obituary is producing, as I parked my trusted VW Golf Mk II diesel in a John Deere- and David Brown-covered pasture nearby (both brands/models are sentiment of youth. I’d see a lot of youth’s sentiment today :lol: ). We quickly entered and got about twenty minutes of pure, sharp old school death metal we know so well. Songs like ‘Til Death, Don’t Care and Chopped in Half made us wonder ‘is it possible there’s something HEAVIER than this?’ ;) before Turned Inside Out and Slowly We Rot ended the show. Kudos to Obituary, as they travelled by bus from Sweden (Friday) through Eindhoven (Saturday) to Spain (Sunday)! That’s what I call working spirit and dedication! Coming to the first bar we already found Jordy, Kim and 70K Jan, let the metal chitchat commence!

Like said, the return of Sacred Reich to Eindhoven always brings in something special. To the band, that’s clear, but to many fans too. I have seen old, no, ANCIENT shirts all day of several editions of Dynamo Open Air (1989 the oldest ;)), 1990 Obituary tours, 1987 Anthrax tour with Testament, grey Surf Nicaragua shirts, holed Voïvod – Kreator tour shirts and even a stand with retro shirts. Not retro, simply totally worn out, but pricy! A Kreator – Endless Pain sweater for € 70, Gorefest – False tour shirt for € 50, At The Gates shirt for € 40. Even Dave Ingham was fooled; he’d bought a Kreator – Terrible Certainty tour shirt for some € 40… If any clever commercial thinking man ever would decide to reprint ancient Dynamo Open Air shirts I might even consider buying a few (mostly 1989 – 1990 – 1992 -1993; the rest I have *cool* ). Nostalgic fool herrieman! Wasn’t I trying to talk about Sacred Reich? ;) The Sacred Reich that was about to blow up the Icesports Centum in 2016? YEAHHHHH!! Phil’s historic grin is already wider than the stage, checking sound in a way I so clearly remember; he even wrote a column in this years’leaflet. The band went off with The American Way and already it was FUNNNN!! A nice pit occurred, sound was amazing, band grinning and grinding all the way, nice temperature, great atmosphere, both headbangable and moshable music…
Also Sprach Zarathustra intro
The American Way
Death Squad (Phil explaining that day in 1989 was and still is the greatest day in the history of their band, dedicated to former DOA organizer André Verhuysen :))
One Nation
War Pigs (Tom called it ‘laidback neck swing’ :lol: )
Who’s to Blame (one single guitar stroke is enough for a mountain of goosebumps)
Independent (Greg Hall tries a trick with his sticks, but fails :) )
Surf Nicaragua (Greg still has the speed! ;) ; special Surf backdrop :))
AWESOME! If Sacred Reich ever visits your country (again), go out and see them! It’s sentiment of youth, it’s unhindered joy, it’s beer drinking time, bang your head, lubricate your voice and ease your mind! I loved it and I surely wasn’t alone, the crowd kept shouting to return, but unfortunately…

By that time Daniel had a great idea: get us a crepe. We ended up outside with Jordy, Tom, Daniel, Kim and me when Powerwolf was on. With a Woohohoohohoo and a Whoohohoerenband I was glad to sit outside. Met German Skullcrushers Bernd, Thorsten and his wife, what do I see: a Powerwolf T-shirt :o It was getting time for Metal Church. I have seen the band twice (in a two week period) and I clearly remember one disturbing fact: the band can be hit or miss. First time I saw them was Wãldrock 2005, I was thrilled to tears then; the second time was Graspop 2005 and it was total shit. Even in albums I’m sure the band can peak and had a few misses. The ultimate Metal Church album remains the self-titled one to me, I’m hardly interested in The Dark, don’t like Masterpiece but The Human Factor is great. Just opinions, of course, now to the live setting: the backdrop is huge but only has the logo on it. Crossed guitars on the sides of the stage, band a bit static apart from the returned Mike Howe. He jumps around a lot. I’ve never seen David Wayne but I remember Ronny Munroe trying to stir up the audience; one day better than the other. Today the songs are also hit or miss… Fake Healer sounded OK, In Mourning is played one gear lower than normal, except the chorus?? The fire of Start the Fire didn’t get beyond a match in the rain :/ but Date With Poverty is friggin’great!! Finally, the potential of the band shows! One song I don’t know before Watch The Children Pray bummed me out… ughhh. Beyond The Black finally got me some goosebumps and The Human Factor is played precise and it thrills! They played three songs more, but I’m underimpressed. Damned! This is exactly why Metal Church never made it to the Big Four, of which I naturally also say it’s fake. Throw out Anthrax and Metallica and bring in Exodus and Kreator for real thrash haha. Daniel stated he thought Mike Howe looked like he was 14 years old…

I had a problem. I forgot (again) Visa isn’t widely accepted in Holland and had to pay the first round of coins cash. Fine, buy myself a shirt and a to-be-cut-up cap and an AC/DC baby shirt, get coins again… nope. Jordy brought help. As he’s a crew member today, he could easily get in and out of the venue, get to my Golf and pick out my wallet for my ‘normal’ bank card. I drew a little map of the parking ground and waited… YOU ARE MY HERO JORDY!!! Actually it was Kim that actually found my car, but it was Jordy’s idea hahaha. I got him the biggest beer I could find and off to At The Gates. Tom had been standing first row and he was totally impressed! Outside the venue and later on the grass I heard a band go to their own extremes, as songs of most albums and EPs passed by. Slaughter of the Soul, Under a Serpent Sun, yeah this is cool. I got buttraped by Koen, Ariaan and found Adriaan to recover haha before the dazzling intro of Blinded by Fear echoed over the rabid pitters. I had thought they’d play this song last, but they didn’t. Terminal Spirit Disease ended a great gig. Jordy even pulled up his own heroism by inviting us to crash at his place after the Kreator – Sepultura – Aborted show to come! Thanks man!! Highly appreciated!

In the back of the Icesports Centrum there was some DJ doing karaoke or not, but ever since At The Gates left the stage he played a lot of AC/DC. In the meantime Anthrax, of whom I know they’re rabid AC/DC fans like me, played recent, old and ancient AC/DC off the stage speakers. Hearing Thunderstruck on one side and Rocker on the other can be confusing to AC/DC fans haha. The final preparation song for Anthrax was Black Sabbath – The Mob Rules and they went in with a bash; even though I don’t know the song it was pretty sharp. I think it was a song off the new record but as I lost track of Anthrax a long time ago I don’t really bother. The band dares to play without forming member Benante and brought in Jon Dette (again?). Caught in a Mosh early in the set as always, but as I’m only 173 cm small I can’t see if a real mosh begins. Tom says it didn’t, that was like a sign on the wall for me. We had discussed this before, would Anthrax disappoint like the FortaRock show we’d move out soon. Easier on the ride off the pasture, no traffic jams,… Madhouse sounds great but Belladonna misses a note or two.. damned man, haven’t you still learned those lyrics?!?! It got worse, as Got the Time was played (not announced at all, it’s a cover of course, no mention of whose original it is :() Fight ‘Em Till You Can’t was dull, Evil Twin not much better. In the good sounding and well played Medusa we moved out. I later checked setlist.fm and they even seem to have played March of the S.O.D.! What blasphemy is this, with only Scott Ian on stage and Belladonna is known to hate S.O.D.! *insert Bad News YT-thingie – The Worst Rock’n’Roll Band in the World* I never knew setlist.fm could piss me off, as Antisocial is also on the list, that’s AGAIN the third cover in a non-impressing set!

Tom staggered to the car and slept before entering the ring of Eindhoven. It was fine with me, I played some women’s squeal he hates to print in some memories of today. What fun we had during only one half of an Obituary set, a great Sacred Reich show and a surprisingly sharp At The Gates gig. Daniel talking about his newest travel plan: see Bloodbath on Iceland! Meeting Inken and Marcel IV, Kamiel and Jolanda, seeing Thorsten look worried to his wife after my comment on Powerwolf ;); being kissed by a total stranger hot chick, meeting Friesians who still don’t know I don’t speak Friesian ;) . I don’t like to remember bad stuff, so I keep it to Mr. Phil Grin and a world wide Trevor Perez smile. Turning onto Frisostraat Tom finally awoke, he didn’t think he’d empty only one afpils but managed 8-). I just smiled and showed him the latest edition of Aardschok, of which I stand on TWO pictures in one edition! This is getting hard to keep up HA HA HA, it’s nearly work ;)

Och, I don’t complain. I didn’t have to worry about the second ticket, I got friends and heroes and great bands and something new to look forward too. The crepe was good but the following burger was nothing less than EXCELLENT and I think I drank five, six liters of water, at least. The HJ at home was awesome. Metal is awesome, albeit you can be lucky or not. We’ll meet again Dynamo Metalfest, as I already have to tickets to the next edition! Testament, beer, sunshine, friends, METAL!!!

Slightly altered from http://www.mruforums.com/f22/dynamo-met ... 6th-17665/

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:29 pm 

Stonehenge 2016, feat. Dying Fetus, Immolation, July 30th, terrain near NS station Steenwijk

Stonehenge, a pinnacle in my agenda since 2011 was there again. I bought two early birds the day the new date was announced, some three weeks after the rained out, stormed away version of 2015. In time I had been given a stack of consumption coins by Daniel and the Hannover Ladies, they wouldn’t return, or at least not in 2016. Thanks a lot! First band announced was Dying Fetus, soon to be followed by Cut Up (hail Vomitory!), Immolation and Izegrim. Izegrim was actually the last band that stood on a stage on Stonehenge last year, but you all know why that couldn’t be. Or if you don’t… http://www.mruforums.com/f22/stonehenge ... r-o-17259/
Soon I was asked by Peter (Lord Belial) if he’d be able to sleep at Blitterswijk once more, along with his friend Rob. No problem, I had anticipated that, booked the B&B ages ago; for the nine of us. Tom along, Thirza, Rob, Peter, Jessica and some Bovenkarpsel Boys. Of the latter I hadn’t really had a clear answer if they’d join me again, but Jessica had to work and even a week before the festival I had no clearance. OK, call Mirjam again, sigh. One prominent change this year though: the amount of bands! The actual flyer looked like a Wacken back print, so many bands announced! 24 bands! There was something announced as preparty at Little Devil with Stonehenge Survivors Sabiendas, but why was that not near Steenwijk? I wouldn’t have minded to see my German friends again… The first one to begin at 10 AM (!), afterparty again at De Zwetser deep into the night. I knew we’d never make it that early, but 10 AM at Blitterswijk + coffee was doable. I picked up Peter and Thirza, got some HJ for our own afterparty and drove to Scheerwolde.

Coming to Blitterswijk we explained we’d be with the five of us and Rob soon joined us for coffee. I called the taxi but that would take an hour? We’d been early, just to try to see as many bands as possible! So, after some deliberation, Rob said he’d drive us to the festival, worry about a taxi later. I handed some coins to Thirza and we had our first drink during Facelifter. The band started off with some fierce death/grind, but later on the set they also involved nu-thingies? Euhh, little strange, èh? No worries, the band was over when it just started to get annoying Of Fumes of Decay I can’t say anything, as I totally missed them because of the Hannover Ladies Band :) must have been less appealing or something ;) We regrouped during Skullhog. I had never heard of the band, but the combination stoner – death metal did work somehow. Of Putrid Offal I can’t say anything, as I totally missed them because of TLP’s Earik and my long time friends Jeroen and René ;) It took a while to get used to Earik’s radical new cut (thinking of msd’s remark earlier see for a glimpse https://youtu.be/V21DkuBvolk ; Sisters of Suffocation played too early for us to have seen them) but he’s here with some reasons: a. tell me The Lucifer Principle will be back!
b. to tell me the band is working on new material
c. to tell me he still has my e-mail address, so I can attend their shows again
d. to tell me Gigant in Apeldoorn is trying to get DevilDriver to return to Apeldoorn, as a rebirth set
e. to announce bands! Hey, this is a lot cooler than that obnoxious rockabilly clown the previous years! The first band Earik announces is Antropomorphia. The band is in top form today and they are friggin’BLUNTTTTT! The 30 minute Deicide-like set flies by and the band gets the first pit of the day as reward. The schedule of the bands has been changed as Benighted cancelled last minute due to a funeral of a band member’s family member. I needed my pictures to know which band played when :S Up next was Apophys, which I’ve only seen from quite a distance. I thought I didn’t need the technicality but the band does get quite some attention. Fine with me, I had a great time with Peter, Thirza and the members from Sabiendas, who sold me their new album and a t-shirt. Thanks to Jan, Christian and Alexandra for signing it! I brought those to Rob’s car as I didn’t want to carry around all day. First band I encounter after my little trip to the car (refreshed my shirt too ;) being bothered by praying believers again :( Peter shouting 'I am a practicing Satanist! :lol: believers VERY offended :lol ) I watched Austrian death/thrash band Darkfall. The band is new to me, but I think I will look up their debut album Road to Redemption once via https://youtu.be/HQYLfNWt2pw . No nonsense deathened thrash! This was cool!)

It got time for a bite and another band: Purgatory from Germany. The band is one of 14 Purgatory’s on MA, two from Germany (http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Purgatory/13227 ) this band plays death metal old school style with a little thrash added to the mix. I liked them a lot, but to be honest I was more eager to get to first row for the Distillator show. In the leaflet the band is described as a key band of the Dutch thrash scene, but what about Legion of the Damned?? Anyway, the band went in like a chainsaw on old wood, splashing and dashing everybody drunk. I got Laurens’ set list (thanks!!)
- Intro
- Guerilla Insurgency
- Shiver in Fear
- Suicidal
- Saturation Bombing
- Distinct or Extinct
- Black Magic (on the set list as ‘Slayer’ ;))
- Revolutionary Cells

I feel some well-known phenomenon: sweeping hairs, trembling ear drums, pushes to my back, people trying to pull me into the raging pit, but I stand my ground… the band clearly has a great day and the boys’ smiles are imminent In the meantime ;) Tom has entered the festival site and he’s already king of the pit the first time I join Tom in the pit is during Cut Up’s set. The three former Vomitory members and one Fetus Stench member have the stage as their big friend, as the brutal, harsh death metal rolls over Steenwijk. The members clearly are no novice to death metal and completely wash away the festival site with nearly the entire Forensic Nightmares album played. The vocals are split between Rundqvist and Björnson and therefore the songs sound different to each other, which I found cool. Big chance I will still get myself the debut album :) More death metal to follow by Sulphur Aeon, the Germans go full throttle and I can easily say this is the best band of the festival so far. The band plays songs off both full lengths and the demos, cool to hear how much the band evolved in just six years. Keep an eye out for these guys! The fun surely wasn’t over, as Skeletal Remains gets three quarters of the festival way beyond sweat… a harsh, but still cool pit with two Westwouders ruling :lol: I can say I have some more stamina, as I lost 12 kg since MDF… blue arms is another sign of a good show :).

My second set list of the day belonged to Jeroen Wegchelaer of Izegrim:
- White Walls
- Endless Desire
- Reclaim my Identity
- Insanity is Freedom
- Celebratory Gunfire
- Time to Ruin
- Endless Strife
The band is, again, in great shape and organizer René Brugmans reminds us of the extreme rain last year, which nearly cost Jeroen his head… Cool to see Marloes in a Benighted shirt and showing respect to the decision the band had to make… I get back to the car for another change of shirt and look at the sky, now the weather is great, sunny between the clouds but dry, at least until halfway the Wombbath set. A slight rain doesn’t really bother the band, but the fans seem to be a bit weary. I have no idea if the drizzle keeps fans from going out of their heads, but nearly nothing happens in front of the stage… same with the Cattle Decaptitation AND Misery Index sets. The rain gets more intense so I don’t make many pictures anymore. I was waiting for Immolation to do their (at least) third set ever on Steenwijk soil. The band doesn’t linger and gets all the headbangers moving. Not much of a pit anymore, as Tom has left the premises. I don’t know (yet) what his problem was, but I get a text message to say he won’t join us in the end to Blitterswijk… ouch. Immolation plays a great cross of their entire discography in the fifty minutes the band gets. Of Dying Fetus I don’t know much, as Rob has had it and wants to go. We agree to join, as we’re not willing or able to wait for another hour, just like this afternoon (and like last years :() To my surprise and to my slight anger, Rob wants to go home entirely, so instead of nine, no five, no four but only three sleep in the B&B. We’re accompanied by Toon again and make it a cozy, comfy setting way beyond three o’clock. No need for an afterparty, even if they have a Death-tribute (Death Machine) and a black metal band Pestlegion. HJ for the four of us…

The breakfast was delicious, but it took one shattered tea pot to see the coffee already had been made for us… wakeywakey dude! The trip home was one of many bridges being opened but it was a great ride, blasting Asphyx waiting for the bridge to come down. People look at me funny going out of my head to the entire Deathhammer album :) Peter might join me to the Asphyx CD release show in October. Stonehenge 2016 was great. Period. I didn’t need to see every band (entirely missed Necrophobic and Schirenc doodling Pungent Stench; Bart or not to Bart :) ) but what I’ve seen was cool. I got another tip from Toon to just organize it all at once, but then the risk is entirely mine… I was so bummed to have to call Mirjam to rearrange the deal… but we had metal! Loads of it! Truckloads of hair and sweat sweeping ;) Metallll!!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:13 pm 

Into the Grave festival, August 12-13, Oldehoofsterkerkhof Leeuwarden, feat. Slayer, Kreator

The most busy metal weekend of the year was there again. Over the years I’d been to Bloodstock, PartySan (twice) and Brutal Assault (also twice) on the second weekend in August but never to the Dutch metalfestival Into the Grave. This would be the sixth edition of Into the Grave, on an ancient cemetery in the middle of Leeuwarden. Peeking on internet I knew there would be Alcatraz Metalfest in Belgium too, but so far I never bothered much about this one. Come to think of it, even Sweden has (had) a metalfestival this weekend. I’ve met organizer Paul van Berlo several times, so far the last time on Ruhrpott Metal Meeting, he always asked why I turn up everywhere, but not on his own party… I simply made different choices over the years. Like this year, I still felt no real tension to go to Leeuwarden as Slayer was announced first for this edition. I thought ‘oh no, they’re not doing the Mojo Concerts way, right? Put in Slayer on a festival, hope it will grow beyond earlier visitor records... repeat several bands every two years…’ until some 15-16 year old Enkhuizen metalheads told me the other bands were announced: Exodus, KREATOR and Carcass… I instantly called Tom and ordered tickets and a hotel: we go to Into the Grave 2016. There would be a small camping present, but as we didn’t know how big it would eventually be, we stuck to the hotel. The Bovenkarspel Boys might do the camping, fine. In the week before the festival I found out there would be an afterparty and a pre-party, but knowing Tom’s work I figured we wouldn’t opt for that, even though they have Vektor… The schedule was announced and I saw that one of the bands I was most eager to see would start playing at 4 PM I knew I would really need the day off. See if Tom agrees…

He did! Without any hurry we left at 1:30 PM, picked up Jessica and were happy we booked a hotel. It had been raining most of the week and one day was even the coldest August day in over 25 years… nearing freezing point :o After a quick call we could share a taxi with some metalhead strangers ;) and got into Leeuwarden city center. Even though the website had announced there wouldn’t be the need for long lines (something about stamps instead of wrist bands) the line was ENDLESS! The line came from three different streets! It took so long we could hear Gruesome already started playing but we still weren’t in and I volunteered to get us (and especially myself :) ) some beers. Tom and Jessica had been pre-partying in my car, I only got one zip of HJ on the ring road of Leeuwarden. I don’t drink & drive ;). We did get wristbands and Gruesome was already over… damned. It had been one of the bands I looked forward to most, as I consider Death – Leprosy the epitome death metal album ever… but no. I heard Trapped in Hell from the waiting line… but saw nothing. Good thing: within seconds on the terrain Kathe, Andree and msd spotted us... good! Friends time! Beer time! We were waiting for Vektor and Vektor vectored! The band played a blistering sharp set consisting of songs off all three albums and they got what they deserved: an exceptional sound and a crowd very much pleased ;) Blake just saw me two seconds too late; otherwise I’d have had that drum stick hahaha. I asked singer David if they’d spare a set list, but he pointed at his head: ‘no need for paper, we do it from the head’… cool guys. I was happy to look for the Vektor men when Scar Symmetry entered stage; my goodness was that unwanted or what? Where’s the keyboarder we don’t see but hear in extremo? OK, the grunt sounds OK, but the clean stuff is so overdone… ughh. I spoke to Officium Triste singer Pim for a brief period, asking whether the OT patches were still available. He told me no, but he said also: ‘if you have a knife you can peal it off my denim. Better on the denim of a devoted fan than a patch of my own band on my denim’. Knife on a festival? Nope, but the wooden fries fork worked just as good :lol:. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! It only costed me a big beer and the promise to get him a picture of the OT-enriched Dutch Denim :lol:

Time for some food during Amaranthe. We were joined by Monique (Jessica’s sister) and her hubby Jasper for a great schnitzel + fries + salad + Warsteiner beer and got to hear/see the last two Amaranthe songs. That’s exceptionally enough, as both Tom and Jessica totally hate the female vocals. I just thought ‘Within T. but less’ and moved on. We needed some rock’n’roll. Badly. What was scheduled: Airbourne! What a lovely coincidence :). The Aussies totally rocked the joint, Jelle and Kees Bloemkool going insane, bashing every high pitched vocal to history ;) It was so much fun! I didn’t write any song titles, but just enjoyed a sharp and witty rock set. The sound was awesome and the volume was great. The headliner was, of course, Slayer. The band went in like a razor through boiling flesh and they played sharp and fffffiggin’ loud! I later heard the organizer Paul had had some serious sound hassle complaints from the neighbors. Anyway, Gary Holt blew everybody away from the left and clearly Kerry King’s guitar was only audible from the right stack of Marshalls… But, as Tom Araya can hurt his cheeks smiling so widely, you can guess this was a memorable Slayer set of 75 minutes. We enjoyed it too. A lot. Very, very much satisfied we opted for a taxi and dozed off. What a great day this was.

Breakfast was basic but OK, the coffee was needed but a bit shallow… would we join taxis again? Or would we follow the example of our previous taxi friends and walk the walk? I was a bit fussed we’d miss Evil Invaders if it really took 40 minutes to walk to the festival, but no need. 25 minutes is totally doable. With our wrist bands and without any bags to check we moved in to see the last three songs Evil Invaders did, the fast thrash metal (like old Whiplash and Sodom s/t era!) was very highly appreciated. The band had some 250 headbangers and moshers in front of them, but as we were all out of coins we decided to watch this cool band from a distance. I want me some Evil Invaders silverware! But it’s not all speedy thrash metal and moshers, as Tribulation got to the stage. I’m sorry guys; this was soon doted ‘the worst choice of the entire festival’ as the shrill blackened death metal did totally zilch to us. Another miss was Unearth, the metalcore couldn’t impress a single second. Time for more Grolsch and in between small drops of rain we regrouped. Tom said he would like to see The Black Dahlia Murder, but returned within two songs. The deathcore simply couldn’t be felt today. I think they were also just the wrong band on the wrong time. No offense, you guys can do better than this!

Even more weird than three sucking bands in a row, was the fact I was totally, totally underimpressed by Voïvod! Away, Snake, Chewy and Rocky played Tribal Convictions as SECOND song and Forgotten in Space also early in the set, but without fire, without harshness, without the typical (at least, to me) Voïvodness… I made one picture and grumbled… am I getting old or what? I just didn’t get it, thinking back I think I remembered that first encounter with the band too much… I was let down. Hard conclusion, but simple. Let down. Korpiklaani had replaced Alestorm *evil* and Tom was in for a nice dance + handing out gentle pushes to fellow dancers ;) but they made the seemingly eternal mistake to play slow shit after two heavy hitters… I wasn’t bothered too much, I simply enjoyed all the company I had (Ching, Kees, Alicia, Jelle, Axel, Claudia, Kathe, Andree, msd, the Enkhuizer Youngsters, name them ;)) and waited for what was a highlight even before the sound check: EXODUS FUCKING EXODUS!!! The. Band. Slew. The. Band. Bashed. The. Band. Slaughtered. Zetro is an even bigger demagogue than Dukes ever was, but way more friendly. Zetro’s voice is like sand to a chainsaw, like ashes on your barbequed meat, like water near lava… This was a show like none before, at least not in Leeuwarden. I think this gig was the best thing I ever saw in Leeuwarden!! I’ve seen quite some bands in Leeuwarden over the years, but this was really, really the coolest gig in this city!! The band brought in the best of me above; the entire field seemed to be moshing, banging, shouting, whatever. Slight help from setlist.fm and you know it:
- The Ballad of Leonard and Charles
- Blood In, Blood Out (first flying limbs spotted :))
- And Then There Were None (hey, the entire band Evil Invaders moshing like animals :))
- Exodus (loads, loads of crowd surfers! Hey, is crowdsurfing legal again? *cool* )
- Body Harvest
- War Is My Shepherd (hey, the entire band Distillator moshing like animals :))
- Blacklist
- A Lesson in Violence (Marloes’ 5 feet of hair sweeping like mad ;))
- Pleasures of the Flesh
- Bonded by Blood
- Toxic Waltz
- Strike of the Beast (wall of death of course, whoah what a massacre!)
Tom limped, Jessica grinning like Bob Marley on Weed, my Königsblaue Sodom shirt dripping, my denim cheesy again, seeing old and young thrashers go totally williebilliepoepchinees was sooooo cool! I needed the entire Carcass set to regain my breath, to consummate my bodily fluids… A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!!! Fuck, do I love thrash metal or what? It was really, really a violent pit and even though Lee Altus usually is the silent enjoyer of the band, he totally went nuts. Just like entire Leeuwarden. This was a show to remember!

Like said, I seriously needed time to recuperate. Carcass did a decent set, the band was sharp and the sound was great, but we could hardly stand straight up. Tom was getting drunk too, but as he ran out of coins and money we had to slow down a lot. I didn’t mind. Carcass played a nice cross of ancient and recent material and the band got some curtesy thanks and so on, but not from us. I’m sorry Bill, Jeff, great set [Incarnated Solvent Abuse, Buried Dreams, Reek of Putrefaction, Corporal Jigsore Quandary, don’t ask which song they played first or last ;)], but we simply couldn’t contribute to any cheering anymore ;)

Looking at festival posters and shirts you would suggest Airbourne was headlining this day, instead of Kreator. I was too late for ‘normal’ festival shirts anyway, but with only one logo (Slayer) I wasn't too washed up for not buying a festival shirt this time. Would it have had an additional Kreator logo I would have thought of a purchase earlier, I think. Kreator did get a great response though. The band is working on a new album but did not play anything new. With sloppy versions of new songs pirated to YT I can imagine. The city was embraced in entering darkness so Kreator got the full monty of light show and a great sound. I must say the sound quality was good to great all weekend, chapeau to the organizers and sound engineers! Again, I made no more notes as I kinda knew what to expect… with nearly 20 Kreator shows I was surprised NOT to hear Flag of Hate / Tormentor, but the rest was great as usual. I am a lifelong Kreator fan and apart from the release of Outcast I never, never was let down by the Altenessen heroes of old, love of now, adoration for the future. Mille sounded even sharper than before, so it seems and even Sami seemed more responsive to the crowd than usual. This was another great Kreator show, albeit a bit too short for my liking. Maybe Paul wouldn’t risk another sound hassle complaint? This show made me even more curious to new material, to be released this Autumn, if I’m correct. The band will tour Europe with Sepultura and Aborted, we’re in for another great metal evening in February :). Strangely enough I have not seen any Kreator or even Exodus merchandising, but bought some patches for the Enkhuizer Youngsters. Good memories need to be shared, I thought ;) After all, it was them that put me on the roll for this festival, mentioning Exodus and Kreator to appear in Leeuwarden. Thanks, even after so much time!

The festival leaflet already mentioned the festival would end at 11.30 PM and the terrain would be emptied before midnight, so we were in a kind of rush to get out. Totally off our rockers/ drunk/battered we got into a taxi, nearly forgetting Jessica… I arranged for the taxi driver to return to the terrain, having paid in advance for her safe return, needing a code word. The code word became Bloemetjesbehang ( :lol: translated flowery wall paper :lol: ) because: ‘how to describe one of 3,500 girls/ladies mostly in black’ :lol: It took a while to find out, but as promised I waited for her to return. I delivered her to her room, as she was so drunk she could hardly stand up straight anymore. I had been drinking water for a while so I gallantly awaited her. She wasn’t so lucky, as her hotel neighbors were a bunch of boozed up German metalheads, ready to expand the party to the hotel perimeters :/ I was exhausted too, but I knew it would be a relative short night. Tom had offered our mutual friend Frank to help him move; he’d be awaited for around 11 AM in Westwoud. It took some persuasion to get Jessica out of her room, but I delivered the sleepyheads home in time. Shower for Jessica, voetbal for me, dragging closets and chairs by Tom (oh poor Tom, his ankles nearly killed him once more, I still can’t lift my left arm higher than my chin :/). Good to see Ajakkes lose points and Feyenoord plays FC Twente on Sunday. Shave, Chinese, wash denims, you get the drill ;)

Apart from a few disappointments (four in a row :/) I’d say this was a trip worthy to remember. Plenty of friends around, OK weather, Slayer and Exodus in blazing form, Airbourne great, Kreator cool, pity about Gruesome and the lesser Voïvod feel, but I like this setting a lot. No fuss, just one stage, well priced, hotel doable. Only addition I can think of: lockers! Now we sort of had to make a choice between warm or dry clothes and the festival shirts only reduced to singlets or girlies… nah. I don’t do singlet. I do metal. And We Do Lessons in Violence!!!

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Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
Posts: 279
Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:59 am 

Iron Reagan, Insanity Alert; Gebr. de Nobel Leiden, August 27th

Earlier than I expected Iron Reagan is back on European soil. Last year they blew up Dokk’Em Open Air, in January they were the best band on the Persistence package and now they’re back again! I love their attitude, their in-your-face music and witty lyrics, just as hardcore is intended. In my idea they can compete with bands like Sick of it All, no bad records, no bad shows ever to be seen. At first I’d thought they’d only do one show in Eindhoven, but I later found out the entire tour. Hey, no Sunday show in Eindhoven, but a Saturday one in Leiden. I had been sent text messages by Ineke, she wanted to go, might hook up with me and Tom again. Tom soon cancelled, it’s kermis in Westwoud this weekend and maybe there is where he’ll be this weekend. I persuaded Ineke to go to Leiden anyway, before Daniel also stated he’d like to go to this show. He didn’t have a ticket and as I don’t have a printer anymore, I’d get his ticket through my office. But if a venue doesn’t have PayPal or I don’t have my e-dentifier on me, credit cards can do funny things to ticket venders… At one point I couldn’t order at all, then I’d have to pay for three tickets? Huh? I got them at home, at last. I wouldn’t have to pick up Ineke, so we were waiting for a nice, hot drive to Leiden… plenty of apple juice, water and dry shirts aboard… ;)

Entering the Marktsteeg we found out there would be three parties/gigs in the street tonight: Iron Reagan in the small hall, Grandmaster Flash in the big hall and some world-music-on-open-stage across the street. Three entirely different rows of people waiting ;) and there were a few that wanted to swap tickets with us?? :) In the row I already found my Den Haag buddy Ariaan, so sign of baby sitting Koen ;) At the bar I was already baffled, as the drinks are two coins each and I only had two left, so grunting we headed back to the coin machine-line… Not much time to keep grunting, let’s start grinning! The first band was called The Filthy Ewoks and they have a combination of crustcore / concrete punk / dry humor we enjoyed a lot. The singer just said at the end ‘we have an EP to sell, it’s € 2, so no one will buy it because they think it’s too cheap to listen to’ ;). The band even had a bluesy intermezzo, the only part where the guitar was actually audible, only to be followed by Stront Kanon (Shit Gun) :) raging on. This was fun, but I fiddled so much with coins (consumption or real money) I forgot to buy it. Yeah right :o Did get myself some stickers… cheap bastard herrieman!

The next band was the actual reason I wanted to take Tom along: Insanity Alert! I liked the mixture hardcore / fun / most moshable music a lot on Dokk’Em, but I wasn’t awake by far then. Now I was, and my moshing mother, did we enjoy this or what? Everything was present for a nice party, straight jacket, star fireworks, insanity goggle, Run to the Pit sign, Fuck-this-shit-Start-a-Circle-pit sign. I scribbled some words but Daniel got me the set list (THANKS!!)
- Glorious Thrash
- Twist-off Betrayal (‘those darn bottles are always too small’ :))
- Desinfektor (‘I’ve got a new job, so this is for all the cleaners who provide such nice office environments’ *cynical*)
- Crucified by Zombies (excellent shirt, Daniel hesitated so I bought it for him)
- Zongo vs. Eyeball
- The Claw (Of All That is Evil)
- F.U.N. ('F is for the fire that burns down the whole town; U if for Uranium… bombs; N is for No Survivors – That’s my kinda fun' :lol: )
- Weedgrinder
- Blunt In / Blunt Out
- Crabman (yep, the South Park reference)
- Pact With Satan
- Macaroni Maniac
- Metal Punx Never Die (song Mankind Eraser being erased)
- Run To The Pit
H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S.!!! Even though the band originates for Austria, I knew the singer is actually Dutch. His Rotterdam accent made me duck my own ‘rules’ for my Dutch Denim, so I will put this band on too. They deserve it ;). In the meantime we found Anne and his gf Roxanne and Iron Reagan started after a very, very short sound check: let’s roll some politicians heads! The small hall of Gebr. de Nobel is really a small hall, some 10*12 m, PA included so it got a bit claustrofebo when the band crashed off with songs like In Greed We Trust, Eat Shit, Cycle of Violence and the Cannibal Corpse cover Skull Full of Maggots (‘for those who never heard of us before, this is the demo version’ *cool* ). The sound is full and loud, but Tony sounds a bit wedged but the message is clear: Iron Reagan is here to shred! Just before Cycle of Violence starts, Tony made a joke about the smoker’s room in the back of the hall, where people can see the band while smoking ;) He’d never seen that before (and probably won’t see that too often too ;), thanking Dutch government for this maze in the law. During Miserable Failure I just had to tuck my camera away and bash in, as the band requested another circle pit. As usual, I tend to destroy this circle pit, but I get grabbed by the hairs and directed the other way… along the circle pit. Ouch, that hurt! Never been pulled by the hairs to go a different way :/. Ineke had seen it and nearly caught the handful of hairs I lost there… Your Kids An Asshole watched from the back again, with Roxanne this time into the pit (5 ft 2” :lol: ), IA singer Heavy Kevy signing my CD *cool* but I’d had it for a sec. The song Mini Lights later on, the lights kept on the stage but managed to annoy me as well, as I hardly could read what I’d been writing… Anne panting, Daniel’s hair finally coming to rest as the encore were announced: the SSD cover, Four More Years and Don’t Tread on Me (Cro-Mags). What a great show, nice evening, cool people but warm, warm and moisty…

Outside the rapfans [Tony said he was ‘honored to share a stage with GMF’ haha] , the philanthropists and the punx/metalheadz/crossoverers bonded in a friendly way before heading out to my trusted VW Golf Mk II. I’d bring Roxanne and Anne home, but needed a bite. TWO stops for balletje mayo / balletje mosterd and we’re home again. I don’t care about calories for a sec :lol: and lavish myself with a few HJs back home. Tomorrow I might BBQ with Tom and let him listen to Insanity Alert, rub in what he missed ;) I still have to find that Enkhuizen kid present tonight, as I have another IA patch for him :). Having discussed some 2017 plans Daniel texted me he bought us tickets for Dark Easter Metal Meeting (Asphyx! Munich!! Thanks a lot my friend!) so there’s, once more, more metal!

More to read http://www.mruforums.com/f22/iron-reaga ... den-17703/

Eric Olthwaite

Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:53 am
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:15 pm 

I went to Fall of Summer festival in France last weekend and it was a fucking blast. I'll give a run-down of all the bands I saw:

ADX - good, but not great due to sound issues and the band being forced off stage (seemed like a dick move to me as the other bands still took 10 minutes or so to get to the stage). The old guys still have it and the new guys do their job well. The drummer and vocalist were impressive in particular. The French crowd got behind them, too, so it was nice to see a band on so early get a decent response. The set was mixed; songs from the first three and the reunion were covered... albeit it would have been much better with more time. Basically they were shafted by the soundman and cut off way too early. A shame, they're a great band.

Abigail - who the fuck cares about Abigail? Admit it... no one would care if they were from, say, England. But because they're Japanese and rip off early Venom/Tank/Motorhead/Bathory with Engrish lyrics it's cool. Well, they're really weak and their songs aren't up to much. Next time they should book Sabbat, instead.

Massacra Tribute - now this was cool. It was admittedly quite weird what with some Massacra members and the bassist from Dragonforce on guitar and vocals (?!). The setlist was cool and the sound was decent (maybe the guitars weren't raw enough). It felt like a very earnest and fitting tribute to their fallen vocalist. But... what about playing 'Beyond the Prophecy', guys?

Oransssi Pazuzu (Orangey Pansy) - well, they're basically the answer to the question "What if black metal had been made in the 1970s" and my response was "ehh". They're neither good nor bad, but they definitely don't suit the middle of the day festival atmosphere. Who cares, fuck off back to Finland.

Manilla Road - this was my fourth time seeing them and the only time I've seen them where they've been in a non-headliner position. What can I say... it was an hour of MR's greatest hits and I enjoyed it very much. The best sound of the day so far and a great performance from the band (even if they later admitted that they don't really like these hour long sets). No surprises in the set... but an excellent performance from them. I had the chills quite a fair few times during this set. Really fucking good.

Vader - Again, a band I've seen a few times now (3, if you're counting) and they were fucking great. This line-up of Vader really nails it live. The two guitarists really spur off each other in an excellent fashion and the setlist was balanced between old and new classics. The only was surprise was the lack of Poles in the audience. I guess France doesn't have as many as England. For shame.

Riot - Riot were fucking mighty at KIT last year and they repeated that success here once more. Some sound issues with the vocals at the start but after the first couple of minutes they went into full-on "destroy" mode with hit after hit. Again, the only way it could have been better was if they were allowed to play for longer. Mike Flyntz rips on guitar and Todd Michael Hall can nail the parts of any other Riot singer. It was great to see them from the front row. Probably my festival highlight.

After that Samael, Revenge and Paradise Lost all sucked for various reasons. Samael were as terrible as they had been at Eindhoven Metal Meeting last year... this time it just wasn't a surprise. I just drank more and watched them from a distance seeing songs that are actually really good being butchered by a band who got ideas above their station. I lasted about 20 minutes.

Revenge are just crap. Who cares? Messy NWN! with all the posturing and none of the ideas. Unsurprisingly, a lot of French neos came out for them.

Paradise Lost were just weak. Nick Holmes seemed like he couldn't be arsed. The rest of the band seemed more interested but they suffered from bad sound and a frontman who was just lacking energy. They seem to have got their hearts in the right place in the studio and maybe I just caught them on an off night but it was such a shame because they played a lot stuff from Gothic and that's an album that I love dearly.

I'll write about day two soon!
Uncolored wrote:
non 80's wodos members are enemies of teutonic beatles hairstyle thrash

Metal newbie

Joined: Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:06 pm
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Location: Netherlands
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:07 am 

Baroeg Open Air 2016, Zuiderpark Rotterdam, feat. Angel Witch, Arkona, Bodyfarm, Discharge and Caliban. Not all of them seen ;)

The coziest of free open airs ever was to happen again, Baroeg Open Air next to Ahoy’ Rotterdam. Ever since 2006 Baroeg, Friends of Baroeg and cultural forces in Rotterdam combine for a meeting of music, be it metal, punk, rock, electro, hiphop or whatever on two stages (three if you misinterpretate the leaflet ;)). For free! This year’s edition would hold not only metal (Bodyfarm, Angel Witch [!!!] Arkona), punk (Discharge) but also garage rock (The Deaf) and then some! Daniel had said ages ago he’d love to go to Rotterdam and during our normal Friday Bovenkarspel drink session Tijmen and Kees joined too. Tijmen remembered Angel Witch from Tongeren Metalfest, Kees kept remembering singing Angel Witch loudly on our road to the village next to PartySan :lol: and they were all over it. Early to rise, as Bodyfarm was to perform at 2 PM already, try to avoid the environmental area as well, as I’m not eager to pay € 95 for the normal route. During the trip we discussed the Iceland trip too, but Kees isn’t sure yet…

Coming to Rotterdam we thought we’d park for free near Ahoy’, but those fences… nah. Into Rotterdam Zuid meant possible still entering the environmental area, so parking Zuidplein it became. On the terrain we were greeted by Enkhuizen’s Punkrock scene (Ruzie) and hurried to the stage fence, Bodyfarm was already checking sound. Even though a decent sound check was made, on second row I didn’t really hear those efforts. The sound was a bit hollow and I had a hard time hearing both Thomas’ and Bram’s guitars. But with this set list, on which the sound eventually got better, I had a great time (hardly being able to see the band members because of two bare backs with long hairs on top before me :S the backs were heavily pockmarked :S I didn’t get much closer to the stage. :S)
- Hell March
- The Dark Age (already a nice pit!!)
- Death by Fire (first crowd surfer present!)
- Vortex of Terror
- The Coming Scourge
- Firing Squad
- The Well of Decay
- Der Landkreuzer
- Wolfpack (two lines of rowers on the floor? Tha fkcu?)
- Storming Revolution (wall of death!)
- Unbroken (VERY LOUD CHEERS for the band!)
This band made friends once more! Of course, Rotterdam isn’t shy to death metal and Bodyfarm already played Baroeg itself, but now the crowd was much wider interested than just ‘death metal audience’ and they were cheered as the coolest band around :) Only minutes after the set I thanked Bram for the seventeenth encounter with his band, only to be pushed away by Stephan Gebédi? I don’t think you read my MDF or Brutal Assault review, right? Hah, never mind, seventeen shows and I’m still thrilled! ‘One more show and you guys level with Gorefest and After Forever’ I told bass player Alex ;) I found Officium Triste’s Pim Blankenstein and he was so delighted with his/my OT patch he rounded up his entire band + friends + groupies to show my Dutch Denim hahaha. There were more metal musicians present, but I haven’t seen them all, as the next band was announced within minutes after I met Bram and Pim: The Deaf from The Hague, holding former Di-Rect singer or guitar player Spike (I’ve always seen Di-Rect as a boyband, so I don’t really care about the rest *cool* ) and playing… what? I hear some Ramones influence, some Johnny Cash-riffing but with too high singing, some seventies-beat-stuff. On the backdrop is mentioned ‘Speed Beat Den Haag’. Tijmen was really into this band, but I didn’t take it that high. Tijmen also tried to put Axel into the review, so I wrote, once more and still funny, ‘Axel = LUL’ haha.

I was getting hungry and having seen the swift changes between bands I rushed to a hamburger stand and the fish-booth next to it. Angel Witch has a huge cult following in Rotterdam and Eindhoven. The band was nearly a house band in ancient Dynamo and Baroeg days and are welcomed back with a huge, huge cheer. From openers Gorgon and Confused there’s a huge pit going on and the band is nearly surprised by the enthusiasm they see. I met up with Rhea, Sander, Red Chris, Ron, Jordy and Kim when evergreens like White Witch, Dead Sea Scrolls pass by. The Hague Heavy Metal Alliance is present too, see what happens tomorrow (Feyenoord plays ADO Den Haag then ;)) before The Chant of Chants is raised: Angel Witch!! Zuiderpark is one huge grin!! The only one I saw that had absolutely nothing with Angel Witch was Daniel hihihi.

I think he’d come for Arkona anyway. The band has a full tent in front of them but the sound could have been heaps better, I first thought. I made some pictures and not able to pronounce one single song title I just kept to that. The band did a great set, sound quality improved quite a lot halfway in, even though I stood some 100 m from the tent (and so, some 150 m from the stage). In the hour the band got, I was just enjoying friends and a nice setting sun, delivered some coffee to Red Chris and met even more friends and acquaintances. I got some patches off Goddess and handed them out: Ghost for Kees, Macabre for Tijmen and for each themed denim one piece: Angel Witch, Assassin and Heidevolk. Yes, I put a Heidevolk patch on my Dutch Denim, after their cool performance on Dokk’Em I think they deserve it, even though I probably will never buy any other material.

Tension grew a bit, as I wasn’t in for Discharge nor headliner Caliban at all and Daniel actually said it was too early to leave. He wanted to see some artist in the Electronic Stage tent, something. Kees took me to a bar and we discussed my own view on ‘together in, together out’. I was happy he did, I wouldn’t worry anymore about splitting our group tonight. We brought in all our spare coins and had one final round with Jordy before heading back to the parking garage. Coming there (having walked the wrong direction again of course :/) we couldn’t reach my beloved VW Golf Mk II?? Where to enter? Tijmen ran off, into some shop to ask where to go, but in that speed we nearly lost him :/. We needed to call him when we finally found the way in. Paid a stunning € 18 to get out, damned, Rotterdam’s parking is more expensive than friggin’Amsterdam! We pulled over at a familiar gas station, but the kitchen was already closed so I couldn’t get anything warm to eat anymore. With grumbling stomach I delivered the boys home and started watching voetbal at home, HJ present. I was home around 10.30 PM but was pretty tired nonetheless. Baroeg Open Air was cool again.

Typing this I have Dutch Radio 1 on, Feyenoord beat ADO 3 to 1 haha, see if Koen of THHMA reacts soon 8-) We’ll meet again, be it in Den Haag, Leiden, Rotterdam or Eindhoven, it’ll be during METAL!

More to be found on http://www.mruforums.com/f22/baroeg-ope ... arm-17715/

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