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Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?
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Author:  talvikki77 [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

conquer__all wrote:
Wow, a lot of hate on here for Folk-metal! I love the genre, all of it from Arkona to Korpiklaani to Finntroll to Primordial, whatever. I will admit that some of it can be cheesey like Alestorm and Turusas, but thta's the point of it, its fun! You go to the shows you get drunk and sing-a-long and have a good time. It seems like metal now a days is all about standing in the corner and being all Kult and Trool! Knowbody has fun at shows anymore it seems, metal is taken way to seriously, fuck that!

That's pretty much my opinion on folk metal to a T :P I listen to a lot of different metal genres anyway, but folk metal would be up there as one of my favorite genres, and hands down my favorite type of music to see live, because of fun, cheesy, party atmosphere (mostly..obviously for the black-ish bands like Primordial or Moonsorrow, the vibe is a little different).

My first folk metal song would actually have been Finntroll, "Trollhammaren," which I heard before I even really knew what metal was. I was really amused by the title/chorus and liked the melodies. Several years later, a good friend got me into Ensiferum, Turisas, Tyr, Moonsorrow, Eluveitie and so on. It was actually listening to bands like Ensiferum and Eluveitie that opened my ears to harsh vocals, paving the way for me to get into death metal and black metal.

If I had to name some favorites.. Alestorm is my favorite folk metal band to see live because those shows have the best. folk. pits. ever. As far as musicianship, early Ensiferum (with Jari Mäenpää) and Moonsorrow make (made) some of the most amazing music.

Recently, for some reason, I found several good folk metal bands from Italy: Folkstone (lovely harp in this song), Vallorch and Draugr (bit of an epic power metal sound to this one, but with harsh vocals).

Also, I'm a fan of the related genre or subgenre, medieval metal/rock - bands like Saltatio Mortis and Schelmish, which might also appeal to the OP.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

conquer__all wrote:
I will admit that some of it can be cheesey like Alestorm and Turusas, but thta's the point of it, its fun! You go to the shows you get drunk and sing-a-long and have a good time.

I can get drunk and go to nightclub to have more enjoyable music and people (no exaggeration). Korpiklaani might be fun to enjoy drunk when you're 15 and just found out vodka. If I'm in metal mood when drunk, I'd rather to listen to some alcoholic black thrash or whatever else that's just better.

Author:  Paganbasque [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

There are many great folk metal bands, this style as any other one if it is done with taste and good quality it can sound amazingly well.

Moreover, I love folk music so the combination between both styles is something I really enjoy. My favourite bands usually combine black and folk but I listen to many different ones.

Negura Bunget
Suidakra(I only consider in this style the albums Caledonia and Crogarth)

Those ones could be my favourites bands and they are quite different, form the heavy metal oriented folk metal of Darliada to the prog/ambient/black metal of Negura Bunget.

Windir and Menhir are simply awesome but though the folk inluence is notorius in the melodies they dont usually introduce folk instruments so I dont consider them folk metal bands.

Author:  BasqueStorm [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

7Halberd wrote:
I started listening to folk metal about a year ago, but at the time i didn't even know about folk metal. After months i found ensierum and from there I discovered many other amazing folk metal bands. Now Folk metal is my absolute favorite genre because of the melodic sound, exotic instruments, clean vocals, and lyrics are often in foreign languages. Whats your opinion on it, and please explain why. first band and song?
My favorite bands and songs are Dalriada - Kinizsi Mulatsága and Korpiklaani - Metsamies

While not cheesy...

Author:  Catamortal [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I personally love folk metal and don't find it cheesy. Of course not all folk metal is good, which is true for all music genres. There are some talented folk metal musicians out there that truly deserve respect! I find Kromlek, Eluveitie, Agalloch, Bran Barr, Nordheim to be really good along as well as many other bands. I don't think folk metal should be dissed like that and labeled as non-metal . If you don't like it, don't hate it. After all you are a metalhead and folk metal is metal. But that's just my opinion. :)

Author:  talvikki77 [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I forgot to say that besides the fun atmosphere at the more melodic folk metal shows (which, by the way, I greatly prefer to a bar, mainly because I don't drink much and I'm not great at striking up conversations, I'm much better at starting a jig - different strokes for different folks) I think what draws me to folk metal, and my other favorite genres, is the lyrics. I'm not saying folk metal has the best lyrics - but I'm a writer, I like stories, and most folk metal songs have a story behind them. Sometimes it's a myth or legend, sometimes a real historical event, sometimes a vague epic warrior story like you might find in power metal, but almost always there's a story. Which is not always true of the music at the more brutal end of the spectrum. That probably explains why I can enjoy a good death metal show, but probably won't choose to listen to that music at home - there isn't a story to captivate my imagination.

Author:  Awblaster [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Folk metal can be pretty good. It can also be incredibly shit, which is most of the time. While the more popular bands might be a bit shit (Korpiklaani), there is some great stuff there (Wyrd, Isengard, Askival, Nechochwen). Unfortunately, it tends to get buried under the masses of "LOOK AT US WE HAVE A TOKEN WEIRD INSTRUMENT AND WE HAVE SONGS ABOUT ALCOHOL AND WE WEAR SILLY CLOTHES LOL" -type shite. Usually when a band stays away from the alcohol/party themes, the music improves drastically.

The fans, however, ruin it. You are not a Trve Norsk Pagan Viking Son ov Odin (Eternal Hails to my Fallen Heathen Ancestors ov the Northlands), you are a high-school student from Nowheresville, USA. Shut the fuck up.

Author:  Evoken [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Catamortal wrote:
I personally love folk metal and don't find it cheesy. Of course not all folk metal is good, which is true for all music genres. There are some talented folk metal musicians out there that truly deserve respect! I find Kromlek, Eluveitie, Agalloch, Bran Barr, Nordheim to be really good along as well as many other bands. I don't think folk metal should be dissed like that and labeled as non-metal . If you don't like it, don't hate it. After all you are a metalhead and folk metal is metal. But that's just my opinion. :)

I'm pretty sure Agalloch wouldn't appreciate you calling them "folk metal".

Author:  Kveldulfr [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Agalloch, as well as their inmediate influence Empyrium are far more than simply folk metal. I would say both combine(d) black, folk and doom elements but their songwriting are also different from the major part of metal bands, as they are into tons of non-metal stuff too which leaks into their ideas. It's hard to categorize and explain in simple 2-3 words, but folk metal falls too short IMO.

Author:  ChildClownOutlet [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I mostly enjoy folk metal bands who utilize guitar melodies instead of typical folk instruments. That's not to say I don't enjoy listening to the flute or bagpipes! But, for example, Dalirada is a great band who can utilize guitar melodies into a folky sort of way, that's the particular kind I enjoy. Also, I enjoy folk metal where it becomes more sorrowful or heroic, instead of the typical TROLLS AND DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Cthulhu_Fhtagn [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I absolutely love folk metal! Anything from the happy Korpiklaani jigs, German bagpipe abuse (I love bagpipes), and Slavic nature stuff (I never did get into any of the black/folk bands, I have always found black metal vocals to be annoying). Some of it may be a bit cheesy, but a little cheese never hurt anyone. You don't have to just listen to ultra-kvlt trve frostbitten bedroom black metal from Norway in order to enjoy metal. If you do, you may want to reconsider why you are listening to metal in the first place.

Author:  ravagingthemassacred [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

It's one of my favorite sub-genres but I am picky on a band-by-band basis. That means I don't really belong to a camp in the pagan/blackened/serious breed versus cheesy/more commercial/party/happy stuff. My current favorites along the serious side are Manegarm, Storm, Windir, Isengard, Kroda, Falkenbach, Agalloch, Temnozor and Bathory. I like balancing introspection and sombre pagan mood with the brash joyfulness of Korpiklaani and power metal-styled epic warrior tales/folk stories of Ensiferum and early Elvenking.
Actually, some of the bands I've seen described on here as cheesy don't feel that way to me at all, like Elvenking, Eluveitie and Ensiferum. Equilibrium is one of those bands that seems more like orchestral video game/movie soundtrack music doing cheap shots and formulas at sounding epic, but it somehow works for me. Out of a few of the really popular bands, Alestorm, Finntroll, Turisas and Arkona don't do anything for me (from what I've heard).

Author:  Dux_Saxoniae [ Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

To my mind, most modern folk metal falls into one or two categories, with the 'base' style either derived from black metal or from death/symphonic/power metal stuff (the Finnish melting pot). It seems people here generally prefer the first category, and so do I.

In that vein I'm pretty fond of Arkona, but most of the 'folk' acts I like are really more Viking metal - Forefather, Winterfylleth, Windir, Falkenbach.

Author:  Paganbasque [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Dux_Saxoniae wrote:
To my mind, most modern folk metal falls into one or two categories, with the 'base' style either derived from black metal or from death/symphonic/power metal stuff (the Finnish melting pot). It seems people here generally prefer the first category, and so do I.

In that vein I'm pretty fond of Arkona, but most of the 'folk' acts I like are really more Viking metal - Forefather, Winterfylleth, Windir, Falkenbach.

I wouldt add Winterfylleth to this list, I consider them as a mere black metal band with some kind of atmospheric touch, but much less important than Wodensthrone has, for example.

Author:  Paganbasque [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Evoken wrote:
Catamortal wrote:
I personally love folk metal and don't find it cheesy. Of course not all folk metal is good, which is true for all music genres. There are some talented folk metal musicians out there that truly deserve respect! I find Kromlek, Eluveitie, Agalloch, Bran Barr, Nordheim to be really good along as well as many other bands. I don't think folk metal should be dissed like that and labeled as non-metal . If you don't like it, don't hate it. After all you are a metalhead and folk metal is metal. But that's just my opinion. :)

I'm pretty sure Agalloch wouldn't appreciate you calling them "folk metal".

Well, folk music is obviously an influence though Agalloch cant be defined as a folk metal band due to their doom, black and prog influences.

Author:  Korova [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Check out Myling (swe) "Sotpuke" demotape, great folkish "black" metal!

Author:  quickbeam [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I reckon it's fairly common for people who got into metal in the last, say, 6 or 7 years, to have done it via so-called 'folk metal'. Whether that's how you would categorise bands like Finntroll, Korpiklaani, Ensiferum, Tyr and Alestorm or not, that's the umbrella term we used. Very catchy and easy to digest stuff, and they were certainly my gateway bands. Hell, I had 'Trollhammaren' and 'Nancy the Tavern Wench' played at my wedding and it went down fantastic among non-metalheads. So there's that.

I still enjoy those albums but I listen to them less and less and probably wouldn't spend my pennies on most of those bands (I would still check out any new Tyr or Finntroll album). I get my folk fix now from black metal bands who incorporate folk elements (Moonsorrow, Negura, Manegarm, etc.)

Author:  Paganbasque [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Evoken wrote:
I have a lot of folk metal in my collection, and a few of the bands in the genre I truly love, but lately the whole thing is getting really stale. Too many bands, too many copy-cats, and too few new ideas. I'm very worn out on it, but I'll always keep an ear out for new bands in the genre who are doing something new with it.

This happen with every fucking style which gains notoriety ande becomes a trend. So the thing is to take time to discover the truly good bands.

I can see too much hate because of bands like Korplikiiani, take it easy guys there is much more than alcoholic folk metal...

Author:  halfformedfetus [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I don't mind some of it! Korpilkaani can be a bit of fun when you had some beers with mates, I kind of look at folk metal like a bit of fun instead of a serious listen. that being said im sure I have only scratched the surface in terms of what there is to be found of folk bands.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

quickbeam wrote:
Hell, I had 'Trollhammaren' and 'Nancy the Tavern Wench' played at my wedding and it went down fantastic among non-metalheads. So there's that.

Which is one of the best signs of something being shit...

Author:  hakarl [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Paganbasque wrote:

Well, folk music is obviously an influence though Agalloch cant be defined as a folk metal band due to their doom, black and prog influences.

Doom? Prog? I'm at a loss here.

Author:  talvikki77 [ Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

vengefulgoat wrote:
quickbeam wrote:
Hell, I had 'Trollhammaren' and 'Nancy the Tavern Wench' played at my wedding and it went down fantastic among non-metalheads. So there's that.

Which is one of the best signs of something being shit...

Not necessarily, some genres of metal are just more accessible than others. A lot of power metal, for instance, could appeal pretty easily to "non-metalheads." I'm pretty sure some of the old school bands like Sabbath, Judas Priest, Metallica and more recently Pantera and Sepultura had a very broad appeal in their heyday. There is some folk metal that is just bouncy and fun, and some that's more serious. In spite of all the hate on Korpiklaani, I think they have a little serious potential too, in the songs that focus more on folklore and less on drinking. Come on, there is no Finnish folk song called "Tequila" - that's totally a modern metal song, just meant to be fun. But some of their songs explore the shamanistic traditions of Finnish folklore, and that's what I think the really cool stuff is.

I feel like a lot of the "imitators" that people complain about don't necessarily dig as deep into real folk traditions, just imitate the sounds of existing bands, and that's off-putting to me too. I have more respect for bands that do their research, delve into history and reflect real folk traditions, rather than just playing something that sounds catchy. Because of that, I have a lot of respect for Korpiklaani (and even more, their predecessor Shaman) as well as Turisas, Eluveitie, and other bands people might write off as just playing catchy tunes.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Wed May 01, 2013 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

talvikki77 wrote:
Not necessarily, some genres of metal are just more accessible than others. A lot of power metal, for instance, could appeal pretty easily to "non-metalheads." I'm pretty sure some of the old school bands like Sabbath, Judas Priest, Metallica and more recently Pantera and Sepultura had a very broad appeal in their heyday. There is some folk metal that is just bouncy and fun, and some that's more serious. In spite of all the hate on Korpiklaani, I think they have a little serious potential too, in the songs that focus more on folklore and less on drinking. Come on, there is no Finnish folk song called "Tequila" - that's totally a modern metal song, just meant to be fun. But some of their songs explore the shamanistic traditions of Finnish folklore, and that's what I think the really cool stuff is.

Yes, the traditional heavy metal and lighter power/thrash are rather exceptions from the metal or quasimetal shit nonmetalheads tend to like. The shit part being much bigger, like the mentioned by you new Pantera and Sepultura, numetal, stuff like Rammstein, In Flames, metalcore, or the jolly folk metal. Even if there are few decent songs in Korpiklaani, why should one bother with such a bad band when instead just from Finland you can pick Stormheit, Wyrd, Moonsorrow, Haive, Solgrav/Auringon Hauta or Hin Onde?

Author:  quickbeam [ Wed May 01, 2013 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

vengefulgoat wrote:
quickbeam wrote:
Hell, I had 'Trollhammaren' and 'Nancy the Tavern Wench' played at my wedding and it went down fantastic among non-metalheads. So there's that.

Which is one of the best signs of something being shit...

Actually, for a wedding party, it was perfect. In such a context, Wyrd would have sounded a bit shit.

Author:  IanThrash [ Wed May 01, 2013 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Im not a big fan of ultra hppy cheesy music but i do like some folk metal outputs
im not sure what most people mean by folk metal, when they talk about the genre
i think a)bands like ensiferum, korpiklaani, eleuveite, finntroll, menhir and such or b) bands that evoke
a rather misterious side of folk, with lots of acustic instrumentation, slow passages and a strong
melancholic vibe

im more in the slow, sad, acustic side but im fine with the happy folk metal bands as long as they also
have a truly good instrumentation, interesting vocals and cool imagery

Author:  Toyman [ Wed May 01, 2013 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Scorntyrant wrote:
by and large, I regard it as shallow bullshit for man-children who don't really like metal, but who like the idea of liking something sorta like metal.

This in itself is shallow bullshit for man-children who don't really like liking folk metal, but like the idea of liking the idea of liking something similar to folk metal. Good job, you just made me make less sense than your sense of musical direction could ever demand, whatever that means.

TL;DR Folk metal is legit, the above proves that your point is invalid.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Wed May 01, 2013 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

quickbeam wrote:

Actually, for a wedding party, it was perfect. In such a context, Wyrd would have sounded a bit shit.

Umm, good that metal isn't a genre written with wedding parties in mind... You completely miss my point.

I still can't imagine even party-friendly folk metal put on wedding party sounding other than awkward as fuck, did the people start to headbang and mosh? Or maybe after the song you got approached by people waiting for metal recommendations, enlightened by the genius musicianship of Finntroll? Sorry if I sound like a dick but I can't imagine anyone pulling out thing like that ever on a wedding party in Poland, even the most wasted people would notice something is wrong in a wrong way.

Author:  quickbeam [ Wed May 01, 2013 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

vengefulgoat wrote:
quickbeam wrote:

Actually, for a wedding party, it was perfect. In such a context, Wyrd would have sounded a bit shit.

Umm, good that metal isn't a genre written with wedding parties in mind... You completely miss my point.

I still can't imagine even party-friendly folk metal put on wedding party sounding other than awkward as fuck, did the people start to headbang and mosh? Or maybe after the song you got approached by people waiting for metal recommendations, enlightened by the genius musicianship of Finntroll? Sorry if I sound like a dick but I can't imagine anyone pulling out thing like that ever on a wedding party in Poland, even the most wasted people would notice something is wrong in a wrong way.

That's ok. You don't 'sound like a dick'. I'm just a bit surprised that my story sounds weird to you. It was a party and we played party music, whether it was 'folk-metal' or happy hardcore or the Beatles or whatever. It was a mish-mash of energetic, fast-paced music, designed to get drunk people dancing. The setting was a pub, by the way, and the dancefloor was fairly dark - maybe that makes it less of an odd visual?

I don't think I have missed your point. As far as I can see, your point was that metal that can be appreciated by people who are not fans of metal tends to be shit. My retort is that such music, while hardly artistically challenging, can nevertheless be enjoyable.

Author:  vengefulgoat [ Thu May 02, 2013 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

quickbeam wrote:
That's ok. You don't 'sound like a dick'. I'm just a bit surprised that my story sounds weird to you. It was a party and we played party music, whether it was 'folk-metal' or happy hardcore or the Beatles or whatever. It was a mish-mash of energetic, fast-paced music, designed to get drunk people dancing. The setting was a pub, by the way, and the dancefloor was fairly dark - maybe that makes it less of an odd visual?

Guess that's country difference - a wedding party in pub here would be perceived as very odd in itself...

quickbeam wrote:
I don't think I have missed your point. As far as I can see, your point was that metal that can be appreciated by people who are not fans of metal tends to be shit. My retort is that such music, while hardly artistically challenging, can nevertheless be enjoyable.

Every single piece of music can be enjoyable by certain people under certain conditions, does it mean none of it is shit?

Author:  QueenElizawreck [ Thu May 02, 2013 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I am just getting into folk metal and what I've heard so far-Skyclad, Bathory, Forefather and Elvenking-I like.

Author:  Paganbasque [ Thu May 02, 2013 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Ilwhyan wrote:
Paganbasque wrote:

Well, folk music is obviously an influence though Agalloch cant be defined as a folk metal band due to their doom, black and prog influences.

Doom? Prog? I'm at a loss here.

I can see some influences in her music, of course you can disasgree...

I like the funny comment about the wedding and the folk metal music, it would be grateful to listen to some folk metal in a wedding here, sadly this is not a real chance! :(

Author:  Scorntyrant [ Thu May 02, 2013 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Toyman wrote:
Scorntyrant wrote:
by and large, I regard it as shallow bullshit for man-children who don't really like metal, but who like the idea of liking something sorta like metal.

This in itself is shallow bullshit for man-children who don't really like liking folk metal, but like the idea of liking the idea of liking something similar to folk metal. Good job, you just made me make less sense than your sense of musical direction could ever demand, whatever that means.

TL;DR Folk metal is legit, the above proves that your point is invalid.

Hahaha, we're down the rabbit hole here people!

Anyway, I think my point is quite fine. Put it like this, you meet someone down the pub and they say "oh yeah, I like a couple of metal bands". I'll bet you anything that they are going to name Finntroll etc because they are "fun and silly" rather than namecheck Blasphemy or Incantation for instance. That kind of folk metal is really quite removed from Heavy Metal culture as a whole, hence its appeal to outsiders is that it can be "enjoyed" without any of the "baggage" that goes along with actually researching and becoming involved with the wider scene.

Author:  DoomMetalAlchemist [ Thu May 02, 2013 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Scorntyrant wrote:
Put it like this, you meet someone down the pub and they say "oh yeah, I like a couple of metal bands". I'll bet you anything that they are going to name Finntroll etc

Yeah right, they'd name Metallica, Ozzy, or some metalcore or nu metal band.

Author:  Scorntyrant [ Thu May 02, 2013 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Maybe where you live. I live in an inner-city hipster-ridden neighbourhood - Ozzy, Sabbath, Priest etc dont have the irony factor that "metal" bands with accordians have, therefore they can t be namedropped to get laughs.

Author:  mjollnir [ Thu May 02, 2013 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Awblaster wrote:
The fans, however, ruin it. You are not a Trve Norsk Pagan Viking Son ov Odin (Eternal Hails to my Fallen Heathen Ancestors ov the Northlands), you are a high-school student from Nowheresville, USA. Shut the fuck up.

Well I love folk metal, am from the USA, and am even a Norse Heathen....but I left high school 30 years ago this month. ;)

Bands like Finntroll and Korpiklaani are great musicians who put out great music but don't take themselves too seriously....and there's nothing wrong with that. I also love the darker side of folk metal as well. It is a matter of taste, I guess.

Author:  Metallumz [ Thu May 02, 2013 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Scorntyrant wrote:
Maybe where you live. I live in an inner-city hipster-ridden neighbourhood - Ozzy, Sabbath, Priest etc dont have the irony factor that "metal" bands with accordians have, therefore they can t be namedropped to get laughs.

Pretty much this, and living in Northern England you'd be hard pressed to find anyone whose even heard of any of the 'big 4' in Thrash let alone a band such as Finntroll, Windir, Eluveitie, and so on. Folk-Metal for me is something I play at the start of the night, then gradually ascend into Black/Thrash and onto Doom/Sludge/Stoner when my mood mellows out. I can't see how people can get drunk whilst repetitively listening to songs about getting drunk.

Author:  ~Guest 104167 [ Thu May 02, 2013 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

I like most of the mainstream folk metal bands. Sometimes the good folk metal band from the country is the most known "rock" band, if you take Estonia and Latvia, for example, they have Metsatöll and Skyforger. Also it's great to discover some interesting bands which are not very popular, with great production especially... Bucium are very good, they are from Romania, sounds very interesting. Clanrock are great. Or take a listen to Dolmen.

Our Arkona did a great breakthrough with their albums, and the song "На моей земле" is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard, what a perfect idea to involve musicians from Heidevolk, Skyforger, Menhir, Månegarm and Obtest to make a story of warrior who leave his homeland to discover what is happiness for other folks and then understand that there's no place like home.

A lot of good folk metal stuff existing in the East, even in Saudi Arabia we have AlNamrood, they should be more known, really great production and it's really Arabic!
Vietnam and China also have their heroes, Sói Đen and Fu Xi, seriously, just an awesome experience.

Can't wait to listen something original from Africa!

Author:  Paganbasque [ Fri May 03, 2013 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

aeternus1990 wrote:
I like most of the mainstream folk metal bands. Sometimes the good folk metal band from the country is the most known "rock" band, if you take Estonia and Latvia, for example, they have Metsatöll and Skyforger. Also it's great to discover some interesting bands which are not very popular, with great production especially... Bucium are very good, they are from Romania, sounds very interesting. Clanrock are great. Or take a listen to Dolmen.

Our Arkona did a great breakthrough with their albums, and the song "На моей земле" is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard, what a perfect idea to involve musicians from Heidevolk, Skyforger, Menhir, Månegarm and Obtest to make a story of warrior who leave his homeland to discover what is happiness for other folks and then understand that there's no place like home.

A lot of good folk metal stuff existing in the East, even in Saudi Arabia we have AlNamrood, they should be more known, really great production and it's really Arabic!
Vietnam and China also have their heroes, Sói Đen and Fu Xi, seriously, just an awesome experience.

Can't wait to listen something original from Africa!

You have mentioned some great band bro (well you are Russian, so you must know a lot of good folk metal bands, lucky bastard haha). AlNamrood are really, really good and they have big balls, to sing about anti Islam in their country it not a joke, and their last album was an awesome piece of dark folk black metal.

Author:  Cinerary [ Fri May 03, 2013 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

Awblaster wrote:
The fans, however, ruin it. You are not a Trve Norsk Pagan Viking Son ov Odin (Eternal Hails to my Fallen Heathen Ancestors ov the Northlands), you are a high-school student from Nowheresville, USA. Shut the fuck up.

Replace folk metal with black metal and I agree.

Author:  mushroomleg [ Fri May 03, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Whats your opinion on Folk Metal?

folk metal is gay. you mean like dax riggs saying hes folk metal?

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