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Satyricon - The Age Of Nero
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Author:  OnlyToolsandCorpses [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:42 am ]
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i believe it all went downhill after Nemesis Divina.

Mother North is one of my favorite BM songs of all time and nothing they did after came close to it

Author:  ~Guest 97031 [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:04 pm ]
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winterheathen wrote:
Wow, I really need some fans of their recent work to post.

I'm not saying their earliest work was bad, far from it. I love Dark Medieval Times. But even though Volcano and Now, Diabolical may be considered "modern" black metal, its not in the same category as Dimmu/Cradle/Old Mans Child. Its different. What exactly do you guys hate about their last two albums. Their catchy and headbangable, who cares if they're not "troo and grim" anymore.

You lose internets.

Author:  Razakel [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:40 pm ]
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I think the new album will be OK. Nothing too memorable. Probably Volcano part 3. I'll always remember them as the band who made The Shadowthrone.

Author:  Lord_Jotun [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:27 pm ]
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CrippledLucifer wrote:
The last Satyricon album I enjoyed was Rebel Extravaganza, which I didn't find as terrible as someone said, at all. Before this, Nemesis Divina pretty much introduced me into black metal, and DMT and Shadowthrone are two great albums, by far their best. I couldn't care less about their newer stuff, Volcano and, specially, Now Diabolical, sound like the same song repeated over and over again, and they bore me to tears.
I'll probably download and check this Age of Nero, but I'm not excited about it at all. In fact the first news I got of this album were in this very thread.

This, except I wasn't introduced to Black Metal by NM. Oh, and I also greatly enjoy The Forest Is My Throne.

Author:  latinfiestacarnage [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 5:43 pm ]
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I loved their first three, but never looked into their new stuff due to critism. So, I probably won't take the time to listen to this one.

Author:  Horned_Owl_Holocaust [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:00 pm ]
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I don't listen to them much, but I think they do black and roll much better than Darkthrone. Of course metalheads, especially big fans of black metal will not like catchy rock music infiltrating their black metal, which makes sense. Dark Medieval Times is great, and the latest stuff is nothing special, but the bashing is a bit overdone - especially when it's done by people who aren't into that type of music.

Author:  Unholy_Asar [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 6:28 pm ]
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In general I don't like newer Satyricon at all. There is a little track on Now Diabolical called "To The Mountains" that is awesome and heavy as fuck though. :headbang:

Author:  Burzukur [ Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:26 pm ]
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I've listened to a few of their songs, and I really like them. Which albums would you guys recomend?

Author:  TheFecundComing [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:47 am ]
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Satyricon have slowly degenerated into what NOT to do in black metal. They took their medieval black metal roots and completely abandoned them in favor of a more "black 'n roll" style.

Quite frankly, they've sold out. The Age of Nero is going to bomb just as bad as Now, Diabolical and Volcano before it.

Author:  MortalScum [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:10 am ]
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Satyricon isn't really an interesting band, only a few songs from Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Devina really caught my attention. Of their new stuff, 'The Pentagram Burns' is a decent song... for about one listen. Their new stuff just gets dull VERY fast.

Author:  metaldazza [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 5:42 am ]
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You see the thing is I don't really listen to black metal but I do like Now, Diabolical. I think it's a really good album and I don't pretend to like BM because I listen to it.

I can see that if you DO like BM it may seem like a pile of shit. I guess this makes me a n00b or an idiot but I like it so there!

I'm really looking forward to seeing them when they play London in a month or so.

Author:  CircleovZaphyan [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:02 am ]
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Im on board with those who like the first 3, and nothing else.

You can just substitute new Satyricon (Nickleback w/ Satyr on vocals) by just grabbing that Kvist album instead.

Author:  Catachthonian [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:12 am ]
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CircleovZaphyan wrote:
You can just substitute new Satyricon (Nickleback w/ Satyr on vocals) by just grabbing that Kvist album instead.


"For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike" is one monster of an album, sadly overlooked though.

Author:  Drummer49 [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:21 am ]
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Personally i think they should go back to there roots like some othere bands *evil stares*

Author:  DenialFiend [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:23 am ]
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Dark Medieval Times is an awesome album.
And the one whole I like from Satyricon.

Nemesis Divina is a good album as well, but I only like 3-4 songs from it.
After it, I don't care about Satyricon, 'cause with releases like Now, Diabolical, etc, there's no point.
No music point I'd say...

Author:  CrippledLucifer [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:30 am ]
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Catachthonian wrote:
CircleovZaphyan wrote:
You can just substitute new Satyricon (Nickleback w/ Satyr on vocals) by just grabbing that Kvist album instead.


"For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike" is one monster of an album, sadly overlooked though.

Thanks for mentioning this, the two songs on the myspace fanpage are fucking sweet :headbang:

Author:  CountBlagorath [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:44 pm ]
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I can't wait for this new album! I'm gonna pre-order it ASAP. I really enjoyed every album of thiers but Rebel Extravaganza.

Author:  Gothus [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:36 pm ]
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I'm probably not going to really touch this, unless there's a song called "The Castration, Sex Change, and Marriage of Sporus", then I would award Satyr with greatest song title ever.

Author:  Woolie_Wool [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:42 pm ]
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charlie91 wrote:
You lose internets.

Someone should develop a bioweapon specifically targeted to kill 4chan /b/ users.

Author:  Goatfangs [ Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:42 pm ]
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When it comes to Satyricon, my foreskin gets cold.

Author:  blastheart [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:04 am ]
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I am pretty exited too about their new album. Even though "Now, Diabolical" wasen't much to praise their previous work are still amazing so I hope they can get back to what they were doing before. But is this album is crap too, then hope is gone for Satyricon.

fun though, I actually know their touring bassist Victor Brandt! :hyper:

Author:  juicebitch [ Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Goatfangs wrote:
When it comes to Satyricon, my foreskin gets cold.

A botched attempt at trying to get sigged.

Author:  PhantomMullet [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:24 pm ]
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Volcano pushed me to the edge of their bandwagon, and Now, Diabolical kicked me off. I didn't know until recently a new album was coming out, but I remember hearing one song off as a promo much earlier. I'm afraid Satyricon are at the point of no return.

It depresses me listening to DMT and ST because I know they'll never make great music like that again. Satyricon are more or less the Metallica of black metal.

Author:  bradtheimpaler [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:07 pm ]
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They're later albums aren't exactly great but I wouldn't go so far as calling them the metallica of black metal. I still think there are redeeming qualities of their music. Now, Diabolical has some head bangable riffs for sure. I wouldn't say I am extremely excited about the new album coming out but I will probably check it out.

Author:  MapleKit [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:20 pm ]
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From what I heard on youtube I like this a hell of alot more than that new Darkthrone stuff. I'm actually looking forward to the new Satyricon.

Author:  Lyrici17 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:36 pm ]
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Personally, I liked all of Satyricon's releases up until "Now, Diabolical". I even liked "Volcano", which I personally find to be underrated, but then again that's obviously my opinion.

If the new one is going to be on par with "Now, Diabolical" then I will probably only give it a spin (maybe two). But I would welcome a return to "Volcano" (or a sound comparable to any of their earlier releases). However, I suspect that it won't be that good, but I hope they prove me wrong.

Author:  MapleKit [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:41 pm ]
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Lyrici17 wrote:
Personally, I liked all of Satyricon's releases up until "Now, Diabolical". I even liked "Volcano", which I personally find to be underrated, but then again that's obviously my opinion.

If the new one is going to be on par with "Now, Diabolical" then I will probably only give it a spin (maybe two). But I would welcome a return to "Volcano" (or a sound comparable to any of their earlier releases). However, I suspect that it won't be that good, but I hope they prove me wrong.
What do you think of the new Satyricon single? I like it quite a bit.

Author:  LiViNgDeAdVirUs [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:06 pm ]
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I find Satyricon to be incredibly boring, but they do shine every now and then (the riff starting at 1:00 in the song "Delirium" from Now, Diabolical is very cool, at least until it gets boring). I also like the vocals.

Author:  Lyrici17 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:17 pm ]
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MapleKit wrote:
Lyrici17 wrote:
Personally, I liked all of Satyricon's releases up until "Now, Diabolical". I even liked "Volcano", which I personally find to be underrated, but then again that's obviously my opinion.

If the new one is going to be on par with "Now, Diabolical" then I will probably only give it a spin (maybe two). But I would welcome a return to "Volcano" (or a sound comparable to any of their earlier releases). However, I suspect that it won't be that good, but I hope they prove me wrong.
What do you think of the new Satyricon single? I like it quite a bit.

To be honest, I haven't heard it. I usually try to not hear anything off an album before it is released. There is just something to be said about listening to album, track after track waiting for each new song to unfold. Hearing a track or two always seems to kill that overall feeling for me....

Author:  beer_snob [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:35 am ]
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I'm not particularly fond of the two last albums but there are quite a few enjoyable songs on both ... especially the monster track "Black Lava".
I had tons of fun at their gig at Wacken where Nocturno Culto made a guest appearance, that was an awesome black metal show and 'Satyricon' were spot on.
All in all, I enjoy listening to any 'Satyricon' album once in a while and will check out "The Age Of Nero" for sure.

Author:  Rileh [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:03 am ]
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I can enjoy both old and new Satyricon for different reasons.

DMT is a classic, IMO, but I think that "Fuel For Hatred" off Volcano is one of the most fun songs I've heard in a while.

Author:  PlagueRages [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:59 am ]
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Haven't really listened to much Satyricon, I give Now, Diabolical a spin occasionally, it does have at least some enjoyable catchy songs.

Author:  CountBlagorath [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:27 pm ]
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Black Crow on a Tombstone is amazing! I just heard it and the main riff blew my mind. It just is so catchy and heavy. My neck is a little sore from headbanging to it. If the whole album is like this, it will be thier best album since "The Shadowthrone".

Author:  MapleKit [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

CountBlagorath wrote:
Black Crow on a Tombstone is amazing! I just heard it and the main riff blew my mind. It just is so catchy and heavy. My neck is a little sore from headbanging to it. If the whole album is like this, it will be thier best album since "The Shadowthrone".
My thoughts exactly.

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