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Remasters (or Remixes)
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Author:  Torbald [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Remasters (or Remixes)

OK, I don't really get the difference between remasters and remixes, but are there any that are essential? It seems in a lot of cases, people like the feel of the original despite arguably crappy sound.
Also, are there any albums that could really use a good remaster? Just heard Ace of Spades and was thinking it doesn't sound particularly great, but I'm sure many world argue with me on that one.

Author:  lennonlikesmetal [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Remasters use the same mix, but normally just boost the levels and compress the dynamics in most cases.

Author:  Coastliner [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

In a remix you can clean up every track (as in 'layer') separately and give individual instruments or elements more prominence than before.

I'd love to hear a good remix of BÖC's "Imaginos". The original production is very complex, layers upon layers of stuff, but it's very uneven and muddy.

Author:  Lord_Lexy [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

… And Justice for All is a great example of an album that should be remixed so that Jason’s bass can be heard next to the other instruments. The album has been remastered which changes the sound of all instruments together, but did not bring out the low end.

Spoiler: show

Author:  Gravetemplar [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

I don't really think the problem with And justice was the bass. It just sounds so sterile and mechanical. No amount of bass is going to fix that.

Author:  HighwayCorsair [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Mix: taking the individual instruments and putting them together into something that sounds like music (ie- bass, guitars, individual drum hits, etc.)

Master: changing things about the overall mix after it's done, like EQ shaping, compression, coloring it with effects, etc.

>but are there any that are essential?

Yeah- just depends on why it was remixed or remastered. Some stuff had a really crappy original mix or master back in the day and is really fixed by the remix/remaster. A lot of them suck but sometimes they don't. Some particular favorites just off the top of my head include the remaster of Possessed's Beyond the Gates, the remix of Molested's Blod-Draum, the remaster (and alternate track order) of Manilla Road's Mark of the Beast, and the remaster of the Chalice demos (demos in particular often benefit from a remaster because the original tended to be low-budget or literally unmastered).

Author:  ZenoMarx [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

It's essential to avoid Black Sabbath's Black Box. Those albums never sounded like that and never should have.

Author:  HeavenDuff [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

I can't think of a single remaster or remix that's actually relevant.

Usually, they take iconic and distinctive elements of the production and make them less prominent, less unique, less enjoyable altogether.

Like what Alice in Chains did with the 2022 remaster of Dirt. Now you can't listen to the original on Spotify as they entirely replaced it. So yeah, I have not listened to that album since. That's how terribly usuless and bad that remaster is. The remaster made it noticeably worse. Congrats guys!

Author:  Benedict Donald [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

HeavenDuff wrote:
I can't think of a single remaster or remix that's actually relevant.

Usually, they take iconic and distinctive elements of the production and make them less prominent, less unique, less enjoyable altogether.

Like what Alice in Chains did with the 2022 remaster of Dirt. Now you can't listen to the original on Spotify as they entirely replaced it. So yeah, I have not listened to that album since. That's how terribly usuless and bad that remaster is. The remaster made it noticeably worse. Congrats guys!

Yes, that AIC "Dirt" remix is appalling. Just terrible.

I tend to prefer all of the Steven Wilson remixes of the 70s Yes and Jethro Tull catalogs to the original mixes.
The new remix of Deep Purple's "Machine Head" is sonic perfection to my ears and makes the classic even stronger.

A few of the Thin Lizzy deluxe editions contained a few remixed songs, too. In every case, they sound 'heavier' due to an emphasis on the guitar.
So, IMO, quite a few classic rock albums/songs have been improved upon with remixing.

But I've rarely come across improvements via remixing in metal.

Author:  ChineseDownhill [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Torbald wrote:
.. are there any that are essential? It seems in a lot of cases, people like the feel of the original despite arguably crappy sound.

I think the remixed / "Re-Mistressed" version of Cradle of Filth's Cruelty and the Beast is such a huge improvement that these days I have little use for the original version. Then again some prefer the original, clicky drums and all, because the overhaul supposedly broke some other aspect.

My copy of Rust in Peace is the 2004 remaster. I've seen many Megadeth fans call it a major downgrade but I don't know if I've ever heard the original, or if I'd be able to tell the difference.

(edit) This is from the entry for Nevermore's Enemies of Reality: "The album's production attracted much criticism at the time of release, leading to a remixed and remastered version being issued in 2005."

Has anyone heard the original? Was it that bad?

Author:  CoffeeCat [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

I tend to prefer full-on re-recordings rather than remixes and remasters. There's a lot more novelty in hearing the band play the same songs years later, and sometimes with the benefit of better musicianship, a more defined sound, different creative choices, etc.

Author:  SanPeron [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

There are a few remasters that are pretty good, the Cowboys from Hell remaster of 2010 is much better than the 90s release and the 1999 remaster of Power & the Glory by Saxon is a must for all metal fans. And as for re-recordings, the one I like the most is the first EP and album of Sepultura, Morbid Visions/Bestial Devastation that Cavalera Conspiracy released last year.

I read your comments about the Alice in Chains, Dirt's remaster since Iam a big fan of the band and it didn't bother me too much. I guess I always have listened to the album in a digital way, I bought the official CD of Dirt like in the mid 2010's so I really can't tell the difference except for the volume that is noticeably higher in the remastered version.

Author:  King_of_Arnor [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

A whole thread could be dedicated to the Megadeth remixes/remasters over the years and how much of a mixed bag they've been. But the best one I think they did was the 2018 remix of Killing Is My Business, which cleans up the muddiness of the original and is generally an improvement even if it loses some of the raw charm.

ChineseDownhill wrote:
My copy of Rust in Peace is the 2004 remaster. I've seen many Megadeth fans call it a major downgrade but I don't know if I've ever heard the original, or if I'd be able to tell the difference.

The remix has re-recorded vocals in some parts according to this site's release notes: "When remastering the album for this release, the original lead vocal tracks for "Take No Prisoners", "Rust in Peace... Polaris", "Five Magics" and "Lucretia" were all missing. Dave Mustaine recorded new vocal tracks for "Take No Prisoners" and "Rust in Peace... Polaris", while unused alternate takes from the original sessions were utilised for "Lucretia" and "Five Magics"." It's especially noticeable with that pitch-shifted voice in Five Magics, which sounds a bit goofy in the remix.

Author:  HighwayCorsair [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

CoffeeCat wrote:
I tend to prefer full-on re-recordings rather than remixes and remasters. There's a lot more novelty in hearing the band play the same songs years later, and sometimes with the benefit of better musicianship, a more defined sound, different creative choices, etc.

I'm the opposite, I can think of a ton of remixes and remasters I at the very least don't mind owning, but I can count the amount of full re-recordings I like on a single hand. I'd prefer live albums to get that effect.

Author:  ZenoMarx [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

I'll never understand why the people who don't care about, or who say they can't hear, the differences post in these sort of threads.

one of my all-time favorite quotes about this subject...

"I love classic...music so I really hope...they...can rescue all my potential favorite records from sounding how they did when they originally blew everyone's fucking mind."

There should be a statue of limitations, after which the original artist can't go near their own work. I wish we could blame all the revisionism on corporate heads wanting to sell you the same material over and over and over again. The artists never being happy with...and then "this is how it was always intended to sound" are full of shit.

Author:  HighwayCorsair [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

ZenoMarx wrote:

There should be a statue of limitations, after which the original artist can't go near their own work. I wish we could blame all the revisionism on corporate heads wanting to sell you the same material over and over and over again. The artists never being happy with...and then "this is how it was always intended to sound" are full of shit.

There's a fine line there- some of that stuff had legit technical issues with it where some minor touching up is required (lots of classic releases with volume inconsistencies for example), or the original mix is just awful (even the unmixed versions/Manor Tape bootleg release of Born Again sound WAY better- I'd love a robust remix of it!), but obviously you also get stuff like the frankly embarrassing Megadeth ones.

Author:  Benedict Donald [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

ChineseDownhill wrote:

(edit) This is from the entry for Nevermore's Enemies of Reality: "The album's production attracted much criticism at the time of release, leading to a remixed and remastered version being issued in 2005."

Has anyone heard the original? Was it that bad?

good call. The original mix was a muddy mess. The remix was a drastic improvement.

Author:  Cosmic_Equilibrium [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

The 1997 Roger Glover remix of Deep Purple's Machine Head album is the gold standard for how to do it. Manages to make the album sound both modern and yet of its time - it's really well done.

The best Megadeth remix is the 2002 version of KIMB which really brings out the sheer rabid frenzy of the album.

The 2004 remix of Rust In Peace got slammed but TBH the original mix was nothing to write home about, very tinny with no bass at all. No idea why some people seem to think it was a perfect production job.

AJFA lacks bass but the mix has this antispetic feel that suits the bleakness of the material. MOP, however, really could do with a remix job as it sounds very flat.

Author:  thrashinbatman [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

ChineseDownhill wrote:
Torbald wrote:
.. are there any that are essential? It seems in a lot of cases, people like the feel of the original despite arguably crappy sound.

I think the remixed / "Re-Mistressed" version of Cradle of Filth's Cruelty and the Beast is such a huge improvement that these days I have little use for the original version. Then again some prefer the original, clicky drums and all, because the overhaul supposedly broke some other aspect.

My copy of Rust in Peace is the 2004 remaster. I've seen many Megadeth fans call it a major downgrade but I don't know if I've ever heard the original, or if I'd be able to tell the difference.

(edit) This is from the entry for Nevermore's Enemies of Reality: "The album's production attracted much criticism at the time of release, leading to a remixed and remastered version being issued in 2005."

Has anyone heard the original? Was it that bad?

heres a comparison of the original mix of Create the Infinite vs. the remix. the original isnt quite as bad as its reputation but its still kind of muddy and unclear. the best way i can describe it is as if it has a dirty filter over the top of it. the remix is a lot brighter, clearer, and more tight. perhaps a tad overcompressed, but that might just be in comparison to the original mix.

remastering these days is typically done more to finetune a release for a new medium its getting released for. in the early CD days labels were remastering old albums to take advantage of all that fancy dynamic range the medium had vs. cassettes and vinyl (especially vinyl, where A LOT of concessions have to be made for a playable experience), and the same has happened with mp3s, and then with streaming now, etc. generally you wouldnt really be able to tell the difference without either listening to a record a lot or if the remaster did a really bad job, which does happen from time to time, like the infamous Aspid remaster which screwed up the speed of the record and had folks convinced for years that the band played in F standard tuning.

remixes are the much bigger deal and far more rare since they take WAY more work. the Megadeth ones are the big example. some i dont really have an issue with, like Rust in Peace which, changed vocals aside, makes the drums way punchier, and others, like Countdown to Extinction or Youthanasia, really fail to justify their existence. i also think the Peace Sells remix is worse than the original. i think bands really need to consider whether a remix is necessary before they move forward with them. even a lot of records i dont think have particularly good mixes, like Demolition Hammer's Tortured Existence or Testament's The Legacy, i wouldnt want remixes of. they sufficiently build an atmosphere and convey the energy they intend to put forth with the music, and i think something would be lost by a remix. but then there are albums like Sabbat's Dreamweaver, whose production actively interferes with the album and one that i really think would benefit from a remix.

Author:  Ace_Rimmer [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

99% of remasters are shit. Louder, less dynamic, more harsh.

Some of the David Bowie remasters though from the 2000's were pretty good. Most Iron Maiden remasters are garbage, same for Megadeth. In general I will try to track down the originals.

Author:  Gravetemplar [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

HeavenDuff wrote:
I can't think of a single remaster or remix that's actually relevant.

This one is excellent. Such an improvement over the original.

https://thetruepanopticon.bandcamp.com/ ... st-version

Author:  Jophelerx [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Only two I can think of off the top of my head that actually improved my listening experience of the album significantly. The first is Blind Guardian's Nightfall on Middle-Earth, where the remaster (I want to say it was the 2017 version?) made the rhythm guitar a lot more noticeable and crunchy, and everything just came out sounding more polished and complete overall to me. I can barely remember the original mix now though, I haven't heard it since I got the remaster. I'm pretty sure the audibility of the rhythm guitar was lacking in a lot of places, and I remember some of the synth effects becoming much improved in the mix.

The other is Virgin Steele's Barbaric Remix of Visions of Eden, which gave the guitars a lot more prominence and more of a real "metal" production overall, rather than the original which sounds like Defeis putting cheap electronic guitar noises in hastily atop his piano playing to make the album sound "metal" almost as an afterthought. Obviously it will still never be a perfect production, but this remix improved my opinion of the album quite a bit, bringing it up from "this is OK but lacking in a lot of places" to "this is almost worthy of being counted among the good Virgin Steele albums."

Other remixes/remasters I've heard generally either sound comparable to the original or worse. Unless there's another good one I'm forgetting about, but there definitely haven't been a lot that impressed me.

Author:  HeavenDuff [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Benedict Donald wrote:
I tend to prefer all of the Steven Wilson remixes of the 70s Yes and Jethro Tull catalogs to the original mixes.

I don't prefer them, but they are a kind of exception of remixes I can understand/tolerate, as the remexing is kind of a work of art in itself. Wilson takes them and basically makes them Porcupine Tree records, and while I prefer the originals, I like that he toys around with ideas on how to make the different instrument sounds.

Gravetemplar wrote:
HeavenDuff wrote:
I can't think of a single remaster or remix that's actually relevant.

This one is excellent. Such an improvement over the original.

https://thetruepanopticon.bandcamp.com/ ... st-version

I'll have to compare them. Thanks for the rec!

Author:  HighwayCorsair [ Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Ace_Rimmer wrote:
99% of remasters are shit. Louder, less dynamic, more harsh.

Some of the David Bowie remasters though from the 2000's were pretty good. Most Iron Maiden remasters are garbage, same for Megadeth. In general I will try to track down the originals.

Definitely used to be the case but most modern remasters haven't sucked in a few years.

Author:  Space_alligator [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Some remasters slip under the radar, ie, The metallica 30th anniversary remasters weren't the first time the albums had been done. Remasters are often done due to source tapes being worn or a master is done to suit a different medium (vinyl to CD for example). Other times they are clearly done to actually get a different sound out.

A remaster usually uses the mixed down studio track (2 separate tracks iirc) and adjusts levels and maybe add some effect tonall tracks.

Remixes go back to the individual tracks (bass, drums, guitar etc) and adjust the levels and effects separately creating a new studio track that the master is made from.

The master is what is used to produce the end user product.

I'd say digital storage changes a bit these days.

Author:  lennonlikesmetal [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

HighwayCorsair wrote:
Ace_Rimmer wrote:
99% of remasters are shit. Louder, less dynamic, more harsh.

Some of the David Bowie remasters though from the 2000's were pretty good. Most Iron Maiden remasters are garbage, same for Megadeth. In general I will try to track down the originals.

Definitely used to be the case but most modern remasters haven't sucked in a few years.

Which ones?

Author:  lennonlikesmetal [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Ace_Rimmer wrote:
99% of remasters are shit. Louder, less dynamic, more harsh.

Some of the David Bowie remasters though from the 2000's were pretty good. Most Iron Maiden remasters are garbage, same for Megadeth. In general I will try to track down the originals.

Bowie had some well produced classics so they are going to sound good.

Author:  peterott [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Yes, the remaster of Possessed's "Beyond The Gates" on High Roller with the special Patrick Engel remix from 2015 is the one that directly comes to my mind. Finally, a really listenable and enjoyable version of this album
https://www.discogs.com/release/7818000 ... -The-Gates

Also the Patrick Engel remaster of Gorement's The Ending Quest blows the original version instantly.
https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/G ... est/669531

And last but not least, all Coroner rereleases 2018/2019 have way more punch than the really lousy first press Noise Rec. CD versions. Even if I am totally used to these first presses, I really adore the remaster they all got up to Grin.

Author:  darthlazy [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Those Dark Tranquillity Re-masters of Projector, Haven, and Damage Done from 2009 are stupid good.
I remember feeling like they sounded like completely fresh albums and probably stayed on those records for a year straight after they were released.

I also feel that the Iron Maiden Re-masters on Sanctuary from 2019 sound fantastic. All of them.

The 4 King Diamond Re-Masters that Andy La Rocque did in 2009 are also noteworthy.

I also am a huge fan of the Trouble Re-masters on Hammerheart. I bought every one of them on vinyl, and cd.

Yes, I'm a big fan of Re-masters if they are done properly and bring something fresh to the table.

Author:  Evil Entity [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

I despise Relapse Records but the 2015 remasters they did for RAZOR were fantastic. I can actually hear the instruments now.

Author:  HighwayCorsair [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

lennonlikesmetal wrote:
HighwayCorsair wrote:
Ace_Rimmer wrote:
99% of remasters are shit. Louder, less dynamic, more harsh.

Some of the David Bowie remasters though from the 2000's were pretty good. Most Iron Maiden remasters are garbage, same for Megadeth. In general I will try to track down the originals.

Definitely used to be the case but most modern remasters haven't sucked in a few years.

Which ones?

Most of them? Loudness war stuff is pretty much done thankfully. Doesn't mean the remasters are all NECESSARY but plenty of them don't do any harm at this point, even A/Bing with an OP.

Author:  CreepingDeath16 [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

ChineseDownhill wrote:
I think the remixed / "Re-Mistressed" version of Cradle of Filth's Cruelty and the Beast is such a huge improvement that these days I have little use for the original version.

Ditto. Same goes for the 2018 remix of Mayhem's Grand Declaration of War.

Author:  thrashinbatman [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

HighwayCorsair wrote:

Most of them? Loudness war stuff is pretty much done thankfully. Doesn't mean the remasters are all NECESSARY but plenty of them don't do any harm at this point, even A/Bing with an OP.

thanks to streaming there's definitely a push to reconsider how loud is loud enough, and the trend is to not master for streaming as hot. many old guys are sticking with to their guns regarding loudness, but the tools for making things loud have improved a lot since the late 2000s and its easier to get records that are loud and also dont sound preposterous, so it isnt as bad as it used to be.

Author:  MetlaNZ [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Just watch this presentation from Alan Silverman. Highly recommend it, great stuff:

Author:  Ivan Drago [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

The Relapse remasters of Death were great, Human in particular

Author:  Benedict Donald [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Ivan Drago wrote:
The Relapse remasters of Death were great, Human in particular

Indeed. I believe "Human" was remixed (as were "Thought Patterns" and possibly "Spirtual"?).

Author:  MetlaNZ [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

Ivan Drago wrote:
The Relapse remasters of Death were great, Human in particular

That's the only one that I like but it's actually the remix of it that makes it good. But I still prefer the original masters and mixes by far.

Iron Maiden have remastered their albums a few times now. It's quite shocking the difference in sound of each. Here's a video showing those differences:
It should be noted that the volume levels have been evened out. Give me the originals any day.

Author:  King_of_Arnor [ Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

thrashinbatman wrote:
thanks to streaming there's definitely a push to reconsider how loud is loud enough, and the trend is to not master for streaming as hot. many old guys are sticking with to their guns regarding loudness, but the tools for making things loud have improved a lot since the late 2000s and its easier to get records that are loud and also dont sound preposterous, so it isnt as bad as it used to be.

This is because most streaming sites have a lower LUFS threshold, which normalizes any audio louder than that threshold. That means beyond a certain point, you don't gain any extra loudness from mastering hotter so there's not really a point to it.

Author:  Gravetemplar [ Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

MetlaNZ wrote:
Ivan Drago wrote:
The Relapse remasters of Death were great, Human in particular

That's the only one that I like but it's actually the remix of it that makes it good. But I still prefer the original masters and mixes by far.

Iron Maiden have remastered their albums a few times now. It's quite shocking the difference in sound of each. Here's a video showing those differences:
It should be noted that the volume levels have been evened out. Give me the originals any day.

The guitar tone just sounds WRONG on that Maiden remasters.

Author:  thrashinbatman [ Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Remasters (or Remixes)

MetlaNZ wrote:
Ivan Drago wrote:
The Relapse remasters of Death were great, Human in particular

That's the only one that I like but it's actually the remix of it that makes it good. But I still prefer the original masters and mixes by far.

Iron Maiden have remastered their albums a few times now. It's quite shocking the difference in sound of each. Here's a video showing those differences:
It should be noted that the volume levels have been evened out. Give me the originals any day.

i love their 2015 attempt to make the rest of the back catalog sound like their new records. who needs all that high end anyway????

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