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Old Man Yells at Car Park

Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:29 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:47 am 

Vale of Amonition- Egypt after the chasm
Good times good times, basically Damien Storm filtered through While Heaven Wept. Awful, but in a really endearing way so it's all rather hard to hate. Piano/guitar interplay is, shall we say, interesting. Fascinating and really strange, I will likely try to find the full length, but yeah, doesn't exactly get my eyes rolling back into my head with pleasure I want to give it a 0/10 and a 10/10, so let's go for a straight 5/10.


edit: man all the VoA reviews on MA are really positive. No idea what's happening here.
https://kybaliondoom.bandcamp.com/album/poisoned-ash big ugly death doom by and for big ugly dudes

https://strangercountry.bandcamp.com/al ... the-chebar new album! Power shoegaze? Dream-doom???

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:18 am 

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Vale of Amonition are the truest representation of Progressive Doom, if any band ever managed to pull off such a contrived mix. I heard the full length, it is quite good. And you have to love the fact that they're African. There's a bit more folk influences too.

Delicious Penis Connoisseur

Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:28 am
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:25 am 

Dream Death - You're Gonna Die Up There

Loud and obnoxious with a singer who sounds like James Hetfield's sulky, petty cousin. The drumming really grates on the nerves. It patters dramatically and then rises and falls in a predictable doom fashion but without much clarity. Possibly because the tone of the guitars encircles all. There's some variation in the riffing though and that makes things for a while interesting. It grows into a stoner kind of daze before picking up the pace, and then reverts back and forth. If only those fucking drums weren't so INSUFFERABLE, this would be worth revisiting!
The vocals are totally absurd and really the song goes on for much longer than it should. The solo is a mess Metallica would approve of.

Heading towards Virgin Steele for solace;
from the ills of my whimsy rose Napero's poem

Last edited by Punishing on Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Delicious Penis Connoisseur

Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:28 am
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:27 am 

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that Vale of Amonition song ruled! a bit too much but generally interesting!
from the ills of my whimsy rose Napero's poem


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:38 pm 

Virgin Steele- Trail of Tears

The guitar riff starts immediately with a kind of catchy groove, it's simple but effective and is a recurring riff/theme throughout the entire song even though it's modified and changed ever so slightly throughout the song as well. At some point an acoustic passage occurs and it sounds pretty cool as well, sort of having a bluesy/jazzy theme as well, though it's no so apparent, it's still there. The acoustic passage melds with the electric guitars as well and plays along with the main riff of the song. The drumming is rather laid back and calm in keeping with the slower tempo of the song, so there isn't much to say about it. The bass isn't very audible as you have to listen for it in order to really hear what it sounds like. The vocals sound pretty nice. Even though I don't typically listen to traditional heavy metal that often, when I hear it I usually always love the vocals because, frankly, vocals like that are fucking awesome. I don't listen to traditional heavy metal that often not because I don't like it, but because I spend most of my time paying attention to extreme metal. Songs like this are great examples of traditional heavy metal done right with sick singing and pretty cool riffing.

محارب البلاك ميتال

BastardHead wrote:
Of all the people want to bully like a 90s sitcom bully, Trunk is an easy top 3 finish. When I inevitably develop lung cancer I'm going to make my Make-A-Wish request to be to give him a swirly.

Delicious Penis Connoisseur

Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:28 am
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:02 pm 

Inferius Torment - Sola Scriptura

Begins dramatically with some chanting before the riff is launched. The drumming is key and cushions it wonderfully. The vocals are quite loud in the mix than what most black metal these days offers. The sound is generally quite similar to what Dark Funeral and Marduk are doing these days but for my money, this is better produced and more interesting. The chanting returns and adds a bit more depth to the proceedings. I even like the keys in here, not very significant and it all ends so suddenly.
Good one!

from the ills of my whimsy rose Napero's poem

Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:16 pm 

Embers of Revenge: "Imagination"

Well the band name suggests anger and spite, but this couldn't be further from what the song delivers. This band has talent and ability all right, which seems all the more shameful here as I feel as though they are really half-arsing it. The only real notable riff to speak of appears right at the outset and only returns at the very end, albeit with some good leads placed over it. The singer has this "Hey, don't look at me, I'm just the guy they hired" kind of delivery and a voice that would be at home in some corny pop group. The drum sound is not so great, and I could tell that right away as the first thing you hear is a big drum fill where all the toms sound like bad/boring samples. It seemed as though they used some unusual chords in the quiet verses, which I wanted to praise them for, but I don't know, it's just all very limp sounding to me. The chorus attempts to increase the intensity, but instead of pushing up the guitars, all they really do is add some backing vocals, and the drummer feels it's the right think to do to hammer steadily on the bass pedals...which again, feels completely inappropriate as the guitars are still playing chords about every four beats or so. My favourite bit of the tune was probably the solo section, where even the bassist got a chance to shine, but this instrumental segment was short-lived and even got quite predictable toward the end with that guitar melody. Sorry man, not my cup of tea I guess.

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:17 pm 

Merciless - The Land I Used to Walk

Huge fan of this band and the album from which this is taken, Unbound is a favorite! Merciless sounds like Slayer musically and Bathory vocally. I can also see comparisons to Kreator around the time of Coma of Souls. The song seduces with an insistent gallop that attacks from the get go and the riffing is melodic in a fashion that eludes many Swedes; tasteful and unoverwhelming. It breaks down in a style so strongly reminiscent of Slayer but where things differ is Merciless' chaos is consistently coherent and the song is largely mid paced as opposed to blindingly fast. The drumming is incredible and I love his tone. The solos are well arranged and a bit low in the mix but they serve their purpose.
The vocals are key and they're delivered with passion in a Quorthon meets Mille kinda way. I highly recommend it especially if you're looking to widen your thrash palate.



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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:33 pm 

Judas Priest - Running Wild

The song responsible for a certain band we all know and love. Their name anyway.

As a song, "Running Wild" is far better than "Living After Midnight" and "Metal Gods". In Rob Halford's vocal performance here, I hear what would be picked up by all and sundry; Tom Araya, Stacy Andersen, and yes, Rolf Kasparek. The sneering, mean man of the world vocal style behind a tightened riff has been done a thousand times but here it sounds so primordial and so vital and when Halford sings;
Dead or alive there's nothing
That bothers me at all
I take on all comers
They back off or they fall
They raise their hands to stop me
I laugh and I defy
Cause what's the point in living
Unless you're living wild

you feel the whole world shut up and listen. The main riff is good vintage stuff and the chaotic solo is pleasurable to the ears but Halford owns this and for the whole 2 minutes and 59 seconds, he had my undivided attention.

Thrash Was Born In Bloody Stourbridge!
marktheviktor wrote:
I think the guys in Metallica suffer from a condition known as Metal Sclerosis: the cognitive disability to play metal anymore.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:07 pm 

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I see, so the Belphegor guy layers his vocals and he has a death vocal mode and a black vocal mode, basically. And he plays rhythm guitars (and perhaps is the sole or main songwriter). Well, that's good, but rather common, even standard, man. Not rare or impressive enough to be incredible, but he's very good at what he does, and makes great music (at least judging by that song), that's what I'm more interested in. Thanks again for posting that.

iAmDisturbed wrote:

Well, that's some decent 90s MTV "metal" right there, aka grunge (aka not quite metal, but oh well). Punchy hard-rock with an affected angst and superficial touch of "bizarre" in the chord progressions (actually, as was often the case with those, a minor chord progression broken in the middle and falling back to a much more conventionally happy-sounding, classically rock one). The Slash-y soloing, with its slightly out of place 70s prog rock overtones, is rather endearing, the arpeggios and mini-choir of layered, effect-heavy vocals are quite pleasing, and so is the singer's voice (operating on a register somewhere between Mike Patton and the Soundgarden guy). There's hardly any guitar riff to speak of, just a couple of overly distorted chords being casually jerked in sync with the drums here and there, coming across as a "see? it's not just a ballad" alibi. The rhythm section deserves no particular mention (it's very basic), and the production is "so, SO 90s", losing dynamics entirely at the altar of blackalbumized, eat-my-noise, loudness war bullshit overcompression. Overall, this is decent background music, like on the radio. Never heard this song before, and my best wild guess would be something from late-period Alice In Chains, maybe (never heard that either). So, let's see... OMG. Nevermore's fifth album?! Ugh. Well, this confirms I was right to let them go after the first album.

There you go, Nevermore:
Osore wrote:
I would like to hear some recommendations of black metal bands/albums that sound depressive, yet sad and melancholic at the same time.

Devil's right hand

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:29 pm 

DevilDriver - Die (and die now)

Ummm... interesting, especially from you LegendMaker, I am deeply confused. This is... DeviDriver, a band who I would never, never, ever personally seek out and listen to, and on the basis of this track, it won't be changing anytime soon. This is, competent, (wanting to be) violent, aggressive and desperately trying to get my attention by wishing I was dead. Musically this would sit comfortably alongside the newer, shitty Arch Enemy with those vocals and melodic, br00tal guitarzzz in a play list. It's all very solid, but for me it still can't shake that horrible quasi bro-core nonsense (the whole "another ass-kicking" vocal line was terrible) with it's over assertive aggression - Phil Anselmo would be so proud. As a paint by numbers melodic death metal (is that right?) track it works and pummels along fine, with it's full, well-rounded and blistering production, and BIG, and I mean BIG chugga chugga sections to add weight I guess, and the drumming is furious and tighter than a nun's nasty. Overall though, I don't see this having anything really redeeming about it for me, as it's comes across as a bit... childish? I do not like the vocals at all, the dual vocals are irritating, with the underlying screamed vocals behind the main line grating the hell outta my ears, and the song writing is, well kinda very dumbed down, but that's their thing I suppose. Nothing in this at all for me.

My go.
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

My collection


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:14 am 

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No problemo, if you want more Belphegor style black/death metal then you can always just shoot me a PM. Also, I know that the instrument/vocalist combo is common, but not everyone can do it well. Some lean more towards one as opposed to the other and some just plain suck. I do backing vocals and bass for my band, Goat Martyr, and, frankly, I suck ass, I am more of a bassist than a bassist/vocalist, but I've got a better death growl than anyone else in the band xD.
محارب البلاك ميتال

BastardHead wrote:
Of all the people want to bully like a 90s sitcom bully, Trunk is an easy top 3 finish. When I inevitably develop lung cancer I'm going to make my Make-A-Wish request to be to give him a swirly.

Kite String Popper

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:19 am 

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You disappoint me, LegendMaker!
theposaga about a Moonblood rehearsal wrote:
So good. Makes me want to break up with my girlfriend, quit my job and never move out of my parents house. Just totally destroy my life for Satan.


Old Man Yells at Car Park

Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:29 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 4:09 am 

Coffin Lust- Necrotic Lust

I have no idea who this sounds like, just straight OSDM, I think? It's not bad, a lot of swedeath, but it's just rather generic and on the first listen I immediately lost all interest. Overall, it's not bad but the dbeat-ish sections never really get all that visceral and I thought the slower bit at the end was rather boring and not really vicious enough to command attention. Would be fun live but nothing that remarkable on youtube.

https://kybaliondoom.bandcamp.com/album/poisoned-ash big ugly death doom by and for big ugly dudes

https://strangercountry.bandcamp.com/al ... the-chebar new album! Power shoegaze? Dream-doom???

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:13 am 

The Flight of Sleipnir - Judgment

It plods! Oh God, does it plod! But it is interesting nonetheless.
The mood is typical dirge, drawn out and gloomy but the folk elements in the song's winding melodies and dark riffs are what makes it all rather worthwhile. I did not appreciate those screamy vocals employed throughout but they don't take much away from the music and even seem to serve it well in places. Norse mythology never really lends itself well to doom metal but you can tell that this band is firmly grounded in black metal and the folk elements transcend the song beyond just doom.

I want more folks to listen to this;
"...in some dark distant future you'll meet my presence in a song..."
-David DeFeis

"...unto the end I shall lead all into my darkness..."
-James Rivera

LegendMaker wrote:
Most of the very early metal songs that weren't by Sabbath were by Purple. Fucking deal with it.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:07 pm 

Suffer the Heretic to Burn- Metal Inquisitor

It is a traditional heavy metal song for sure, but with kind of a punky beat to it. I'm not too familiar with this band but this sounds like it came straight out of the NWOBHM-era, so maybe it did. The vocals remind me of a weaker Bruce Dickinson but they're good nonetheless. The bass is actually a bit more audible than the typical NWOBHM song and the guitars sound nice and crunchy, but it isn't overdone, it's balanced perfectly. At some point the song moves away from the more punk-sounding part and goes for a more melodic part which sounds pretty sick, but it goes back to the punky beat soon enough before slowing it down for the latter portion of the song. Overall, the song isn't bad at all, just not really anything that stands out too much to me.

محارب البلاك ميتال

BastardHead wrote:
Of all the people want to bully like a 90s sitcom bully, Trunk is an easy top 3 finish. When I inevitably develop lung cancer I'm going to make my Make-A-Wish request to be to give him a swirly.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:11 pm 

@Crushed & Necro (Re: DevilDriver)
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First off, I genuinely do enjoy this particular song, and I feel no shame for it. I am sorry if I did disappoint you guys, though, as you're both cool dudes who know their shit and show it in often fun ways. Having said that, the ability to give total priority to the material over any other considerations is a value I hold dear, and just like a beloved fan-favorite or cult classic sounding like shit to my ears is not an issue for me, a widely loathed so-called "nu metal" album by a vastly shitty, commercial band is not enough to keep me away from the one great song I dig off of it.

I wouldn't call "Die (And Die Now)" melodic death metal, although it's not far off. The closest thing would probably be 'Chaos AD' meets (old school) death metal idiosyncrasies, so maybe death/groove (perhaps recent Soulfly is a bit like that?). Definitely not nu-metal, as some might assume from the labeling on the band's MA page; just like some might confuse that grunge song by Nevermore iAmDisturbed posted for, wait foooor iiiiit, "Groove/Progressive Metal", going by the same "criteria". This proves a point, at the risk of having (mildly) hurt some ears and/or feelings. I'll tell you what, I have two DD albums: the debut, which this is from, and the third one, which seems to be widely considered more tolerable (some even say "great") than their "nu-metal" debut (haven't listened to any of the others so far). This is the one song that stuck with me after giving both albums more than their respective fair listens multiple times. Actually, my sentiment towards most of their other songs is more or less word for word Crushed's review of that one. But that one is tight, short, to the point, choke-full of oomph and genuine, passionate, charmingly naive aggression. Sure, this comes across as stemming from a gross lack of knowledge in metal and other extreme forms of guitar-driven music; by this I mean that the boys are genuinely "pioneering" the type of groundbreaking bold escalation in aggressiveness that they're not aware Possessed or Sepultura already achieved two decades prior: we can laugh at them for their ignorance, but the "oh man, I can't believe we dared!" feeling is intact, even if it's not legitimate or historically relevant, and the song oozes the excitement and dedication they derive from it). Anyway, I stick to my guns on this: I really like that song, and it even makes it into my playlists now and again. It's simple and has exhilaratingly hilarious, childish lyrics even by extreme metal standards, but that's entirely part of its charm. Also, great riffs (a bit OSDM 101 for the verse and bridge, but I dig that). So, yeah. If I disappoint Necro with this, so be it. The song's worth it.
:metal: :nods:

Spoiler: show
I'll catch them up as you post them, dude, there's no rush, but thanks. I think most metal bands with harsh vocals have a lead vocalist who also plays an instrument (or, more often than not, the other way around). The reason is obviously that, while truly great and/or unique harsh vocal performances are not that easy to come by, a far greater number of dudes can pull off decent harsh vocals than good singing voices, so there's rarely a real incentive to hire a dedicated member just for doing that. Especially with highly codified vocal styles, like standard death growls or BM rasps. I'm primarily a guitarist myself, and I always did my own harsh vocals, although I can't really sing. Doing two things at the same time takes practice and is more demanding than doing one thing at a time, but it's not like I was singing lead in an opera while also playing lead violin. :D At any rate, you admire this Belphegor dude, I respect that. I'm just not as impressed as you are or by the same things (like I said, both of his vocal styles are good, yet conventional, his guitar playing is excellent, but it's really, as always, the songwriting I'm most interested in).

And hey, a fine choice, there. I'm not reviewing that, though; no time, plus I think I already said a lot about them in the past, including in this thread I think. I much, MUCH prefer the debut to this one (I love the debut), but it's still a solid song.
Osore wrote:
I would like to hear some recommendations of black metal bands/albums that sound depressive, yet sad and melancholic at the same time.

Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:04 am 

Witchery: "Call of the Coven"

Indeed, LegendMaker posted a Wichery song some pages back, and I reviewed that one too! Well, seems you guys are really trying to get me to give this band a fair shake. This is solid, thrashy stuff. I didn't look at the band name until the tune was done, and when everything started, I wondered, "hmmm, new Destruction?" The guitar tone is a little thinner than what I am used to from the Germans today though, making me think Witchery is going for a bit more of an 80s sound. There were some good riffs here, and a short and competent lead section to spice up proceedings. I still think the vocals are a little on the dull side, and I'm a little sad that after all this time the band has still failed to really set me on fire and go "whoa, yes, I want this!" Everything is in place...all the influences check out and everything, as just the sort of thing I would have a good time listening to. Listening again now though, and these descending quick patterns of notes are very pleasing. The bass has a nice, thick rumble and is extremely aaudible without actually doing much to stand out...yet adding so much to the overall sound. I really like that final riff, a simplified version of what came earlier, during the verses of the song..the guitars and drums interact in a cool way and it adds a real "oomph!" to the last moments. SO yeah, that was pretty good...I'm still not absolutely won over but I even admired the band for playing this kind of "retro heavy/thrash metal" thing back in the late 90s when it wasn't really considered "cool" to do so.

Ok, here's something weird and extremely obscure...

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

Devil's right hand

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:43 am 

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No need to apologise mate :wink: not having a go at you. After so much classic, classy power/heavy/death metal it was just an eyebrow raiser is all :metal:
Not for mercy does the evolution of I progress...

My collection


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:14 am 

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@Abominatrix: Like I said, the debut is really Witchery's magnum opus. It's all been downhill from there, even if 'Dead Hot & Ready' still has solid songs. But 'Restless & Dead' is just awesome through and through, can't get enough of it.

@Crushed: Thanks, dude. :) I aim to please, even if sometimes tastes are bound to differ on such or such.

Abominatrix wrote:

Okay, the first question that comes to mind is "am I under the appropriate drugs to appreciate, or at least tolerate, those vocals?"; I'm not so sure. This is all sustained vibratos seemingly aiming at emulating the noise of a creaking, squeaking door with human vocal chords. The music itself contrasts a great deal with this vocal approach, being solid, albeit very basic and even bare-bones, doom-y stagnation (well at least for 7 out of 9 minutes). The main riff strongly evokes the type of riffs found as brief transitions or breaks on several songs on one of the greatest pieces of music I've ever known, Tiamat's 'The Astral Sleep', but it's likely coincidental, since this thing is obscure enough that it's unlikely Tiamat knew it, and they use it very differently. It's a good, slightly ominous riff, but not something worth dragging on for 7 fucking minutes by any stretch of the imagination. The production is awesome, even more so for a demo, and the bass tone is particularly great, warm, round and perfectly fused with the guitar one. The drumming is restrained but strongly supports the atmosphere, but I'm still bored shitless. And then, fina-fucking-ly, comes the single minute I truly enjoyed (when the pace briefly picks up and some near-Omen epic vibe comes, along with a great mid-paced groove, a great ominous arpeggio, no-nonsense lead vocals, invigorating gang shouts, and a flawless rocking solo, from about 6'50'' to 7'50''), and then, of course, they deemed it necessary to rinse and repeat the stagnation for another minute. What can I say? Potential, yes, achievement, no. I'll have to try other songs to see if the boring/great ratio differs in some of them. Still, interesting oddity.

I've searched my own list and the thread, and it seems that I (shockingly!) never posted this (sorry if I actually did and just suck at both memory and research):

Osore wrote:
I would like to hear some recommendations of black metal bands/albums that sound depressive, yet sad and melancholic at the same time.

Harbinger of Metal

Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:15 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:19 am 

@ Legend Maker:

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I'm honestly glad you reviewed that even though you didn't enjoy it all that much. Truth is, this is a total obscurity I recently discovered thanks to a friend. I'm starting to think "interesting oddities" are indeed one of the best potentials of this thread here. GOrmenghast inspired bizarre Japanese doom from the 80s? Well I was pretty much sold instantly. But you can tell why this didn't exactly take off I guess. I do wish they had recorded more stuff. Anyway, the vocals are pretty much my favourite thing about the whole package, so I can totally understand why you would be annoyed or bored as you didnt' enjoy them. I certainly agree that that sudden outburst of speed/rocking is like a huge release of tension and is very welcome in its context. I like your "creekign door" analogy actually...if you've read Titus Groan/Gormenghast this will make perfect sense to you, but I must say I never thought of it. :D

By the way, according to mA the band only recorded this one demo, which means they only have four songs to their name. I was lucky to find the demo online and it is some creepy and weird stuff all right, with the last track being more like the rocking NWOBHM style.
Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

Metal newbie

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:29 am 

Intruder - Face of Hate

Opens with a doomy riff before all hell breaks loose in a weird call and response riff. The vocals are a fucking riot and back up that messy riff quite nicely. It sounds a bit similar to Anthrax and Annihilator in their prime but this is more visceral and gritty. It hits hard and never lets up but I feel it is incredibly unbalanced and sounds in danger of falling apart the entire time. The drumming is strong but not conventionally structured and the tone of the rhythm guitars gets drowned out a bit and then returns with dramatic force. The solos are great and it is hard to not appreciate the dynamism of the whole thing and those amazing ( :lol: ) gang vocals.
Wasn't aware of the band before so this is a great find.



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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:58 pm 

Brimstone Fist: In The End of Times

I realize that this is pretty far removed from black metal, but with the opening guitar lick the words "black n' roll" immediately came to mind--though it's more "roll" than "black". It's got a rollicking pace to it with a buzzsaw guitar tone reminiscent of a sinister doom metal tune. As the song develops, it does feel like an old school heavy metaller really liked black metal aesthetics and decided to express it in an occultly Sabbathian style. It's a more hypnotic, stripped down approach to the occult theatrics of bands like Ghost. A fun little piece of retro proto-doom/heavy metal/hard rock and I think I just may check out other stuff by them.

"The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others"

--"Empty Words" Symbolic, Death

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:21 am 

Aarni - Niut Net Meru

This is some weird indescribable maze. The music is several things all at once and incredibly experimental but in away that never relates to the listener, at least as far as I'm concerned. I looked up the band and as it turns out it is one of those one man band things that are way too out there to be called one thing. It is incredibly trippy stuff but not in the stoner way where emphasis is put on feeling, there's too much musical drama here which fails to make it coherent and the vocals are bizarre and the lyrics are in Norwegian? I can't take it....



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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:50 am 

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Hah, well, fair enough, that kind of music isn't for everyone. I'm not a huge fan of avant-garde music myself, but with Aarni personally I think there is a kind of mad cogency to it. It's less free jazz and more Lovecraftian doom.
"The answer cannot be found
In the writing of others"

--"Empty Words" Symbolic, Death

Harbinger of Metal

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:24 pm 

April Morning: "Timeless Trip to nowhere"

That was interesting. Quite the abnormal-sounding band in some ways, even though every element they use seems like it belongs very much in a doom/death metal context. A reflective feeling engages throughout, without much hint of aggression in the first half (except for something I'll get to in a moment), and some almost droning riffs that play around with the higher strings occasionally, which again is not something you hear often in this kind of music. The bass is fantastic, sliding and gliding its way through the chord changes, and even leading the vocals on during a brief guitar-less section. The four-string has a clear but somewhat distorted sound and often seems placed ahead of guitar in terms of priority. Momentum seems to increase suddenly, and if I'm not mistaken the whole second half of the piece gradually picks up tempo from there, introducing some more traditional (but great) metal riffs with some very solid triplets. I wish the vocals were more prevalent in this section than they were in the first, but it seems the band thought otherwise as it's the first, more sombre half of the tune where the vocals dominate. And, if I may say, they just didn't seem to fit too well. I seem to be spending a lot of time complaining about vocals lately, but never mind. They just felt too aggressive somehow, with that deep, slightly wet-'n'-gurgly style being more suited to an intense death metal band. I get the contrast they were going for but I would have preferred a more subdued approach, or maybe even a more hardcore style of shouting would have pleased me in this context. All through the first minutes especially I thought the vocalist was only a distraction from the really interesting music, whereas normally I would say the vocalist is a part of the music because he's suitably incorporated.

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:12 pm 

Gravestone - Back To Attack

Very dark sounding heavy metal. Sounds like it would be the soundtrack to an 80's slasher/horror flick. The riff is driving and powerful, but the vocals are a bit too "helium-like" to me. It was a good song, but if it lasted any longer it would get very boring.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:31 pm 

@ Gamblor/Re: Gravestone

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yeah, the vocals take away a bit from the power of that amazing riff. They lack the proper gravity I think and their slightly silly tone/delivery almost negates the darkness of hte melody he's singing. Still, good song...rather like the solo as well.
Hush! and hark
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Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:38 pm 

Abominatrix wrote:
@ Gamblor/Re: Gravestone

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yeah, the vocals take away a bit from the power of that amazing riff. They lack the proper gravity I think and their slightly silly tone/delivery almost negates the darkness of hte melody he's singing. Still, good song...rather like the solo as well.


Spoiler: show
Yeah, I meant to mention the solo. It complimented the riff and song very well. Hell, it was a pretty rippin' solo.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:46 am 

Halo: "Rise"

Oh crap, I think my headphones are broken. *jiggles the wire*....yes, the right side is definitely cutting out. Oh, that's...wait a minute, it's supposed to sound like this. Ok, let me say first off that at certain times I might be more tolerant of this kind of thing, but this morning this ain't working for me at all. Thankfully this is short. Reminds me of early Swans almost, but less percussive and more..well, distorted and noisy. I can't really tell what's being played. The bass in particular is just this sort of impotent scratchy noise. The vocalist screams "RISE!" or something over and over again, and he does it with such regularity...I guess this is supposed to be a sort of angry mantra. I think I heard some cooler and more cavernous growls hanging aroundd too. There are some interesting feedback noises creeping in toward the end there, and then the song just unceremoniously finishes. Not even any catchy percussive grooves like Godflesh, another possible antecedent, might deliver. What a racket! hahah....

Hush! and hark
To the sorrowful cry
Of the wind in the dark.
Hush and hark, without murmur or sigh,
To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
To the sound that bids you to die.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:27 am 

Abigail - Attack With Spell

Black metal that's all about rocking out? Sounds fun to me! The intro riff grabs you straight away and so does the riff at 0:43. I like this sort of guitarwork in black metal. They're just so fun to listen to. I can hardly sit still listening to this and must move my head along to the groove. Anyway, the vocalist shrieks and spits with great effect. They're not the most original vocals out there but get the job going. He even does this classic Tom G Warrior-esque ''urgh!'' at 2:30 which pays tribute to the band they were heavily influenced by I suppose as the guitarwork just screams ''Celtic Frost''. Eventually there's a little cute guitarsolo at 2:50 that sounds rather uplifting although I didn't find to be really interesting either. The songtitle might be ''attack with spell'' but it hardly conjures what I had in mind before this song started. Fun, riff-driven black metal but I'm not sure whether this is something I'd check out an entire album of based on a tune like this. I feels like it could have had a faster section in the middle just to variate things up a little. Not bad, but not great either.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:04 pm 

Pyogenesis - Lowland of Impiety

Obscure death metal from the nineties? Oh hell yes! The deliciously quasi-Swedish guitar tone (and a wonderfully rough hewn one at that) sets things off with a meandering, almost off kilter melody and lead, which slowly winds it's way to the start of the track. This sounds like a second demo track, still raw, rough'n'ready, but with a more masterful command of their respective instruments. When it gets going, it fuckin' rocks with that wild abandon that was a crucial essence in the early nineties - this is bloody awesome death metal! This band I have never really personally checked out, but the name I have been familiar with since the start of the nineties, and I should get to know them a little better... As a stand alone track, it's great, with plenty of crunchy riffs and melodies that hook you in, and solid drum work to cement everything together. Deep, decrepit vocals spew forth, reminding me of Aaron Stainthorpe during the first Ep and their debut - in other words, awesome. Nothing feels out of place here, the song ebbs and flows with a strong cohesion, with some devastating results, with some crushing slower sections to drive the point home. There are also moments of haunting keys, spoken word used in such a tasteful way, giving more depth to an already brilliant song. I loved the rawness of it, the song writing, vocals, everything! Good fucking shit!

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:48 am 

Beyond- Treacherous Revelation

I like this a fair bit. Rather intense throughout and there's a touch of epic in the "chorus" riffs early on. Have commentators saying it's death metal, but so much of it has that intangibly black metal melodic touch, as far as I can tell anyway. A lot of very minor chords, I guess. And then there's a thrash break halfway through... This band keeps you on your toes and I like how they've mixed a bunch of stuff together so coherently. While I appreciate the drummer's desire to avoid blasting through the entire song, I think that main drum "hook" (du du du dududu du du) was a bit weak and stripped the tune of it's forward momentum. All in all quite a unique song and I think I'll give this band a curio download.

https://kybaliondoom.bandcamp.com/album/poisoned-ash big ugly death doom by and for big ugly dudes

https://strangercountry.bandcamp.com/al ... the-chebar new album! Power shoegaze? Dream-doom???


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:50 pm 

caspian wrote:

Hey, another 11+ minute long piece... :| . Hmm'kay. Well, after the over two minute long intro (which is fine piece of ambient music, with a "while you wait for the next scene at the opera..." vibe to it, and some vigor from the Cimmerian drumming, but still, obvious insta-skip track after maybe a few listens), I'm treated to a pretty fucking cool piece of symphonic BM/melodeath music, with some punch, again brilliant drumming (and an awesome, fat bass drum sound, in particular), and a pretty potent mixture of melodies from both the epic realm and the weird/creepy-but-deep circus music realm (a rather common use of the emotional spectrum in a number of melodeath and meloblack bands, the great ones in particular). It's not too far removed from post-INSI Old Man's Child (it's also directly and explicitly reminiscent of several moments from both 'The Pagan Prosperity' and INSI itself, especially "The Dream Ghost", which both predate this, as it turns out, but yeah, might be coincidences) or, dare I say, mid-period Dimmu Borgir, style wise. The piece is good and there are many great moments, and it does offer many tempo changes, mini-breaks and variations in the arrangements, but I still feel it drags on too much and for too long, even barring the unnecessary ambient intro. Additionally, I'm not too fond of certain passages, particularly the very EuroPM/"folk"/melodeath happy, positive-thinking melody that first shows up at the 3'20'' mark and then makes various later reappearances (it's actually very and directly reminiscent of CoB's very own "Silent Night, Bodom Night"); as always, my take is that if you're going to jump around with a Santa smile and get jiggy with joy at some point in the song, then my suspension of disbelief is going to take a blow, especially when the rest of the song screams "dark, weird and ominous!" at me, sorry dudes. Otherwise, yes, it's pretty good and I might check out this band.

Now, for something else:
Osore wrote:
I would like to hear some recommendations of black metal bands/albums that sound depressive, yet sad and melancholic at the same time.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:06 pm 

The Rods - Rock Warriors

I don't listen to alot of 80s era heavy metal, but this was quite enjoyable. Some solid riffs that aren't overly technical but some good to bang your head to. Vocals are pretty good too....I prefer the "harsher" vocals in this style of metal rather than the higher pitch vocals that are sometimes used. Chorus is quite catchy and couldsee myself singing along to this if i knew the words...hehe

Production is good for this time period. I can hear everything fairly well. The solo just after 3 minutes is ok, but nothing overly impressive to me either. I'm not sure whether the outro of the song is necessary....just noise that doesn't add much to the song.

Overall its a song i could definitely see myself listening to when i just want something "rock out" to.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:52 pm 

Nocte Obducta; "Der Regen"

I appreciate taht these fellows don't want to be pigeonholed, but in this case I am not so sure it does them any favours. BOtht he drummer and vocalist seem to feel they're in much more "brutal" bands, the former abusing the double bass pedals and failing to imbue his playing with much diversity, and the latter growling away in a menacing, almost gurgly deliverywith a few higher protracted screams for good measure. It seems like ever time they get something interesting happening (a cool riff here, a short ambient passage near the beginning with clean guitar where the reverberating drums really make their presence felt), they just return to the plodding two chord motif that seems to make up most of the song. For such a "weird" and "progressive" band (according to reviews on here at least) I guess I expected something a little less sparse, more adventurous. I can't say I disliked this exactly but it should have maybe been either more intense/crazy or more experimental for me to really give it plaudits...

Hush! and hark
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To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:39 pm 

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you make some good points. When I was deciding on which song to pick, i somewhat settled on this as the majority of their songs I enjoy the most are too long for this (i.e., 10+ minutes). As far as reviews here go, I dunno if I'd label them as Avante-garde (more so just progressive) as they don't have anything too "weird", except their "Sequenzen einer Wanderung" album which has more electronica style in it. Their best album by far to me is Nektar - Part 2 which have some great songs like Atme, Und Pan spielt die Flöte or Anis.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:45 pm 

@ Tron

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Maybe I'll check out some of those other ones later, though they don't really sound like a band for me. Sorry about the grey little review up there...I'm not sure if it's just my mood or the track in question but I struggled to find anything much to say about it.
Hush! and hark
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Of the wind in the dark.
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To shoon that tread the lost aeons:
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:56 pm 


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I actually thought it was a good/accurate review....and then i was questioning why i like the song myself..haha. I guess there are just other elements that I enjoy. If you are ever in the mood, check out one of the other songs :)
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:23 pm 

Carbonized – Silent Journey

Carbonized? I’ve heard of this band but never really checked them out. I knew they eventually played this sort of DM kind of style, but out of the ‘’progressive/jazzy’’ death metal bands I’ve heard so far in the early 90’s, this one has to be the weirdest of them all. There are some spoken passages with a restrained guitar riffs on the background. Harsh vocals appear like a howling, vicious dog and the drummer ocassionally goes nuts with his blastbeats and whatsnot before laying off some restrained beats. The bass is pretty clear the entire time and does its own and the whole song has this spacey feeling that reminds me of more of these sort of technical death metal bands of its time just quite heavier. Cute jazzy sections get thrown in here and there. The entire song just swings so nicely – going from the laid back jazzy sections that’s relaxed to aggressive death metal parts that makes you want to go nuts. Truely unique stuff. As I mentioned already, I've heard plenty of these bands who did this style, but this one seems to be even more inaccesible. Weird, strange but pretty fun overall.

Something of a band I never see mentioned here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyeVI80cfgo

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