Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Band members you've met who are nice or who are douchebags
Page 12 of 20

Author:  Subrick [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Blaze also hasn't ruined himself with drugs and whatnot. He also seems really, really grateful for the time he spent in Maiden, even if a whole lot of people aren't huge on the music that came out of his era.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Exactly. Dude always speaks fondly of his time as Maiden's frontman, and seems like he learned a lot by working alongside them.

Author:  Subrick [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

It's like how I've never seen Tim Owens rip on Priest after they fired him to bring back Halford. He was a fan before he was in the band and still is after leaving. Same with Blaze.

Author:  ~Guest 282118 [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Maybe those two guys should get together for a collaboration. Blaze's dark crooning coupled with Ripper's deafening screams on the same record? Yes please!

Now, so as too not go too far off topic; we all know that Mike Smith has been fired from Suffo. Has there been any statements from him about his bandmates? Because considering the reasons due to which he was fired, I doubt he was/is anything but massively pissed off.

Author:  Subrick [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

I will say this about Blaze's time in Maiden, though: as good as he was on his own material and some of the Bruce stuff, particularly songs like Afraid to Shoot Strangers, he was quite bad on some other ones, like The Trooper and Number of the Beast. He just couldn't sing that high and they didn't down tune to accommodate his register a bit more.

Author:  Civil [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

6Metal6Head6 wrote:
I don't have any negative experiences with any band members I've met.

David Vincent is a good friend of mine, so obviously he's my pick of the lot.


Not that this means anything, just out of curiosity, is it true that he is bissexual?

How are Trey and Pete? Do you know how Richard Brunelle is doing?

Author:  SoundsofDecay [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Mikael Akerfeldt was really down to earth and had some interesting stuff to talk about when I mentioned how much I like Brave Murder Day. The rest of Opeth seemed cool but he was the only one I really spoke to.

Karl Sanders and George Kollias from Nile were both great when I met them at a show, just cool guys, seemed really enthusiastic about what they did. Met the touring bassist (Chris Lollis?) and he too was a sound dude,and very stoned.

Some guy who I took to be the vocalist from Belphegor, who supported at the Nile show. I told him "killer set man" or something when I didn't even watch them (might have drukenly mistaken him for one of the Grave guys who were stood around). Didn't really have much to say.

My friend introduced me to all of Alestorm at Bloodstock one year, but I don't remember anything from that instance. I'm sure they weren't dickheads but I don't really like their records anyway.

Author:  xThe__Wizard [ Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Paka01 wrote:
Marky Ramone and his whole band (he was playing without Michale Graves, some other idiot was singing) - Assholes. During the show he didn't look at the crowd at any time, and after the last song he just ran away from stage. There was no "thank you" during the whole show, nothing. Later, when he got out of backstage, he literally ran out of club without saying a word.

Well who gives a fuck about Marky Ramone to be honest.

Erich Keller from Fear of God (not metal but still relevent imo) is a really cool guy. I'm friends with him on Facebook and he occasionally comments on my wall.

Author:  BastardHead [ Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

SoundsofDecay wrote:
My friend introduced me to all of Alestorm at Bloodstock one year, but I don't remember anything from that instance. I'm sure they weren't dickheads but I don't really like their records anyway.

The Alestorm dudes (at least the frontman and one of the old guitarists, those are the two I've talked to) are incredibly cool, down to earth dudes. It's just a shame their music sucks so horribly.

Author:  Subrick [ Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Alestorm has some really good stuff, like Black Sails at Midnight and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid. As for them as people, I've never met them but my friends in Dethlehem went shooting with them the last time they were in Pennsylvania, and JT from Dethlehem has said that they are indeed incredibly cool people.

Author:  LordOminous [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Subrick wrote:
Alestorm has some really good stuff, like Black Sails at Midnight and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid. As for them as people, I've never met them but my friends in Dethlehem went shooting with them the last time they were in Pennsylvania, and JT from Dethlehem has said that they are indeed incredibly cool people.

This happened, and it was the most awesome thing ever. JT is an awesome dude.

Biggest prick I've ever met would have to be Tom G Warrior, of Celtic Frost fame. He didn't like my band's music, so used that as an excuse to essentially be a rude violent bully for the whole time we were on tour with them.

Author:  phantaz [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

LordOminous wrote:
Biggest prick I've ever met would have to be Tom G Warrior, of Celtic Frost fame. He didn't like my band's music, so used that as an excuse to essentially be a rude violent bully for the whole time we were on tour with them.

May I ask what is your band? :)
I like CF a lot (T not that much), but have always had that ideia about TGW, especially from interviews.
People that are not aware of heavy-metal's history, when reading his words, will essentially picture him as the man that created HM and all that sh@t LOL
Martin, on the other hand, seems a very nice person :D

Author:  Metantoine [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Read the post above yours. It's obvious.

While I don't like your band, Warrior was an asshole to you guys. Make fun of his black beanie and his emo gothic makeup next time.

Author:  MalignantThrone [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Metantoine wrote:
Read the post above yours. It's obvious.

Not really, since from an uninformed perspective LordOminous could either be a member of the band who went shooting with Subrick's friend, or the friend himself; or he could even be some random nobody who heard the story from a friend of a friend of a friend.

To answer your question, phantaz, LordOminous is Alestorm's keyboardist.

Author:  phantaz [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Metantoine wrote:
Read the post above yours. It's obvious.

Errr... not exactly, in my opinion...

MalignantThrone wrote:
To answer your question, phantaz, LordOminous is Alestorm's keyboardist.

Thanks mate :)

Author:  Metantoine [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Perhaps it wasn't quite obvious, but when you read between the lines, it kinda is. It's also on his profile. Also the fact that he toured with Triptykon makes his band a well known one and not simply a local opener.

Author:  phantaz [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

1 - oh excuse me if I haven't read between the lines...;
2 - I haven't read his profile;
3 - the fact that he toured with a known band doesn't make it a known band, imo;
4 - why all the buzz due to the fact that I haven't guessed the user's band?

Author:  Metantoine [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

There's absolutely no buzz. I usually look for the answers before asking any questions, is all. Carry on, sorry for the confusion and the clusterfuck.

Author:  TheUglySoldier [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Xlxlx wrote:
Completely agree with Subrick. Actually, I see Di'Anno and Bayley as two sides of the same coin; one is a washed up asshole who speaks shit of his former band at any chance he gets, and keeps on riding on said band's fame, while the other is happy working with his own music, plus playing the occasional Maiden tune to please the crowd. I'd also like to point out how Paul nowadays couldn't carry a tune if his life depended on it, while Blaze sounds almost exactly like he did during the 90's.

If you watch the whole video of the incident, you see that he is just joking around and he even rips on himself a bit about how he has gotten fat, and makes up with the dude who called out. There are plenty of interviews where he has nothing but kind words to say about Bruce, Steve and the rest of Maiden, and I've spoken to a few of the guys who have just been touring with him and they all say he was an awesome dude. He has a real dry sense of humour and makes a lot of jokes - I think perhaps sometimes it comes off as rude, but I don't feel that is his intention, personally.

Author:  Rosner [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Met all of the members of Paradise Lost the other day after their show here in Argentina... I couldn't believe how kind and down to Earth they were!

Author:  TheHellstorm [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Coolest guys I’ve met:
Mille Petrozza (KREATOR) – my childhood hero, since Kreator was the first Metal band I’ve ever started to listen, Mille turned out to be one awesome, talkative and funny as fuck. He even told the tour manager to GTFO to prolong an interview I was doing with him. Totally coolest guy ever.
Ross Dolan (IMMOLATION) – been doing some backstage work for them back in a day and guy behaved like I’ve just saved his world, he was extremely friendly and eve gave me a t-shirt as a form of “thank you”. Actually the wole Immolation should be here, as Rob Vigna and Steve Shalaty are also extremely cool and friendly guys.
John McEntee (INCANTATION) – first he gave me a 45 minute long intie, then we talked on for an hour more just for the sake of talking. On stage John is a Death Metal Beast, but once he’s off, he’s just about the nicest and most honest Death Metal Freak ever. Also great sense of humor. Really like his dedication to all things Metal and his modesty.
Tom G. Warrior (HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST/APOLLYON SUN/TRIPTYKON) – I don’t know what was the issue between him and Alestorm and honestly I do not give a flying fuck. CF is one of my top 3 favourite bands ever and I had a pleasure to speak with Tom twice already. Both times he was 100% gentleman, down to Earth, honest and still passionate about what he was doing. Also a very wise man, but I guess that comes with the maturity. One of the most influential figures I’ve met in my life. All hail the Warrior.
Ronnie Ripper (GEHENNAH) – This man rules supreme. Period.
Nefarious (MACABRE) – we were drinking with above mentioned Ronnie on some German festival and he just came to us and started talking. Man, it was 20 minutes and we felt like we knew each other for years! Of course we got totally hammered that night, but Nefarious is simply an awesome guy.
Katon DePena (HIRAX) - Total Maniac!!!! Also very respectful towards other musicians. Great guy himself.
Anne Nurmi and Tilo Wolff (LALALALACRIMOSASASASA) – Yeah, I know what you think of their music, my thoughts are quite the same, but both Tilo and Anne are extremely nice and intelligent people. Back in a day I used to spend half a night with Tilo, drinking vodka and talking about jazz. Great guys, even though their music is completely not my cup of pee.
Also cool guys are: Jeff Waters (ANNIHILATOR), Tardy Brothers (OBITUARY), Tobias Cristiansson (GRAVE), Gerre (TANKARD), PATHOLOGY guys, Nige Rockett (ONSLAUGHT), Michael Hourihan (DESECRATION, ONSLAUGHT, etc.), Bernemann (SODOM), Marc Grewe (MORGOTH), Dagon and Incubus (INQUISITION), guys from Serbian THE STONE, DEATH AGEL guys.
Dave “Primafuckingdonna” Mustaine (MEGADETH) – This guy is a fucking joke. He doesn’t even share the backstage with the rest of his band, demanding a separate one for himself only. Also he forces the whole band (most of them being not too much of believers) to those ridiculous 45 minute long prayer sessions before shows. Of course no way one could make an interview with him and he would make you feel like shit. Fuck him and the rock from under he crawled.
Blackie Lawless (W.A.S.P.) – yet another Mr. Ego. He cancelled my friend’s photo pass because (as he put it) “his gear was too poor to photograph W.A.S.P.” He said I can do an interview with him, but no audio or video recorded. As much as I can write down is mine. He even kicked out other bands from the backstage once he arrived to the venue. Also he treats his fans like shit, badmouthing them during the show under his nose. It clearly hurts him that the ‘80s are over and he no longer plays stadiums, but “only” couple-thousand-big festivals instead. His photo should be in Wikipedia under the “Prick” entry.
Max Cavalera (SOULFLY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, SEPULTURA) – Not really a douche, he is just all the time so stoned he can hardly differ hiss asshole from a hole in the ground.
Glen Benton (DEICIDE) – This guy is just a dick. No good show, no proper attitude, no respect for the crowd. Fuck him.
GENERAL SURGERY guys – “Yeah, ok, you liked the show. So why aren’t you buying our t-shirts?”

Author:  Subrick [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Please use the line break button. Please.

Author:  OceanOfViolence [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Jari Mäenpää and Kai Hahto are incredibly nice, especially Kai. They were just chilling around in the venue after the show. Jari had a shit ton of people around him and he made sure he signed/took pictures/whatever for each and every person, and had a smile the entire time doing it.

Author:  Frank Booth [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

As far as the part about the General Surgery guys supposedly being dicks, their sentiment is actually very understandable. After all, if you want to make any money, you have to rely on merch sales, and if you're not selling those shirts, you're shit outta luck for that night and possibly for the entire tour if sales are consistently poor. That sounds much less like them being dicks and more like them being pissed off about possibly being out a lot of money for that night.

Author:  Riffs [ Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

LordOminous wrote:
Subrick wrote:
Biggest prick I've ever met would have to be Tom G Warrior, of Celtic Frost fame. He didn't like my band's music, so used that as an excuse to essentially be a rude violent bully for the whole time we were on tour with them.

This is intriguing! Any specific stories to share?

Author:  Goldblaze [ Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

LordOminous wrote:
Subrick wrote:
Alestorm has some really good stuff, like Black Sails at Midnight and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid. As for them as people, I've never met them but my friends in Dethlehem went shooting with them the last time they were in Pennsylvania, and JT from Dethlehem has said that they are indeed incredibly cool people.

This happened, and it was the most awesome thing ever. JT is an awesome dude.

Biggest prick I've ever met would have to be Tom G Warrior, of Celtic Frost fame. He didn't like my band's music, so used that as an excuse to essentially be a rude violent bully for the whole time we were on tour with them.

Oh Christopher, it's you? :D Seen you on Croatian metalfest, totally kickass show. :D And Tryptikon was, if I remember correctly, a slot before you?

Author:  Necroghast [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Fursy Teyssier of Les Discrets/Amesoeurs is a really cool guy. I recently did an email interview with him about his illustration and he had some really great answers.

Author:  henkkjelle [ Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

LordOminous wrote:
Subrick wrote:
Alestorm has some really good stuff, like Black Sails at Midnight and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid. As for them as people, I've never met them but my friends in Dethlehem went shooting with them the last time they were in Pennsylvania, and JT from Dethlehem has said that they are indeed incredibly cool people.

This happened, and it was the most awesome thing ever. JT is an awesome dude.

Biggest prick I've ever met would have to be Tom G Warrior, of Celtic Frost fame. He didn't like my band's music, so used that as an excuse to essentially be a rude violent bully for the whole time we were on tour with them.

I always forget that you are the singer of Alestorm. You probably don't remember this, but you and me met at Graspop 2010. My friend and I bumped into you while wandering around. You and my friend talked for about 5 minuts me thinks. My english was very bad back then, so I just stood there. :-P Oh, and you were drinking some rum. Always good.

Author:  druhmn [ Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

LordOminous wrote:
Subrick wrote:
Alestorm has some really good stuff, like Black Sails at Midnight and Death Throes of the Terrorsquid. As for them as people, I've never met them but my friends in Dethlehem went shooting with them the last time they were in Pennsylvania, and JT from Dethlehem has said that they are indeed incredibly cool people.

This happened, and it was the most awesome thing ever. JT is an awesome dude.

So much Freedom happened that day. Glad you had a good time! - JT

Author:  ManicAeon [ Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

I've only met the band Sirenia so far. They're great people. Morten allowed me to ask him loads of autographs (at least 4 haha I was carrying my band booklets) and Ailyn was really sweet and funny to everyone :-D. I once waited for Lacuna Coil at the back of the theatre on which they were playing and Criz, the drummer, sent cheers from the window and greet us (he shook my hand :thumbsup: ).

Author:  Utmu [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Travis Ryan and Josh Elmore of Cattle Decapitation are REALLY cool guys. Travis, even being the self-described misanthrope that he is, smiled and shook my hand when I said I was a big fan of his band and later on exchanged a few words and stuff, I was nice to him, though, so I don't see why he wouldn't be nice to me, I opened the door for him and the band's roadie when they were carrying stuff in (the roadie wasn't really a douche, but he was really quiet and standoffish, but then again, he is a roadie). Josh smiled whenever we made eye-contact, so he seemed to enjoy meeting me. Derek was cool, he wasn't as nice as Travis and Josh, but considering I'm like 5 foot, 8 inches tall, and he's around 6', 3", he had to keep bending down to hear what I was saying, the guy was pretty patient and cool. I don't really have an opinion of Dave, I was able to shake his hand, but after that he went on with what he was doing, seemed kinda busy.

The vocalist of Sapremia is a cool guy (they're a somewhat local band, but you can find them here on MA). Sven de Caluwe of Aborted signed the new Aborted album for me, so he was kinda nice; the drummer, Ken Bedene didn't pay much attention to me when I was at the merch table, he was too focused on his phone, I said I'd be back to buy the album and he didn't even look at me, all he did was give me a nonchalant thumbs-up. When I did buy the album, however, Josh Neale (Negation Delirium), who was, at the time playing live with the band stood up and shook my hand. I don't know if that was actually him, however...

Author:  Utmu [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Also, Dis Pater (Midnight Odyssey, Tempestuous Fall, The Crevices Below) is a really cool guy, I wrote a piece (about I, Voidhanger Records) featuring Tempestuous Fall and he sent me this message: "Cheers mate, I read it all, it's a really open and honest feature, which I like. I'm glad you could take a subjective stance (as much as possible) on describing the style of the bands. I don't mind people who say they don't like this or that (including my music), as long as they can come up with a valid reason. You've done well, and more importantly, it will mean a lot to the label as Luciano works so incredibly hard, and he picks up things which most people would deem too experimental or risky, or, like myself, bands who were completely new with little exposure. Too often the bands get the praise, when it's the label that does all the work with little to know effort (and little to no profit). Thank you!"

Also the frontman of March to Victory was cool, I got to talk to him and he gave me a free CD; the frontman of Another Vendetta was also cool, he gave me a free CD as well (and I think he gave them to others too).

One of the guys in Urfaust (don't know which, this was via Facebook) is cool, he said he didn't mind me listening to their stuff on YouTube (I'm a bit touchy when it comes to listening to uploads without the artist's permission and stuff like that).

Author:  HelveteSlav [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Who really cares?!?! I mean... come on. There's nothing special or different about ''band-members''. They're just human beings who do what they like. So of course, just like other people, you will find nice people and douchebags as well... but hey - carry on discussing over nonsense themes like in this thread...

Author:  Frank Booth [ Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Utmu wrote:
Travis Ryan and Josh Elmore of Cattle Decapitation are REALLY cool guys. Travis, even being the self-described misanthrope that he is, smiled and shook my hand when I said I was a big fan of his band and later on exchanged a few words and stuff, I was nice to him, though, so I don't see why he wouldn't be nice to me, I opened the door for him and the band's roadie when they were carrying stuff in (the roadie wasn't really a douche, but he was really quiet and standoffish, but then again, he is a roadie). Josh smiled whenever we made eye-contact, so he seemed to enjoy meeting me. Derek was cool, he wasn't as nice as Travis and Josh, but considering I'm like 5 foot, 8 inches tall, and he's around 6', 3", he had to keep bending down to hear what I was saying, the guy was pretty patient and cool. I don't really have an opinion of Dave, I was able to shake his hand, but after that he went on with what he was doing, seemed kinda busy.

The vocalist of Sapremia is a cool guy (they're a somewhat local band, but you can find them here on MA). Sven de Caluwe of Aborted signed the new Aborted album for me, so he was kinda nice; the drummer, Ken Bedene didn't pay much attention to me when I was at the merch table, he was too focused on his phone, I said I'd be back to buy the album and he didn't even look at me, all he did was give me a nonchalant thumbs-up. When I did buy the album, however, Josh Neale (Negation Delirium), who was, at the time playing live with the band stood up and shook my hand. I don't know if that was actually him, however...

The Cattle dudes are my buddies, especially Josh, who very well may be the chillest motherfucker on the planet. Dave's also a good guy; he and I talked a fair bit while I was helping him and Derek unload the trailer. Derek's also a nice dude, but is very much of the "hell yeah, man, let's get shitfaced and fuck some hot bitches!" mentality that a lot of younger musicians have. And yeah, he's friggin' huge. More than 6'3 (I'm 6'0 and I was still just barely at his shoulder, so 6'4 or 6'5 is a better estimate) and fuckin' ripped.

Author:  pastafarian [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Re:

Civil wrote:
6Metal6Head6 wrote:
I don't have any negative experiences with any band members I've met.

David Vincent is a good friend of mine, so obviously he's my pick of the lot.


Not that this means anything, just out of curiosity, is it true that he is bissexual?

I have heard some nasty shit about him, like apparently when he was in genitorturers his wife would shove dildos and her fisty up his ass on stage as part of the show, so yeah Gayvid Vincent might indeed be of the bisexual variety. Oh well, blessed are the sore i guess.

Author:  LordStenhammar [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Met this musician in a bar at Riihimäki. Teemu Kristian or something was his name. He's a drummer (or atleast used to be) for Yearning and Azaghal. Can't say anything good about him, because the guy was just totally wasted. Is it even possible for a man to be so drunk? He couldn't even sit properly. He was with a group of people that didn't seem to care of his well-being at all. "He takes care of himself", they said. So he sat to our table much to our annoyance. He showed us some Azaghal cd-r like it was a great treasure. The guy was in serious need of some nursing...

From that on my memories become shady, because I got quite drunk myself. But I remember him crawling around and trying to charm some old worn-out lady with no effect. I just hope the guy is on the clearer waters now, because at that night his behaviour seemed very self-destructive.

Author:  FJ Receptor [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re:

[/quote]I have heard some nasty shit about him, like apparently when he was in genitorturers his wife would shove dildos and her fisty up his ass on stage as part of the show, so yeah Gayvid Vincent might indeed be of the bisexual variety. Oh well, blessed are the sore i guess.[/quote]

I read an interview somewhere with Glen Benton (Grimoire of Exalted Deeds maybe) where he claimed that when Morbid Angel was headquarted out in North Carolina in their early days that Dave was basically a "kept boy" by a rich local guy. He said that's where Morbid got a lot of their early funding from.

Author:  Sick6Six [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Paul Ryan (Origin) He was hanging out off to the side before one of their shows practicing with his guitar a bit. I started talking to him and asked if they were playing "The Beyond Within" tonight. He said yeah and he loved that song and told us how before they had names for the songs they called one of their riffs the "Donkey Kong riff" Because it sounded like a big monster smashing your head in.

Dagon (Inquisition) Was in the front row for one of their shows, they blew the amp and had to spend 5 minutes fixing it, he talked to us a bit, another cool dude.

Jack Owen (when he was still in CC) This was one of my first shows when I was still a kid, he was in the crowd and my buddy told him we were listening to them in 4th grade, he just said "I'm sorry" it was pretty funny. shook our hands and said enjoy the show

Abbath (Immortal) If you wait after the show you can usually meet the band... They sign autographs, take pictures and will talk to everyone. They seem to really like talking to the fans about their music.

I've met some more and they were all cool.. haven't really met any metal musicians who were douchebags

Author:  MalignantTyrant [ Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re:

Civil wrote:
6Metal6Head6 wrote:

Not that this means anything, just out of curiosity, is it true that he is bissexual?

I have heard some nasty shit about him, like apparently when he was in genitorturers his wife would shove dildos and her fisty up his ass on stage as part of the show, so yeah Gayvid Vincent might indeed be of the bisexual variety. Oh well, blessed are the sore i guess.

o_O :puke:

Author:  daemon_necromaton [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Band members you've met who are nice or who are doucheba

Rumor has it that Abominations of Desolation was recorded from Vincent's bum boy money but that's not easily verified, obviously.

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