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MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!
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Author:  PhilosophicalFrog [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

This may be a terrible idea for a thread, but who knows, it may be really cool for people who haven't listened to a band. I got the idea when discussing the concept of "Best Of" CDs with a friend. Inevitably, we started talking about a mutually favorite band, Type O Negative, and the Least Worst Of which we both agreed was garbage! So, we started talking about what songs we would compile for a true "Best Of" for the greatest band to walk the earth. I figured I’d share the idea here, and maybe it could turn into a really awesome sharing thread.

Pick out one of your favorite bands, famous or not, and create your own “Best Of” out of ten to twelve songs; link it to YouTube and say a little something about why you chose the songs. I think this could be awesome for people who want to get into a band, or who are just curious to what regular fans think of a bands output.

1. (We Were) Electrocute
2.Green Man
3. Love You to Death
4. All Hallows Eve
5. Can't Lose You
6.Set Me on Fire
7. Burnt Flowers Fallen
8. World Coming Down
9. Ode to Locksmiths
10. September Sun
11. These Three Things

I chose these ten songs because I’ve always thought the slower, more psychedelic aspects of Type O Negative were what made them entirely unique. There’s the dark humor and bizarro-romantic lyricism of Pete, and the dynamic soloing of Kenny and the incredibly subtle keyboard work of Josh present in every single song. I think for the most part, these songs exemplify excellent song-writing as a whole, with an ever-present sense of pacing and placement, not a note seems out of place. I also think that it was in this collection of songs that the band was at its peak lyrically. From the introspective loneliness to the crippling sense of depression and loss, welcomed with a sly smirk, Pete has never sounded so sympathetic and relatable. Also, on a personal level, this collection of songs has gotten me through more dark moments than any other band, and each song has helped me cope from failed relationships, deaths in the family, and periods of depression.

Simply put, this is the soundtrack of my maturation and sadness, of times where I sand drunkenly with my friends, to somber self-reflection. I hope that those who find themselves in similar periods of sadness find some use in Frog’s “Best Of” Type O Negative.

Author:  Zelkiiro [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Hooray Black Majesty compilation album!

1. Fall of the Reich (5:16)
2. A Better Way to Die (7:35)
3. Journey to the Soul (4:35)
4. Firestorm (5:25)
5. Scars (4:57)
6. God of War (5:05)
7. Break These Chains (4:48)
8. Stargazer (6:40)
9. Sands of Time (5:40)
10. Witching Hour (5:21)
11. Edge of the World (4:18)
12. Tomorrowland (4:48)
13. Lost Highway (4:30)
14. Silent Company (4:26)
Total: 78 minutes 42 seconds, 78:42, 1:18:42

There's not much to comment on, as I just cherry-picked some of my favorite tunes from their albums. As with any other compilation album (ideally), you get the best of the best the group has to offer, from their best anthems and most intense epics. And so, here they are.

Author:  Metantoine [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I like the subject, Frog. Guys, if we're gonna do this, include at least 4 lines of description/comments about the best of. Would be cool if we could do downloadable compilations too (it could be done in PM, something like dropbox is marvelous btw). I'll post a "best Of" later.

Also, I think the "it could fit on one 80 mins cd rule" would be fine, so Sleep's best of would only be Dopesmoker + 2 other shorter songs!

Edit: if you guys want the thread to continue, do exactly the opposite of what Zelkiizero did.

Author:  newp [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Cool idea! I've never really listened to Type O Negative so it's interesting to read why you like them so much and I'll check some of the songs out.

Gotta run at the moment, but I'm going to try to do one up in the next day or two.

Author:  693 [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Great thread idea! This is kind of a good way to get into new bands!

Author:  Cinerary [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Since I'm one of the card-carrying members of the Devin Townsend fan-club, I figured I'd be the first to do a comp of DT's work. This is only under the Devin Townsend moniker and nothing under Band ('cause in my eyes "Accelerated Evolution is a best-of comp in and of itself!" or Project! which I figured I'd do later..

1. Olives [off "Terria"] - I just think this is a perfect way to begin an album, especially one as insane as Terria is. It's odd as hell and DT in a nutshell.
2. Earth Day [off "Terria"] - Awesome track with that a smidge of that typical DT humor.
3. Planet Rain [off "Physicist"] - Easily my favorite track off of Pysicist.
4. Regulator [off "Ocean Machine - Biomech"] - Probably the heaviest track off of Ocean Machine, which is in my top one favorite albums of all time.
5. Christeen [off "Infinity"] - I'm not the biggest fan of Infinity, but this track is poppy enough to get me going.
6. Canada [off "Terria"] - An odd choice, I know but 2:30 to 3:30 always makes me tear up. Fucking awesome.
7. Material [off "Physicist"] - Just. Really. Catchy!
8. Tiny Tears [off "Terria"] - Devin, i think, at his most emotional.
9. Hyperdrive [off "Ziltoid the Omniscient"] - The addicted! version with Anneke is great, but this one is better.
10. Funeral [off "Unplugged"] - Great acoustic version of a great song.
11. Namaste [off "Physicist"] - Again, needed something poppy before the end.
12. Nobody's Here [off "Terria"] - Emotional little song.
13. The Death of Music [off "Ocean Machine - Biomech"] - PERFECTION!

I left out a lot of stuff that I like, mainly because I didn't want to make it thirty tracks. I also left out his ambient albums for no other reason than they didn't fit with what I wanted. Hope you enjoy!

Author:  Mayhem1349 [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Good idea on the thread :] Anthrax has always been my favorite thrash band mainly because of Joey Belladonnas amazing voice. In my opinion Anthrax has always been the least listened to out of the big four which doesnt make any sense to me as i believe they blow Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer out of the water in intensity and making a catchy song.

1. Blood-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKqXw_fNtuU- This is my favorite Anthrax riff of all time, this song to me portrays a very doomsday atmosphere.
2. A Skeleton In the Closet-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH5wl11GUAQ- The pounding intense drums matched by the shredding riffs make this my favorite song on Among the Living, the chorus is so catchy as well.
3.Imitation of Life-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdTgI2D08mk&feature=related
4. Medusa-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NJ0KkmwgEo
6. Make Me Laugh-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgn4e7Vov04
7. Now Its Dark-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkUDntPXaBc
8. Belly of the Beast-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyABEv2rvbw&feature=related
9. I Am The Law-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rVFi6qkPHE

Author:  Shadoeking [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

For me, the band I would pick to do a best-of would be Amorphis. In particular, I picked later-period Amorphis with Tomi Joutsen singing. While I like their early death metal material, their later progressive material is what I find myself coming back to again and again. I lobbied hard to have Amorphis played at my wedding last year because I believe that a lot of their songs while not explicitly romantic, certainly carry with them a romantic and emotional feel. Many of the songs below capture that perfectly. I chose to start out with "House of Sleep" because that is the song that I tried the hardest to have played at my wedding. I still find myself listening to Amorphis frequently when I am in a melancholic mood.

1. "House of Sleep" - Eclipse
2. "Her Alone" - Silent Waters
3. "Silver Bride" - Skyforger
4. "My Sun" - Skyforger
5. "Course of Fate" - Skyforger
6. "You I Need" - The Beginning of Times
7. "Mermaid" - The Beginning of Times
8. "Reformation" - The Beginning of Times
9. "Leaves Scar" - Eclipse
10. "I of Crimson Blood" - Silent Waters

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Great idea for a thread!

I'd say Morbid Angel deserve a compilation which shows the different stages and progressions (or regressions, depending on how you see it) that they have gone through throughout their career, and the track list would have to be more or less something like this:

1) Immortal Rites
2) Chapel of Ghouls
3) Fall from Grace
4) The Ancient Ones
5) Pain Divine
6) Nar Mattaru / God of Emptiness*
7) Where the Slime Live
8) Eyes to See, Ears to Hear
9) Prayer of Hatred
10) Nothing is Not
11) Ageless, Still I Am
12) He Who Sleeps

What I did here is take two of the most representative songs from each album going from Altars of Madness to Gateways to Annihilation (no need to explain why Heretic or Illud aren't present). This way, it's easy for a person not familiar with the band to understand their progression in one quick, comfortable listen; you got the thrashing, occult and somewhat Slayer-esque assault on the senses that is Altars, the hybrid of violence and doom heard in Blessed, Covenant's eclectic, more-than-meets-the-eye nature, Domination's sludgy, catchy and, if you will, more accesible leanings, Formulas' ravaging, murderous savagery and, finally, Gateways' epic, dense, and almost planetary scope. This, my friends, is what I call a compilation.

*I put Nar Mattaru and God of Emptiness together because, well, they're basically one song divided in two parts, so why the hell not?

Author:  MalignantThrone [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Xlxlx wrote:
(no need to explain why Heretic or Illud aren't present)

Oh hell yes you do. Heretic is great. :(

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Heretic isn't present in my hypothetical MA compilation because I think of it as little more than an incongrous mass of clusterfuckery, riffs that go nowhere and asinine fillers. Seriously, it's an album for which I can find no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Author:  Poisonfume [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I never understood why Immortal Rites is such a popular live favorite. I just find it to be the weakest songs on Altars. Will post my own list tomorrow.
PS. Agree with most of the OP's list (excluding perhaps the Green Man). Type O's slow songs are their best songs. Terrific when you're stoned.

Author:  solitarywolf [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Why not extend this idea to the whole archive? Each band having it's "Best of", based on polls. When you'd go see a band's page, you could either (as a member) vote for a top-ten songs, or see what would be the current top-ten (public).

Wouldn't be easier to discover a new band? At least, to know what's really worth it?

Edit: Well, reviews are indeed there to help the listener, but a Top-ten could be a great add-on, in my opinion.

Author:  Metantoine [ Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Uh, no. I'm sure it would be a pain in the ass to establish for in my opinion, very petty results. I mean "best of" are fun but let's not get crazy.

Author:  CrushedRevelation [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I like this thread idea, but will have to compile a list when I have a wee bit more time. Until then I hope to see some cool stuff (MikeyC's could be an eye opener for some of you) being put up.

Author:  DeathspellDelta [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

This is a great idea, and OP, the songs you chose are great. It just so happens that my favorite band is Type O too. I'll try to come up with a list as well, for Type O or something else soon.

Author:  Tiam Kara [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Man, I'm not sure if I can do this with a metal band. Rock, yeah, but not metal.

Lemme think about it. Might have to go way back.

Author:  NARAKU666 [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

In Flames was my gateway band for european extreme metal, and for that will always be one of my favorite bands (even without Jesper):

CD 1

1.- Behind Space
2.- Upon an Oaken Throne
3.- Stand Ablaze
4.- Moonshield
5.- December Flower
6.- Graveland
7.- Jotun
8.- Food for the Gods
9.- Worlds Within The Margin
10.- Jester Script Transfigured
11.- Embody The Invisible
12.- Ordinary Story
13.- The New Word (dat solo)
14.- Bullet Ride
15.- Pinball Map

CD 2:

1.- Reroute To Remain
2.- Trigger
3.- Cloud Connected
4.- Egonomic
5.- Dawn of a New Day
6.- Evil in a Closet
7.- Discover me Like Emptiness
8.- Take This Life
9.- Dead End
10.- The Mirror's Truth
11.- Condemned
12. March To The Shore
13.- Where Dead Ships Dwell

Author:  halfformedfetus [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Love this idea guys! kudos to frog! il be contributing my 10 when i get home from work :), a question though how do you link a youtube video to a song title like they have above?

Author:  LordStenhammar [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I'm going to be boring and make an Iron Maiden -best of.

1. Sea of Madness - A very underrated song from Somewhere in Time.

2. Sign of the Cross - A dark masterpiece. Best song on X-Factor and one of the best songs Maiden ever did.

3. The Talisman - Propably my favourite from The Final Frontier, along Starblind and The Alchemist.

4. Hallowed Be Thy Name - No surprise here, just very great, melodic and epic metal song.

5. Children of the Damned - My other favourite from Number of the Beast

6. The Clairvoyant - Never get tired of this. Bruce is in great form, hitting high notes with ease. The chorus is the best part of it.

7. Purgatory - An energetic song. Masterpiece among many masterpieces in Killers.

8. Phantom of the Opera - Would propably be Maiden's best song, if not for Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

9. Aces High - The greatest opening song on any Maiden album. Melodic and fast.

10. Revelations - I suppose this song was penned by Bruce. Love those guitar harmonies in the middle.

11. Rime of the Ancient Mariner - This is it. The best metal song ever made. I have no words for it. A great way to close this (subjective) best of.

Author:  lord_ghengis [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

This is too hard. I tried to go with bands with long discographys, but Esoteric was filled by 4 songs and Anaal Nathrakh had a full 80 mins by Hell is Empty.

Best ofs suck anyway, fuck everything.

Author:  katatonia47 [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

They're not even close to Metal, but they are my favourite band right now, so it's time for a Modest Mouse 'Best Of'.

The World at Large
What People Are Made Of
Parting Of The Sensory
Alone Down There
Steam Engenius
Dark Center Of The Universe
Little Motel
Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes
The Cold Part
Dance Hall

Obviously, I love all of these songs, and I tried to have a decent mix of fast, mid-tempo and slow and somewhat depressing. I haven't really listened to enough of Long Drive or The Lonesome Crowded West to really make a decent judgement on them, though I should really get around to it sometime.
And no matter how much I love all of these tracks, Dance Hall takes the take every time when it comes to an album closer. It's just insane, weird as hell and upbeat so it's great to end the album on a good note. And plus, I think a song that divulges into nonsensical screaming and yelling is a great way to end an album.

Author:  caspian [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!


good topic but pretty hard to pick a band (metallica best of? nadja??). Actually fuck it I'll go with Nadja and we'll see how well youtube co-operates. I think there's four things that make Nadja a band I like so much: the tendency to play a really, really huge riff, the excellent attention to detail and good composition, the swirling, incredibly layered tones, and those occaisonal moments of really sublime beauty that emerge from the fuzz. So:

1. Memory Leak my favourite song by them. I love that weird synth tone at the end. Very transcendent-ish and all that. Otherwise that howling organ (think it's an organ?) and those huge, plodding stoner-but-way-slower riffs really do it for me. Long build with an incredible third act and it's really enjoyable the whole way.
2. Flowers of Flesh one of their more visceral tunes with just two riffs and a bunch of effects making a massive and rather devestating wall of noise. It's easy to come up with a bunch of lame metaphors, blizzards, sandstorms, hurricane sandy at the top of the empire state building, but yeah, suffice to say that there's a few bigs riffs, they get played a lot, and the whole thing is fucken good.
3.Clinodactyl This song, moreso than the first two encapsulates the attention to detail and super long build I was referring to. It's a long ass build, no question, and it never gets as heavy as the first two. Damn it's good though. Layered as shit. Everything comes in at the perfect moment. Wonderful climax. A pretty awesome way to spend 22 minutes.
4. Absorbed in You. There's no youtube link which is kinda lame, but another epic, and at 30 minutes you'd hope so. THe first 10 minutes of noise is somewhat shitty (which in a way is representative of an unfortunately large amount of nadja's career), but shit quiets down then builds for the mother of all climaxes. Monolithic, despairing, absolutely gorgeous, everything in it's place and a place for everything. Hopefully death is this gorgeous, etc.

This would probably only just fit on a standard 80 minute cd. It'd do as a best of, although there's a lot of other shit that I'd like to include. Disc two could be the full length version of Thaumogenesis, which in it's 68 minutes neatly sums the band up too. Gotta play that album when I'm home I think.

Author:  inhumanist [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I figured the logical course of action was to create a Youtube playlist (for your convenience, and I encourage others to do the same), so here it is;
I present to you Nagelfar, the pioneers of the Aachen black metal scene:

Best of Nagelfar playlist


I arranged the songs by what felt right to me. Keeping this under 80 min was a real pain, so there are some valuable songs missing. Nagelfar of all german black metal bands is probably the dearest to me. This is some epic melodic black metal full of melancholy and haunting beauty. With The Ruins Of Beverast on drums.

Author:  PhilosophicalFrog [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

halfformedfetus wrote:
Love this idea guys! kudos to frog! il be contributing my 10 when i get home from work :), a question though how do you link a youtube video to a song title like they have above?

Well, it's actually quite simple! This goes to Fetus and to the rest of you. This is the format:

[url=insert URL here]type song name here[/url]

If you do it right: Congratulations!

I like the participation guys, and it's cool to see your contributions! But, try to link the songs to youtube, or do what inhumanist did, and just create a playlist on youtube itself, and link to that. That's pretty fine too! As long as you provide some reasons why you chose the band/songs, I'm sure it'll be cool.

Author:  DaBuddha [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

This ain't a bad idea really. I'll make my entry one that is near and dear to me... the mighty Emperor.

1. Ancient Queen - Taken from As the Shadows Rise EP
2. Night of the Graveless Souls - Taken from the Emperor EP
3. I am the Black Wizards - Taken from the Emperor EP
4. Into the Infinity of Thoughts - Taken from In the Nightside Eclipse
5. The Burning Shadows of Silence - Taken from In the Nightside Eclipse
6. Inno a Satana - Taken from In the Nightside Eclipse
7. In Longing Spirit - Taken from the Reverence EP
8. Ensorcelled by Khaos - Taken from Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
9. The Acclamation of Bonds - Taken from Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
10. With Strength I Burn - Taken from Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
11. The Source of Icon E - Taken from IX Equilibrium
12. Sworn - Taken from IX Equilibrium
13. Of Blindness and Subsequent Seers - Taken from IX Equilibrium
14. The Eruption - Taken from Prometheus
15. Empty - Taken from Prometheus
16. Thorns on my Grave - Taken from Prometheus

I decided to leave out some of the songs that always end up being on these lists, such as Thus Spake the Nightspirit, Loss and Curse of Reverence etc, being great themselves regardless, while others I had to include (I am the Black Wizards, etc) due to their godliness. Not everyone will agree with me on some of these picks. I wanted to include more, but then again, I could include at least another ten. And yeah, it's more than 10-12 songs.

Author:  Thumbman [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Best of Neurosis

1. Souls At Zero - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64kHFwKEjU
2. Lost - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsV2AbV3ghI
3. Locust Star - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEVyDjxsUrk
4. Belief - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL1cJ_wyDfw
5. Crawl Back In - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3CGQdQT24Y
6. A Season In The Sky - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EaNs5zzCBY
7. Water Is Not Enough - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-sQ7NJrcw4
8. Bleeding The Pigs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysfHchFokT8

I thought Neurosis would be a cool band to do as they have a massive discography and change with each album. I debated putting songs from their first two albums up, especially "Life on your Knees" from Pain of Mind, but decided against it. As much as I love their first album, their first two are not representative of who they are as a band and were before they came into their own. I chose a song from each album that came after the first two, excluding the collaborative album with Jarboe. I chose to go chronologically to show how Neurosis has progressed and evolved as a band. I honestly could do the same thing a few times over with different songs from each album, and it still would be great. Neurosis are one of the most enduring bands in the metal scene, they've been around since the 80s, and always manage to come up with something new and interesting instead of slumping into stagnation or becoming a parody of themselves.

Author:  SladeCraven [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I'll go with Nile. Its what I'm listening to and I really enjoy them. All of these can be found on http://www.youtube.com

In no particular order:

1.) Annihilation of the Wicked-"Annihilation of the Wicked"
2.) The Blessed Dead-"In Their Darkened Shrines"
3.) Sarcophagus-"In Their Darkened Shrines"
4.) User-Maat-Re-"Annihilation of the Wicked"
5.) Kafir!-"Those Whom the Gods Detest"
6.) Ramses Bringer of War-"Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka"
7.) Smashing the Antiu-"Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka"
8.) Cast Down the Heretic-"Annhilation of the Wicked"
9.) Barra Edinazzu-"Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka"
10.) Execration Text-"In Their Darkened Shrines"
11.) Black Seeds of Vengeance-"Black Seeds of Vengeance"
12.) Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten-"Annhilation of the Wicked"

I tried to pick my overall favorite listens from albums of theirs that I really enjoy. Annihilation of the Wicked, Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka, In Their Darkened Shrines, and Those Whom the Gods Detest. I included the title track from Black Seeds of Vengeance only because I like the lead guitar riff a lot, otherwise I don't really enjoy that album. Don't get me wrong, it isn't a bad album by any means, just not one of my favorites. Some of you may like Ithyphallic and At the Gate of Sethu and wish to include tracks from those albums, but I do not.

Author:  reven [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Best of Bolt Thrower

1. In Battle There is no Law [In Battle There is no Law] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzhoURAKoMA
2. World Eater [Realm of Chaos] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xqOf-KjdVY
3. The Killchain [Those Once Loyal] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eShSOlhX9w
4. Eternal War [Realm of Chaos] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvFA5yS4Y4
5. What Dwells Within [War Master] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5hbeB5OQi8
6. The IVth Crusade [The IVth Crusade] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t75kpnAFzag
7. Lest We Forget [...For Victory] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iPz6joaNCA
8. Where Next to Conquer [The IVth Crusade] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG_p4YKR62s
9. Forever Fallen [...For Victory] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRmvZxVu1z8
10. Those Once Loyal [Those Once Loyal] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W6dUtUcsVI

Album length - 40:31

I tried to keep the album short and sweet while creating some kind of flow between the favorite songs I picked. The reason I didn't pick any Ingram-era songs is because no matter how awesome his vocals are (and I really love his vocals), Karl's vocals just fit Bolt Thrower's suffocating groovy sound perfectly. In Battle There is no Law seemed to me as the ideal song to start a Bolt Thrower album, it completely encompasses everything their music is about, ranging from the lyrical topic of the song to the mad and frenzied riffs and solos. And seriously, what better way is there to continue such a crushing intro than with two of their most badass songs ever? Motherfucking World Eater and The Killchain. I wanted to make the first 20 minutes of the album as insane and fast as possible, putting in all my favorite songs of such type and then followed with a slower change in tempo starting with The IVth Crusade. The Killchain probably shouldn't be in those first 20 minutes but I think it's the best follow up to the awesomeness that is World Eater. Those Once Loyal is the absolute closure song I could think of, everything about this masterpiece just screams glory.

Author:  Jophelerx [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Hmm, I guess I'll give this a shot. I've been digging Virgin Steele a lot lately, so I'll try it with them.

1) Kingdom of the Fearless My first Virgin Steele song ever, the first song on House of Atreus I, and probably my favorite VS song. Glorious and triumphant, the perfect intro for me.
2) Crown of Glory A strange, atmospheric number, this one comes early on in Marriage II and it always felt right there. Probably one of DeFeis's best vocal performances.
3) Child of Desolation VS's best ballad and the logical continuation to "Crown of Glory", as it repeats the intro/outro at the end of the song.
4) Sword of the Gods This might be the quintessential VS epic - highly progressive, with huge choruses and a buildup throughout, eventually reaching a climax.
5) Blood and Gasoline A bit of a break from long epics, this is one of the catchiest and most testosterone-filled VS songs, fun as hell.
6) Twilight of the Gods In the same vein, short and aggressive with a lot of testosterone, although more epic.
7) House of Dust A very interesting VS ballad, it felt like the right spot for this; sad and desperate versus triumphant and glorious. A nice counterpoint/break.
8) A Token of My Hatred Another fantastic epic, this one quickly enters the stratosphere and never really leaves. Almost as good as "Kingdom".
9) Emalaith The climax of Marriage II, this song is one of the most diverse and heartfelt performances of DeFeis, not to mention it ties in with some of the other songs lyrically ("Kingdom of the Fearless", "Crown of Glory").
10) Veni, Vidi, Vici One of the most peaceful, divine songs of VS, this has always given me a feeling of some glorious afterlife, and thus it felt like the perfect ending.

Author:  hakarl [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Best of The Ruins of Beverast:

With this band, designing a best of album becomes problematic due to the amount of excellent individual passages in their music. While Arcane Pharmakon Messiah might have one of the essential Beverast riffs, the rest of the song doesn't rank as highly as, say, The Desert Lair. This is particularly problematic in Rain Upon The Impure, which is full of less interesting passages, as well as very essential ones, as well as the debut, where different songs complement each other excellently. The fact that their songs tend to be quite long made this more difficult aswell, because there can be noticeable gaps in quality between passages within a song. Still, I gave it a try:

1. Euphoria When the Bombs Fell
2. Blood Vaults (II: Our Despots Cleanse the Levant
3. I Raised This Stone As A Ghastly Memorial
4. Soil of the Incestous
5. The Desert Lair
6. Between Bronze Walls
7. Soliloquy Of The Stigmatised Shepherd

These songs represent various sides of the band's music quite well, and while songs of equal quality as those chosen here were omitted, these are some of the most memorable Beverast songs in my opinion. This compilation would be slightly less than 80 minutes in length.

Author:  Erosion of Humanity [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

I'm going to have to go with Gardenian here for a couple of reasons, one I'm a huge fanboy :bow: and two apparently they have just recently gotten back together, though the only report of that I can find is here on the archives.

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yq12xvZq80 Two Feet Stand
2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu3SzZcPOkk A Wake of Abuse
3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRXw3f7-uOU Netherworld
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmzHcEdRsvw Murder
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maQHepRAsio As a True King
6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-lN_CzLXx0 Deserted
7) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWN4m6LlhVs Small Electric Space
8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfuxG2sw ... re=related Tell The World I'm Sorry
9) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrbMfCKPmcY Doom & Gloom
10) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWnhOWV3TmE The Suffering
11) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW0FwCcZ_v4 Sonic Death Monkey

I think this does a pretty good job summing up their catalog seeing as how they only released 3 cds. There isn't a single song on my list that I don't hit repeat for at least once, the first 4 tracks are from Two Feet Stand, 5-9 are from Soulburner, and the last 3 are from Sindustries, I tried to include songs that show the differences between the 3 releases and for the tracks off of Soulburner ones that really showcased the addition of Eric Hawk. Also I picked these tracks, most of them anyway, for the lyrics songs like Deserted, Small Electric Space, and Tell The World I'm Sorry really speak volumes to me and are go to tracks when I'm having a shitty day.

Author:  MikeyC [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

CrushedRevelation wrote:
(MikeyC's could be an eye opener for some of you)

Haha, why is that?

I want to make one or two, but it's going to take some effort. I'll have to think about it, but I'm enjoying reading others' choices.

Author:  Thashierthanthou [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Find it pretty odd that Metallica doesn't have a best of/greatest hits despite being one of the biggest bands in the world, although the Black Album does basically function as a greatest hits album... But if I was gonna make a "comprehensive" best of from their entire career-

1-Four Horsemen
2-Seek And Destroy
3-Metal Militia
3-Creeping Death
4-Ride The Lightning
5-Fade To Black
6-Master Of Puppets
9-Enter Sandman
10-The Unforgiven
11-Wherever I May Roam
12-Bleeding Me
14-All Nightmare Long

Only have one song from MoP since I'm trying to keep it below 15, and I find that the thrashier songs on the other 80's Metallica albums are better than Battery/Damage Inc./Disposable Heroes, in addition to Fade To Black and One both being better half ballads than Sanitarium. If it really was just a "best of" then I'd remove the songs from Load-Death Magnetic and add the aforementioned MOP songs, but for the sake of making it more comprehensive I'd include a couple songs that show the style from that era- Both the softer, longer songs (Bleeding Me) and the more radio friendly rock/metal tunes-Attitude may be an odd song to pick over something like Fuel, but I really like the song so there you go. And All Nightmare Long really is one of my favorite Metallica tunes, so it gets the pick for Death Magnetic. No songs from St. Anger on here though, but its not like anybody wants to remember that. And Lulu never happened and you can't prove it.

Author:  Zelkiiro [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Thashierthanthou wrote:
Find it pretty odd that Metallica doesn't have a best of/greatest hits despite being one of the biggest bands in the world, although the Black Album does basically function as a greatest hits album... But if I was gonna make a "comprehensive" best of from their entire career-

1-Four Horsemen
2-Seek And Destroy
3-Metal Militia
3-Creeping Death
4-Ride The Lightning
5-Fade To Black
6-Master Of Puppets
9-Enter Sandman
10-The Unforgiven
11-Wherever I May Roam
12-Bleeding Me
14-All Nightmare Long

Only have one song from MoP since I'm trying to keep it below 15, and I find that the thrashier songs on the other 80's Metallica albums are better than Battery/Damage Inc./Disposable Heroes, in addition to Fade To Black and One both being better half ballads than Sanitarium. If it really was just a "best of" then I'd remove the songs from Load-Death Magnetic and add the aforementioned MOP songs, but for the sake of making it more comprehensive I'd include a couple songs that show the style from that era- Both the softer, longer songs (Bleeding Me) and the more radio friendly rock/metal tunes-Attitude may be an odd song to pick over something like Fuel, but I really like the song so there you go. And All Nightmare Long really is one of my favorite Metallica tunes, so it gets the pick for Death Magnetic. No songs from St. Anger on here though, but its not like anybody wants to remember that. And Lulu never happened and you can't prove it.

You broke the cardinal Metallica rule:

#4 is always a ballad.

EDIT: Also, there are 2 #3s...

Author:  Thashierthanthou [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Thashierthanthou wrote:
Find it pretty odd that Metallica doesn't have a best of/greatest hits despite being one of the biggest bands in the world, although the Black Album does basically function as a greatest hits album... But if I was gonna make a "comprehensive" best of from their entire career-

1-Four Horsemen
2-Seek And Destroy
3-Creeping Death
4-Fade To Black
5-Ride The Lightning
6-Master Of Puppets
9-Enter Sandman
10-The Unforgiven
11-Wherever I May Roam
12-Bleeding Me
14-All Nightmare Long

Only have one song from MoP since I'm trying to keep it below 15, and I find that the thrashier songs on the other 80's Metallica albums are better than Battery/Damage Inc./Disposable Heroes, in addition to Fade To Black and One both being better half ballads than Sanitarium. If it really was just a "best of" then I'd remove the songs from Load-Death Magnetic and add the aforementioned MOP songs, but for the sake of making it more comprehensive I'd include a couple songs that show the style from that era- Both the softer, longer songs (Bleeding Me) and the more radio friendly rock/metal tunes-Attitude may be an odd song to pick over something like Fuel, but I really like the song so there you go. And All Nightmare Long really is one of my favorite Metallica tunes, so it gets the pick for Death Magnetic. No songs from St. Anger on here though, but its not like anybody wants to remember that. And Lulu never happened and you can't prove it.

The new and improved version. Was very sad to see Metal Militia go; that song has some of my favorite lyrics :(. But its not as good as Four Horsemen or Seek And Destroyer, and I can't go past 15...

Author:  Metantoine [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Oh yeah! My choice will not be surprising to some of you guys, but yeah, Reverend Bizarre is one of my favorite band! I tried to choose songs to create an album under 1hr20, but it was too hard! I think this compilation is a good balance of their slower stuff and some faster stuff and it gives a good overview of their career. While I like Lord Vicar, Orne, The Puritan and Opium Warlords, Rev Biz is still one of the monuments in my musical pantheon.

1) Teutonic Witch (the single version) It's not on youporn, but check the 2nd and 3rd parts of They Used Dark Forces/Teutonic Witch here
2) The Ambassador from Harbringer of Metal, it's a cool interlude and it fits well with Doomsower, check this "EP" if you haven't.
3) Doomsower My favorite fast paced song from the band, awesome track!
4) Slave of Satan A great song from Crush the Insects, very slow and classic RB
5) Caesar Forever The only track written by Peter Vicar on the So Long Suckers and one of the best ones. You can hear the kind of stuff he's doing with Lord Vicar these days.
6) Cromwell Another fast paced track with a Cathedral vibe!
7) The Wandering Jew One of their best long ass tracks with the perfect amount of sadness and fun, The Wandering Midget took their name from this song.
8) The Hour of death Probably my favorite song from them, deep emotions and amazing vocals!

Author:  Jonpo [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Niiice! Very surprised Slave of Satan made the cut. I love the lyrics but its definitely my least favorite from Crush the Insects. I personally could never make a RevBiz best of without Council of 10. The witchhunting atmosphere is sooooo dense and menacing. It's a real testament to the band that my comp for them would be almost completely different.

Author:  PhilosophicalFrog [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Ahh, posts like Cinerary and Erosion of Humanity perfectly summarize this thread for me. I've never heard of Gardenian before and it's an awesome fanboy POV way to start, and I've never given a Devin a shot before, and coming from such a huge fan was awesome too. So, cheers!

Also, Tony, I don't know if I could ever choose a handful of song from the great Reverend, but you did a kick-ass job. I haven't listened to "The Wandering Jew" in ages!

Author:  TheStormIRide [ Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MA's "Best Of" Extravaganza!

Metantoine wrote:
Oh yeah! My choice will not be surprising to some of you guys, but yeah, Reverend Bizarre is one of my favorite band!

I too love the Bizarre Reverend. I would have to choose "The Devil Rides Out" as my favorite fast paced song though. Could be because it is actually the first Rev song I ever had the pleasure of listening to though. Great picks there though!

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