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Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"
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Author:  omikiron666 [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

From Hour of Penance website.

Italian death metallists Hour Of Penance have announced the title of their new album -- "Regicide" -- which will be released on May 13 in N. America (May 12 in UK/EU, May 16 in Germany) via Prosthetic Records!

I can not wait for this. This will be in my top 10 this year, unless they add clean vox ;)
Every album of their discography crushes.
No album art or song titles yet but I am excited for this album. What's everyone's thoughts?

Author:  ENKC [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I just wish they'd nail down a stable lineup for more than two albums in a row. They have not a single member in common between their first and fifth albums.

I'll be looking forward to this, but nowhere near as much as I looked forward to Paradogma in 2010.

Author:  Misfit74 [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

It'd be nice to actually hear guitars for a change...similar to Fleshgod Apocalypse and even the latest Immolation. All drums no guitars. :(

Author:  matras [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I want to be stoked about this but feel somewhat lukewarm. The Vile Conception is amazing, and so is Paradogma, but to be honest: I haven't been able to listen to the whole of Sedition. Something with the production just ruins it. Sure, I will give the new one a shot, but they seriously need to do something with how they produce/mix it, otherwise I'll spend my hard earned cash on something else and call it quits with them.

Author:  OneSizeFitzpatrick [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

First Sargeist release a new album, then God Dethroned get back together, and now Hour of Penance puts out a new CD? It's almost like someone intended for 2013 to suck so hard only for 2014 to make up for everything beyond my wildest dreams.

Author:  painfulserenity [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I think they need more present guitars in their music, but the drumming is perfect to me. I would love to hear a combination of The Vile Conception and Sedition. I understand the Fleshgod Apocalypse reference too, but I would rather Hour of Penance stayed away from sounding like that.

Author:  Machine_Dead [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

they just released a new song/lyric video here:


edit: album cover:


Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I get the NWO vibe on the cover art, it's kind of tacky in an in-your-face kind of way but still pretty decent overall. What I don't get is why the album's called Regicide and has that cover art. Weird...

Anyhow, I'm very cautious about this album, since like someone said above this is like Vader sans Piotr, as in "whoever is in the band these days" kind of thing. I still have to pick up on Sedition as well, but by Jove I wish they do learn how to properly mix their albums once and for all!

Author:  Necroticism174 [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

That song was pretty bad. Looks like this band went the Fleshgod Apocalypse way and squandered their talents. Shame.

Author:  ColdBecoming [ Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

new song isn't too bad, similar sounding to sedition which was a definite step down from the two monsters that were the vile conception and paradogma, but will still check out the album, sure it'll be solid at the very least

Author:  ENKC [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I like the new track. My instinct is it sounds closer to Paradogma than anything off Sedition did. It was quite repetitive, however. I felt like they could have cut a minute from the song and given it more impact.

Author:  matras [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

androdion wrote:
I get the NWO vibe on the cover art, it's kind of tacky in an in-your-face kind of way but still pretty decent overall. What I don't get is why the album's called Regicide and has that cover art. Weird... (...)

Not so weird if you consider that Yeshua Ben Yussuf has got a sword in his back up on the podium.

I like the cover, and the song was better than anything I've heard from Sedition. Will check this album out when it's released.

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

matras wrote:
androdion wrote:
I get the NWO vibe on the cover art, it's kind of tacky in an in-your-face kind of way but still pretty decent overall. What I don't get is why the album's called Regicide and has that cover art. Weird... (...)

Not so weird if you consider that Yeshua Ben Yussuf has got a sword in his back up on the podium.

I like the cover, and the song was better than anything I've heard from Sedition. Will check this album out when it's released.

Good point. From where I am it seems like the cover art is meant to show that the Church killed their own god and controls the nation, hence the military, but then again the Church killed their god a long time ago. I get what they're trying to say but it sounds like something common sense could've told you. What I mean is, I understand the concept but I don't think it's very well delivered. It's also the third album in a row that features the "same" church as the background. That could have some variation as well.

New song is decent but unspectacular, and definitely sounds like HOP. It drags a bit though and I don't know just how much love I'm feeling for them vocals. I'll wait to see what the final product sounds like.

Author:  matras [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

Yeah I get what you mean with the cover. I like it, but it's also a bit messy in how it's executed. There's a lot going on in the picture that perhaps doesn't translate well to the CD booklet format.

As for the song; yeah these youtube lyric videos usually just give a hint about the sound of the final product (given the medium), but song-wise I think it's a step up from anything I've heard from Sedition. As I said further up in the thread, the sound on that one just makes me want to tear my headphones off, so I haven't even been able to listen to it in one sitting.

Someone need to have a talk with the people responsible for production when it comes to a lot of new death metal records.

Author:  Thumbman [ Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

That new song was alright, but why would I want to listen to something that's just alright? Think I'll go listen to The Vile Conception now.

Author:  KrigareTjovane [ Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

Not sure what to make of the new song, and that's not good. Sedition really did nothing for me, and Paradogma was simply okay. Artwork is pretty dumb as well. May have to skip this one.

Author:  _Prolific_ [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

So what I've learned from this thread is that since The Vile Conception is perfect, everything they release afterwards is shit.

I really enjoyed Paradogma. Sedition didn't stand out much to me when it was first released, but it grew on me. I liked the new song, although I do agree with ENKC in that cutting a minute from it may have given the song more contextual impact.

As for the cover and lyrical concepts? One word; "theme".

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

Things we've learned from this thread: When a band releases their best album every other subsequent one will automatically be golden!

See what I did there?! Now, there's one thing called "theme" and another called execution. The final result depends on both, not just the first. And just so we're clear, Paradogma is a great album from a songwriting perspective but has a shitty production job. I want that warm tone on TVC back please.

Author:  _Prolific_ [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

androdion wrote:
Now, there's one thing called "theme" and another called execution. The final result depends on both, not just the first. And just so we're clear, Paradogma is a great album from a songwriting perspective but has a shitty production job. I want that warm tone on TVC back please.

This is a very good point, but you don't believe they're executing a conceived theme for the band itself well? Or just too similar to what they've already done while not improving on the "shitty" production job(s)?

Author:  ~Guest 82538 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

_Prolific_ wrote:
androdion wrote:
Now, there's one thing called "theme" and another called execution. The final result depends on both, not just the first. And just so we're clear, Paradogma is a great album from a songwriting perspective but has a shitty production job. I want that warm tone on TVC back please.

This is a very good point, but you don't believe they're executing a conceived theme for the band itself well? Or just too similar to what they've already done while not improving on the "shitty" production job(s)?

I think they's sticking to a theme without making enough significative changes to make a dent on me as a listener. It seems like a band on auto-pilot once it has a hit a certain point of comfort. Add to that the revolving door of members in and out and the spirit of what the band was a few years back seems to have been lost. Again, reeks auto-pilot, you know?!

I still think that Mauro Mercurio getting out, although inevitable due to his behaviour, was a great loss that the band never recovered from. Not only was he a great performer but I also think that he must've had a word when it came to the songwriting process. Or maybe it was just that he was immensely creative in his drum work and the rest of the band pushed the envelope further as well. Either way, I don't think they ever recovered from him getting out, and now who's still there that played in the beginning/mid-period?

Production-wise, in my view Paradogma was when they started going for a strange mix that has a very harsh and dry tone in the guitars and that is completely "in your face". The thing is that the end result comes out a bit like an indiscernible mess when they speed things up into hyperdrive mode. So yeah, I'd like to have that meaty warm tone found on TVC back please.

Author:  overtenmy [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

I'm curious how the new album will sound. I really liked TVC and Paradogma. Sedition was good too but I liked the previous works better. Hopefully this will be mixed better so the guitars will be heard better.

Author:  newp [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

This new song is pretty decent but it didn't really grab me. I'd assume they think it's one of the better tracks but hopefully the album will be stronger, it's always worrying when the first song a band releases from a record is sort of ho-hum.

Author:  Hastein45 [ Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

The new song sounds like a stripped down version of their good stuff from Paradogma and The Vile Conception, which follows the direction of their last album. I will wait until I hear the rest of the album to judge because I like their old stuff so much. I do however think the album artwork is great.

Author:  TheAntarctic [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

One of my favorite bands. TVC is unreal, Paradogma was great, Sedition was good.

This song is disappointing. The riffwork has regressed from TVC, and now sounds like it was done by Fleshgod Apocalypse - the brutal, complex hooks have been replaced by hyper-overdriven power metal with blast beats. New vocals sound fine, and production seems better than all of their previous albums.

I really hope that they've decided to release their most commercialized, Fleshgod Apocalypse - sounding song in advance to attract new fans, and that the rest of the album is better than this.

Author:  DeadXManiac [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

Well that was boring, bland blasting death metal.

Author:  PenguinShred [ Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

New track sounded better than I expected. Honestly, Sedition was a huge letdown. It did end up growing on me. Anyone else miss Francesco Doing vocals ? He might possess the best dm voice ever. Very excited to hear what new drummer James Payne brings to the table, as he is ultra sick. I also miss Mauro playing drums, dude knew what was up.

Author:  ColdBecoming [ Tue May 06, 2014 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hour Of Penance announce new album "Regicide"

new album is streaming here

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